3,971 research outputs found

    Flavor Phenomenology in General 5D Warped Spaces

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    We have considered a general 5D warped model with SM fields propagating in the bulk and computed explicit expressions for oblique and non-oblique electroweak observables as well as for flavor and CP violating effective four-fermion operators. We have compared the resulting lower bounds on the Kaluza-Klein (KK) scale in the RS model and a recently proposed model with a metric modified towards the IR brane, which is consistent with oblique parameters without the need for a custodial symmetry. We have randomly generated 40,000 sets of O(1) 5D Yukawa couplings and made a fit of the quark masses and CKM matrix elements in both models. This method allows to identify the percentage of points consistent with a given KK mass, which in turn provides us with a measure for the required fine-tuning. Comparison with current experimental data on Rb, FCNC and CP violating operators exhibits an improved behavior of our model with respect to the RS model. In particular, allowing 10% fine-tuning the combined results point towards upper bounds on the KK gauge boson masses around 3.3 TeV in our model as compared with 13 TeV in the RS model. One reason for this improvement is that fermions in our model are shifted, with respect to fermions in the RS model, towards the UV brane thus decreasing the strength of the modifications of electroweak observables.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Flavour Physics in the Soft Wall Model

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    We extend the description of flavour that exists in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model to the soft wall (SW) model in which the IR brane is removed and the Higgs is free to propagate in the bulk. It is demonstrated that, like the RS model, one can generate the hierarchy of fermion masses by localising the fermions at different locations throughout the space. However, there are two significant differences. Firstly the possible fermion masses scale down, from the electroweak scale, less steeply than in the RS model and secondly there now exists a minimum fermion mass for fermions sitting towards the UV brane. With a quadratic Higgs VEV, this minimum mass is about fifteen orders of magnitude lower than the electroweak scale. We derive the gauge propagator and despite the KK masses scaling as mn2nm_n^2\sim n, it is demonstrated that the coefficients of four fermion operators are not divergent at tree level. FCNC's amongst kaons and leptons are considered and compared to calculations in the RS model, with a brane localised Higgs and equivalent levels of tuning. It is found that since the gauge fermion couplings are slightly more universal and the SM fermions typically sit slightly further towards the UV brane, the contributions to observables such as ϵK\epsilon_K and ΔmK\Delta m_K, from the exchange of KK gauge fields, are significantly reduced.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables; v2: references added; v3: modifications to figures 4,5 and 6. version to appear in JHE

    The RNA binding protein HuR does not interact directly with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and does not affect reverse transcription in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lemay <it>et al </it>recently reported that the RNA binding protein HuR directly interacts with the ribonuclease H (RNase H) domain of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) and influences the efficiency of viral reverse transcription (Lemay <it>et al</it>., 2008, Retrovirology 5:47). HuR is a member of the embryonic lethal abnormal vision protein family and contains 3 RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) that bind AU-rich elements (AREs). To define the structural determinants of the HuR-RT interaction and to elucidate the mechanism(s) by which HuR influences HIV-1 reverse transcription activity <it>in vitro</it>, we cloned and purified full-length HuR as well as three additional protein constructs that contained the N-terminal and internal RRMs, the internal and C-terminal RRMs, or the C-terminal RRM only.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All four HuR proteins were purified and characterized by biophysical methods. They are well structured and exist as monomers in solution. No direct protein-protein interaction between HuR and HIV-1 RT was detected using NMR titrations with <sup>15</sup>N labeled HuR variants or the <sup>15</sup>N labeled RNase H domain of HIV-1 RT. Furthermore, HuR did not significantly affect the kinetics of HIV-1 reverse transcription <it>in vitro</it>, even on RNA templates that contain AREs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that HuR does not impact HIV-1 replication through a direct protein-protein interaction with the viral RT.</p

    Partially Supersymmetric Composite Higgs Models

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    We study the idea of the Higgs as a pseudo-Goldstone boson within the framework of partial supersymmetry in Randall-Sundrum scenarios and their CFT duals. The Higgs and third generation of the MSSM are composites arising from a strongly coupled supersymmetric CFT with global symmetry SO(5) spontaneously broken to SO(4), whilst the light generations and gauge fields are elementary degrees of freedom whose couplings to the strong sector explicitly break the global symmetry as well as supersymmetry. The presence of supersymmetry in the strong sector may allow the compositeness scale to be raised to ~10 TeV without fine tuning, consistent with the bounds from precision electro-weak measurements and flavour physics. The supersymmetric flavour problem is also solved. At low energies, this scenario reduces to the "More Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model" where only stops, Higgsinos and gauginos are light and within reach of the LHC.Comment: 28 pages. v2 minor changes and Refs. adde

    Multidimensional cluster states using a single spin-photon interface coupled strongly to an intrinsic nuclear register

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    Photonic cluster states are a powerful resource for measurement-based quantum computing and loss-tolerant quantum communication. Proposals to generate multi-dimensional lattice cluster states have identified coupled spin-photon interfaces, spin-ancilla systems, and optical feedback mechanisms as potential schemes. Following these, we propose the generation of multi-dimensional lattice cluster states using a single, efficient spin-photon interface coupled strongly to a nuclear register. Our scheme makes use of the contact hyperfine interaction to enable universal quantum gates between the interface spin and a local nuclear register and funnels the resulting entanglement to photons via the spin-photon interface. Among several quantum emitters, we identify the silicon-29 vacancy centre in diamond, coupled to a nanophotonic structure, as possessing the right combination of optical quality and spin coherence for this scheme. We show numerically that using this system a 2x5-sized cluster state with a lower-bound fidelity of 0.5 and repetition rate of 65 kHz is achievable under currently realised experimental performances and with feasible technical overhead. Realistic gate improvements put 100-photon cluster states within experimental reach

    Suppressing Electroweak Precision Observables in 5D Warped Models

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    We elaborate on a recently proposed mechanism to suppress large contributions to the electroweak precision observables in five dimensional (5D) warped models, without the need for an extended 5D gauge sector. The main ingredient is a modification of the AdS metric in the vicinity of the infrared (IR) brane corresponding to a strong deviation from conformality in the IR of the 4D holographic dual. We compute the general low energy effective theory of the 5D warped Standard Model, emphasizing additional IR contributions to the wave function renormalization of the light Higgs mode. We also derive expressions for the S and T parameters as a function of a generic 5D metric and zero-mode wave functions. We give an approximate formula for the mass of the radion that works even for strong deviation from the AdS background. We proceed to work out the details of an explicit model and derive bounds for the first KK masses of the various bulk fields. The radion is the lightest new particle although its mass is already at about 1/3 of the mass of the lightest resonances, the KK states of the gauge bosons. We examine carefully various issues that can arise for extreme choices of parameters such as the possible reintroduction of the hierarchy problem, the onset of nonperturbative physics due to strong IR curvature or the creation of new hierarchies near the Planck scale. We conclude that a KK scale of 1 TeV is compatible with all these constraints.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figures, references adde

    Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise

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    Oceanography articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or format as long as users cite the materials appropriately (e.g., authors, Oceanography, volume number, issue number, page number[s], figure number[s], and DOI for the article), provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate the changes that were made to the original content

    The Effective Lagrangian for Bulk Fermions in Models with Extra Dimensions

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    We compute the dimension 6 effective Lagrangian arising from the tree level integration of an arbitrary number of bulk fermions in models with warped extra dimensions. The coefficients of the effective operators are written in terms of simple integrals of the metric and are valid for arbitrary warp factors, with or without an infrared brane, and for a general Higgs profile. All relevant tree level fermion effects in electroweak and flavor observables can be computed using this effective Lagrangian.Comment: 22 pages. V2: typos corrected, matches published versio

    Current research into brain barriers and the delivery of therapeutics for neurological diseases: a report on CNS barrier congress London, UK, 2017.

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    This is a report on the CNS barrier congress held in London, UK, March 22-23rd 2017 and sponsored by Kisaco Research Ltd. The two 1-day sessions were chaired by John Greenwood and Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes, respectively, and each session ended with a discussion led by the chair. Speakers consisted of invited academic researchers studying the brain barriers in relation to neurological diseases and industry researchers studying new methods to deliver therapeutics to treat neurological diseases. We include here brief reports from the speakers

    Neutrino Mixing from Wilson Lines in Warped Space

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    We consider the generation of the hierarchical charged lepton spectrum and anarchic neutrino masses and mixing angles in warped extra dimensional models with Randall-Sundrum metric. We have classified all possible cases giving rise to realistic spectra for both Dirac and Majorana neutrinos. An anarchic neutrino spectrum requires a convenient bulk symmetry broken by boundary conditions on both UV and IR branes. We have in particular considered the case of Majorana neutrinos with a continuous bulk symmetry. To avoid unwanted massless extra gauge bosons the 4D group should be empty. If the 4D coset is not vanishing it can provide a Wilson Line description of the neutrino Majorana mass matrix. We have studied an example based on the bulk gauge group U(3)_{L} \otimes U(3)_{N} \otimes_{i} U(1)_{E^i} with the Wilson Line in SO(3)_{N} satisfying all required conditions. A \chi^2-fit to experimental data exhibits the 95% CL region in the parameter space with no fine-tuning. As a consequence of the symmetries of the theory there is no tree-level induced lepton flavor violation and so one-loop processes are consistent with experimental data for KK-modes about a few TeV. The model is easily generalizable to models with IR deformed metrics with similar conclusions.Comment: 28 pages, 9 eps plots, uses axodraw; v2 Title changed, comments on phenomenology added, version to be published in JHE