1,129 research outputs found

    Epidemiología de las fracturas de perfil osteoporótico

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    Las fracturas osteoporóticas de cadera van acompañadas de una morbimortalidad altas. Entre los factores de riesgo de padecer una fractura de este tipo se encuentra el haber sufrido otra fractura de este tipo con anterioridad. Objetivo: conocer las características epidemiológicas de los pacientes con fractura de perfil osteoporótico en el área sanitaria dependiente del Hospital "Virgen de la Victoria" de Málaga. Pacientes y métodos: se incluyen a las mujeres que han sufrido una fractura de tipo osteoporótico en cualquier localización anatómica. Estudio de tipo indagatorio estadístico. Se utiliza a base de datos del programa GIOS (MSD®), en la que se recogen características antropomórficas de las pacientes, así como los hábitos, factores de riesgo y toma de medicación previa

    Chronologically scheduled snacking with high-protein products within the habitual diet in type-2 diabetes patients leads to a fat mass loss: a longitudinal study.

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    Background: Obesity is the most relevant overnutrition disease worldwide and is associated to different metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes. Low glycemic load foods and diets and moderately high protein intake have been shown to reduce body weight and fat mass, exerting also beneficial effects on LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride concentrations, postprandial glucose curve and HDL-cholesterol levels. The present study aimed at studying the potential functionality of a series of low glycemic index products with moderately high protein content, as possible coadjuvants in the control of type-2 diabetes and weight management following a chronologically planned snacking offer (morning and afternoon). Methods: The current trial followed a single group, sequential, longitudinal design, with two consecutive periods of 4 weeks each. A total of 17 volunteers participated in the study. The first period was a free living period, with volunteers' habitual ad libitum dietary pattern, while the second period was a free-living period with structured meal replacements at breakfast, morning snack and afternoon snack, which were exchanged by specific products with moderately high protein content and controlled low glycemic index, following a scheduled temporal consumption. Blood extractions were performed at the beginning and at the end of each period (free-living and intervention). Parameters analysed were: fasting glucose, insulin, glycosylated hemoglobin, total-, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, C - reactive protein and Homocysteine concentrations. Postprandial glucose and insulin were also measured. Anthropometrical parameters were monitored each 2 weeks during the whole study. Results: A modest but significant (p = 0.002) reduction on body weight (1 kg) was observed during the intervention period, mainly due to the fat mass loss (0.8 kg, p = 0.02). This weight reduction was observed without apparently associated changes in total energy intake. None of the biochemical biomarkers measured was altered throughout the whole study. Conclusions: Small changes in the habitual dietary recommendations in type-2 diabetes patients by the inclusion of specific low-glycemic, moderately high-protein products in breakfast, morning and afternoon snacks may promote body weight and fat-mass loss, without apparently altering biochemical parameters and cardiovascular risk-related factors

    Unbiased taxonomic annotation of metagenomic samples

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    The classification of reads from a metagenomic sample using a reference taxonomy is usually based on first mapping the reads to the reference sequences and then classifying each read at a node under the lowest common ancestor of the candidate sequences in the reference taxonomy with the least classification error. However, this taxonomic annotation can be biased by an imbalanced taxonomy and also by the presence of multiple nodes in the taxonomy with the least classification error for a given read. In this article, we show that the Rand index is a better indicator of classification error than the often used area under thereceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve andF-measure for both balanced and imbalanced reference taxonomies, and we also address the second source of bias by reducing the taxonomic annotation problem for a whole metagenomic sample to a set cover problem, for which a logarithmic approximation can be obtained in linear time and an exact solution can be obtained by integer linear programming. Experimental results with a proof-of-concept implementation of the set cover approach to taxonomic annotation in a next release of the TANGO software show that the set cover approach further reduces ambiguity in the taxonomic annotation obtained with TANGO without distorting the relative abundance profile of the metagenomic sample.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Optimización de métodos analíticos para la evaluación de la calidad de grasas y aceites utilizados en el proceso de fritura en continuo

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    Frying oils with different alteration degrees were collected from continuous frying systems at various Spanish companies. These samples were used to evaluate the applicability, repeatability and capability of a number of methods to discriminate between samples of different degrees of oxidation. The objective of this work was to find complementary methods to the acid value determination for the routine quality control of the frying oils used in these companies.The optimization of the dielectric constant determination was accompanied by a clear variability improvement. However, except for the TBA value, the methods assayed showed lower variability. In addition, TBA value determination was discarded because this parameter showed insufficient sensitivity to discriminate between oil samples with different degrees of oxidation. Relationships between the alteration parameters determined in the frying media showed significant correlations between the acid value and several different oxidation parameters, such as the p-anisidine value, dielectric constant, lipid UV absorption and polymerized triacylglycerol content. Thus, since the acid value exclusively evaluates the hydrolytic alteration, these parameters give complementary information because they evaluate the thermoxidative alteration.La aplicabilidad, repetibilidad y capacidad de diferentes métodos de análisis para discriminar muestras de aceites con diferentes grados de oxidación fueron evaluadas mediante aceites recogidos en procesos de fritura en continuo en varias empresas españolas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue encontrar métodos complementarios a la determinación del índice de acidez para el control de calidad rutinario de los aceites de fritura empleados en estas empresas. La optimización de la determinación de la constante dieléctrica conllevó una clara mejora de la variabilidad. No obstante, excepto en el caso del índice del ATB, el resto de métodos ensayados mostraron una menor variabilidad. La determinación del índice del ATB fue descartada ya que su sensibilidad fue insuficiente para discriminar entre aceites con diferente grado de oxidación. Los diferentes parámetros de alteración determinados en los aceites de fritura mostraron correlaciones significativas entre el índice de acidez y varios parámetros de oxidación diferentes, como la constante dieléctrica, el índice de p-anisidina, la absorción al ultravioleta y el contenido en polímeros de los triacilgliceroles. El índice de acidez solo evalúa la alteración hidrolítica, por lo que estos parámetros aportan información complementaria al evaluar la alteración termooxidativa

    Development and validation of a new methodological platform to measure behavioral, cognitive, and physiological responses to food interventions in real time

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    To fully understand the causes and mechanisms involved in overeating and obesity, measures of both cognitive and physiological determinants of eating behavior need to be integrated. Effectively synchronizing behavioral measures such as meal micro-structure (e.g., eating speed), cognitive processing of sensory stimuli, and metabolic parameters, can be complex. However, this step is central to understanding the impact of food interventions on body weight. In this paper, we provide an overview of the existing gaps in eating behavior research and describe the development and validation of a new methodological platform to address some of these issues. As part of a controlled trial, 76 men and women self-served and consumed food from a buffet, using a portion-control plate with visual stimuli for appropriate amounts of main food groups, or a conventional plate, on two different days, in a random order. In both sessions participants completed behavioral and cognitive tests using a novel methodological platform that measured gaze movement (as a proxy for visual attention), eating rate and bite size, memory for portion sizes, subjective appetite and portion-size perceptions. In a sub-sample of women, hormonal secretion in response to the meal was also measured. The novel platform showed a significant improvement in meal micro-structure measures from published data (13 vs. 33% failure rate) and high comparability between an automated gaze mapping protocol vs. manual coding for eye-tracking studies involving an eating test (ICC between methods 0.85; 90% CI 0.74, 0.92). This trial was registered at Clinical Trials.gov with Identifier NCT03610776

    A regular curd consumption improves gastrointestinal status assessed by a randomized controlled nutritional intervention

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    This study evaluated the influence of curd consumption (a dairy product in which most whey proteins are discarded) on nutritional status markers and on gastrointestinal symptoms through an open-label randomized nutritional intervention. A total of 20 males and 20 females were involved in the study. Body weight and plasma levels of different health markers were measured at baseline and at the end of the study. Gastrointestinal symptoms and satiety were assessed by self-reported subjective questionnaires. There were neither relevant changes in body weight and composition, nor in all screened plasma determinations after the intervention. Satiety score analyses revealed no differences between the two experimental groups. The regular consumption of curd-improved abdominal pain (19%) and deposition scores (16%) when compared with those participants non-consuming curd, which may indicate a better tolerability of this product. Curd intake within a balanced diet improved some subjective markers of gastrointestinal status, which may be explained by the nutritional composition of curds

    Different postprandial acute response in healthy subjects to three strawberry jams varying in carbohydrate and antioxidant content: a randomized, crossover trial

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    PURPOSE: Dietary food composition influences postprandial glucose homeostasis. Thus, the objective was to investigate the effects of an acute intake of three different types of strawberry jam, differing in carbohydrate and antioxidants content, on postprandial glucose metabolism, lipid profile, antioxidant status, and satiety. METHODS: Sixteen healthy adults participated in a randomized, crossover, double-blind study with three arms, receiving 60 g of three different strawberry jams. Blood samples were collected at fasting and at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after its intake. Blood analyses were performed with validated procedures and satiety was estimated with visual analogue scale (VAS). RESULTS: Blood glucose concentrations were maintained at normal values and without peaks within the 2 h after consumption of low-sugar jams. However, blood glucose and insulin were significantly higher at 30 and 60 min after high-sugar (HS) jam intake versus both low-sugar jams. Furthermore, HS jam produced more satisfaction at short time, but decreased as soon as blood glucose concentration began to decrease. Moreover, HS ingestion produced lower free fatty acid levels (p < 0.05) throughout the trial with respect both the low-sugar jams. However, no additional benefits on oxidative status (malondialdehyde, glutathione peroxidase, total antioxidant capacity, and uric acid), glucose, lipid, and satiety variables were observed due to the inclusion of an antioxidant to low-sugar jam. CONCLUSIONS: This study reinforces the idea that products without added sugars are appropriate for the management of glycemic alterations and provides further insight into the effect of natural antioxidants as a functional ingredient on oxidative status and related metabolic disturbances

    Oxidized LDL levels decreases after the consumption of ready-to-eat meals supplemented with cocoa extract within a hypocaloric diet

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    Background and aims Cocoa flavanols are recognised by their favourable antioxidant and vascular effects. This study investigates the influence on health of the daily consumption of ready-to-eat meals supplemented with cocoa extract within a hypocaloric diet, on middle-aged overweight/obese subjects. Methods and results Fifty healthy male and female middle-aged volunteers [57.26 ± 5.24 years and body mass index (BMI) 30.59 ± 2.33 kg/m2] were recruited to participate in a 4 week randomised, parallel and double-blind study. After following 3 days on a low-polyphenol diet, 25 volunteers received meals supplemented with 1.4 g of cocoa extract (645.3 mg of polyphenols) and the other 25 participants received control meals, within a 15% energy restriction diet. On the 4th week of intervention individuals in both dietary groups improved (p < 0.05) anthropometric, body composition, blood pressure and blood biochemical measurements. Oxidised LDL cholesterol (oxLDL), showed a higher reduction (p = 0.030) in the cocoa group. Moreover, myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels decreased only in the cocoa supplemented group (p = 0.007). Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (sICAM-1) decreased significantly in both groups, while Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) did not present differences after the 4 weeks of intervention. Interestingly, cocoa intake showed a different effect by gender, presenting more beneficial effects in men. Conclusions The consumption of cocoa extract as part of ready-to-eat meals and within a hypocaloric diet improved oxidative status (oxLDL) in middle-aged subjects, being most remarkable in males

    Portion control tableware differentially impacts eating behaviour in women with and without overweight

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    Portion control tableware has been described as a potentially effective approach for weight management, however the mechanisms by which these tools work remain unknown. We explored the processes by which a portion control (calibrated) plate with visual stimuli for starch, protein and vegetable amounts modulates food intake, satiety and meal eating behaviour. Sixty-five women (34 with overweight/obesity) participated in a counterbalanced cross-over trial in the laboratory, where they self-served and ate a hot meal including rice, meatballs and vegetables, once with a calibrated plate and once with a conventional (control) plate. A subsample of 31 women provided blood samples to measure the cephalic phase response to the meal. Effects of plate type were tested through linear mixed-effect models. Meal portion sizes (mean ± SD) were smaller for the calibrated compared with the control plate (served: 296 ± 69 vs 317 ± 78 g; consumed: 287 ± 71 vs 309 ± 79 g respectively), especially consumed rice (69 ± 24 vs 88 ± 30 g) (p < 0.05 for all comparisons). The calibrated plate significantly reduced bite size (3.4 ± 1.0 vs 3.7 ± 1.0 g; p < 0.01) in all women and eating rate (32.9 ± 9.5 vs 33.7 ± 9.2 g/min; p < 0.05), in lean women. Despite this, some women compensated for the reduced intake over the 8 h following the meal. Pancreatic polypeptide and ghrelin levels increased post-prandially with the calibrated plate but changes were not robust. Plate type had no influence on insulin, glucose levels, or memory for portion size. Meal size was reduced by a portion control plate with visual stimuli for appropriate amounts of starch, protein and vegetables, potentially because of the reduced self-served portion size and the resulting reduced bite size. Sustained effects may require the continued use of the plate for long-term impact

    Configurational entropy calculation of poly(α-alkyl β,L-aspartate)s amorphous and crystalline films using gas permeation

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    The permeability and diffusion coefficient of gases such as N-2, O-2 and CO2 through two polymeric membranes of poly(alpha-alkyl beta,L-aspartate)s (PAALA-n) were determined by the "time-lag" method. One of these membranes was crystalline (PAALA-1) and the other one was amorphous (PAALA-6). The comparison of the obtained result for both membranes is addressed by the calculation of the so called configurational entropy. The study has been done in the range of temperatures 20 degrees C to 70 degrees C.This work was supported by the Direccion General de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica (DGICYT), Grant ENE-2011-Ref.24761 and also DGAPA-UNAM Proyecto IN 102512, and SEP-CONACYT 154626.Del Castillo, LF.; Andrio Balado, A.; Nava, JA.; Mollá Romano, S.; Muñoz-Guerra, S.; Compañ Moreno, V. (2014). Configurational entropy calculation of poly(α-alkyl β,L-aspartate)s amorphous and crystalline films using gas permeation. European Polymer Journal. 59:254-261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2014.07.024S2542615