352 research outputs found

    Enlargement of Cavernous Haemangioma associated with exogenous administration of oestrogens

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    A cavernous haemangioma of the liver which enlarged rapidly while the patient was receiving exogenous oestrogens is reported. A dramatic decrease in the size of the tumour was produced by Iigating the right hepatic artery and portal vein. The literature on large haemangiomas of the liver is reviewed.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 695 (1974)

    A new mucoadhesive dosage form for the management of oral lichen planus : formulation study and clinical study

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    The work aimed at studying a new mucoadhesive prolonged release tablet containing 24\u3bcg clobetasol-17 propionate (CP) suitable for the management of oral lichen planus. Low swellable dosage forms were designed by combining a mucoadhesive polymer, i.e. poly(sodium methacrylate, methylmethacrylate), with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and MgCl2. This formulation was selected to modify the tablet erosion rate in order to obtain a release of CP over a 6-h period. A double-blind, controlled study was performed using three groups of patient (n=16) who received three applications-a-day over 4weeks of the developed CP tablets (group CP-T), placebo tablets (group CP-P) or commercial CP ointment for cutaneous application (123\u3bcg/application) extemporary mixed with Orabase\u2122 (group CP-O). At the end of the study, pain and ulceration resolved in 13/16 and 11/16 patients of group CP-T and group CP-O, respectively. In the group CP-O, a transient acute hyperaemic candidosis (n=2) and taste alteration (n=4) were also observed. No changes in clinical signs of patients in the group CP-P were evident. The application of mucoadhesive tablet containing 24\u3bcg CP 3 times a day appeared to be effective, avoiding the side effects of the generally used treatment

    Finite calculation of divergent selfenergy diagrams

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    Using dispersive techniques, it is possible to avoid ultraviolet divergences in the calculation of Feynman diagrams, making subsequent regularization of divergent diagrams unnecessary. We give a simple introduction to the most important features of such dispersive techniques in the framework of the so-called finite causal perturbation theory. The method is also applied to the 'divergent' general massive two-loop sunrise selfenergy diagram, where it leads directly to an analytic expression for the imaginary part of the diagram in accordance with the literature, whereas the real part can be obtained by a single integral dispersion relation. It is pointed out that dispersive methods have been known for decades and have been applied to several nontrivial Feynman diagram calculations.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, one figure, added reference

    Moduli spaces for finite-order jets of Riemannian metrics

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    We construct the moduli space of r-jets at a point of Riemannian metrics on a smooth manifold. The construction is closely related to the problem of classification of jet metrics via differential invariants. The moduli space is proved to be a differentiable space which admits a finite canonical stratification into smooth manifolds. A complete study on the stratification of moduli spaces is carried out for metrics in dimension n=2.Comment: 25 pages, corrected typos, partially changed content with an appendix adde

    A Relativistic Mean Field Model for Entrainment in General Relativistic Superfluid Neutron Stars

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    General relativistic superfluid neutron stars have a significantly more intricate dynamics than their ordinary fluid counterparts. Superfluidity allows different superfluid (and superconducting) species of particles to have independent fluid flows, a consequence of which is that the fluid equations of motion contain as many fluid element velocities as superfluid species. Whenever the particles of one superfluid interact with those of another, the momentum of each superfluid will be a linear combination of both superfluid velocities. This leads to the so-called entrainment effect whereby the motion of one superfluid will induce a momentum in the other superfluid. We have constructed a fully relativistic model for entrainment between superfluid neutrons and superconducting protons using a relativistic σω\sigma - \omega mean field model for the nucleons and their interactions. In this context there are two notions of ``relativistic'': relativistic motion of the individual nucleons with respect to a local region of the star (i.e. a fluid element containing, say, an Avogadro's number of particles), and the motion of fluid elements with respect to the rest of the star. While it is the case that the fluid elements will typically maintain average speeds at a fraction of that of light, the supranuclear densities in the core of a neutron star can make the nucleons themselves have quite high average speeds within each fluid element. The formalism is applied to the problem of slowly-rotating superfluid neutron star configurations, a distinguishing characteristic being that the neutrons can rotate at a rate different from that of the protons.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Does backreaction enforce the averaged null energy condition in semiclassical gravity?

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    The expected stress-energy tensor of quantum fields generically violates the local positive energy conditions of general relativity. However, may satisfy some nonlocal conditions such as the averaged null energy condition (ANEC), which would rule out traversable wormholes. Although ANEC holds in Minkowski spacetime, it can be violated in curved spacetimes if one is allowed to choose the spacetime and quantum state arbitrarily, without imposition of the semiclassical Einstein equation G_{ab} = 8 \pi . In this paper we investigate whether ANEC holds for solutions to this equation, by studying a free, massless scalar field with arbitrary curvature coupling in perturbation theory to second order about the flat spacetime/vacuum solution. We "reduce the order" of the perturbation equations to eliminate spurious solutions, and consider the limit in which the lengthscales determined by the incoming state are much larger than the Planck length. We also need to assume that incoming classical gravitational radiation does not dominate the first order metric perturbation. We find that although the ANEC integral can be negative, if we average the ANEC integral transverse to the geodesic with a suitable Planck scale smearing function, then a strictly positive result is obtained in all cases except for the flat spacetime/vacuum solution. This result suggests --- in agreement with conclusions drawn by Ford and Roman from entirely independent arguments --- that if traversable wormholes do exist as solutions to the semiclassical equations, they cannot be macroscopic but must be ``Planck scale''. A large portion of our paper is devoted to the analysis of general issues concerning the nature of the semiclassical Einstein equation and of prescriptions for extracting physically relevant solutions.Comment: 54 pages, 3 figures, uses revtex macros and epsf.tex, to appear in Phys Rev D. A new appendix has been added showing consistency of our results with recent results of Visser [gr-qc/9604008]. Some corrections were made to Appendix A, and several other minor changes to the body of the paper also were mad

    Research of working area development parameters in conditions of deep steep deposit finalizing

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    Отримано формули розрахунку об’єму запасів корисних копалин в приконтурній та глибинній зоні. Встановлено характер впливу параметрів доробки глибоких крутоспадних родовищ відкритим способом на доцільне положення поточних та проектних контурів кар’єру. Встановлено, що найменший середній коефіцієнт розкриву досягається при мінімальному значенні суми обсягів корисної копалини приконтурної зони лежачого і висячого боків покладу в проектному положенні. Найменший поточний коефіцієнт розкриву досягається при мінімальному значенні суми обсягів корисної копалини приконтурної зони лежачого і висячого боків покладу, а також робочого борту кар'єру в поточному положенні

    Performance of a computable phenotype for identification of patients with diabetes within PCORnet: The Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network

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    Purpose: PCORnet, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, represents an innovative system for the conduct of observational and pragmatic studies. We describe the identification and validation of a retrospective cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) from four PCORnet sites. Methods: We adapted existing computable phenotypes (CP) for the identification of patients with T2DM and evaluated their performance across four PCORnet sites (2012-2016). Patients entered the cohort on the earliest date they met one of three CP categories: (CP1) coded T2DM diagnosis (ICD-9/ICD-10) and an antidiabetic prescription, (CP2) diagnosis and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ≥6.5%, or (CP3) an antidiabetic prescription and HbA1c ≥6.5%. We required evidence of health care utilization in each of the 2 prior years for each patient, as we also developed an incident T2DM CP to identify the subset of patients without documentation of T2DM in the 365 days before t 0 . Among a systematic sample of patients, we calculated the positive predictive value (PPV) for the T2DM CP and incident-T2DM CP using electronic health record (EHR) review as reference. Results: The CP identified 50 657 patients with T2DM. The PPV of patients randomly selected for validation was 96.2% (n = 1572; CI:95.1-97.0) and was consistently high across sites. The PPV for the incident-T2DM CP was 5.8% (CI:4.5-7.5). Conclusions: The T2DM CP accurately and efficiently identified patients with T2DM across multiple sites that participate in PCORnet, although the incident T2DM CP requires further study. PCORnet is a valuable data source for future epidemiological and comparative effectiveness research among patients with T2DM