128 research outputs found

    Double Λ\Lambda and the ΛΛ\Lambda-\Lambda Interaction

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    The Λ\Lambda-Λ\Lambda effective interaction, in the channel L=S=0L=S=0, in the nuclear medium is fitted to the available binding energies, BΛΛB_{\Lambda\Lambda}, of double Λ\Lambda hypernuclei: ΛΛ6^{6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}He, ΛΛ10^{10}_{\Lambda\Lambda}Be and ΛΛ13^{13}_{\Lambda\Lambda}B. The mesonic decay of these hypernuclei is also investigated. Finally, this effective interaction is used to predict the binding energies and mesonic decays widths of heavier double Λ\Lambda hypernuclei.Comment: 4 pages, (latex file, postscript-file and 3 Postscript-figures included

    First results in the study of the morphology present status of the andalusian black cattle breed

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    Andalusian Black cattle breed is in danger of extinction alter to go out of the border of the disappearance. Moreover, the present situation of the Spanish farming, its belonging to the Iberian Black branch, producing a high pressure from other related breeds with a better productive potentiality. Studies for the breed conservation have begun, among them, the morphological study. By the moment 3 different farms without known influences from other breeds and 24 adult females have been recorded for 14 quantitative morphological traits, and some qualitative such as front profile and coat colour. Studied individuals presented few morphological variation and it put the breed near of the breed morphological pattern updating.La raza Negra Andaluza se encuentra en peligro de extinción tras haber estado al borde de la desaparición. Además de la actual situación de la ganadería española, a lo anterior ha contribuido su pertenencia al tronco Negro Ibérico, y la gran presión que razas con un potencial más desarrollado han ejercido sobre ésta. Se han comenzado los estudios necesarios para la conservación de este recurso genético, entre ellos, el estudio morfológico. Hasta el momento se han estudiado 3 ganaderías diferentes sin influencia genética de otras razas y un total de 24 hembras adultas en las que se han tomado 14 medidas morfológicas. Además se han observado variables cualitativas, como el perfil y la capa. Los individuos estudiados presentan poca variación morfológica entre ellos y, por tanto, acercan a la actualización del patrón morfológico de la raza

    Alterations in Wnt- and/or STAT3 signaling pathways and the immune microenvironment during metastatic progression

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    Metastatic breast cancer is an extremely complex disease with limited treatment options due to the lack of information about the major characteristics of metastatic disease. There is an urgent need, therefore, to understand the changes in cellular complexity and dynamics that occur during metastatic progression. In the current study, we analyzed the cellular and molecular differences between primary tumors and paired lung metastases using a syngeneic p53-null mammary tumor model of basal-like breast cancer. Distinct subpopulations driven by the Wnt- and/or STAT3 signaling pathways were detected in vivo using a lentiviral Wnt- and STAT3 signaling reporter system. A significant increase in the overlapping populations driven by both the Wnt- and STAT3 signaling pathways was observed in the lung metastases as compared to the primary tumors. Furthermore, the overlapping populations showed a higher metastatic potential relative to the other populations and pharmacological inhibition of both signaling pathways was shown to markedly reduce the metastatic lesions in established lung metastases. An analysis of the unique molecular features of the lung metastases revealed a significant association with immune response signatures. Specifically, Foxp3 gene expression was markedly increased and elevated levels of Foxp3 + Treg cells were detected in close proximity to lung metastases. Collectively, these studies illustrate the importance of analyzing intratumoral heterogeneity, changes in population dynamics, and the immune microenvironment during metastatic progression

    Evolution of physical training in football

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    En el ámbito del deporte, ha venido siendo demostrado, que uno de los factores más importantes para que el deportista pueda rendir en las mejores condiciones es el de tener una buena preparación física. Independientemente del perfeccionamiento técnico, apoyo médico, nutrición, nuevos materiales, etc. La preparación física ha experimentado en los últimos años una evolución extraordinaria, tanto en cantidad como en calidad. En las últimas décadas las ciencias del deporte han evolucionado enormemente, producto de ello son los avances aparecidos en la preparación física en el fútbol a todos sus niveles. En este artículo se analizan las principales tendencias que históricamente han venido empleándose para la mejora de las diferentes cualidades físicas que implican la práctica de este deporte, con el objetivo de alcanzar el mejor rendimiento posible

    Noble gas signals in corals predict submarine volcanic eruptions

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    Deep-water corals growing in close proximity to the 2011 submarine eruption at Tagoro (El Hierro Island; Canary Archipielago, Spain) have revealed their ability to record the magmatic helium (3He) signal during a period of months prior to the eruption with magmatic 3He/4He ratios of 3.6-5.0 RA This is similar to the range of He isotope values (3-10 Ra) obtained from olivine samples from basinites erupted during the 2011 Tagoro eruption. Whip-like black corals (Anthozoa: Antipatharia: Antipathidae: Stichopathes) growing on basaltic rocks trapped 3He within their skeletons. We used a theoretical growth rate to estimate the time of trapping of 3He between release from the magmatic source at depth to trapping by the aquatic organisms. Our findings suggest that magmatic 3He emission occurred a few months before the beginning of the seismic activity in the region, the latter occurring four months in advance of the beginning of the eruption. This discovery implies that corals living in submarine volcanic areas may act as archives of noble gases released before the beginning of an eruption, and that the continuous monitoring of 3He may help to constrain the arrival time of a subaqueous eruption with potential applications in volcano eruption forecasting.En prens

    Crossover between ionic/covalent and pure ionic bonding in magnesium oxyde clusters

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    An empirical potential with fluctuating charges is proposed for modelling (MgO)_n clusters in both the molecular (small n) and bulk (n->infty) regimes. Vectorial polarization forces are explicitely taken into account in the self-consistent determination of the charges. Our model predicts cuboid cluster structures, in agreement with previous experimental and theoretical results. The effective charge transferred between magnesium and oxygen smoothly increases from 1 to 2, with an estimated crossover size above 300 MgO molecules

    Sistema Renina-Angiotensina y función antehipofisaria: ¿Interacción endocrina o modulación paracrina?

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    La identificación de componentes del sistema renina-angiotensina y receptores celulares para angiotensina II (Ag II) en las células hipotalamo-hipofisarias sugirió una posible modulación de Ag II en la secreción-hipofisaria. Esta influencia ha sido confirmada posteriormente tanto «in vivo» como «in vitro» evidenciándose un efecto potenciador de la secreción de hormona de crecimiento (GH) y ACTH, y variable sobre la secreción de prolactina (PRL). No se han observado modificaciones «in vivo» sobre TSH y gonadotrofinas. La administración de inhibidores del enzima convertidor de la angiotensina disminuye los niveles periféricos de Ag II, produciendo una leve disminución de las concentraciones de GH y PRL. Sin embargo, el mecanismo por el que Ag II es capaz de modular la secreción adenohipofisaria aún permanece oscuro, desconociéndose si es un efecto directo o a través de factores hipotalámicos y, si existe una modulación endocrina o exclusivamente paracrina

    FGFR4 regulates tumor subtype differentiation in luminal breast cancer and metastatic disease

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    Mechanisms driving tumor progression from less aggressive subtypes to more aggressive states represent key targets for therapy. We identified a subset of luminal A primary breast tumors that give rise to HER2-enriched (HER2E) subtype metastases, but remain clinically HER2 negative (cHER2-). By testing the unique genetic and transcriptomic features of these cases, we developed the hypothesis that FGFR4 likely participates in this subtype switching. To evaluate this, we developed 2 FGFR4 genomic signatures using a patient-derived xenograft (PDX) model treated with an FGFR4 inhibitor, which inhibited PDX growth in vivo. Bulk tumor gene expression analysis and single-cell RNA sequencing demonstrated that the inhibition of FGFR4 signaling caused molecular switching. In the Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium (METABRIC) breast cancer cohort, FGFR4-induced and FGFR4-repressed signatures each predicted overall survival. Additionally, the FGFR4-induced signature was an independent prognostic factor beyond subtype and stage. Supervised analysis of 77 primary tumors with paired metastases revealed that the FGFR4-induced signature was significantly higher in luminal/ER+ tumor metastases compared with their primaries. Finally, multivariate analysis demonstrated that the FGFR4- induced signature also predicted site-specific metastasis for lung, liver, and brain, but not for bone or lymph nodes. These data identify a link between FGFR4-regulated genes and metastasis, suggesting treatment options for FGFR4-positive patients, whose high expression is not caused by mutation or amplification