488 research outputs found

    Quons as su(2) Irreducible Tensor Operators

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    We prove that, for the quon algebra, which interpolates between the Bose and Fermi statistics and depends on a free parameter q,it is possible to build an su(2) irreducible representation. One of the consequences of this fact is that the quons couple via the same angular momentum coupling rules obeyed by ordinary bosons and fermions.Comment: 8 pages,Late

    Applications of the Quon Algebra: 3-D Harmonic Oscillator and the Rotor Model

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    In this work we present a method to build in a systematic way a many-body quon basis state. In particular, we show a closed expression for a given number N of quons, restricted to the permutational symmetric subspace, which belongs to the whole quonic space. The method is applied to two simple problems: the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator and the rotor model and compared to previous quantum algebra results. The differences obtained and possible future applications are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Quons Restricted to the Antisymmetric Subspace: Formalism and Applications

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    In this work we develop a formalism to treat quons restricted to the antisymmetric part of their many-body space. A model in which a system of identical quons interact through a pairing force is then solved within this restriction and the differences between our solution and the usual fermionic model solution are then presented and discussed in detail. Possible connections to physical systems are also considered.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Low-frequency measurement of the tunneling amplitude in a flux qubit

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    We have observed signatures of resonant tunneling in an Al three-junction qubit, inductively coupled to a Nb LC tank circuit. The resonant properties of the tank oscillator are sensitive to the effective susceptibility (or inductance) of the qubit, which changes drastically as its flux states pass through degeneracy. The tunneling amplitude is estimated from the data. We find good agreement with the theoretical predictions in the regime of their validity.Comment: REVTeX4, 3pp., 3 EPS figures. v2: new sample, textual clarifications. v3: minor polishing; final, to appear in PRB Rapid

    Decoherence and CPT Violation in a Stringy Model of Space-Time Foam

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    I discuss a model inspired from the string/brane framework, in which our Universe is represented as a three brane, propagating in a bulk space time punctured by D0-brane (D-particle) defects. As the D3-brane world moves in the bulk, the D-particles cross it, and from an effective observer on D3 the situation looks like a ``space-time foam'' with the defects ``flashing'' on and off (``D-particle foam''). The open strings, with their ends attached on the brane, which represent matter in this scenario, can interact with the D-particles on the D3-brane universe in a topologically non-trivial manner, involving splitting and capture of the strings by the D0-brane defects. Such processes are described by logarithmic conformal field theories on the world-sheet. Physically, they result in effective decoherence of the string matter on the D3 brane, and as a result, of CPT Violation, but of a type that implies an ill-defined nature of the effective CPT operator. Due to electric charge conservation, only electrically neutral (string) matter can exhibit such interactions with the D-particle foam. This may have unique, experimentally detectable, consequences for electrically-neutral entangled quantum matter states on the brane world, in particular the modification of the pertinent EPR Correlation of neutral mesons in a meson factory.Comment: 41 pages Latex, five eps figures incorporated. Uses special macro

    Lorentz-invariant CPT violation

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    A Lorentz-invariant CPT violation, which may be termed as long-distance CPT violation in contrast to the familiar short-distance CPT violation, has been recently proposed. This scheme is based on a non-local interaction vertex and characterized by an infrared divergent form factor. We show that the Lorentz covariant TT^{\star}-product is consistently defined and the energy-momentum conservation is preserved in perturbation theory if the path integral is suitably defined for this non-local theory, although unitarity is generally lost. It is illustrated that T violation is realized in the decay and formation processes. It is also argued that the equality of masses and decay widths of the particle and anti-particle is preserved if the non-local CPT violation is incorporated either directly or as perturbation by starting with the conventional CPT-even local Lagrangian. However, we also explicitly show that the present non-local scheme can induce the splitting of particle and anti-particle mass eigenvalues if one considers a more general class of Lagrangians.Comment: 28 pages; note added in proof; version published in Eur. Phys. J. C (2013) 73: 234

    Implications of Space-Time foam for Entanglement Correlations of Neutral Kaons

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    The role of CPTCPT invariance and consequences for bipartite entanglement of neutral (K) mesons are discussed. A relaxation of CPTCPT leads to a modification of the entanglement which is known as the ω\omega effect. The relaxation of assumptions required to prove the CPTCPT theorem are examined within the context of models of space-time foam. It is shown that the evasion of the EPR type entanglement implied by CPTCPT (which is connected with spin statistics) is rather elusive. Relaxation of locality (through non-commutative geometry) or the introduction of decoherence by themselves do not lead to a destruction of the entanglement. So far we find only one model which is based on non-critical strings and D-particle capture and recoil that leads to a stochastic contribution to the space-time metric and consequent change in the neutral meson bipartite entanglement. The lack of an omega effect is demonstrated for a class of models based on thermal like baths which are generally considered as generic models of decoherence

    Coherent States of the q--Canonical Commutation Relations

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    For the qq-deformed canonical commutation relations a(f)a(g)=(1q)f,g1+qa(g)a(f)a(f)a^\dagger(g) = (1-q)\,\langle f,g\rangle{\bf1}+q\,a^\dagger(g)a(f) for f,gf,g in some Hilbert space H{\cal H} we consider representations generated from a vector Ω\Omega satisfying a(f)Ω=f,ϕΩa(f)\Omega=\langle f,\phi\rangle\Omega, where ϕH\phi\in{\cal H}. We show that such a representation exists if and only if ϕ1\Vert\phi\Vert\leq1. Moreover, for ϕ<1\Vert\phi\Vert<1 these representations are unitarily equivalent to the Fock representation (obtained for ϕ=0\phi=0). On the other hand representations obtained for different unit vectors ϕ\phi are disjoint. We show that the universal C*-algebra for the relations has a largest proper, closed, two-sided ideal. The quotient by this ideal is a natural qq-analogue of the Cuntz algebra (obtained for q=0q=0). We discuss the Conjecture that, for d<d<\infty, this analogue should, in fact, be equal to the Cuntz algebra itself. In the limiting cases q=±1q=\pm1 we determine all irreducible representations of the relations, and characterize those which can be obtained via coherent states.Comment: 19 pages, Plain Te

    Spectropolarimetry of the Deep Impact target comet 9P/Tempel 1 with HiVIS

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    High resolution spectropolarimetry of the Deep Impact target, comet 9P/ Tempel 1, was performed during the impact event on July 4th, 2005 with the HiVIS Spectropolarimeter and the AEOS 3.67m telescope on Haleakala, Maui. We observed atypical polarization spectra that changed significantly in the few hours after the impact. The polarization of scattered light as a function of wavelength is very sensitive to the size and composition (complex refractive index) of the scattering particles as well as the scattering geometry. As opposed to most observations of cometary dust, which show an increase in the linear polarization with the wavelength (at least in the visible domain and for phase angles greater than about 30%, a red polarization spectrum) observations of 9P/Tempel 1 at a phase angle of 41 degrees beginning 8 minutes after impact and centered at 6:30UT showed a polarization of 4% at 650 nm falling to 3% at 950 nm. The next observation, centered an hour later showed a polarization of 7% at 650 nm falling to 2% at 950nm. This corresponds to a spectropolarimetric gradient, or slope, of -0.9% per 1000 Angstroms 40 minutes after impact, decreasing to a slope of -2.3% per 1000 Angstroms an hour and a half after impact. This is an atypical blue polarization slope, which became more blue 1 hour after impact. The polarization values of 4% and 7% at 650nm are typical for comets at this scattering angle, whereas the low polarization of 2% and 3% at 950nm is not. We compare observations of comet 9P/Tempel 1 to that of a typical comet, C/2004 Machholz, at a phase angle of 30 degrees which showed a typical red slope, rising from 2% at 650nm to 3% at 950nm in two different observations (+1.0 and +0.9% per 1000 Angstroms).Comment: Icarus Deep Impact special issue, accepted Aug 28 200