21 research outputs found

    Limits on the production of scalar leptoquarks from Z (0) decays at LEP

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    A search has been made for pairs and for single production of scalar leptoquarks of the first and second generations using a data sample of 392000 Z0 decays from the DELPHI detector at LEP 1. No signal was found and limits on the leptoquark mass, production cross section and branching ratio were set. A mass limit at 95% confidence level of 45.5 GeV/c2 was obtained for leptoquark pair production. The search for the production of a single leptoquark probed the mass region above this limit and its results exclude first and second generation leptoquarks D0 with masses below 65 GeV/c2 and 73 GeV/c2 respectively, at 95% confidence level, assuming that the D0lq Yukawa coupling alpha(lambda) is equal to the electromagnetic one. An upper limit is also given on the coupling alpha(lambda) as a function of the leptoquark mass m(D0)

    Log-Ratio and Parallel Factor Analysis: An Approach to Analyze Three-Way Compositional Data

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    For the exploratory analysis of three-way data, Parafac/Candecomp model (CP) is one of the most\ud applied models to study three-way arrays when the data are approximately trilinear. It is a three-way\ud generalization of PCA (Principal Component Analysis). CP model is a common name for low-rank\ud decomposition of three-way arrays. In this approach, the three-dimensional data are decomposed into a\ud series of factors, each relating to one of the three physical ways. When the data are particular ratios, as in\ud the case of compositional data, this model should consider the special problems that compositional data\ud pose. The principal aim of this paper is to describe how an analysis of compositional data by CP is possible\ud and how the results should be interpreted

    Metastable States of ^{92,94}Se: Identification of an Oblate K Isomer of ^{94}Se and the Ground-State Shape Transition between N=58 and 60

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    6 pags., 4 figs.Here we present new information on the shape evolution of the very neutron-rich ^{92,94}Se nuclei from an isomer-decay spectroscopy experiment at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN. High-resolution germanium detectors were used to identify delayed γ rays emitted following the decay of their isomers. New transitions are reported extending the previously known level schemes. The isomeric levels are interpreted as originating from high-K quasineutron states with an oblate deformation of β∼0.25, with the high-K state in ^{94}Se being metastable and K hindered. Following this, ^{94}Se is the lowest-mass neutron-rich nucleus known to date with such a substantial K hindrance. Furthermore, it is the first observation of an oblate K isomer in a deformed nucleus. This opens up the possibility for a new region of K isomers at low Z and at oblate deformation, involving the same neutron orbitals as the prolate orbitals within the classic Z∼72 deformed hafnium region. From an interpretation of the level scheme guided by theoretical calculations, an oblate deformation is also suggested for the ^{94}Se_{60} ground-state band.This work was carried out at the RIBF operated by RIKEN Nishina Center, RIKEN and CNS, University of Tokyo. We acknowledge the EUROBALL Owners Committee for the loan of germanium detectors and the PreSpec Collaboration for the readout electronics of the cluster detectors. The authors thank the RIBF and BigRIPS teams for providing a stable high-intensity uranium beam and operating the secondary beams. We acknowledge support from the German BMBF Grants No. 05P15RDFN1, No. 05P19RDFN1, No. 05P15PKFNA, and No. 05P19PKFNA, the ERC Grant No. MINOS-258567, the Spanish MEC under Contracts No. FPA2014-57196-C5-4-P and No. FIS2014-53434, the National Key R&D Program of China (Contract No. 2018YFA0404402), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 11961141004, No. 11735017, No. 11675225, No. 11635003), the Vietnam MOST via the Physics Development Program Grant No. ĐTĐLCN.25/18, as well as from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). We further thank GSI for providing computing facilities