3,693 research outputs found

    Tendiendo puentes : de la evidencia científica a la práctica en las actividades de orientación comunitaria

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    La evaluación crítica de las intervenciones en salud se ha convertido en un desafío y en una imperiosa necesidad. La evidencia científica disponible sobre los programas de promoción de la salud basados en actividades comunitarias sugiere que conseguir cambios de comportamiento y del estado de salud de una comunidad es una meta encomiable que muchos programas no logran conseguir. Este modesto impacto es el resultado de múltiples factores, que debieran ser reconocidos y cuidadosamente analizados. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de Internet facilita cada vez más el acceso de cualquier ciudadano a información sobre la efectividad real de las intervenciones comunitarias en temas de salud.Deberíamos preguntarnos hasta qué punto y de qué manera "la evidencia de la evidencia" disponible y las nuevas tecnologías deberían condicionar las nuevas propuestas de orientación comunitaria para el futuro. El presente artículo se compone de tres apartados: (1) Se presenta un resumen crítico de la evidencia existente sobre la eficacia de las actividades comunitarias y se analizan las posibles razones del limitado impacto alcanzado a nivel poblacional (2) Se describen varias "lecciones aprendidas" sobre las estrategias de implementación y evaluación de las actividades comunitarias.(3) Se plantean algunas preguntas sobre la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TICs) en relación con las intervenciones comunitarias de salud y se propone un catálogo con las fuentes de información más relevantes disponibles en Internet sobre esta área de conocimiento


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    This article aims to analyse the importance of logistics performance in European Union (EU) exports over a sample period in order to detect possible advances on behalf of Member States. We will estimate several gravity equations using the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) and its components as characteristic proxy variables of trade facilitation. In order to avoid the possible heterogeneity caused by sample bias, we will employ the two-stage model proposed by Heckman. The estimations of the gravity models using the two-stage Heckman model for 26 EU countries lead to the conclusion that logistics were more important for exporting nations than importing nations in both 2005 and 2010, reinforcing the interest in the exporter side of the paper. In reference to the components of the LPI, Competence and Tracking have acquired greater importance in recent years, in keeping with the weak domestic demand in European countries and their search for new international markets.Puertas Medina, RM.; Martí Selva, ML.; Garcia Menendez, L. (2013). LOGISTICS PERFORMANCE AND EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE. Empirica. 1-14. doi:10.1007/s10663-013-9241-zS114Anderson JE (1979) A theorical foundation to the gravity equation. Am Econ Rev 69: 106–116 http://www.jstor.org/stable/1802501Anderson J, Van Wincoop E (2003) Gravity with gravitas: a solution to the border puzzle. Am Econ Rev 93:170–192. doi: 10.1257/000282803321455214Arvis JF, Mustra M, Ojala L, Shepherd B, Saslavsky D (2007) Connecting to compete: trade logistics in the global economy. World Bank, WashingtonArvis JF, Mustra M, Panzer J, Ojala L, Naula T (2010) Connecting to compete: trade logistics in the global economy. World Bank, WashingtonArvis JF, Mustra M, Ojala L, Shepherd B, Saslavsky D (2012) Connecting to compete: trade logistics in the global economy. World Bank, WashingtonBehar A, Manner P (2008) Logistics and exports. African economics working paper series 293. CSAE WPS/2008-13. University of Oxford, OxfordBehar A, Venables AJ (2010) Transport costs and international trade. In: Palma A, Lindsey R, Quinet E, Vickerman R (eds) Handbook of transport economics. Edward Elgar, pp 97–115Behar A, Manners P, Nelson B (2009) Exports and logistics. Oxford Department of Economics Discussion Paper 439Bergstrand JH (1985) The gravity equation in international trade: some microeconomic foundations and empirical evidence. Rev Econ Stat 71: 143–153. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1925975Bergstrand JH (1989) The generalized gravity equation, monopolistic competition, and the factor-proportions theory in international trade. Rev Econ Stat 67: 474–481. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1928061Breuss F, Egger P (1999) How reliable are estimations of east-west trade potencials based on cross-section gravity analysis? Empirica 26:86–89. doi: 10.1023/A:1007011329676CILT (2012) Available at http://www.ciltuk.org.uk/pages/royalcharter . Accessed 02 Aug 2012Felipe J, Kumar U (2012) The role of trade facilitation in Central Asia: a gravity model. East Eur Econ 50:5–20. doi: 10.2753/EEE0012-875500401Heckman J (1979) Sample selection bias as a specification error. Econometrica 47: 153–161. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1912352Helpman E, Krugman P (1985) Market structure and foreign trade. Increasing returns, imperfect competition and the international economy. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA/LondonHertel T, Mirza T (2009) The role of trade facilitation in South Asian economic integration. Study on intraregional trade and investment in South Asia. ADB, Mandaluyong CityHollweg C, Wong M-H (2009) Measuring regulatory restrictions in logistics services. ERIA Discussion Paper Series, no. 14Jane C–C (2011) Performance evaluation of logistic systems under cost and reliability considerations. Transp Res E-Log 47:130–137. doi: 10.1016/j.tre.2010.09.012Keskin MH (2012) The exigencies of the common logistics policy for European community and the deconstruction of the common transportation policy. Afr J Bus Manage 6:10697–10707. doi: 10.5897/AJBM11.1523Korinek J, Sourdin P (2011) To what extent are high-quality logistics services trade facilitating? Oecd trade policy working papers 108. OECD PublishingLangley C, Coyle J, Gibson B, Novak R, Bardi E (2008) Managing supply chain: a logistics approach. South–Western College Publishing, LondonMangan J, Lalwani C, Butcher C (2008) Global logistics and supply chain management. Wiley John & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJMartí ML, Puertas R, García L (2012) Relevance of trade facilitation in emerging countries′s export. J Int Trade Eco Dev. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09638199.2012.698639Requena F, Llano C (2010) The border effects in Spain: an industrial-level analysis. Empirica 37:455–476. doi: 10.1007/s10663-010-9123-6Rushton A, Oxley J, Croucher P (2009) The handbook of logistics and distribution management. Kogan Page, LondonVilko J, Karandassov B, Myller E (2011) Logistic infrastructure and its effects on economic development. China–USA Bus Rev 10:1152–1167World Bank (2010) Trade and transport facilitation assessment: a practical toolkit for country implementation. World Bank, Washingto

    Histological evidence for a supraspinous ligament in sauropod dinosaurs

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    Supraspinous ossified rods have been reported in the sacra of some derived sauropod dinosaurs. Although different hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin ofthis structure, histological evidence has never been provided to support or reject any of them. In order to establish its origin, we analyse and characterize the microstructure of thesupraspinous rod of two sauropod dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina. The supraspinous ossified rod is almost entirely formed by dense Haversian bone. Remains ofprimary bone consist entirely of an avascular tissue composed of two types of fibre-like structures, which are coarse and longitudinally (parallel to the main axis of the element) oriented. These structures are differentiated on the basis of their optical properties under polarized light. Very thin fibrous strands are also observed in some regions. These small fibres are all oriented parallel to one another but perpendicular to the element main axis. Histological features of the primary bone tissue indicate that the sacral supraspinous rod corresponds to an ossified supraspinous ligament. The formation of this structure appears to have been a non-pathological metaplastic ossification, possibly induced by the continuous tensile forces applied to the element.Fil: Cerda, Ignacio Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Casal, Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Rubén Darío. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia ; ArgentinaFil: Ibiricu, Lucio Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    NRPSsp: non-ribosomal peptide synthase substrate predictor

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    ABSTRACT Summary: Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases (NRPSs) are multimodular enzymes which biosynthesize many important peptide compounds produced by bacteria and fungi. Some studies have revealed that an individual domain within the NRPSs shows significant substrate selectivity. The discovery and characterisation of nonribosomal peptides are of great interest for the biotechnological industries. We have applied computational mining methods in order to build a database of NRPSs modules which bind to specific substrates. We have used this database to build an HMM predictor of substrates which bind to a given NRPS. Availability: The database and the predictor are freely available on an easy-to-use website at www.nrpssp.com

    Multifunctional light beam control device by stimuli-responsive liquid crystal micro-grating structures

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    There is an increasing need to control light phase with tailored precision via simple means in both fundamental science and industry. One of the best candidates to achieve this goal are electro-optical materials. In this work, a novel technique to modulate the spatial phase profile of a propagating light beam by means of liquid crystals (LC), electro-optically addressed by indium-tin oxide (ITO) grating microstructures, is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A planar LC cell is assembled between two perpendicularly placed ITO gratings based on microstructured electrodes. By properly selecting only four voltage sources, we modulate the LC-induced phase profile such that non-diffractive Bessel beams, laser stretching, beam steering, and 2D tunable diffraction gratings are generated. In such a way, the proposed LC-tunable component performs as an all-in-one device with unprecedented characteristics and multiple functionalities. The operation voltages are very low and the aperture is large. Moreover, the device operates with a very simple voltage control scheme and it is lightweight and compact. Apart from the demonstrated functionalities, the proposed technique could open further venues of research in optical phase spatial modulation formats based on electro-optical materials.This work was supported by the Comunidad de Madrid and FEDER Program (S2018/NMT-4326), the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (TEC2016-77242-C3-1-R and TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R), the FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (RTC2017-6321-1, PID2019-109072RB-C31 and PID2019-107270RB-C21). The authors also acknowledge the support by the Ministry of National Defense of Poland (GBMON/13-995/2018/WAT), Military University of Technology (Grant no. 23-895)

    Graviton emission in Einstein-Hilbert gravity

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    The five-point amplitude for the scattering of two distinct scalars with the emission of one graviton in the final state is calculated in exact kinematics for Einstein-Hilbert gravity. The result, which satisfies the Steinmann relations, is expressed in Sudakov variables, finding that it corresponds to the sum of two gauge invariant contributions written in terms of a new two scalar - two graviton effective vertex. A similar calculation is carried out in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) for the scattering of two distinct quarks with one extra gluon in the final state. The effective vertices which appear in both cases are then evaluated in the multi-Regge limit reproducing the well-known result obtained by Lipatov where the Einstein-Hilbert graviton emission vertex can be written as the product of two QCD gluon emission vertices, up to corrections to preserve the Steinmann relations.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, feynmf. v2: typos corrected, reference added. Final version to appear in Journal of High Energy Physic

    Gibberellin A1 Metabolism Contributes to the Control of Photoperiod-Mediated Tuberization in Potato

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    Some potato species require a short-day (SD) photoperiod for tuberization, a process that is negatively affected by gibberellins (GAs). Here we report the isolation of StGA3ox2, a gene encoding a GA 3-oxidase, whose expression is increased in the aerial parts and is repressed in the stolons after transfer of photoperiod-dependent potato plants to SD conditions. Over-expression of StGA3ox2 under control of constitutive or leaf-specific promoters results in taller plants which, in contrast to StGA20ox1 over-expressers previously reported, tuberize earlier under SD conditions than the controls. By contrast, StGA3ox2 tuber-specific over-expression results in non-elongated plants with slightly delayed tuber induction. Together, our experiments support that StGA3ox2 expression and gibberellin metabolism significantly contribute to the tuberization time in strictly photoperiod-dependent potato plants

    Problemas relacionados con el alcohol: perfil del varón de riesgo.

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    Estudio de población general realizado mediante una encuesta transversal sobre un universo de 1.365 varones. Su objetivo es dibujar un perfil personal de alto riesgo de padecer problemas relacionados con el alcohol. Un 9% de los entrevistados refiere haber sufrido al menos tres problemas relacionados con el alcohol en el año anterior al estudio. Los consumidores habituales excesivos presentan mayor probabilidad de sufrir tres problemas relacionados con el alcohol. Se confirma la figura del joven, soltero, de medio semiurbano, y perteneciente a la clase social baja como de riesgo especial para sufrir tres o más problemas relacionados con el alcohol, independientemente de su consumo etílico