297 research outputs found

    Phase diagram and critical properties in the Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the so-called Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential with three quark flavours. Chiral and deconfinement phase transitions are discussed, and the relevant order-like parameters are analyzed. The results are compared with simple thermodynamic expectations and lattice data. A special attention is payed to the critical end point: as the strength of the flavour-mixing interaction becomes weaker, the critical end point moves to low temperatures and can even disappear.Comment: Talk given at the 9th International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum - QCHS IX, Madrid, Spain, 30 August - September 201

    Quark-gluon vertex in general kinematics

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    The original publication can be found at www.springerlink.com Submitted to Cornell University’s online archive www.arXiv.org in 2007 by Jon-Ivar Skullerud. Post-print sourced from www.arxiv.org.We compute the quark–gluon vertex in quenched lattice QCD in the Landau gauge, using an off-shell mean-field O(a)-improved fermion action. The Dirac-vector part of the vertex is computed for arbitrary kinematics. We find a substantial infrared enhancement of the interaction strength regardless of the kinematics.Ayse Kizilersu, Derek B. Leinweber, Jon-Ivar Skullerud and Anthony G. William

    Phase resolution limit in macroscopic interference between Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the competition between phase definition and quantum phase fluctuations in interference experiments between independently formed Bose condensates. While phase-sensitive detection of atoms makes the phase progressively better defined, interactions tend to randomize it faster as the uncertainty in the relative particle number grows. A steady state is reached when the two effects cancel each other. Then the phase resolution saturates to a value that grows with the ratio between the interaction strength and the atom detection rate, and the average phase and number begin to fluctuate classically. We discuss how our study applies to both recently performed and possible future experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A Generalization of Chaplygin's Reducibility Theorem

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    In this paper we study Chaplygin's Reducibility Theorem and extend its applicability to nonholonomic systems with symmetry described by the Hamilton-Poincare-d'Alembert equations in arbitrary degrees of freedom. As special cases we extract the extension of the Theorem to nonholonomic Chaplygin systems with nonabelian symmetry groups as well as Euler-Poincare-Suslov systems in arbitrary degrees of freedom. In the latter case, we also extend the Hamiltonization Theorem to nonholonomic systems which do not possess an invariant measure. Lastly, we extend previous work on conditionally variational systems using the results above. We illustrate the results through various examples of well-known nonholonomic systems.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Reg. and Chaotic Dy

    Analytic properties of the Landau gauge gluon and quark propagators

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    We explore the analytic structure of the gluon and quark propagators of Landau gauge QCD from numerical solutions of the coupled system of renormalized Dyson--Schwinger equations and from fits to lattice data. We find sizable negative norm contributions in the transverse gluon propagator indicating the absence of the transverse gluon from the physical spectrum. A simple analytic structure for the gluon propagator is proposed. For the quark propagator we find evidence for a mass-like singularity on the real timelike momentum axis, with a mass of 350 to 500 MeV. Within the employed Green's functions approach we identify a crucial term in the quark-gluon vertex that leads to a positive definite Schwinger function for the quark propagator.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, revtex; version to be published in Phys Rev

    Designing spin-spin interactions with one and two dimensional ion crystals in planar micro traps

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    We discuss the experimental feasibility of quantum simulation with trapped ion crystals, using magnetic field gradients. We describe a micro structured planar ion trap, which contains a central wire loop generating a strong magnetic gradient of about 20 T/m in an ion crystal held about 160 \mu m above the surface. On the theoretical side, we extend a proposal about spin-spin interactions via magnetic gradient induced coupling (MAGIC) [Johanning, et al, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 (2009) 154009]. We describe aspects where planar ion traps promise novel physics: Spin-spin coupling strengths of transversal eigenmodes exhibit significant advantages over the coupling schemes in longitudinal direction that have been previously investigated. With a chip device and a magnetic field coil with small inductance, a resonant enhancement of magnetic spin forces through the application of alternating magnetic field gradients is proposed. Such resonantly enhanced spin-spin coupling may be used, for instance, to create Schr\"odinger cat states. Finally we investigate magnetic gradient interactions in two-dimensional ion crystals, and discuss frustration effects in such two-dimensional arrangements.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    Looking into the matter of light-quark hadrons

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    In tackling QCD, a constructive feedback between theory and extant and forthcoming experiments is necessary in order to place constraints on the infrared behaviour of QCD's \beta-function, a key nonperturbative quantity in hadron physics. The Dyson-Schwinger equations provide a tool with which to work toward this goal. They connect confinement with dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, both with the observable properties of hadrons, and hence provide a means of elucidating the material content of real-world QCD. This contribution illustrates these points via comments on: in-hadron condensates; dressed-quark anomalous chromo- and electro-magnetic moments; the spectra of mesons and baryons, and the critical role played by hadron-hadron interactions in producing these spectra.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of "Applications of light-cone coordinates to highly relativistic systems - LIGHTCONE 2011," 23-27 May, 2011, Dallas. The Proceedings will be published in Few Body System

    The Interspersed Spin Boson Lattice Model

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    We describe a family of lattice models that support a new class of quantum magnetism characterized by correlated spin and bosonic ordering [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 180405 (2014)]. We explore the full phase diagram of the model using Matrix-Product-State methods. Guided by these numerical results, we describe a modified variational ansatz to improve our analytic description of the groundstate at low boson frequencies. Additionally, we introduce an experimental protocol capable of inferring the low-energy excitations of the system by means of Fano scattering spectroscopy. Finally, we discuss the implementation and characterization of this model with current circuit-QED technology.Comment: Submitted to EPJ ST issue on "Novel Quantum Phases and Mesoscopic Physics in Quantum Gases

    Quantum Kinetic Theory III: Quantum kinetic master equation for strongly condensed trapped systems

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    We extend quantum kinetic theory to deal with a strongly Bose-condensed atomic vapor in a trap. The method assumes that the majority of the vapor is not condensed, and acts as a bath of heat and atoms for the condensate. The condensate is described by the particle number conserving Bogoliubov method developed by one of the authors. We derive equations which describe the fluctuations of particle number and phase, and the growth of the Bose-Einstein condensate. The equilibrium state of the condensate is a mixture of states with different numbers of particles and quasiparticles. It is not a quantum superposition of states with different numbers of particles---nevertheless, the stationary state exhibits the property of off-diagonal long range order, to the extent that this concept makes sense in a tightly trapped condensate.Comment: 3 figures submitted to Physical Review

    Speeding up the spatial adiabatic passage of matter waves in optical microtraps by optimal control

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    We numerically investigate the performance of atomic transport in optical microtraps via the so called spatial adiabatic passage technique. Our analysis is carried out by means of optimal control methods, which enable us to determine suitable transport control pulses. We investigate the ultimate limits of the optimal control in speeding up the transport process in a triple well configuration for both a single atomic wave packet and a Bose-Einstein condensate within a regime of experimental parameters achievable with current optical technology.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure
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