48 research outputs found

    Systematic Development of Mobile AR-applications, Special Focus on User Participation

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    AbstractA comprehensive, systematic planning method to design mobile Augmented Reality (AR)-applications in the range of production planning is not available. A target driven development process to match mobile AR-applications to the methodical needs of production planners is therefore proposed in this paper.The development process will be presented with special focus on the user integration. The incorporation of production planners, their intrinsic knowledge and engineering methods needs to be considered. Therefore, the paper will introduce how user relevant aspects will be identified and considered during the application development.Video abstrac

    Modeling deformations of the workpiece and removal of material when turning

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    During machining mechanical energy is dissipated into heat by frictional processes and plastic deformations of the workpiece material. Workpiece and tool are thereby subjected to thermal and mechanical loads that cause thermal expansions and mechanical deformations. These decrease the accuracy of machining. In order to reduce such deformations, enhanced cutting conditions need to be determined. Finite element (FE) simulations allow for such an optimization prior to actual machining. A validated 3D FE model to determine the temperature distribution and the deformations of the workpiece regarding the cutting condition and the actual tool position is outlined for turning. The continuous removal of material for arbitrary geometries when simulating the temperature distribution and the deformations is considered. This allows for the calculation of the actual workpiece diameter after turning

    Finite element model to calculate the thermal expansions of the tool and the workpiece in dry turning

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    Dry cutting is an important issue with regard to the economy and ecology of machining. The absence of the cutting fluid reduces both the costs for machining and the risk of ecological hazards. However, the missing convection through the cutting fluid increases the temperatures of the workpiece and the tool, and thus their thermal expansions. As a result, remarkable deviations from the nominal workpiece geometry occur. To enhance the accuracy of machining when dry turning, the thermal expansions of the tool and the workpiece can be calculated prior to actual turning using finite element (FE) models in order to adapt the nominal depth of cut accordingly. Therefore, an experimentally validated (using aluminum as the workpiece material) FE model is presented. The FE model inputs the heat flux into the tool and the workpiece as boundary conditions. The heat flux is applied locally and temporally discretized to the workpiece and the tool in the chip formation area. Their thermal expansions can thus be calculated in terms of the cutting condition used and the tool position, whereby process planning regarding the machining accuracy is facilitated

    Realizing availability-oriented business models in the capital goods industry

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    The validation results of a concept for the development of availability-oriented business models are addressed. The developed concept contains five steps by means of primarily design thinking methods. For the validation, the developed concept is applied at Lenze, a German innovative manufacturer of drive and automation solutions for materials handling, handling technology, packaging industry, robotics and automotive industry. Therefore, a use case is defined, business models, extended value networks, persona analyses and customer journey are elaborated. The results show the applicability of the concept for the development of availability-oriented business models for the capital goods industry. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Transition to Product Service Systems: methodology based on scenarios identification, modelling and evaluation

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    Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service SystemsInternational audienceThe paper proposes a methodology to support the organisational shift towards product Services Systems. Its backbone is the evaluation of economic impact of such a shift. However, in order to efficiently accommodate organisational changes and include company specificities, other steps are required prior to evaluation. These are context analysis, scenarios identification and modelling. The novelty of the paper lies in (i) including organisational changes in the evaluation and (ii) managing the contextualization to company specificities

    Практические аспекты организации медицинской помощи пациентам с впервые развившимся судорожным припадком

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    Características do sêmen a fresco e descongelado de garanhões da raça Nordestina

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    RESUMO: Este estudo descreveu as características seminais, da membrana plasmática e do acrossoma de espermatozoide congelado/descongelado de 19 ejaculados de garanhões da raça Nordestina. Os aspectos analisados incluíram os parâmetros físicos do sêmen fresco; a motilidade e a longevidade do sêmen diluído e descongelado; a morfologia espermática, integridade funcional e estrutural da membrana plasmática do espermatozoide e a habilidade de ligação do espermatozoide à membrana perivitelina da gema do ovo de galinha do sêmen descongelado. As variáveis foram avaliadas pela ANOVA com post hoc teste de Student Newman-Keuls (P<0,05). A MT e a MP foram maiores (P<0,05) no sêmen diluído do que no descongelado. A percentagem média de defeitos maiores, menores e totais foi muito inferior ao limite recomendado pelo CBRA. A porcentagem de reativos ao HOST foi de 14,21±1,12% e a porcentagem média de membranas íntegras detectadas pelo teste supravital de 62,22±9,06% e pela sonda SYBR-14 de 81,47±26,90. O número médio de espermatozoides ligados à MPV após a descongelação do sêmen foi de 230,39±57,09. A MT e MP no tempo 0 min do TTR foi superior (P<0,05) em relação a 150 min, não diferindo nos tempos 10 min e 30 min. Os resultados demonstram que a utilização dos testes laboratoriais adicionais ajudam no processo de avaliação das amostras, possibilitando a obtenção de informações mais confiáveis e precisas. Embora a criopreservação tenha provocado queda na motilidade seminal, o uso de diluidor contendo amidas minimizou os danos osmóticos nas células espermáticas e manteve a integridade morfológica, funcional e estrutural da membrana plasmática do espermatozoide. Estes resultados são um referencial em estudos futuros uma vez que, inexistem dados comparativos nesta raça