55 research outputs found

    Singlet and triplet bipolarons on the triangular lattice

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    We study the Coulomb-Fr\"ohlich model on a triangular lattice, looking in particular at states with angular momentum. We examine a simplified model of crab bipolarons with angular momentum by projecting onto the low energy subspace of the Coulomb-Fr\"ohlich model with large phonon frequency. Such a projection is consistent with large long-range electron-phonon coupling and large repulsive Hubbard UU. Significant differences are found between the band structure of singlet and triplet states: The triplet state (which has a flat band) is found to be significantly heavier than the singlet state (which has mass similar to the polaron). We test whether the heavier triplet states persist to lower electron-phonon coupling using continuous time quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulation. The triplet state is both heavier and larger, demonstrating that the heavier mass is due to quantum interference effects on the motion. We also find that retardation effects reduce the differences between singlet and triplet states, since they reintroduce second order terms in the hopping into the inverse effective mass.Comment: Proceedings of SNS 200

    Kinks and d-waves from phonons: The intermediate coupling story

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    I present results from an approach that extends the Eliashberg theory by systematic expansion in the vertex function; an essential extension at large phonon frequencies, even for weak coupling. In order to deal with computationally expensive double sums over momenta, a dynamical cluster approximation (DCA) approach is used to incorporate momentum dependence into the Eliashberg equations. First, I consider the effects of introducing partial momentum dependence on the standard Eliashberg theory using a quasi-local approximation; which I use to demonstrate that it is essential to include corrections beyond the standard theory when investigating d-wave states. Using the extended theory with vertex corrections, I compute electron and phonon spectral functions. A kink in the electronic dispersion is found in the normal state along the major symmetry directions, similar to that found in photo-emission from cuprates. The phonon spectral function shows that for weak coupling Wλ<ω0W\lambda < \omega_0, the dispersion for phonons has weak momentum dependence, with consequences for the theory of optical phonon mediated d-wave superconductivity, which is shown to be 2nd order in λ\lambda. In particular, examination of the order parameter vs. filling shows that vertex corrections lead to d-wave superconductivity mediated via simple optical phonons. I map out the order parameters in detail, showing that there is significant induced anisotropy in the superconducting pairing in quasi-2D systems.Comment: Proceedings of SNS 200

    d-wave superconductivity from electron-phonon interactions

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    I examine electron-phonon mediated superconductivity in the intermediate coupling and phonon frequency regime of the quasi-two-dimensional Holstein model. I use an extended Migdal-Eliashberg theory that includes vertex corrections and spatial fluctuations. I find a d-wave superconducting state that is unique close to half filling. The order parameter undergoes a transition to s-wave superconductivity on increasing filling. I explain how the inclusion of both vertex corrections and spatial fluctuations is essential for the prediction of a d-wave order parameter. I then discuss the effects of a large Coulomb pseudopotential on the superconductivity (such as is found in contemporary superconducting materials like the cuprates), which results in the destruction of the s-wave states, while leaving the d-wave states unmodified

    Cold-atom quantum simulator to explore pairing, condensation, and pseudogaps in extended Hubbard-Holstein models

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    We describe a quantum simulator for the Hubbard-Holstein model (HHM), comprising two dressed Rydberg atom species held in a monolayer by independent painted potentials, predicting that boson-mediated preformed pairing and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition temperatures are experimentally accessible. The HHM is important for modeling the essential physics of unconventional superconductors. Experimentally realizable quantum simulators for HHMs are needed (1) since HHMs are difficult to solve numerically and analytically, (2) to explore how competition between electron-phonon interactions and strong repulsion affects pairing in unconventional superconductors, and (3) to understand the role of boson-mediated local pairing in pseudogaps and fermion condensates. We propose and study a quantum simulator for the HHM, using optical lattices, painted using zeros in the ac Stark shift, to control two Rydberg atom species independently within a monolayer. We predict that interactions are sufficiently tunable to probe (1) both HHMs and highly unconventional phonon-mediated repulsions, (2) the competition between intermediate-strength phonon- and Coulomb-mediated interactions, and (3) BKT transitions and preformed pairing that could be used to examine key hypotheses related to the pseudogap. We discuss how the quantum simulator can be used to investigate boson-mediated pairing and condensation of fermions in unconventional superconductors

    Superlight small bipolarons in the presence of strong Coulomb repulsion

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    We study a lattice bipolaron on a staggered triangular ladder and triangular and hexagonal lattices with both long-range electron-phonon interaction and strong Coulomb repulsion using a novel continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo (CTQMC) algorithm extended to the Coulomb-Frohlich model with two particles. The algorithm is preceded by an exact integration over phonon degrees of freedom, and as such is extremely efficient. The bipolaron effective mass and bipolaron radius are computed. Lattice bipolarons on such lattices have a novel crablike motion, and are small but very light in a wide range of parameters, which leads to a high Bose-Einstein condensation temperature. We discuss the relevance of our results with current experiments on cuprate high-temperature superconductors and propose a route to room temperature superconductivity

    Singlet and triplet bipolarons on the triangular lattice

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    We study the Coulomb–Fröhlich model on a triangular lattice, looking in particular at states with angular momentum. We examine a simplified model of crab bipolarons with angular momentum by projecting onto the low energy subspace of the Coulomb–Fröhlich model with large phonon frequency. Such a projection is consistent with large long-range electron–phonon coupling and large repulsive Hubbard U. Significant differences are found between the band structure of singlet and triplet states: The triplet state (which has a flat band) is found to be significantly heavier than the singlet state (which has mass similar to the polaron). We test whether the heavier triplet states persist to lower electron–phonon coupling using continuous time quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulation. The triplet state is both heavier and larger, demonstrating that the heavier mass is due to quantum interference effects on the motion. We also find that retardation effects reduce the differences between singlet and triplet states, since they reintroduce second order terms in the hopping into the inverse effective mass

    Effects of lattice geometry and interaction range on polaron dynamics

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    We study the effects of lattice type on polaron dynamics using a continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo approach. Holstein and screened Froehlich polarons are simulated on a number of different Bravais lattices. The effective mass, isotope coefficients, ground state energy and energy spectra, phonon numbers, and density of states are calculated. In addition, the results are compared with weak and strong coupling perturbation theory. For the Holstein polaron, it is found that the crossover between weak and strong coupling results becomes sharper as the coordination number is increased. In higher dimensions, polarons are much less mobile at strong coupling, with more phonons contributing to the polaron. The total energy decreases monotonically with coupling. Spectral properties of the polaron depend on the lattice type considered, with the dimensionality contributing to the shape and the coordination number to the bandwidth. As the range of the electron-phonon interaction is increased, the coordination number becomes less important, with the dimensionality taking the leading role

    Superlight small bipolarons

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    Recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has identified that a finite-range Fröhlich electron-phonon interaction (EPI) with c-axis polarized optical phonons is important in cuprate superconductors, in agreement with an earlier proposal by Alexandrov and Kornilovitch. The estimated unscreened EPI is so strong that it could easily transform doped holes into mobile lattice bipolarons in narrow-band Mott insulators such as cuprates. Applying a continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm (CTQMC) we compute the total energy, effective mass, pair radius, number of phonons and isotope exponent of lattice bipolarons in the region of parameters where any approximation might fail taking into account the Coulomb repulsion and the finite-range EPI. The effects of modifying the interaction range and different lattice geometries are discussed with regards to analytical strong-coupling/non-adiabatic results. We demonstrate that bipolarons can be simultaneously small and light, provided suitable conditions on the electron-phonon and electron-electron interaction are satisfied. Such light small bipolarons are a necessary precursor to high-temperature Bose-Einstein condensation in solids. The light bipolaron mass is shown to be universal in systems made of triangular plaquettes, due to a novel crab-like motion. Another surprising result is that the triplet-singlet exchange energy is of the first order in the hopping integral and triplet bipolarons are heavier than singlets in certain lattice structures at variance with intuitive expectations. Finally, we identify a range of lattices where superlight small bipolarons may be formed, and give estimates for their masses in the anti-adiabatic approximation

    Superconductivity in a Hubbard-Frohlich model and in cuprates

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    Using the variational Monte Carlo method, we find that a relatively weak long-range electron-phonon interaction induces a d-wave superconducting state in doped Mott-Hubbard insulators and/or strongly correlated metals with a condensation energy significantly larger than can be obtained with Coulomb repulsion only. Moreover, the superconductivity is shown to exist for infinite on-site Coulomb repulsion without the need for additional mechanisms such as spin fluctuations to mediate d-wave superconductivity. We argue that our superconducting state is robust with respect to a more intricate choice of the trial-wave function and that a possible origin of high-temperature superconductivity lies in a proper combination of strong electron-electron correlations with poorly screened Fröhlich electron-phonon interaction
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