96 research outputs found

    An siRNA Screen in Pancreatic Beta Cells Reveals a Role for Gpr27 in Insulin Production

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    The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the United States is projected to double or triple by 2050. We reasoned that the genes that modulate insulin production might be new targets for diabetes therapeutics. Therefore, we developed an siRNA screening system to identify genes important for the activity of the insulin promoter in beta cells. We created a subclone of the MIN6 mouse pancreatic beta cell line that expresses destabilized GFP under the control of a 362 base pair fragment of the human insulin promoter and the mCherry red fluorescent protein under the control of the constitutively active rous sarcoma virus promoter. The ratio of the GFP to mCherry fluorescence of a cell indicates its insulin promoter activity. As G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) have emerged as novel targets for diabetes therapies, we used this cell line to screen an siRNA library targeting all known mouse GPCRs. We identified several known GPCR regulators of insulin secretion as regulators of the insulin promoter. One of the top positive regulators was Gpr27, an orphan GPCR with no known role in beta cell function. We show that knockdown of Gpr27 reduces endogenous mouse insulin promoter activity and glucose stimulated insulin secretion. Furthermore, we show that Pdx1 is important for Gpr27's effect on the insulin promoter and insulin secretion. Finally, the over-expression of Gpr27 in 293T cells increases inositol phosphate levels, while knockdown of Gpr27 in MIN6 cells reduces inositol phosphate levels, suggesting this orphan GPCR might couple to Gq/11. In summary, we demonstrate a MIN6-based siRNA screening system that allows rapid identification of novel positive and negative regulators of the insulin promoter. Using this system, we identify Gpr27 as a positive regulator of insulin production

    Micro-pharmacokinetics: quantifying local drug concentration at live cell membranes

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    Fundamental equations for determining pharmacological parameters, such as the binding afnity of a ligand for its target receptor, assume a homogeneous distribution of ligand, with concentrations in the immediate vicinity of the receptor being the same as those in the bulk aqueous phase. It is, however, known that drugs are able to interact directly with the plasma membrane, potentially increasing local ligand concentrations around the receptor. We have previously reported an infuence of ligand-phospholipid interactions on ligand binding kinetics at the β2-adrenoceptor, which resulted in distinct “micro-pharmacokinetic” ligand profles. Here, we directly quantifed the local concentration of BODIPY630/650-PEG8-S-propranolol (BY-propranolol), a fuorescent derivative of the classical β-blocker propranolol, at various distances above membranes of single living cells using fuorescence correlation spectroscopy. We show for the frst time a signifcantly increased ligand concentration immediatel adjacent to the cell membrane compared to the bulk aqueous phase. We further show a clear role of both the cell membrane and the β2-adrenoceptor in determining high local BY-propranolol concentrations at the cell surface. These data suggest that the true binding afnity of BY-propranolol for the β2-adrenoceptor is likely far lower than previously reported and highlights the critical importance of understanding the “micro-pharmacokinetic” profles of ligands for membrane-associated proteins

    Genome-wide profiling of G protein-coupled receptors in cerebellar granule neurons using high-throughput, real-time PCR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are major players in cell communication, regulate a whole range of physiological functions during development and throughout adult life, are affected in numerous pathological situations, and constitute so far the largest class of drugable targets for human diseases. The corresponding genes are usually expressed at low levels, making accurate, genome-wide quantification of their expression levels a challenging task using microarrays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We first draw an inventory of all endo-GPCRs encoded in the murine genome. To profile GPCRs genome-wide accurately, sensitively, comprehensively, and cost-effectively, we designed and validated a collection of primers that we used in quantitative RT-PCR experiments. We experimentally validated a statistical approach to analyze genome-wide, real-time PCR data. To illustrate the usefulness of this approach, we determined the repertoire of GPCRs expressed in cerebellar granule neurons and neuroblasts during postnatal development.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We identified tens of GPCRs that were not detected previously in this cell type; these GPCRs represent novel candidate players in the development and survival of cerebellar granule neurons. The sequences of primers used in this study are freely available to those interested in quantifying GPCR expression comprehensively.</p

    Elevated circulating levels of succinate in human obesity are linked to specific gut microbiota

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    Gut microbiota-related metabolites are potential clinical biomarkers for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Circulating succinate, a metabolite produced by both microbiota and the host, is increased in hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. We aimed to analyze systemic levels of succinate in obesity, a major risk factor for CVD, and its relationship with gut microbiome. We explored the association of circulating succinate with specific metagenomic signatures in cross-sectional and prospective cohorts of Caucasian Spanish subjects. Obesity was associated with elevated levels of circulating succinate concomitant with impaired glucose metabolism. This increase was associated with specific changes in gut microbiota related to succinate metabolism: a higher relative abundance of succinate-producing Prevotellaceae (P) and Veillonellaceae (V), and a lower relative abundance of succinate-consuming Odoribacteraceae (O) and Clostridaceae (C) in obese individuals, with the (P + V/O + C) ratio being a main determinant of plasma succinate. Weight loss intervention decreased (P + V/O + C) ratio coincident with the reduction in circulating succinate. In the spontaneous evolution after good dietary advice, alterations in circulating succinate levels were linked to specific metagenomic signatures associated with carbohydrate metabolism and energy production with independence of body weight change. Our data support the importance of microbe-microbe interactions for the metabolite signature of gut microbiome and uncover succinate as a potential microbiota-derived metabolite related to CVD risk

    Exercise and bone health across the lifespan

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    With ageing, bone tissue undergoes significant compositional, architectural and metabolic alterations potentially leading to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the most prevalent bone disorder, which is characterised by progressive bone weakening and an increased risk of fragility fractures. Although this metabolic disease is conventionally associated with ageing and menopause, the predisposing factors are thought to be established during childhood and adolescence. In light of this, exercise interventions implemented during maturation are likely to be highly beneficial as part of a long-term strategy to maximise peak bone mass and hence delay the onset of age- or menopause-related osteoporosis. This notion is supported by data on exercise interventions implemented during childhood and adolescence, which confirmed that weight-bearing activity, particularly if undertaken during peripubertal development, is capable of generating a significant osteogenic response leading to bone anabolism. Recent work on human ageing and epigenetics suggests that undertaking exercise after the fourth decade of life is still important, given the anti-ageing effect and health benefits provided, potentially occurring via a delay in telomere shortening and modification of DNA methylation patterns associated with ageing. Exercise is among the primary modifiable factors capable of influencing bone health by preserving bone mass and strength, preventing the death of bone cells and anti-ageing action provided
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