128 research outputs found


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    Cuello, Ramon (escultor)Primer pla de l'obra. Davant de la casa on vivia l'escultor a Sants hi havia hagut una fonda on paraven les diligències que unien l'interior de Catalunya amb el port de Barcelona. De metall, mesura 2,58 x 0,80 x 0,80 metres

    Testing Broken U(1) Symmetry in a Two-Component Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We present a scheme for determining if the quantum state of a small trapped Bose-Einstein condensate is a state with well defined number of atoms, a Fock state, or a state with a broken U(1) gauge symmetry, a coherent state. The proposal is based on the observation of Ramsey fringes. The population difference observed in a Ramsey fringe experiment will exhibit collapse and revivals due to the mean-field interactions. The collapse and revival times depend on the relative strength of the mean-field interactions for the two components and the initial quantum state of the condensate.Comment: 20 Pages RevTex, 3 Figure

    Evidence for a bi-partition of the Younger Dryas Stadial in East Asia associated with inversed climate characteristics compared to Europe

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    The Younger Dryas Stadial (YDS) was an episode of northern hemispheric cooling which occurred within the Last Glacial Interglacial Transition (LGIT). A major driver for the YDS climate was a weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). It has been inferred that the AMOC began to strengthen mid-YDS, producing a bipartite structure of the YDS in records from continental Europe. These records imply that the polar front and westerlies shifted northward, producing a warmer second phase of the YDS in Europe. Here we present multi-proxy data from the sediments of Lake Suigetsu (Japan), as evidence that a related bi-partition of the YDS also occurred in East Asia. Besides showing for the first time that the bi-partition was not limited to the North Atlantic/European region, the data also imply a climatic dipole between Europe and East Asia since the cold-warm characteristics are reversed at Lake Suigetsu. We suggest that changes in eastward moisture transport from the North Atlantic are the primary mechanism by which the teleconnection can be explained

    Physics Opportunities with the 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab

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    This white paper summarizes the scientific opportunities for utilization of the upgraded 12 GeV Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) and associated experimental equipment at Jefferson Lab. It is based on the 52 proposals recommended for approval by the Jefferson Lab Program Advisory Committee.The upgraded facility will enable a new experimental program with substantial discovery potential to address important topics in nuclear, hadronic, and electroweak physics.Comment: 64 page

    Galaxy and Apollo as a biologist-friendly interface for high-quality cooperative phage genome annotation

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    In the modern genomic era, scientists without extensive bioinformatic training need to apply high-power computational analyses to critical tasks like phage genome annotation. At the Center for Phage Technology (CPT), we developed a suite of phage-oriented tools housed in open, user-friendly web-based interfaces. A Galaxy platform conducts computationally intensive analyses and Apollo, a collaborative genome annotation editor, visualizes the results of these analyses. The collection includes open source applications such as the BLAST+ suite, InterProScan, and several gene callers, as well as unique tools developed at the CPT that allow maximum user flexibility. We describe in detail programs for finding Shine-Dalgarno sequences, resources used for confident identification of lysis genes such as spanins, and methods used for identifying interrupted genes that contain frameshifts or introns. At the CPT, genome annotation is separated into two robust segments that are facilitated through the automated execution of many tools chained together in an operatio

    Investigation of the high momentum component of nuclear wave function using hard quasielastic A(p,2p)X reactions

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    We present theoretical analysis of the first data on the high energy and momentum transfer (hard) quasielastic C(p,2p)XC(p,2p)X reactions. The cross section of hard A(p,2p)XA(p,2p)X reaction is calculated within the light-cone impulse approximation based on two-nucleon correlation model for the high-momentum component of the nuclear wave function. The nuclear effects due to modification of the bound nucleon structure, soft nucleon-nucleon reinteraction in the initial and final states of the reaction with and without color coherence have been considered. The calculations including these nuclear effects show that the distribution of the bound proton light-cone momentum fraction (α)(\alpha) shifts towards small values (α<1\alpha < 1), effect which was previously derived only within plane wave impulse approximation. This shift is very sensitive to the strength of the short range correlations in nuclei. Also calculated is an excess of the total longitudinal momentum of outgoing protons. The calculations are compared with data on the C(p,2p)XC(p,2p)X reaction obtained from the EVA/AGS experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory. These data show α\alpha-shift in agreement with the calculations. The comparison allows also to single out the contribution from short-range nucleon correlations. The obtained strength of the correlations is in agreement with the values previously obtained from electroproduction reactions on nuclei.Comment: 30 pages LaTex file and 19 eps figure

    Tephrochronology of core PRAD 1-2 from the Adriatic Sea: insights into Italian explosive volcanism for the period 200–80 ka

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    Core PRAD 1-2, located on the western flank of the Mid-Adriatic Deep, was investigated for tephra content within the part of the sequence assigned on biostratigraphic and sapropel-layer stratigraphy to MIS 5 and 6 (ca. 80–200 ka BP). A total of 11 discrete tephra layers are identified, 8 visible and 3 cryptotephra layers. 235 geochemical measurements obtained from individual glass shards using WDS-EPMA enabled 8 of the 11 tephras to be correlated to known eruption events, 5 of which are represented in the Lago Grande di Monticchio (LGdM) regional tephra archive sequence. Three of these layers are recognised ultra-distally for the first time, extending their known distributions approximately 210 km further north. The results provide an independent basis for establishing an age-depth profile for the MIS 5–6 interval in the PRAD 1-2 marine record. This approach allowed age estimates to be interpolated for the tephra layers that could not be correlated to known events. It also provides an independent test of, and support for, the broad synchroneity of sapropel-equivalent (S-E) events in the Adriatic Sea with the better-developed sapropel layers of the eastern Mediterranean, proposed by Piva et al. (2008a)

    Heritability of attention problems in children II: longitudinal results from a study of twins age 3 to 12.

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    this paper we present data of large samples of twin families, with an equal number of girls and boys. The well-known gender difference with boys displaying more OA and AP was observed at each age. Even at the age of 3, boys display more OA problems than girls. Clinical studies have indicated that severe problem behavior can be identified in very young children (see for review, Campbell, 1995; Keenan &amp; Wakschlag, 2000; Shaw, Owens, Giovannelli, &amp; Winslow, 2001) and that the onset of ADHD is during the pre-school period (Barkley, Fisher, Edelbrock, &amp; Smallish, 1990; Table 6 Top part includes percentages of total variances (diagonal) and covariances (off-diagonal) explained by additive genetic, genetic dominance, and unique environmental components based on best fitting models. Percentages for boys and girls are reported below and above diagonal, respectively. Lower part includes correlations calculated for additive genetic, genetic dominance, and unique environmental sources of variance between different ages. Correlations for boys and girls are reported below and above diagonal, respectively Relative proportions of variance and covariance BoysnGirls A% D% E% OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 50n41 73 79 75 22n33 17 13 14 28n26 10 8 11 AP 7 59 33n57 50 53 31 39n16 31 28 10 28n27 19 19 AP 10 86 31 41n48 47 6 51 31n25 32 8 18 28n27 21 AP 12 71 24 31 40n54 16 55 45 30n18 13 21 24 30n28 Correlations between different ages BoysnGirls ADE OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 1.00 .60 .66 .57 1.00 .30 .16 .20 1.00 .15 .12 .14 AP 7 .57 1.00 .62 .57 .41 1.00 .99 1.00 .15 1.00 .46 .41 AP 10 .68 .56 1.00 .61 .08 .94 1.00 1.00 .11 .42 1.00 .50 AP 12 .49 .42 .53 1.00 .20 .98 .99 1.00 .14 .45 .58 1.00 ..

    The Influence of Shc Proteins on Life Span in Mice

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    The signaling molecule p66Shc is often described as a longevity protein. This conclusion is based on a single life span study that used a small number of mice. The purpose of the present studies was to measure life span in a sufficient number of mice to determine if longevity is altered in mice with decreased Shc levels (ShcKO). Studies were completed at UC Davis and the European Institute of Oncology (EIO). At UC Davis, male C57BL/6J WT and ShcKO mice were fed 5% or 40% calorie-restricted (CR) diets. In the 5% CR group, there was no difference in survival curves between genotypes. There was also no difference between genotypes in prevalence of neoplasms or other measures of end-of-life pathology. At 40% calorie restriction group, 70th percentile survival was increased in ShcKO, while there were no differences between genotypes in median or subsequent life span measures. At EIO, there was no increase in life span in ShcKO male or female mice on C57BL/6J , 129Sv, or hybrid C57BL/6J -129Sv backgrounds. These studies indicate that p66Shc is not a longevity protein. However, additional studies are needed to determine the extent to which Shc proteins may influence the onset and severity of specific age-related diseases
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