446 research outputs found

    Inclusive Photoproduction of Polarized 3P1^3P_1 Quarkonium

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    We analyse inclusive photoproduction of polarized 3P1^3P_1 quarkonium in the framework of QCD. To separate nonperturbative and perturbative parts in the density matrix of the produced quarkonium we use a method , which is equivalent to the diagramatic expansion widely used in analysing deeply inelastic scatterings. A systematic expansion in a small velocity vv, with which a heavy quark moves inside the quarkonium in its rest frame, is performed for the nonperturbative parts, and they are expressed as matrix elements in nonrelativistic QCD. At the leading order of vv there are four matrix elements representing nonperturbative physics. The perturbative parts are calculated at the leading order of coupling constants. Some numerical results, especially, numerical results for HERA are given.Comment: 19 pages+7 Figures as one compressed and encoded postcript fil

    From Tetraquark to Hexaquark: A Systematic Study of Heavy Exotics in the Large NcN_c Limit

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    A systematic study of multiquark exotics with one or Nc1N_c-1 heavy quarks in the large NcN_c limit is presented. By binding a chiral soliton to a heavy meson, either a normal NcN_c-quark baryon or an exotic (Nc+2)(N_c+2)-quark baryon is obtained. By replacing the heavy quark with Nc1N_c-1 heavy antiquarks, exotic (2Nc2)(2N_c-2)-quark and 2Nc2N_c-quark mesons are obtained. When Nc=3N_c = 3, they are just the normal triquark baryon QqqQqq, the exotic pentaquark baryon QqˉqˉqˉqˉQ\bar q\bar q\bar q\bar q, tetraquark di-meson QˉQˉqq\bar Q \bar Q qq and the hexaquark di-baryon QˉQˉqˉqˉ barqqˉ\bar Q \bar Q \bar q \bar q\ bar q \bar q respectively. Their stabilities and decays are also discussed. In particular, it is shown that the ``heavy to heavy'' semileptonic decays are described by the Isgur--Wise form factors of the normal baryons.Comment: 14 pages in REVTeX, no Figure

    Accessing transversity with interference fragmentation functions

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    We discuss in detail the option to access the transversity distribution function h1(x)h_1(x) by utilizing the analyzing power of interference fragmentation functions in two-pion production inside the same current jet. The transverse polarization of the fragmenting quark is related to the transverse component of the relative momentum of the hadron pair via a new azimuthal angle. As a specific example, we spell out thoroughly the way to extract h1(x)h_1(x) from a measured single spin asymmetry in two-pion inclusive lepton-nucleon scattering. To estimate the sizes of observable effects we employ a spectator model for the fragmentation functions. The resulting asymmetry of our example is discussed as arising in different scenarios for the transversity.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures in .eps format included, typesetted in RevTeX and epsfig.sty, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Searches for Stable Strangelets in Ordinary Matter: Overview and a Recent Example

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    Our knowledge on the possible existence in nature of stable exotic particles depends solely upon experimental observation. Guided by this general principle and motivated by theoretical hypotheses on the existence of stable particles of strange quark matter, a variety of experimental searches have been performed. We provide an introduction to the theoretical hypotheses, an overview of the past searches, and a more detailed description of a recent search for helium-like strangelets in the Earth's atmosphere using a sensitive laser spectroscopy method

    Transverse momentum dependence in gluon distribution and fragmentation functions

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    We investigate the twist two gluon distribution functions for spin 1/2 hadrons, emphasizing intrinsic transverse momentum of the gluons. These functions are relevant in leading order in the inverse hard scale in scattering processes such as inclusive leptoproduction or Drell-Yan scattering, or more general in hard processes in which at least two hadrons are involved. They show up in azimuthal asymmetries. For future estimates of such observables, we discuss specific bounds on these functions.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, 7 Postscript figure

    Accessing Transversity in Double-Spin Asymmetries at the BNL-RHIC

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    We give upper bounds for transverse double-spin asymmetries in polarized proton-proton collisions by saturating the positivity constraint for the transversity densities at a low hadronic resolution scale. We consider prompt photon, jet, pion, and heavy flavor production at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Estimates of the expected statistical accuracy for such measurements are presented, taking into account the acceptance of the RHIC detectors.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures as eps file

    Perturbative Prediction for Parton Fragmentation into Heavy Hadron

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    By expanding functions of parton fragmentation into a heavy hadron in the inverse of the heavy quark mass mQm_Q we attempt to factorize them into perturbative- and nonperturbative parts. In our approach the nonperturbative parts can be defined as matrix elements in heavy quark effective theory, the shape of the functions is predicted by perturbative QCD. In this work we neglect effect at order of mQ2m_Q^{-2} and calculate the perturbative parts at one-loop level for heavy quark- and gluon fragmentation. We compare our results from leading log approximation with experimental results from e+ee^+e^- colliders and find a deviation below or at 10% level. Adding effect of higher order in αs\alpha_s it can be expected to reduce the deviation. The size of matrix elements appearing at the order we consider for several types of heavy hadrons is determined.Comment: 21 pages + 3 pages figures, plain te

    Double transverse spin asymmetries in vector boson production

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    We investigate a helicity non-flip double transverse spin asymmetry in vector boson production in hadron-hadron scattering, which was first considered by Ralston and Soper at the tree level. It does not involve transversity functions and in principle also arises in W-boson production for which we present the expressions. The asymmetry requires observing the transverse momentum of the vector boson, but it is not suppressed by explicit inverse powers of a large energy scale. However, as we will show, inclusion of Sudakov factors causes suppression of the asymmetry, which increases with energy. Moreover, the asymmetry is shown to be approximately proportional to x_1 g_1(x_1) x_2 \bar g_1(x_2), which gives rise to additional suppression at small values of the light cone momentum fractions. This implies that it is negligible for Z or W production and is mainly of interest for \gamma^* at low energies. We also compare the asymmetry with other types of double transverse spin asymmetries and discuss how to disentangle them.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, 2 Postscript figures, uses aps.sty, epsf.sty; figures replaced, a few minor other correction

    Four-quark stability

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    The physics of charm has become one of the best laboratories exposing the limitations of the naive constituent quark model and also giving hints into a more mature description of meson spectroscopy, beyond the simple quark--antiquark configurations. In this talk we review some recent studies of multiquark components in the charm sector and discuss in particular exotic and non-exotic four-quark systems, both with pairwise and many-body forces.Comment: 6 pages. Article based on the presentations by J. Vijande and J.-M. Richard at the Fifth Workshop on Critical Stability, Erice, Sicil

    Experimental feasibility of measuring the gravitational redshift of light using dispersion in optical fibers

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    This paper describes a new class of experiments that use dispersion in optical fibers to convert the gravitational frequency shift of light into a measurable phase shift or time delay. Two conceptual models are explored. In the first model, long counter-propagating pulses are used in a vertical fiber optic Sagnac interferometer. The second model uses optical solitons in vertically separated fiber optic storage rings. We discuss the feasibility of using such an instrument to make a high precision measurement of the gravitational frequency shift of light.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure