513 research outputs found

    Uncorrelated scattering approximation revisited

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    The formalism to describe the scattering of a weakly bound projectile nucleus by a heavy target is investigated, using the Uncorrelated Scattering Approximation. The main assumption involved is to neglect the correlation between the fragments of the projectile in the region where the interaction with the target is important. It is shown that the angular momentum of each fragment with respect to the target is conserved. Moreover, when suitable approximations are assumed, the kinetic energy of each fragment is also shown to be conserved. The S-matrix for the scattering of the composite system can be written as a combination of terms, each one being proportional to the product of the S-matrices of the fragments.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Nucl. Phys. A (v2: minor misprints and grammatical errors corrected

    Study of the dispersion of natural gas issuing from compressor stations through silencers with upper cover

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    The aim of the present study is the simulation of the dispersion of natural gas issuing from the silencer of compressor stations during vent operations. The objective is to analyze the dispersion of the gas emitted under different conditions of mass flow rate at the exit and ambient cross-flow velocity. We have considered a silencer with an upper cover to protect it from the rain and the fall of objects. The influence of the upper cover of the silencer on the dispersion of natural gas has also been studied, and non-dimensional approaches of the model have been proposed to simplify the problem. Seven different cases have been solved, using two models: a 3D model based on the commercial code FLUENT, and a simplified quasi-one-dimensional model. The results obtained in both cases have been compared, and the range of validity of the one-dimensional model in non-dimensional form has been discussed

    Estudio de las fases de ataque en baloncesto infantil masculino: diferencias entre ganadores y perdedores

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las características de las fases de ataque, y las principales diferencias entre equipos ganadores y perdedores, en categoría infantil masculina. Para ello, se ha aplicado la Metodología Observacional a través de un diseño de seguimiento inter-sesional, nomotético y multidimensional, analizándose un total de 3079 fases de ataque pertenecientes a los 8 partidos disputados en la Fase Final de la Minicopa Endesa 2015/2016. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el tipo de ataque más usado es el ataque posicional, seguido del contraataque (más efectivo en ganadores), con una duración en torno a los 8 segundos (menor duración en ganadores), con una media de 2,12±1,61 pases realizados y un máximo de 3 jugadores participantes. En cuanto al lugar de nalización de aquellos ataques que nalizan en lanzamiento, se encuentra que son mayoritariamente realizados desde posiciones cercanas al aro. Los datos obtenidos indican una escasa participación de los jugadores (tan solo reciben el balón un promedio de 2,69 ± 1,14 jugadores por ataque), así como una escasa ecacia en el lanzamiento, lo que denota una falta de adecuación de la condiciones de práctica a las características de esta etapa.

    Ataxia and focal dystonia in Kallmann syndrome

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    A case of Kallmann syndrome (KS) associated with rare neurological manifestations is presented. Cerebellar ataxia probably caused by a small posterior fossa and a focal dystonia affecting the left lower limb expand the spectrum of neurological manifestations occurring in KS. Further studies are needed to better understand these manifestations

    Scanning microscopies of superconductors at very low temperatures

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    We discuss basics of scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S) of the superconducting state with normal and superconducting tips. We present a new method to measure the local variations in the Andreev reflection amplitude between a superconducting tip and the sample. This method is termed Scanning Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy (SAS). We also briefly discuss vortex imaging with STM/S under an applied current through the sample, and show the vortex lattice as a function of the angle between the magnetic field and sample's surface

    Microparasites and their potential impact on the population dynamics of small cetaceans from South America: a brief review. Document SC/59/DW8, Scientific Committee, International Whaling Commission, Anchorage, Alaska, 4-14 May 2007

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    We briefly review the pathology, epidemiology and molecular biology of cetacean viruses (including morbilli, papilloma and pox) and Brucella spp. encountered in South America. Antibodies against cetacean morbillivirus were detected (by iELISAs and virus neutralisation tests) in SE Pacific and SW Atlantic delphinids. Morbilliviruses are possibly enzootic in Lagenorhynchus obscurus and offshore Tursiops truncates from Peru and in Lagenodelphis hosei from Brazil and Argentina, but no morbillivirus antibodies were found in inshore small cetaceans. Papillomaviruses cause genital warts in at least three odontocete species in Peru. Two Phocoena spinipinnis papillomaviruses (PsPVs) were found in warts of Burmeister’s porpoises; one (PsPV-1) was cloned and characterized. Half of porpoises had developed genital warts, while in 10% of males the lesions were sufficiently numerous and severe to at least hamper, if not impede, copulation. High titers of cowpox virus neutralising antibodies were detected in Peruvian D. capensis, T. truncatus, L. obscurus and P. spinipinnis in 1993-1995. The high prevalence of orthopoxvirus neutralising antibodies with high titres indicates common infection by poxviruses antigenically related to cowpox virus, the probable causative agents of tattoo skin disease. Cetacean poxviruses may cause significant mortaliy among neonates and calves unprotected by maternal immunity. In Peru, Brucella spp. antibodies were detected (competitive ELISA) in D. capensis, T. truncatus, L. obscurus and P. spinipinnis. Brucellosis is likely enzootic in the latter two species, and may lead to orchitis and bone lesions in L. obscurus and D. capensis. The enzootic circulation of brucellae in L. obscurus and P. spinipinnis may constitute a measurable limiting factor among the environmental variables affecting population dynamics. Also, widespread Brucella spp. infection in several Peruvian odontocetes has public health implications (zoonosis), considering frequent manipulation of carcases and consumption of meat. Extrinsic anthropogenic factors may not only exacerbate the consequences of viral infections on the health of a particular individual, but also operate at the population level

    Efecto alelopático de especies invasoras de ribera sobre la germinación de especies del sotobosque

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    9 páginas. -- Trabajo presentado en la 50ª Reunión Científica de la SEEPLa producción de sustancias alelopáticas por las especies vegetales contribuye a incrementar su éxito competitivo frente a otras especies coexistentes dentro de un mismo hábitat, pudiendo llegar incluso a eliminarlas. Las sustancias alelopáticas pueden inhibir la germinación y el crecimiento de otras especies de la comunidad. En los bosques de ribera se ha detectado la presencia de árboles exóticos con potencial invasor en otros ecosistemas pero se desconoce su efecto sobre las especies autóctonas herbáceas. Nuestra hipótesis es que las especies invasoras podrían utilizar la producción de aleloquímicos de una manera eficiente para desplazar a las especies herbáceas autóctonas, pudiendo llegar a eliminarlas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto extractos de hojarasca de especies alóctonas arbóreas (Ulmus pumila, Robinia pseudoacacia, Ailanthus altissima) y autóctonas (Populus alba) sobre la germinación de cuatro especies herbáceas frecuentes en el sotobosque del bosque de ribera del rio Henares (Madrid). Los resultados mostraron una disminución de la velocidad de germinación de B. phoenicoides y B. sylvaticum con los extractos de las especies alóctonas y autóctonas excepto para el olmo siberiano. Chenopodium album no se vio perjudicada por los extractos de las especies alóctonas pero sí por lo de la especie autóctona. La velocidad de germinación de Dactylis glomerata fue afectada por los extractos de todas las especies alóctonas. Se concluye que no existe un efecto consistente de los extractos de las hojas de árboles exóticos sobre las herbáceas nativas, sino que éstos dependen tanto de la naturaleza del árbol donante como de la herbácea receptora.Plants produce allelopathic substances increasing their competitive success over other species coexisting within the same habitat, being able to eliminate them. Allelopathic substances inhibit germination and growth of other species in the community. In the riverside forests, it has been detected, the presence of invasive tree species with demonstrated invasive potential in other ecosystems. Our hypothesis is that invasive species could use the production of allelochemicals in an efficient way to compete against native herbaceous species. The aim of this work was to assess the effects of leaf extracts of invasive species (Ulmus pumila, Robinia pseudoacacia, Ailanthus altissima) and native (Populus alba) on the germination of four grass species frequent in the forest understory bank of the river Henares (Madrid). The results showed that extracts of alien and native species (except Siberian elm) decreased the germination speed of B. phoenicoides and B. sylvaticum. The effect of extracts in Chenopodium album was not clear. The extracts of all alien species affected the germination speed of Dactylis glomerata.Agradecemos la ayuda de la Dra. Teodora Martínez en la localización de las zonas de campo. Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos POII10-0179-4700 de la Junta de Castilla La Mancha y CGL2010-16388/BOS del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.Peer reviewe

    Pulsatile flow in coronary bifurcations for different stenting techniques

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the local hem odynamic changes caused in a coronary bifurcation by three different stenting techniques: simple stenting of the main vessel, simple stenting of the main vessel with kissing balloon in the side branch and culotte. To carry out this study an idealized geometry of a coronary bifurcation is used, and two bifurcation angles, 45º and 90º, are chosen as representative of the wide variety of re al configurations. In order to quantify the influence of the stenting technique on the local blood flow, both numeri- cal simulations and experimental measurements are performed. First, steady simulations are carried out with the commercial code ANSYS-Fluent, and then, experimental measurements with PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) obtained in the laboratory are used to validate the numerical simulation. The steady computational simulations show a good overall agreement with the experimental data. Second, pulsatile flow is considered to take into account the tran- sient effects. The time averaged wall shear stress, scillatory shear index and pressure drop obtained numerically are used to compare the behavior of the stenting techniques

    Metodología de investigación de Rocas Ornamentales: Granitos.

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    Durante la realización del proyecto del IGME ·Potencial Básico de Granitos y Neises Ornamentales en Castilla y León se desarrolló una metodología sistemática de investigación de granitos para uso ornamental que, por su versatilidad, puede hacerse extensible, en sus aspectos más generales, a otros tipos de rocas ornamentales e, incluso, rocas industriales en general. Para ello, se desarrollan una serle de fases de trabajo que comprenden: recogida de información, exploración de campo a escalas 1 :50.000, 1 :25.000 y 1: 10.000, valoración de áreas y elección de puntos canterables, todo ello mediante la cuantificación de todos los parámetros y valores que han de tenerse en cuenta en la investigación de rocas ornamentales, que nos permiten dar un tratamiento objetivo a todas las áreas estudiadas