144 research outputs found

    Immunisation coverage and annual report National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands 2016

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    Het RIVM beschrijft jaarlijks de ontwikkelingen binnen het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma (RVP), zowel inhoudelijk als organisatorisch. Vanaf dit jaar zijn de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen en de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de vaccinatiegraad gebundeld. Belangrijke gebeurtenissen In 2016 waren er geen opvallende uitbraken van RVP-ziekten. Wel stijgt sinds oktober 2015 het aantal patiënten met meningokokkenziekte W, terwijl in het RVP tegen meningokokkenziekte C wordt ingeënt. Opvallend was het stevige debat dat in november 2016 in diverse media is gevoerd tussen voor- en tegenstanders van vaccinatie. Verder heeft het RIVM factsheets gemaakt voor zowel professionals als het publiek met informatie over vaccinaties tegen ziekten die wel beschikbaar zijn maar niet in het RVP zijn opgenomen. Voorbeelden zijn waterpokken, gordelroos en het rotavirus (www.rivm.nl/vaccinaties). Vaccinatiegraad De vaccinatiegraad, oftewel het aandeel zuigelingen, kleuters en schoolkinderen dat de vaccinaties uit het RVP krijgt, is nog steeds hoog. De vaccinatiegraad voor bof, mazelen en rodehond (BMR) daalt al een paar jaar licht. De norm van 95 procent van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO), die nodig is om mazelen uit te bannen, wordt in Nederland bij de eerste BMR-vaccinatie niet meer gehaald. Voor de tweede BMR-vaccinatie was dit al langer zo. Ook bij andere vaccinaties in het RVP is een lichte daling te zien. De deelname aan de HPV-vaccinatie tegen baarmoederhalskanker is voor het eerst afgenomen, van 61 naar 53 procent. Een hoge vaccinatiegraad zorgt ervoor dat kwetsbare en (nog) niet gevaccineerde kinderen tegen ziekten worden beschermd (groepsbescherming). Een dalende vaccinatiegraad vergroot de kans dat in de toekomst ziekten zoals mazelen uitbreken.The RIVM annually describes the developments within the Dutch National Immunisation Programme (NIP), both substantively and organisationally. From this year, the most important events and developments in the field of immunisation coverage have been bundled. Important events In 2016, there were no significant outbreaks of NIP diseases. However, since October 2015, the number of meningococcal disease patients by a different serogroup (W) than the serogroup C which is vaccinated against within the NIP, has risen. Striking was the vigorous debate that was conducted in various media in November 2016 between advocates and opponents of immunisation. Furthermore, the RIVM has made factsheets for professionals as well as the public with information on vaccines against diseases that are available but not included in the NIP. Examples include varicella, herpes zoster and rotavirus (www.rivm.nl/vaccinations). Immunisation coverage The immunisation coverage, i.e. the proportion of newborns, toddlers and schoolchildren who receive vaccinations within the NIP is still high. The immunisation coverage for mumps, measles and rubella (MMR) has declined slightly for a few years. The 95 per cent threshold of the World Health Organization (WHO) needed to eliminate measles is no longer achieved in the Netherlands for the first MMR vaccination. For the second MMR vaccination this has been for longer. Also for other NIP vaccinations there is a slight decrease in participation. The participation in HPV vaccination against cervical cancer has decreased for the first time, from 61 to 53 per cent. A high immunisation coverage ensures that vulnerable and not (yet) vaccinated children are protected against diseases (herd protection). A decreasing immunisation coverage increases the likelihood that diseases such as measles cause outbreaks in the future.Ministerie van VW

    Meningokokkenziekte in Nederland : Achtergrondinformatie voor de Gezondheidsraad

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    Meningococcal disease is a very serious infectious disease caused by a bacterium, the meningococcus. There are different types of meningococcus; people become ill mainly from the B, C, W and Y serogroups. Since 2002, vaccination against serogroup C meningococcal disease has been included in the National Immunisation Programme for children of 14 months. As a result, serogroup C meningococcal disease has virtually disappeared. Vaccines against serogroup B have recently become available. In addition, since 2015, there has been a rapid increase in serogroup W meningococcal disease. Multi-component vaccines are available against A, C, W and Y serogroups. Based on these developments, among others, the Health Council will advise the Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport on whether and how the current immunisation programme against meningococcal disease should be adapted. To this end, RIVM has collected background information and recent data on meningococcal disease in the Netherlands. It includes the number of people in the Netherlands who become ill each year, the efficacy and safety of the vaccines, and what the public thinks about vaccination against invasive meningococcal disease. The infection causes a severe medical condition such as meningitis or blood poisoning, which can rapidly develop into shock, frequently causing death. The disease often begins with flu-like symptoms and fever which subsequently worsen very rapidly. The infection is relatively rare in the Netherlands; there are currently 100 to 150 patients a year. Five to ten percent of these patients die despite antibiotics and intensive care. Thirty percent of the patients are left with lifelong impairments such as hearing loss, limb amputation or epilepsy. Meningococcal disease is most common in children under the age of 5, adolescents and the elderly.Meningokokkenziekte is een zeer ernstige infectieziekte die veroorzaakt wordt door een bacterie, de meningokok. Er zijn verschillende typen meningokokken; mensen worden vooral ziek van de serogroepen B, C, W en Y. Vaccinatie tegen meningokokkenziekte serogroep C is in Nederland sinds 2002 opgenomen in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma voor kinderen van 14 maanden. Hierdoor komt meningokokkenziekte door serogroep C nauwelijks meer voor. Sinds kort zijn vaccins beschikbaar tegen serogroep B. Daarnaast is er sinds 2015 een snelle toename in meningokokkenziekte door serogroep W. Er zijn combinatievaccins beschikbaar tegen serogroep A, C, W en Y. Vanwege ondermeer deze ontwikkelingen gaat de Gezondheidsraad de minister van VWS adviseren of, en op welke manier, het huidige vaccinatieprogramma tegen meningokokkenziekte aangepast moet worden. Daartoe heeft het RIVM achtergrondinformatie en recente data over meningokokkenziekte in Nederland verzameld. Het gaat onder meer om het aantal mensen in Nederland dat jaarlijks ziek wordt, de effectiviteit en veiligheid van de vaccins, en hoe het publiek denkt over vaccinatie tegen invasieve meningokokkenziekte. De infectie geeft een ernstig ziektebeeld zoals hersenvliesontsteking of een bloedvergiftiging, die zich snel kan ontwikkelen tot een shock waar veel mensen aan overlijden. De ziekte begint vaak met griepachtige verschijnselen en koorts die vervolgens zeer snel verergeren. De infectie is in Nederland relatief zeldzaam; op dit moment zijn er 100 tot 150 patiënten per jaar. Van deze patiënten overlijdt 5-10 procent ondanks antibiotica en intensieve zorg. 30 procent van de patiënten houdt er levenslang beperkingen aan over zoals gehoorverlies, amputatie van een ledemaat of epilepsie. Meningokokkenziekte komt het meest voor bij kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar, adolescenten en ouderenMinisterie van VW

    An exploratory qualitative assessment of factors influencing childhood vaccine providers' intention to recommend immunization in the Netherlands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Under the Dutch national immunization program (NIP), childhood vaccination is not mandatory, but its recommendation by childhood vaccine providers (CVP) is important for maintaining high vaccination coverage. We therefore examined factors related to providers' intentions to recommend vaccinations to parents of young children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted four focus group discussions with nurses and physicians who provide vaccines to children 0-4 years old in diverse regions of the Netherlands. Three groups represented CVPs at child welfare centers (CWCs) serving the general population, with the fourth representing anthroposophical CWCs. Elements of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) were used to design the groups; thematic analysis was used to structure and analyze the dataset.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four main themes emerged, including 1) perceived responsibility: to promote vaccines and discuss pros and cons with parents (although this was usually not done if parents readily accepted the vaccination); 2) attitudes toward the NIP: mainly positive, but doubts as to NIP plans to vaccinate against diseases with a low perceived burden; 3) organizational factors: limited time and information can hamper discussions with parents; 4) relationship with parents: crucial and based mainly on communication to establish trust. Compared to CVPs at standard CWCs, the anthroposophical CWCs spent more time communicating and were more willing to adapt the NIP to individual cases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our qualitative assessment provides an overview of beliefs associated with providers' intention to recommend vaccinations. They were motivated to support the NIP, but their intentions to recommend vaccinations were affected by the perceived relevance of the vaccines, practical issues like limited time and by certain types of resistant parents. These results will inform future studies to test the magnitude and relative impact of these factors.</p

    Colorectal cancer surveillance in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors at increased risk of therapy-related colorectal cancer: Study design

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    Background: Second primary malignancies are a major cause of excess morbidity and mortality in cancer survivors. Hodgkin lymphoma survivors who were treated with infradiaphragmatic radiotherapy and/or high-dose procarbazine have an increased risk to develop colorectal cancer. Colonoscopy surveillance plays an important role in colorectal cancer prevention by removal of the precursor lesions (adenomas) and early detection of cancer, resulting in improved survival rates. Therefore, Hodgkin lymphoma survivors treated with infradiaphragmatic radiotherapy and/or high-dose procarbazine could benefit from colonoscopy, or other surveillance modalities, which are expected to reduce colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. Current knowledge on clinicopathological and molecular characteristics of therapy-related colorectal cancer is limited. The pathogenesis of such colorectal cancers might be different from the pathogenesis in the general population and therefore these patients might require a different clinical approach. We designed a study with the primary aim to assess the diagnostic yield of a first surveillance colonoscopy among Hodgkin lymphoma survivors at increased risk of colorectal cancer and to compare these results with different screening modalities in the general population. Secondary aims include assessment of the test characteristics of stool tests and evaluation of burden, acceptance and satisfaction of CRC surveillance through two questionnaires. Methods/Design: This prospective multicenter cohort study will include Hodgkin lymphoma survivors who survived =8years after treatment with infradiaphragmatic radiotherapy and/or procarbazine (planned inclusion of 259 participants). Study procedures will consist of a surveillance colonoscopy with removal of precursor lesions (adenomas) and 6-8 normal colonic tissue biopsies, a fecal immunochemical test and a stool DNA test. All neoplastic lesions encountered will be classified using relevant histomorphological, immunohistochemical and molecular analyses in order to obtain more insight into colorectal carcinogenesis in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors. The Miscan-model will be used for cost-effectiveness analyses. Discussion: Evaluation of the diagnostic performance, patient acceptance and burden of colorectal cancer surveillance is necessary for future implementation of an individualized colorectal cancer surveillance program for Hodgkin lymphoma survivors. In addition, more insight into treatment-induced colorectal carcinogenesis will provide the first step towards prevention and personalized treatment. This information may be extrapolated to other groups of cancer survivors. Trial registration: Registered at the Dutch Trial Registry (NTR): NTR4961

    Biomethanation potential of biological and other wastes

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    Anaerobic technology has been traditionally applied for the treatment of carbon rich wastewater and organic residues. Anaerobic processes can be fully integrated in the biobased economy concept for resource recovery. After a brief introduction about applications of anaerobic processes to industrial wastewater treatment, agriculture feedstock and organic fraction of municipal solid waste, the position of anaerobic processes in biorefinery concepts is presented. Integration of anaerobic digestion with these processes can help in the maximisation of the economic value of the biomass used, while reducing the waste streams produced and mitigating greenhouse gases emissions. Besides the integration of biogas in the existing full-scale bioethanol and biodiesel production processes, the potential applications of biogas in the second generation lignocellulosic, algae and syngas-based biorefinery platforms are discussed.(undefined

    APOLO-Bari, an internet-based program for longitudinal support of bariatric surgery patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Despite evidence of successful weight loss for bariatric surgery patients, some patients experience considerable weight regain over the long term. Given the strong association between post-surgery health behaviors and outcomes, aftercare intervention to address key behaviors appears to be a reasonable relapse-prevention strategy. As the burden of obesity rates increases in healthcare centers, an internet-based program appears to be a reasonable strategy for supporting bariatric surgery patients in the long term. The primary purpose of the current project is to develop and test the efficacy and perceived utility of APOLO-Bari.Methods/design: This study is a randomized control trial, which will be conducted in two hospital centers in the North of Portugal; it includes a control group receiving treatment as usual and an intervention group receiving the APOLO-Bari program for one year in addition to treatment as usual. A total of 180 male and female participants who underwent bariatric surgery (gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery) for 12 to 20 months will be recruited. Both groups will complete a similar set of questionnaires at baseline, every 4 months until the end of the intervention, and at 6 and 12 months follow-up. Assessment includes anthropometric variables and psychological self-report measures. The primary outcome measure will be weight regain measured at the end of treatment, and at 6 and 12 months follow-up. The secondary aims are to test the cost-effectiveness of the intervention and to investigate psychological predictors and trajectories of weight regain. APOLO-Bari was developed to address the weight regain problem in the bariatric population by offering additional guidance to bariatric patients during the postoperative period. The program includes: (a) a psychoeducational cognitive-behavioral-based self-help manual, (b) a weekly feedback messaging system that sends a feedback statement related to information reported by the participant, and (c) interactive chat sessions scheduled witThis research was partially supported by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through a European Union COMPETE program grant to Eva Conceicao (IF/01219/2014 and PTDC/MHC-PCL/4974/2012), a doctoral scholarship to Ana Pinto-Bastos (SFRH/BD/104159/2014), a doctoral scholarship to Sofia Ramalho (SFRH/BD/104182/2014), and a postdoctoral scholarship to Ana Rita Vaz (SFRH/BPD/94490/2013), co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (UID/PSI/01662/2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mechanistic framework to link root growth models with weather and soil physical properties, including example applications to soybean growth in Brazil

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    Background and aimsRoot elongation is generally limited by a combination of mechanical impedance and water stress in most arable soils. However, dynamic changes of soil penetration resistance with soil water content are rarely included in models for predicting root growth. Better modelling frameworks are needed to understand root growth interactions between plant genotype, soil management, and climate. Aim of paper is to describe a new model of root elongation in relation to soil physical characteristics like penetration resistance, matric potential, and hypoxia.MethodsA new diagrammatic framework is proposed to illustrate the interaction between root elongation, soil management, and climatic conditions. The new model was written in Matlab®, using the root architecture model RootBox and a model that solves the 1D Richards equations for water flux in soil. Inputs: root architectural parameters for Soybean; soil hydraulic properties; root water uptake function in relation to matric flux potential; root elongation rate as a function of soil physical characteristics. Simulation scenarios: (a) compact soil layer at 16 to 20 cm; (b) test against a field experiment in Brazil during contrasting drought and normal rainfall seasons.Results(a) Soil compaction substantially slowed root growth into and below the compact layer. (b) Simulated root length density was very similar to field measurements, which was influenced greatly by drought. The main factor slowing root elongation in the simulations was evaluated using a stress reduction function.ConclusionThe proposed framework offers a way to explore the interaction between soil physical properties, weather and root growth. It may be applied to most root elongation models, and offers the potential to evaluate likely factors limiting root growth in different soils and tillage regimes

    Cytokine Production by Leukocytes of Military Personnel with Depressive Symptoms after Deployment to a Combat-Zone: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is frequently diagnosed in military personnel returning from deployment. Literature suggests that MDD is associated with a pro-inflammatory state. To the best of our knowledge, no prospective, longitudinal studies on the association between development of depressive symptomatology and cytokine production by peripheral blood leukocytes have been published. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the presence of depressive symptomatology six months after military deployment is associated with the capacity to produce cytokines, as assessed before and after deployment. 1023 military personnel were included before deployment. Depressive symptoms and LPS- and T-cell mitogen-induced production of 16 cytokines and chemokines in whole blood cultures were measured before (T0), 1 (T1), and 6 (T2) months after return from deployment. Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) was used for data reduction into cytokine patterns. Multiple group latent growth modeling was used to investigate differences in the longitudinal course of cytokine production between individuals with (n = 68) and without (n = 665) depressive symptoms at T2. Individuals with depressive symptoms after deployment showed higher T-cell cytokine production before deployment. Moreover, pre-deployment T-cell cytokine production significantly predicted the presence of depressive symptomatology 6 months after return. There was an increase in T-cell cytokine production over time, but this increase was significantly smaller in individuals developing depressive symptoms. T-cell chemokine and LPS-induced innate cytokine production decreased over time and were not associated with depressive symptoms. These results indicate that increased T-cell mitogen-induced cytokine production before deployment may be a vulnerability factor for development of depressive symptomatology in response to deployment to a combat-zone. In addition, deployment to a combat-zone affects the capacity of T-cells and monocytes to produce cytokines and chemokines until at least 6 months after return