197 research outputs found

    Early dyspnoea relief in acute heart failure: prevalence, association with mortality, and effect of rolofylline in the PROTECT Study

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    AIMS: Dyspnoea and pulmonary and/or peripheral congestion are the most frequent manifestations of acute heart failure (AHF) and are important targets for therapy. We have assessed changes in dyspnoea, their relationship with mortality, and the effects of the adenosine A1 receptor antagonist rolofylline on these endpoints in patients enrolled in the PROTECT trial. METHODS AND RESULTS: PROTECT was a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study assessing the effect of rolofylline in patients hospitalized for AHF with dyspnoea, fluid overload, increased plasma natriuretic peptides, and mild-to-moderate renal dysfunction. Early dyspnoea relief, prospectively defined as moderately or markedly better dyspnoea at both 24 and 48 h after the start of study drug administration, occurred in 49.8% of the patients. Early dyspnoea relief was associated with greater weight loss and with reduced mortality at Days 14 and 30 [hazard ratio (HR) 0.28, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.15, 0.50; and 0.35, 95% CI: 0.22, 0.55, respectively]. Rolofylline administration was associated with an increase in the proportion of patients showing early dyspnoea relief (HR 1.30; 95% CI: 1.08, 1.57) and with a numerically lower mortality at 14 and 30 days, largely driven by the mortality due to HF [at 30 days, HR (95% CI, P-value): 0.65 (0.38-1.10, P= 0.107)]. Rolofylline did not reduce episodes of in-hospital worsening HF or post-discharge re-admissions, nor did it improve survival at 60 or 180 days. CONCLUSION: The present analysis from PROTECT demonstrated that more weight loss was associated with early dyspnoea relief and reduced short-term mortality

    Weekly Intra-Amniotic IGF-1 Treatment Increases Growth of Growth-Restricted Ovine Fetuses and Up-Regulates Placental Amino Acid Transporters

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    Frequent treatment of the growth-restricted (IUGR) ovine fetus with intra-amniotic IGF-1 increases fetal growth. We aimed to determine whether increased growth was maintained with an extended dosing interval and to examine possible mechanisms. Pregnant ewes were allocated to three groups: Control, and two IUGR groups (induced by placental embolization) treated with weekly intra-amniotic injections of either saline (IUGR) or 360 µg IGF-1 (IGF1). IUGR fetuses were hypoxic, hyperuremic, hypoglycemic, and grew more slowly than controls. Placental glucose uptake and SLC2A1 (GLUT2) mRNA levels decreased in IUGR fetuses, but SLC2A3 (GLUT3) and SLC2A4 (GLUT4) levels were unaffected. IGF-1 treatment increased fetal growth rate, did not alter uterine blood flow or placental glucose uptake, and increased placental SLC2A1 and SLC2A4 (but not SLC2A3) mRNA levels compared with saline-treated IUGR animals. Following IGF-1 treatment, placental mRNA levels of isoforms of the system A, y+, and L amino acid transporters increased 1.3 to 5.0 fold, while the ratio of phosphorylated-mTOR to total mTOR also tended to increase. Weekly intra-amniotic IGF-1 treatment provides a promising avenue for intra-uterine treatment of IUGR babies, and may act via increased fetal substrate supply, up-regulating placental transporters for neutral, cationic, and branched-chain amino acids, possibly via increased activation of the mTOR pathway

    The melanoma-specific graded prognostic assessment does not adequately discriminate prognosis in a modern population with brain metastases from malignant melanoma

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    The melanoma-specific graded prognostic assessment (msGPA) assigns patients with brain metastases from malignant melanoma to 1 of 4 prognostic groups. It was largely derived using clinical data from patients treated in the era that preceded the development of newer therapies such as BRAF, MEK and immune checkpoint inhibitors. Therefore, its current relevance to patients diagnosed with brain metastases from malignant melanoma is unclear. This study is an external validation of the msGPA in two temporally distinct British populations.Performance of the msGPA was assessed in Cohort I (1997-2008, n=231) and Cohort II (2008-2013, n=162) using Kaplan-Meier methods and Harrell's c-index of concordance. Cox regression was used to explore additional factors that may have prognostic relevance.The msGPA does not perform well as a prognostic score outside of the derivation cohort, with suboptimal statistical calibration and discrimination, particularly in those patients with an intermediate prognosis. Extra-cerebral metastases, leptomeningeal disease, age and potential use of novel targeted agents after brain metastases are diagnosed, should be incorporated into future prognostic models.An improved prognostic score is required to underpin high-quality randomised controlled trials in an area with a wide disparity in clinical care

    The effect of a complementary e-learning course on implementation of a quality improvement project regarding care for elderly patients: a stepped wedge trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Delirium occurs frequently in elderly hospitalised patients and is associated with higher mortality, increased length of hospital stay, functional decline, and admission to long-term care. Healthcare professionals frequently do not recognise delirium, indicating that education can play an important role in improving delirium care for hospitalised elderly. Previous studies have indicated that e-learning can provide an effective way of educating healthcare professionals and improving quality of care, though results are inconsistent.</p> <p>Methods and design</p> <p>This stepped wedge cluster randomised trial will assess the effects of a complementary delirium e-learning course on the implementation of quality improvement initiative, which aims to enhance the recognition and management of delirium in elderly patients. The trial will be conducted in 18 Dutch hospitals and last 11 months. Measurements will be taken in all participating wards using monthly record reviews, in order to monitor delivered care. These measurements will include the percentage of elderly patients who were screened for the risk of developing delirium, use of the Delirium Observation Screening scale, use of nursing or medical interventions, and the percentage of elderly patients who were diagnosed with delirium. Data regarding the e-learning course will be gathered as well. These data will include user characteristics, information regarding use of the course, delirium knowledge before and after using the course, and the attitude and intentions of nurses concerning delirium care.</p> <p>Setting</p> <p>The study will be conducted in internal medicine and surgical wards of eighteen hospitals that are at the beginning stages of implementing the Frail Elderly Project in the Netherlands.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Better recognition of elderly patients at risk for delirium and subsequent care is expected from the introduction of an e-learning course for nurses that is complementary to an existing quality improvement project. This trial has the potential to demonstrate that e-learning can be a vital part of the implementation process, especially for quality improvement projects aimed at complex health issues such as delirium. The study will contribute to a growing body of knowledge concerning e-learning and the effects it can have on knowledge as well as delivered care.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Netherlands Trial Register (NTR): <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2885">NTR2885</a></p

    The reliability, validity and sensitivity of a novel soccer-specific reactive repeated-sprint test (RRST).

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine the reliability, validity and sensitivity of a reactive repeated-sprint test (RRST). METHODS: Elite (n = 72) and sub-elite male (n = 87) and elite female soccer players (n = 12) completed the RRST at set times during a season. Total distance timed was 30 m and the RRST performance measure was the total time (s) across eight repetitions. Competitive match running performance was measured using GPS and high-intensity running quantified (≥ 19.8 km h(-1)). RESULTS: Test-retest coefficient of variation in elite U16 and sub-elite U19 players was 0.71 and 0.84 %, respectively. Elite U18 players' RRST performances were better (P < 0.01) than elite U16, sub-elite U16, U18, U19 and elite senior female players (58.25 ± 1.34 vs 59.97 ± 1.64, 61.42 ± 2.25, 61.66 ± 1.70, 61.02 ± 2.31 and 63.88 ± 1.46 s; ES 0.6-1.9). For elite U18 players, RRST performances for central defenders (59.84 ± 1.35 s) were lower (P < 0.05) than full backs (57.85 ± 0.77 s), but not attackers (58.17 ± 1.73 s) or central and wide midfielders (58.55 ± 1.08 and 58.58 ± 1.89 s; ES 0.7-1.4). Elite U16 players demonstrated lower (P < 0.01) RRST performances during the preparation period versus the start, middle and end of season periods (61.13 ± 1.53 vs 59.51 ± 1.39, 59.25 ± 1.42 and 59.20 ± 1.57 s; ES 1.0-1.1). Very large magnitude correlations (P < 0.01) were observed between RRST performance and high-intensity running in the most intense 5-min period of a match for both elite and sub-elite U18 players (r = -0.71 and -0.74), with the best time of the RRST also correlating with the arrowhead agility test for elite U16 and U18 players (r = 0.84 and 0.75). CONCLUSION: The data demonstrate that the RRST is a reliable and valid test that distinguishes between performance across standard, position and seasonal period

    The morphology of human rod ERGs obtained by silent substitution stimulation

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    YesPurpose To record transient ERGs from the lightadapted human retina using silent substitution stimuli which selectively reflect the activity of rod photoreceptors. We aim to describe the morphology of these waveforms and examine how they are affected by the use of less selective stimuli and by retinal pathology. Methods Rod-isolating stimuli with square-wave temporal profiles (250/250 ms onset/offset) were presented using a 4 primary LED ganzfeld stimulator. Experiment 1: ERGs were recorded using a rodisolating stimulus (63 ph Td, rod contrast, Crod = 0.25) from a group (n = 20) of normal trichromatic observers. Experiment 2: Rod ERGs were recorded from a group (n = 5) using a rodisolating stimulus (Crod = 0.25) which varied in retinal illuminance from 40 to 10,000 ph Td. Experiment 3: ERGs were elicited using 2 kinds of nonisolating stimuli; (1) broadband and (2) rod-isolating stimuli which contained varying degrees of L- and M-cone excitation. Experiment 4: Rod ERGs were recorded from two patient groups with rod monochromacy (n = 3) and CSNB (type 1; n = 2). Results The rod-isolated ERGs elicited from normal subjects had a waveform with a positive onset component followed by a negative offset. Response amplitude was maximal at retinal illuminances\100 ph Td and was virtually abolished at 400 ph Td. The use of non-selective stimuli altered the ERG waveform eliciting more photopic-like ERG responses. Rod ERGs recorded from rod monochromats had similar features to those recorded from normal trichromats, in contrast to those recorded from participants with CSNB which had an electronegative appearance. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that ERGs elicited by silent substitution stimuli can selectively reflect the operation of rod photoreceptors in the normal, light-adapted human retina.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (KR1317/13-1) and Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (01DN14009) provided financial support for JK

    Actor-Network Theory and its role in understanding the implementation of information technology developments in healthcare

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is an increasingly influential, but still deeply contested, approach to understand humans and their interactions with inanimate objects. We argue that health services research, and in particular evaluations of complex IT systems in health service organisations, may benefit from being informed by Actor-Network Theory perspectives.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Despite some limitations, an Actor-Network Theory-based approach is conceptually useful in helping to appreciate the complexity of reality (including the complexity of organisations) and the active role of technology in this context. This can prove helpful in understanding how social effects are generated as a result of associations between different actors in a network. Of central importance in this respect is that Actor-Network Theory provides a lens through which to view the role of technology in shaping social processes. Attention to this shaping role can contribute to a more holistic appreciation of the complexity of technology introduction in healthcare settings. It can also prove practically useful in providing a theoretically informed approach to sampling (by drawing on informants that are related to the technology in question) and analysis (by providing a conceptual tool and vocabulary that can form the basis for interpretations). We draw on existing empirical work in this area and our ongoing work investigating the integration of electronic health record systems introduced as part of England's National Programme for Information Technology to illustrate salient points.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Actor-Network Theory needs to be used pragmatically with an appreciation of its shortcomings. Our experiences suggest it can be helpful in investigating technology implementations in healthcare settings.</p