2,565 research outputs found

    The Spanish version of the believability of anxious feelings and Thoughts Questionnaire

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    Background: Cognitive fusion is suggested to play an important role in the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders according to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. This study presents the psychometric data of the Spanish version of a cognitive fusion measure in the context of anxiety: the Believability of Anxious Feelings and Thoughts Questionnaire (BAFT). Method: First, we back-translated the BAFT into Spanish and then, administered it to three samples, with a total of 598 participants, in addition to other relevant anxiety measures. Results: Data were very similar to those obtained with the original BAFT version. The BAFT showed a very good internal consistency (overall a= .92) and a hierarchical factor structure with two lower-order factors and one hierarchical factor. Participants showing mild levels of anxiety symptoms scored higher on the BAFT than participants who scored below the cutoffs. BAFT scores were significantly related to anxiety symptoms and to measures of psychological inflexibility, anxiety sensitivity, and mindfulness facets. Moreover, the BAFT showed incremental validity relative to anxiety sensitivity. Conclusions: This Spanish version of the BAFT emerges as a reliable and valid measure of cognitive fusion with anxious thoughts and feelings. Versión española del Cuestionario de Credibilidad de Sentimientos y Pensamientos Ansiógenos. Antecedentes: la fusión cognitiva juega un papel importante en la etiología y mantenimiento de los trastornos de ansiedad según la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso. Este estudio presenta datos psicométricos de la versión española del Cuestionario de Credibilidad de Sentimientos y Pensamientos Ansiógenos (BAFT). Método: se realizó una traducción inversa del BAFT al español y se administró a tres muestras, con un total de 598 participantes, conjuntamente con otras medidas de ansiedad. Resultados: los datos fueron muy similares a los obtenidos en la versión original del BAFT. El BAFT mostró una muy buena consistencia interna (alfa promedio de .92) y una estructura jerárquica con dos factores de primer orden y un factor de segundo orden. Los participantes con niveles moderados de ansiedad puntuaron más en el BAFT que los participantes que mostraron puntuaciones inferiores. Las puntuaciones en el BAFT correlacionaron significativamente con variedad de síntomas de ansiedad y con medidas de inflexibilidad psicológica, sensibilidad a la ansiedad y facetas de mindfulness. El BAFT mostró validez incremental en relación a la sensibilidad a la ansiedad. Conclusiones: la versión española del BAFT emerge como una medida fiable y válida de fusión cognitiva con pensamientos y sentimientos ansiógenos

    Experiments with liquid bridges in simulated microgravity

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    A feature of stability diagrams of liquid bridges between unequal disks subjected to small axial gravity forces is that, for each separation of disks, there is a value of microgravity for which an absolute minimum volume limit is reached. The dependence of such microgravity values on the liquid bridge geometry has been experimentally checked by using the neutral buoyancy technique, experimental results being in complete agreement with theoretical ones. Analytical background assuring the experimental procedure used is presented, and a second order analytical expression for the equilirium interface is also calculated

    Storage and discharge of a granular fluid

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    Experiments and computational simulations are carried out to study the behavior of a granular column in a silo whose walls are able to vibrate horizontally. The column is brought to a steady fluidized state and it behaves similar to a hydrostatic system. We study the dynamics of the granular discharge through openings at the bottom of the silo in order to search for a Torricelli-like behavior. We show that the flow rate scales with the wall induced shear rate, and at high rates, the granular bed indeed discharges similar to a viscous fluid

    Short-Cut Methods for Multicomponent Batch Distillation

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    This work present the batch distillation shortcut methods developed from the Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland (FUG) method of continuous distillation. In addition, a comparison between the results of shortcut method developed by Diwekar and Narváez-García et al. is done. The results of both methods are compared for validation with the results using the rigorous method presented by Domenech and Enjalbert. The results indicate no significant differences in both shortcut methods being the maximum deviation found between the two shortcut methods is less than 3%. Then, the use of any of both methods is in the ease or difficulty of the solution each of the model equations. Both methods were implemented using Fortran programming. Multdistbatch© software was used for the rigorous method

    Non-radial sign-changing solutions for the Schroedinger-Poisson problem in the semiclassical limit

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    We study the existence of nonradial sign-changing solutions to the Schroedinger-Poisson system in dimension N>=3. We construct nonradial sign-changing multi-peak solutions whose peaks are displaced in suitable symmetric configurations and collapse to the same point. The proof is based on the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction

    Configuration Complexities of Hydrogenic Atoms

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    The Fisher-Shannon and Cramer-Rao information measures, and the LMC-like or shape complexity (i.e., the disequilibrium times the Shannon entropic power) of hydrogenic stationary states are investigated in both position and momentum spaces. First, it is shown that not only the Fisher information and the variance (then, the Cramer-Rao measure) but also the disequilibrium associated to the quantum-mechanical probability density can be explicitly expressed in terms of the three quantum numbers (n, l, m) of the corresponding state. Second, the three composite measures mentioned above are analytically, numerically and physically discussed for both ground and excited states. It is observed, in particular, that these configuration complexities do not depend on the nuclear charge Z. Moreover, the Fisher-Shannon measure is shown to quadratically depend on the principal quantum number n. Finally, sharp upper bounds to the Fisher-Shannon measure and the shape complexity of a general hydrogenic orbital are given in terms of the quantum numbers.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted i

    Respuesta inmunitaria en la diarrea vírica bovina

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    El Virus de la diarrea vírica bovina (vDVB) es un virus ARN clasificado dentro de la familia Flaviviridae junto con otros pestivirus como el virus de la peste porcina clásica y el virus de la enfermedad de la frontera de la oveja. El vDVB se ha dividido tradicionalmente en base a sus diferencias genéticas en 2 genotipos o especies distintas, conocidas como genotipo 1 y 2 habiéndose podido tipificar genéticamente distintos aislados de ambos genotipos. Independientemente del genotipo al que pertenezcan, el virus se clasifica en función del efecto que produce sobre ciertos cultivos de células epiteliales bovinas en 2 biotipos: biotipos citopáticos (CP) y biotipos no citopáticos (NCP). Sin embargo, la importancia de las lesiones en el transcurso de procesos causados por cepas NCP no se correlaciona con su virulencia in vitro. Un aspecto poco estudiado en la DVB, fundamental para el desarrollo y mejora de vacunas, es el referente a la respuesta inmunitaria que se desarrolla tanto a nivel sistémico como local en el tejido linfoide de la mucosa intestinal. Trabajos recientes han puesto de manifiesto la existencia de una translocación de la respuesta inmunitaria Th1/Th2, lo que dará lugar a una respuesta inmune aberrante, en la que la respuesta Th1 protectora estaría inhibida por la Th2. Este hecho favorecería unainadecuada proliferación y transformación de los linfocitos B hacia células plasmática, comprometiendo la activación de una respuesta inmunitaria específica frente al vDVB y la producción de anticuerpos neutralizantes. Esta alteración de la respuesta Th1 protectora, junto a la intensa depleción debida a una masiva apoptosis de linfocitos ,que sufre tanto el tejido linfoide asociado a la mucosa intestinal (tonsilas y placas de Peyer) como distintos órganos linfoides, serían las responsables del estado de inmunosupresión que caracteriza a estos animales y predispone a la aparición de procesos bacterianos secundarios