
La última aplicación de la doctrina norteamerica del «strict scrutiny» en el derecho de la libertad religiosa: González V. o Centro espiritista


In its last term 2005-2006, the United States Supreme Court (USSC) decided its first case regarding religious freedom under the Roberts Court on February 21, 2006. The USSC (Gonzales v. o Centro Espirita) applied again the doctrine of the strict scrutiny (Sherbert-Yoder), and affirmed the federal application of the RFRA '93. This controversy did not enter in the USSC's contradictions on the free exercise of religion. Thus, we have to wait a new USSC's decision that affirms the strict scrutiny (Sherbert) or the neutrality standard (Smith), overrulling one or another precedent and defining the doctrine of «free exercise exemptions». But, the «free exercise exemptions», are a legal or a constitutional..

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