79 research outputs found

    Palatini approach to Born-Infeld-Einstein theory and a geometric description of electrodynamics

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    The field equations associated with the Born-Infeld-Einstein action are derived using the Palatini variational technique. In this approach the metric and connection are varied independently and the Ricci tensor is generally not symmetric. For sufficiently small curvatures the resulting field equations can be divided into two sets. One set, involving the antisymmetric part of the Ricci tensor RμνR_{\stackrel{\mu\nu}{\vee}}, consists of the field equation for a massive vector field. The other set consists of the Einstein field equations with an energy momentum tensor for the vector field plus additional corrections. In a vacuum with Rμν=0R_{\stackrel{\mu\nu}{\vee}}=0 the field equations are shown to be the usual Einstein vacuum equations. This extends the universality of the vacuum Einstein equations, discussed by Ferraris et al. \cite{Fe1,Fe2}, to the Born-Infeld-Einstein action. In the simplest version of the theory there is a single coupling constant and by requiring that the Einstein field equations hold to a good approximation in neutron stars it is shown that mass of the vector field exceeds the lower bound on the mass of the photon. Thus, in this case the vector field cannot represent the electromagnetic field and would describe a new geometrical field. In a more general version in which the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the Ricci tensor have different coupling constants it is possible to satisfy all of the observational constraints if the antisymmetric coupling is much larger than the symmetric coupling. In this case the antisymmetric part of the Ricci tensor can describe the electromagnetic field, although gauge invariance will be broken.Comment: 12 page

    Semi-Streaming Set Cover

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    This paper studies the set cover problem under the semi-streaming model. The underlying set system is formalized in terms of a hypergraph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) whose edges arrive one-by-one and the goal is to construct an edge cover FEF \subseteq E with the objective of minimizing the cardinality (or cost in the weighted case) of FF. We consider a parameterized relaxation of this problem, where given some 0ϵ<10 \leq \epsilon < 1, the goal is to construct an edge (1ϵ)(1 - \epsilon)-cover, namely, a subset of edges incident to all but an ϵ\epsilon-fraction of the vertices (or their benefit in the weighted case). The key limitation imposed on the algorithm is that its space is limited to (poly)logarithmically many bits per vertex. Our main result is an asymptotically tight trade-off between ϵ\epsilon and the approximation ratio: We design a semi-streaming algorithm that on input graph GG, constructs a succinct data structure D\mathcal{D} such that for every 0ϵ<10 \leq \epsilon < 1, an edge (1ϵ)(1 - \epsilon)-cover that approximates the optimal edge \mbox{(11-)cover} within a factor of f(ϵ,n)f(\epsilon, n) can be extracted from D\mathcal{D} (efficiently and with no additional space requirements), where f(ϵ,n)={O(1/ϵ),if ϵ>1/nO(n),otherwise. f(\epsilon, n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} O (1 / \epsilon), & \text{if } \epsilon > 1 / \sqrt{n} \\ O (\sqrt{n}), & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \, . In particular for the traditional set cover problem we obtain an O(n)O(\sqrt{n})-approximation. This algorithm is proved to be best possible by establishing a family (parameterized by ϵ\epsilon) of matching lower bounds.Comment: Full version of the extended abstract that will appear in Proceedings of ICALP 2014 track

    Buyback Problem - Approximate matroid intersection with cancellation costs

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    In the buyback problem, an algorithm observes a sequence of bids and must decide whether to accept each bid at the moment it arrives, subject to some constraints on the set of accepted bids. Decisions to reject bids are irrevocable, whereas decisions to accept bids may be canceled at a cost that is a fixed fraction of the bid value. Previous to our work, deterministic and randomized algorithms were known when the constraint is a matroid constraint. We extend this and give a deterministic algorithm for the case when the constraint is an intersection of kk matroid constraints. We further prove a matching lower bound on the competitive ratio for this problem and extend our results to arbitrary downward closed set systems. This problem has applications to banner advertisement, semi-streaming, routing, load balancing and other problems where preemption or cancellation of previous allocations is allowed

    Complex transitions to synchronization in delay-coupled networks of logistic maps

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    A network of delay-coupled logistic maps exhibits two different synchronization regimes, depending on the distribution of the coupling delay times. When the delays are homogeneous throughout the network, the network synchronizes to a time-dependent state [Atay et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 144101 (2004)], which may be periodic or chaotic depending on the delay; when the delays are sufficiently heterogeneous, the synchronization proceeds to a steady-state, which is unstable for the uncoupled map [Masoller and Marti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 134102 (2005)]. Here we characterize the transition from time-dependent to steady-state synchronization as the width of the delay distribution increases. We also compare the two transitions to synchronization as the coupling strength increases. We use transition probabilities calculated via symbolic analysis and ordinal patterns. We find that, as the coupling strength increases, before the onset of steady-state synchronization the network splits into two clusters which are in anti-phase relation with each other. On the other hand, with increasing delay heterogeneity, no cluster formation is seen at the onset of steady-state synchronization; however, a rather complex unsynchronized state is detected, revealed by a diversity of transition probabilities in the network nodes

    Stock mechanics: predicting recession in S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ

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    An original method, assuming potential and kinetic energy for prices and conservation of their sum is developed for forecasting exchanges. Connections with power law are shown. Semiempirical applications on S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ predict a coming recession in them. An emerging market, Istanbul Stock Exchange index ISE-100 is found involving a potential to continue to rise.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    A mechanism for randomness

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    We investigate explicit functions that can produce truly random numbers. We use the analytical properties of the explicit functions to show that certain class of autonomous dynamical systems can generate random dynamics. This dynamics presents fundamental differences with the known chaotic systems. We present realphysical systems that can produce this kind of random time-series. We report theresults of real experiments with nonlinear circuits containing direct evidence for this new phenomenon. In particular, we show that a Josephson junction coupled to a chaotic circuit can generate unpredictable dynamics. Some applications are discussed.Comment: Accepted in Physics Letters A (2002). 11 figures (.eps

    Dyonic BIon black hole in string inspired model

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    We construct static and spherically symmetric particle-like and black hole solutions with magnetic and/or electric charge in the Einstein-Born-Infeld-dilaton-axion system, which is a generalization of the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton-axion (EMDA) system and of the Einstein-Born-Infeld (EBI) system. They have remarkable properties which are not seen for the corresponding solutions in the EMDA and the EBI system.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, Final version in PR

    Research Perspectives for Logic and Deduction

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    The article is meant to be kind of the author&apos;s manifesto for the role of logic and deduction within Intellectics. Based on a brief analysis of this role the paper presents a number of proposals for future scientic research along the various di-mensions in the space of logical explorations. These dimensions include the range of possible applications including modelling intelligent behavior, the grounding of logic in some semantic context, the choice of an appropriate logic from the great variety of alternatives, then the choice of an appropriate formal system for repre-senting the chosen logic, and nally the issue of developing the most ecient search strategies. Among the proposals is a conjecture concerning the treatment of cuts in proof search. Often a key advance is a matter of applying a small change to a single formula. Ray Kurzweil [Kur05, p.5]