545 research outputs found

    La última aplicación de la doctrina norteamerica del «strict scrutiny» en el derecho de la libertad religiosa: González V. o Centro espiritista

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    In its last term 2005-2006, the United States Supreme Court (USSC) decided its first case regarding religious freedom under the Roberts Court on February 21, 2006. The USSC (Gonzales v. o Centro Espirita) applied again the doctrine of the strict scrutiny (Sherbert-Yoder), and affirmed the federal application of the RFRA '93. This controversy did not enter in the USSC's contradictions on the free exercise of religion. Thus, we have to wait a new USSC's decision that affirms the strict scrutiny (Sherbert) or the neutrality standard (Smith), overrulling one or another precedent and defining the doctrine of «free exercise exemptions». But, the «free exercise exemptions», are a legal or a constitutional..

    Comparación de la gestión del riego automatizado con tensiómetros frente a la estimación de la evapotranspiración en cultivos hortícolas bajo invernadero

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    La sostenibilidad del uso del agua en la agricultura se ha convertido en una prioridad y la adopción de estrategias de riego que permitan un uso eficiente de la misma manteniendo niveles de producción satisfactorios, en una necesidad. En particular, en áreas que presentan escasez de recursos hídricos, como la Mediterránea, resulta imprescindible maximizar la eficiencia en el uso del agua y la productividad de la misma. En este trabajo se compara la gestión del riego automatizado empleando tensiómetros electrónicos con la estimación de las necesidades hídricas en un cultivo de calabacín en invernadero. La comparación entre los consumos de agua de los tres tratamientos de riego ensayados y la ETc estimada a partir de datos reales de clima (ETc-r) muestra que el tratamiento T2 con una consigna de potencial matricial de -25 kPa y una dotación de 2 L m tuvo un consumo igual al calculado mediante la ETc-r (315 Lm ). Este tratamiento junto con el T3 (-40 kPa y 3 L m presentaron los mejores resultados en cuanto a eficiencia en el uso del agua. Sin embargo, el T3 redujo significativamente la cosecha en un 16%. Por tanto, la activación automática del riego con la consigna del T2 fue la que mejores resultados arrojó aunando eficiencia y productividad

    Thermophysical and volumetric study of mixtures {p-cymene¿+¿propan-1-ol} at several temperatures and atmospheric pressure. Modeling with COSMO-RS

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    Experimental isobaric molar heat capacities at atmospheric pressure have been determined for the mixture {p-cymene + propan-1-ol} every 10 K in the temperature interval (298.8–328.5) K and over the entire composition range with a Calvet type calorimeter. Densities, necessary for calculating heat capacities, have been also measured in similar conditions. Excess molar volumes have been calculated from densities. They are positive at (318.15 and 328.15) K and sigmoidal at (298.15 and 308.15) K with negative values in the zone very rich in propan-1-ol. Excess molar heat capacities have been calculated from the molar heat capacities and show positive values. Both excess molar properties increase as the temperature rises at a given molar fraction. Excess properties are discussed in terms of intermolecular interactions. The solvation model COSMO-RS has been applied to predict the excess molar heat capacities, being the quantitative predictions rather poor

    Solubility of gases in fluoroorganic alcohols. Part III. Solubilities of several non-polar gases in water¿+¿1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3-hexafluoropropan-2-ol at 298.15¿K and 101.33¿kPa

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    Solubilities of the non-polar gases H2, N2, O2, CH4, C2H6, C2H4, CF4, SF6, and CO2 in the mixture (water + 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3-hexafluoropropan-2-ol) at the temperature of 298.15 K and 101.33 kPa partial pressure of gas are reported. A polynomial dependence of the solubilities on the molar fraction of the binary liquid mixture is found. The Henry''s constants at the vapor pressure of water, the standard changes in the Gibbs energy for the solution process and for the solvation process, and the so-called excess Henry''s constant are calculated. The results have been compared with those obtained by Scaled Particle Theory (SPT). A method to compare the solubility of a gas in different liquids is proposed and applied to 2, 2, 2-trifluoroethanol and 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3-hexafluoropropan-2-ol

    El paleógeno del sector suroccidental de la Cuenca del Duero: nueva división estratigráfica y controles sobre su sedimentación

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    A Paleogene four-fold stratigraphical division is proposed here as result from the detailed studies carried out during the elaboration of 22 sheets of the Geological Map of Spain (E. 1:50.000). This units (T.S.U.) are limited by regional discordances and they have a Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene ages. The previous stratigraphical schemes are rearranged due to the different stratigraphicalrelations observed between the lithostratigraphical units proPosed by other workers (Jiménez, 1970; Corrochano, 1977; Alonso, 1981 ...). An Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene age is assumed to T.S.U. MC which is mainly composed by siliciclastic sediments strongly silicified forming a FU megasequence. It is interpretated as braided streams that flowed downslope filling paleovalleys eroded onto Paleozoic materials. Mineralogical features point to a tropical climate. Lower Eocene (T.S.U. P1) is identified in the Salamanca area, where it was considered as lacking. It is composed by arkosic sediments forming a CU megasequence. Fossil faunas of this T.S.U. record a subtropical climate. It is observed a transition from high sinuosity streams to braided ones. T.S.U. P2 (Middle Eocene-Lower Oligocene) is composed of two lithostratigraphical units previously considered as bounded by a discordance (Alonso, 198 1). It has a subarkosic to lithic nature and forms a CU megasequence. This unit records a subtropical climate with short arid periods and is interpretated as braided streams showing an increasing stability and enviromental energy to the top. T.S.U. P3 (Upper Oligocene) is composed by arkosic sediments previously considered of Vallesian (Middle to Upper Miocene) age. They form a CU megasequence that records braided streams prograding basin ward from higher areas. Palinological associations and pedological features indicate an arid mediterranean climate with long arid periods and a short rainy season with strong floods. We consider that most of Lower Miocene sediments are of Paleogene age. They are afected by a widespread alteration profile developed along Lower Miocene that masked its more significative features. Sedimentological analysis of T.S.U. shows that its megasequentiality is related to the rates of tectonical uplift of source areas whereas a distensive regime developed in the sedimentation basin

    Influencia de la fertirrigación con agua regenerada y las labores de mantenimiento en la uniformidad de riego

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    El objetivo del trabajo ha sido estudiar el efecto de la fertirrigación y las labores de mantenimiento en la uniformidad de distribución de caudal utilizando agua urbana regenerada. El ensayo se desarrolló en un invernadero experimental en el Centro IFAPA La Mojonera en La Cañada (Almería). Se estableció un diseño experimental factorial con dos factores, manejo del riego y tipo de emisor. En lo que respecta al factor manejo de riego se dispusieron tres tratamientos, AR-Riego con agua residual urbana regenerada; ARFRFertirriego con agua residual urbana regenerada+equilibrio fertilizante estándar y ARFRMFertirriego con agua residual urbana regenerada+equilibrio fertilizante estándar +mantenimiento. En el factor tipo de emisor, se evaluaron 20 modelos comerciales de goteros seleccionados en estudios previos de diferentes tipologías. Se determinó el coeficiente de uniformidad de caudal y el porcentaje de obturación a las 0, 40, 60, 80 y 100 h de funcionamiento. De los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que el tratamiento de riego afectó al porcentaje de obturación, siendo mayor en los tratamientos fertirrigados. Las labores de mantenimiento predefinidas mejoraron la uniformidad pero no resultaron eficaces para evitar la obturación, por lo que sería necesario redefinir las labores de mantenimiento más adecuadas a este tipo de agua

    The application of terrestrial laser scanner and SfM photogrammetry in measuring erosion and deposition processes in two opposite slopes in a humid Badlands area (Central Spanish Pyrenees)

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    Erosion and deposition processes in badland areas are usually estimated using traditional observations of topographic changes, measured by erosion pins or profile metres (invasive techniques). In recent times, remote-sensing techniques (non-invasive) have been routinely applied in geomorphology studies, especially in erosion studies. These techniques provide the opportunity to build high-resolution topographic models at centimetre accuracy. By comparing different 3-D point clouds of the same area, obtained at different time intervals, the variations in the terrain and temporal dynamics can be analysed. The aim of this study is to assess and compare the functioning of terrestrial laser scanner (TLS, RIEGL LPM-321) and structure-from-motion photogrammetry (SfM) techniques (Camera FUJIFILM, Finepix x100 and software PhotoScan by AgiSoft) to evaluate erosion and deposition processes in two opposite slopes in a humid badlands area in the central Spanish Pyrenees. Results showed that TLS data sets and SfM photogrammetry techniques provide new opportunities in geomorphological erosion studies. The data we recorded over 1 year demonstrated that north-facing slopes experienced more intense and faster changing geomorphological dynamics than south-facing slopes as well as the highest erosion rates. Different seasonal processes were observed, with the highest topographic differences observed during winter periods and the high-intensity rainfalls in summer. While TLS provided the highest accuracy models, SfM photogrammetry was still a faster methodology in the field and precise at short distances. Both techniques present advantages and disadvantages, and do not require direct contact with the soil and thus prevent the usual surface disturbance of traditional and invasive methods

    Solubilities of gases in cycloethers. The solubility of 13 nonpolar gases in 2, 5-dimethyltetrahydrofuran at 273.15 to 303.15¿K and 101.32¿kPa

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    The solubilities of gases in liquids are interesting, not only from a practical point of view, but also because they provide a rigorous touchstone to test the structural models on the liquid state. In this work the solubilities of 13 nonpolar gases, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, H2, D2, N2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, CF4, and SF6, in 2, 5-dimethyltetrahydrofuran at five temperatures between (273.15 and 303.15) K and 101.32 kPa partial pressure of gas were measured and the associated thermodynamic functions were calculated. Correlation of data has been made and the capacity of prediction of several typical molecular models of liquids, namely, SPT model, perturbation theory, UNIFAC and COSMO-RS, specifically applied to gas solubilities, has been checked

    Seguimiento de la evolución de los niveles de salinidad y nitratos en el acuífero superficial de Zafarraya y en fincas de hortícolas al aire libre

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    La horticultura al aire libre del Llano de Zafarraya es el motor económico de la comarca. El riego de este sector se sustenta en el sistema acuífero del Polje de Zafarraya y Sierra Gorda. En estos acuíferos, como consecuencia de la explotación agrícola de la zona, se viene produciendo desde hace décadas sobreexplotación del recurso, con la consiguiente salinización y nitrificación. Los objetivos de este trabajo han sido estudiar los niveles de salinidad y nitratos de las aguas del acuífero de Zafarraya y hacer un seguimiento de la solución del suelo en explotaciones hortícolas de la zona, para poder realizar recomendaciones que permitan mejorar la gestión de la fertilización y evitar el aumento de la contaminación por nitratos. Los niveles de salinidad obtenidos a lo largo del periodo de estudio han sido estables y no representan problemas para los principales cultivos hortícolas de la zona. En lo que respecta a la concentración de nitratos, los resultados muestran niveles excesivos por encima de 300 mg L-1. Estos resultados son consecuencia de la práctica habitual de aplicaciones excesivas de fertilizantes nitrogenados. La recomendación inicial sería mantener una concentración de nitratos estable a lo largo del ciclo de cultivo para evitar acumulaciones en el suelo sobre todo al final del mismo

    Crónica Judicial de Derecho Eclesiástico en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica (2017-2019)

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    Due to its novelty, interest or significance, the most important cases in the federal and state jurisprudence of the United States of America on religious freedom during the last two judicial years (2017-2019) are presented here, with special attention to the federal Supreme Court.Por su novedad, interés o importancia, se presentan aquí los principales casos planteados en la jurisprudencia federal y estatal de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica sobre libertad religiosa durante los dos últimos años judiciales (2017- 2019), con especial referencia al Tribunal Supremo federal