252 research outputs found

    Quenopodiáceas nuevas o raras para la flora de Marruecos

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    El resultado de cuatro intensas campañas de exploración florística en el año 2004 por las llanuras subdesérticas más orientales del norte de Marruecos (Guercif y Beni-Snassen principalmente), se ha concretado en el descubrimiento de 12 nuevos taxones de la familia Chenopodiaceae para el Catálogo del N de Marruecos y la ampliación del área de otros ya citados. Además, Atriplex suberecta, Bassia indica y Suaeda aegyptiaca se mencionan por primera vez para el Magreb y, de acuerdo con su origen oriental, se discute su papel colonizador en Marruecos. Se confirma la presencia en Marruecos de Suaeda pruinosa y Salsola zygophylla. Se discute la variabilidad taxonómica de Salsola tetrandra, elemento sáharo-arábigo que, junto a otros géneros y especies nuevos para el Catálogo, como Hammada tamariscifolia y Traganum nudatum, representan una notable introgresión del elemento sahariano en la cuenca baja del Moulouya. Se describe una nueva variedad, Suaeda pruinosa var. prostrata Molero & J.M. Monts.As a result of four intensive campaigns of floristic exploration conducted in 2004 in the easternmost sub-desertic plains of Northern Morocco (mainly Guercif and Beni-Snassen), 12 new taxa in the Chenopodiaceae family have been added to the check-list of the flora of N Morocco and the distribution area of other species already cited has been enlarged. Moreover Atriplex suberecta, Bassia indica and Suaeda aegyptiaca are reported for the first time in the Maghreb and their colonizing role in Morocco is discussed in the light of their oriental origin. The presence in Morocco of Suaeda pruinosa and Salsola zygophylla is confirmed. The taxonomic variability of Salsola tetrandra is discussed. The presence of this Saharo-Arabian element, along with other genera and species that are new to the checklist, such as Hammada tamariscifolia and Traganum nudatum, indicates a noteworthy encroachment of Saharan elements in the lower Moulouya basin. A new variety, Suaeda pruinosa var. prostrata Molero & J.M. Monts., is described.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. Programa Nacional de Recursos Naturales REN2002-04478-C03-0

    Novedades corológicas y taxonómicas selectas para el catálogo de la flora vascular del Norte de Marruecos

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    Para este artículo se han se han selecionado 65 taxones escogidos por su especial interés corológico o taxonómico, fruto de las campañas de prospección florística efectuadas en el norte de Marruecos en los años 2004 y 2005. De ellos 15 representan novedad absoluta para el Catálogo del norte de Marruecos y se confirma la presencia de otros citados bibliográficamente en solo una localidad. Euphorbia exigua subsp. merinoi se indica por vez primera para Andalucía y Chamaesyce serpens (Kunth) Small y Fumana scoparia subsp. paradoxa (Heywood) Güemes son nuevas para Marruecos. Se mencionan por vez primera para el área oriental del territorio a 31 especies. Se describe un nuevo taxón: Sideritis mezgouti Molero & J. M. Montserrat, sp. nova. Se constata de nuevo la importancia de la cuenca alta y media del río Moulouya como vía de penetración del elemento sáharo-arábigo, el más numeroso en estas aportaciones, que alcanza plenamente el extremo suroriental del territorio (Guercif y Beni-Sanssen).This paper lists 65 selected taxa specially chosen for their chorological or taxonomical interest. From these we indicate 15 for the first time for the Checklist of Northern Morocco. Many other species previously cited from one natural area alone, based only on literature references, are confirmed here. Chamaesyce serpens (Kunth) Small and Fumana scoparia subsp. paradoxa (Heywood) Güemes are indicated for the first time for the Moroccan flora and 31 species are indicated as new for the Eastern part of Northern Morocco. Euphorbia exigua subsp. merinoi is mentioned for first time for Andalucía. One new taxon is described: Sideritis mezgouti Molero & J.M. Montserrat, sp. nova. The distribution of the species mentioned here shows that many belong to the Saharo-Arabic element, which represent a remarkable progression of the Saharan floristic element into the low basin of the river Moulouya.Proyecto BIOGEO (REN 2002-04478-CO3-03/GLO)GReB (2001SGR00125

    Assessing spatial and temporal distributions of marine litter: 11-year dataset of coastal floating marine debris in the Balearic Islands

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    The present work constitutes a preliminary assessment of the spatial and temporal distribution of floating marine debris along the Balearic Islands’ coastline during the months of May - October from 2005 to 2015. This long-term dataset indicates marine debris was found in 42.46% of all monitoring surveys, with plastic marine debris being found in 93.41% of the marine debris surveyed. Elevated accumulation zones were present in the southern regions and plastic was consistently the most abundant for both nearshore and offshore coastal areas. This study provides insight into the magnitude of marine debris surrounding the Balearic Islands highlighting the need for action and awareness to address its increasing pressures on marine and coastal ecosystems

    Establishment of criteria for the selection and adaptation of objectives and indicators in ISO9001:2008 quality system in a university pharmaceutical pilot plant

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    The authors want to thank Álex López from LOUFARM, S.L. for his support in drafting the article.Aims: The aim of this work is the correct establishment and follow-up of quality objectives and indicators as the cornerstones of a quality assurance system, in this case focused on ISO9001. Materials and methods: In this work, the authors present the criteria that, in their view, an organization must follow for a better selection and adaptation of the ISO9001:2008 quality system objectives and indicators applied to a university pharmaceutical pilot plant. The evolution of errors in setting objectives and indicators is assessed. Results: Based on the experience of several years at the SDM (Service of Development of Medicines) at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona, the results show that the establishing of appropriate objectives and indicators is not an easy task. A careful selection of both objectives and indicators must be a compulsory step prior to the establishment of a robust, reliable quality assurance system through years. Conclusions: Experience over time proves to be a powerful tool to end up selecting the right quality objectives and indicators for such quality system. Since this task is not always easy to carry out, is necessary to set a selection of criteria in order to obtain useful information that contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality system.Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es el correcto establecimiento y seguimiento de los objetivos de calidad y sus indicadores, como pilar fundamental de un sistema de garantía de calidad, en este caso centrado en ISO9001. Material y métodos: En este trabajo, los autores presentan los criterios que, a su juicio, una organización debe seguir para una mejor selección y adaptación de objetivos e indicadores en el marco de la norma de calidad ISO9001:2008, aplicada a una planta piloto farmacéutica universitaria. Se realiza una evaluación de los errores en el establecimiento de objetivos e indicadores. Resultados: En base a la experiencia de varios años en SDM (Servicio de Desarrollo del Medicamento) en la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Barcelona, los resultados muestran que el establecimiento de objetivos e indicadores apropiados no resulta una tarea sencilla. Una cuidadosa selección tanto de objetivos como de indicadores debe ser un paso obligado para el establecimiento de un sistema de aseguramiento de calidad robusto y fiable a lo largo del tiempo. Conclusiones: El aprendizaje basado en la experiencia de años demuestra ser una herramienta poderosa para acabar seleccionando los objetivos e indicadores correctos que se adapten al sistema de calidad en cuestión. Dado que este hecho no siempre resulta fácil, es necesario establecer unos criterios con el objetivo de obtener información útil que contribuya a la mejora continua del sistema de calidad

    Enhanced Viral Activity in the Surface Microlayer of the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans

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    The ocean surface microlayer (SML), with physicochemical characteristics different from those of subsurface waters (SSW), results in dense and active viral and microbial communities that may favor virus–host interactions. Conversely, wind speed and/or UV radiation could adversely affect virus infection. Furthermore, in polar regions, organic and inorganic nutrient inputs from melting ice may increase microbial activity in the SML. Since the role of viruses in the microbial food web of the SML is poorly understood in polar oceans, we aimed to study the impact of viruses on prokaryotic communities in the SML and in the SSW in Arctic and Antarctic waters. We hypothesized that a higher viral activity in the SML than in the SSW in both polar systems would be observed. We measured viral and prokaryote abundances, virus-mediated mortality on prokaryotes, heterotrophic and phototrophic nanoflagellate abundance, and environmental factors. In both polar zones, we found small differences in environmental factors between the SML and the SSW. In contrast, despite the adverse effect of wind, viral and prokaryote abundances and virus-mediated mortality on prokaryotes were higher in the SML than in the SSW. As a consequence, the higher carbon flux released by lysed cells in the SML than in the SSW would increase the pool of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and be rapidly used by other prokaryotes to grow (the viral shunt). Thus, our results suggest that viral activity greatly contributes to the functioning of the microbial food web in the SML, which could influence the biogeochemical cycles of the water columnEn prensa

    Intercultural communication between long-stay immigrants and Catalan Primary Care Nurses : a qualitative approach to rebalancing power

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    There is a gap between the preferences of immigrant patients and their experiences with intercultural communication. This study aims to explore the experiences and perspectives of long-stay immigrants on intercultural communication in encounters with primary care (PC) nurses. Participants were selected by purposive sampling at the Maresme Primary Care Center. A focus group and five in-depth interviews with long-stay immigrants from eight countries were carried out. Data collection was guided by a script previously validated by a group of experts. We conducted a qualitative analysis following Charmaz's approach, and data saturation was reached with 11 patients (one focus group and five interviews). Long-stay immigrants would like closer and more personalized communication exchanges with greater humanity, as well as polite and respectful manners as they perceive signs of an asymmetrical care relationship. Those who had negative communication experiences tried to justify some of the behaviors as a result of having free access to public health services. This is one of the few existing studies from the point of view of long-stay immigrants. Achieving effective intercultural communication requires a process of self-reflection, awareness-raising and commitment, both on a personal and institutional level, to eliminate the asymmetry in the nurse-patient relationship. Nurses should be trained in person-centered intercultural communication

    Evaluation of the efficiency of a conventional PCR protocol for the diagnosis of bacterial spot disease caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni in stone fruits and almond

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    Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni (Xap), the causal agent of bacterial spot disease of stone fruits and almond, has a quarantine status for the European Union and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. The symptoms in the diverse hosts show some differences and, although being quite typical, could be confused with those of some fungal diseases or other biotic or abiotic causes. Consequently, an accurate molecular diagnosis method is required for a rapid identification of the pathogen in samples of imported plants, from nurseries, orchards, etc. A protocol for conventional PCR designed by Pagani (2004) has been the only molecular analytic tool available for several years. It has been optimised for improving its specificity and sensitivity, and the results of its evaluation in 316 bacterial spot-like symptomatic samples of almond, apricot, cherry, Japanese plum and peach, compared with those of isolation and real-time PCR, are reported. The optimised PCR protocol showed specificity for a collection of Xap strains tested. Few non-desired reactions were obtained with some other xanthomonads which have not been reported from Prunus species. Sensitivity thresholds ranged from 102 to 105 CFU ml-1, depending on the hosts and type of plant material. This conventional PCR assay proved to be an excellent candidate for a rapid screening and presumptive diagnosis in cases where real-time PCR equipment is not available

    Conjunctival vaccination against Brucella ovis in mice with mannosylated nanoparticles

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    The use of sub-unit vaccines can solve some drawbacks associated with traditional attenuated or inactivated ones. However, in order to improve their immunogenicity, these vaccines needs to be associated to an appropriate adjuvant which, adequately selected, may also offer an alternative pathway for administration. The aim of this work was to evaluate the protection offered by the hot saline complex extracted from Brucella ovis (HS) encapsulated in mannosylated nanoparticles (MAN-NP-HS) when instilled conjunctivally in mice. Nanoparticles displayed a size of 300 nm and the antigen loading was close to 30 μg per mg nanoparticle. Importantly, encapsulated HS maintained its protein profile, structural integrity and antigenicity during and after the preparative process of nanoparticles. The ocular immunization was performed on BALB/c mice. Eight weeks after vaccination animals were challenged with B. ovis, and 3 weeks later, were slaughtered for bacteriological examinations. Animals immunized with MAN-NP-HS displayed a 3-log reduction in spleen CFU compared with unvaccinated animals. This degree of protection was significantly higher than that observed for the commercial vaccine (Rev1) subcutaneously administered. Interestingly, the mucosal IgA response induced by MAN-NP-HS was found to be much more intense than that offered by Rev1 and prolonged in time. Furthermore, the elicited IL-2, IL-4 and γ-IFN levels showed good correlation with the degree of protection. On the other hand, biodistribution studies in animals were performed with nanoparticles labelled with either 99mtechnetium or rhodamine B isothiocyanate. The biodistribution revealed that, after instillation, MAN-NP-HS moved from the palpebral area to the nasal region and, the gastrointestinal tract. This profile of distribution was different to that observed for free 99mTcO4− colloids, which remained for at least 24 h in the site of administration. In summary, mannosylated nanoparticles appear to be a safe and suitable adjuvant for conjunctival vaccination