1,184 research outputs found

    Silencing of genes involved in Anaplasma marginale-tick interactions affects the pathogen developmental cycle in Dermacentor variabilis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cattle pathogen, <it>Anaplasma marginale</it>, undergoes a developmental cycle in ticks that begins in gut cells. Transmission to cattle occurs from salivary glands during a second tick feeding. At each site of development two forms of <it>A. marginale </it>(reticulated and dense) occur within a parasitophorous vacuole in the host cell cytoplasm. However, the role of tick genes in pathogen development is unknown. Four genes, found in previous studies to be differentially expressed in <it>Dermacentor variabilis </it>ticks in response to infection with <it>A. marginale</it>, were silenced by RNA interference (RNAi) to determine the effect of silencing on the <it>A. marginale </it>developmental cycle. These four genes encoded for putative glutathione S-transferase (GST), salivary selenoprotein M (SelM), H+ transporting lysosomal vacuolar proton pump (vATPase) and subolesin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The impact of gene knockdown on <it>A. marginale </it>tick infections, both after acquiring infection and after a second transmission feeding, was determined and studied by light microscopy. Silencing of these genes had a different impact on <it>A. marginale </it>development in different tick tissues by affecting infection levels, the densities of colonies containing reticulated or dense forms and tissue morphology. Salivary gland infections were not seen in any of the gene-silenced ticks, raising the question of whether these ticks were able to transmit the pathogen.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this RNAi and light microscopic analyses of tick tissues infected with <it>A. marginale </it>after the silencing of genes functionally important for pathogen development suggest a role for these molecules during pathogen life cycle in ticks.</p

    FUS-ALS mutants alter FMRP phase separation equilibrium and impair protein translation

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    FUsed in Sarcoma (FUS) is a multifunctional RNA binding protein (RBP). FUS mutations lead to its cytoplasmic mislocalization and cause the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here, we use mouse and human models with endogenous ALS-associated mutations to study the early consequences of increased cytoplasmic FUS. We show that in axons, mutant FUS condensates sequester and promote the phase separation of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), another RBP associated with neurodegeneration. This leads to repression of translation in mouse and human FUS-ALS motor neurons and is corroborated in vitro, where FUS and FMRP copartition and repress translation. Last, we show that translation of FMRP-bound RNAs is reduced in vivo in FUS-ALS motor neurons. Our results unravel new pathomechanisms of FUS-ALS and identify a novel paradigm by which mutations in one RBP favor the formation of condensates sequestering other RBPs, affecting crucial biological functions, such as protein translation

    Finite Intersection Property and Dynamical Compactness

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    [EN] Dynamical compactness with respect to a family as a new concept of chaoticity of a dynamical system was introduced and discussed in Huang et al. (J Differ Equ 260(9):6800-6827, 2016). In this paper we continue to investigate this notion. In particular, we prove that all dynamical systems are dynamically compact with respect to a Furstenberg family if and only if this family has the finite intersection property. We investigate weak mixing and weak disjointness by using the concept of dynamical compactness. We also explore further difference between transitive compactness and weak mixing. As a byproduct, we show that the -limit and the -limit sets of a point may have quite different topological structure. Moreover, the equivalence between multi-sensitivity, sensitive compactness and transitive sensitivity is established for a minimal system. Finally, these notions are also explored in the context of linear dynamics.Wen Huang and Sergii Kolyada acknowledge the hospitality of the School of Mathematical Sciences of the Fudan University, Shanghai. Sergii Kolyada also acknowledges the hospitality of the Max-Planck-Institute fur Mathematik (MPIM) in Bonn, the Departament de Matematica Aplicada of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, the partial support of Project MTM2013-47093-P, and the Department of Mathematics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. We thank the referees for careful reading and constructive comments that have resulted in substantial improvements to this paper. Wen Huang was supported by NNSF of China (11225105, 11431012); Alfred Peris was supported by MINECO, Projects MTM2013-47093-P and MTM2016-75963-P, and by GVA, Project PROMETEOII/2013/013; and Guohua Zhang was supported by NNSF of China (11671094).Huang, W.; Khilko, D.; Kolyada, S.; Peris Manguillot, A.; Zhang, G. (2018). Finite Intersection Property and Dynamical Compactness. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. 30(3):1221-1245. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10884-017-9600-8S12211245303Akin, E.: Recurrence in topological dynamics. The University Series in Mathematics, Plenum Press, New York, Furstenberg families and Ellis actions (1997)Akin, E., Auslander, J., Berg, K.: When is a transitive map chaotic Convergence in ergodic theory and probability (Columbus, OH, 1993), Ohio State Univ. Math. Res. Inst. Publ., vol. 5, pp. 25–40, de Gruyter, Berlin (1996)Akin, E., Glasner, E.: Residual properties and almost equicontinuity. J. Anal. Math. 84, 243–286 (2001)Akin, E., Kolyada, S.: Li–Yorke sensitivity. Nonlinearity 16(4), 1421–1433 (2003)Auslander, J.: Minimal flows and their extensions. North-Holland Mathematics Studies, vol. 153. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, Notas de Matemática [Mathematical Notes], 122 (1988)Auslander, J., Yorke, J.A.: Interval maps, factors of maps, and chaos. 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    Morpholino Gene Knockdown in Adult Fundulus heteroclitus: Role of SGK1 in Seawater Acclimation

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    The Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) is an environmental sentinel organism used extensively for studies on environmental toxicants and salt (NaCl) homeostasis. Previous research in our laboratory has shown that rapid acclimation of killifish to seawater is mediated by trafficking of CFTR chloride channels from intracellular vesicles to the plasma membrane in the opercular membrane within the first hour in seawater, which enhances chloride secretion into seawater, thereby contributing to salt homeostasis. Acute transition to seawater is also marked by an increase in both mRNA and protein levels of serum glucocorticoid kinase 1 (SGK1) within 15 minutes of transfer. Although the rise in SGK1 in gill and its functional analog, the opercular membrane, after seawater transfer precedes the increase in membrane CFTR, a direct role of SGK1 in elevating membrane CFTR has not been established in vivo. To test the hypothesis that SGK1 mediates the increase in plasma membrane CFTR we designed two functionally different vivo-morpholinos to knock down SGK1 in gill, and developed and validated a vivo-morpholino knock down technique for adult killifish. Injection (intraperitoneal, IP) of the splice blocking SGK1 vivo-morpholino reduced SGK1 mRNA in the gill after transition from fresh to seawater by 66%. The IP injection of the translational blocking and splice blocking vivo-morpholinos reduced gill SGK1 protein abundance in fish transferred from fresh to seawater by 64% and 53%, respectively. Moreover, knock down of SGK1 completely eliminated the seawater induced rise in plasma membrane CFTR, demonstrating that the increase in SGK1 protein is required for the trafficking of CFTR from intracellular vesicles in mitochondrion rich cells to the plasma membrane in the gill during acclimation to seawater. This is the first report of the use of vivo-morpholinos in adult killifish and demonstrates that vivo-morpholinos are a valuable genetic tool for this environmentally relevant model organism

    Relationship between visual field loss and contrast threshold elevation in glaucoma

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    BACKGROUND: There is a considerable body of literature which indicates that contrast thresholds for the detection of sinusoidal grating patterns are abnormally high in glaucoma, though just how these elevations are related to the location of visual field loss remains unknown. Our aim, therefore, has been to determine the relationship between contrast threshold elevation and visual field loss in corresponding regions of the peripheral visual field in glaucoma patients. METHODS: Contrast thresholds were measured in arcuate regions of the superior, inferior, nasal and temporal visual field in response to laser interference fringes presented in the Maxwellian view. The display consisted of vertical green stationary laser interference fringes of spatial frequency 1.0 c deg(-1 )which appeared in a rotatable viewing area in the form of a truncated quadrant extending from 10 to 20° from fixation which was marked with a central fixation light. Results were obtained from 36 normal control subjects in order to provide a normal reference for 21 glaucoma patients and 5 OHT (ocular hypertensive) patients for whom full clinical data, including Friedmann visual fields, had been obtained. RESULTS: Abnormally high contrast thresholds were identified in 20 out of 21 glaucoma patients and in 2 out of 5 OHT patients when compared with the 95% upper prediction limit for normal values from one eye of the 36 normal age-matched control subjects. Additionally, inter-ocular differences in contrast threshold were also abnormally high in 18 out of 20 glaucoma patients who had vision in both eyes compared with the 95% upper prediction limit. Correspondence between abnormally high contrast thresholds and visual field loss in the truncated quadrants was significant in 5 patients, borderline in 4 patients and absent in 9 patients. CONCLUSION: While the glaucoma patients tested in our study invariably had abnormally high contrast thresholds in one or more of the truncated quadrants in at least one eye, reasonable correspondence with the location of the visual field loss only occurred in half the patients studied. Hence, while contrast threshold elevations are indicative of glaucomatous damage to vision, they are providing a different assessment of visual function from conventional visual field tests

    T Regulatory Cells Are Markers of Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients

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    FoxP3+ Treg cells are believed to play a role in the occurrence of autoimmunity and in the determination of clinical recurrences. Contradictory reports are, however, available describing frequency and function of Treg cells during autoimmune diseases. We examined, by both polychromatic flow cytometry, and real-time RT-PCR, several Treg markers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system. We found that Tregs, as defined by CD25, CD39, FoxP3, CTLA4, and GITR expression, were significantly decreased in stable MS patients as compared to healthy donors, but, surprisingly, restored to normal levels during an acute clinical attack. We conclude that Treg cells are not involved in causing clinical relapses, but rather react to inflammation in the attempt to restore homeostasis

    Novel CTCF binding at a site in exon1A of BCL6 is associated with active histone marks and a transcriptionally active locus

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    BCL6 is a zinc-finger transcriptional repressor, which is highly expressed in germinal centre B-cells and is essential for germinal centre formation and T-dependent antibody responses. Constitutive BCL6 expression is sufficient to produce lymphomas in mice. Deregulated expression of BCL6 due to chromosomal rearrangements, mutations of a negative autoregulatory site in the BCL6 promoter region and aberrant post-translational modifications have been detected in a number of human lymphomas. Tight lineage and temporal regulation of BCL6 is, therefore, required for normal immunity, and abnormal regulation occurs in lymphomas. CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is a multi-functional chromatin regulator, which has recently been shown to bind in a methylation-sensitive manner to sites within the BCL6 first intron. We demonstrate a novel CTCF-binding site in BCL6 exon1A within a potential CpG island, which is unmethylated both in cell lines and in primary lymphoma samples. CTCF binding, which was found in BCL6-expressing cell lines, correlated with the presence of histone variant H2A.Z and active histone marks, suggesting that CTCF induces chromatin modification at a transcriptionally active BCL6 locus. CTCF binding to exon1A was required to maintain BCL6 expression in germinal centre cells by avoiding BCL6-negative autoregulation. Silencing of CTCF in BCL6-expressing cells reduced BCL6 mRNA and protein expression, which is sufficient to induce B-cell terminal differentiation toward plasma cells. Moreover, lack of CTCF binding to exon1A shifts the BCL6 local chromatin from an active to a repressive state. This work demonstrates that, in contexts in which BCL6 is expressed, CTCF binding to BCL6 exon1A associates with epigenetic modifications indicative of transcriptionally open chromatin

    Digital NFATc2 Activation per Cell Transforms Graded T Cell Receptor Activation into an All-or-None IL-2 Expression

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    The expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a key event in T helper (Th) lymphocyte activation, controlling both, the expansion and differentiation of effector Th cells as well as the activation of regulatory T cells. We demonstrate that the strength of TCR stimulation is translated into the frequency of memory Th cells expressing IL-2 but not into the amount of IL-2 per cell. This molecular switch decision for IL-2 expression per cell is located downstream of the cytosolic Ca2+ level. Here we show that in a single activated Th cell, NFATc2 activation is digital but NF-κB activation is graded after graded T cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Subsequently, NFATc2 translocates into the nucleus in an all-or-none fashion per cell, transforming the strength of TCR-stimulation into the number of nuclei positive for NFATc2 and IL-2 transcription. Thus, the described NFATc2 switch regulates the number of Th cells actively participating in an immune response
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