71 research outputs found


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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    The origin of aubrites: Evidence from lithophile trace element abundances and oxygen isotope compositions

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    We report the abundances of a selected set of “lithophile” trace elements (including lanthanides, actinides and high field strength elements) and high-precision oxygen isotope analyses of a comprehensive suite of aubrites. Two distinct groups of aubrites can be distinguished: (a) the main-group aubrites display flat or light-REE depleted REE patterns with variable Eu and Y anomalies; their pyroxenes are light-REE depleted and show marked negative Eu anomalies; (b) the Mount Egerton enstatites and the silicate fraction from Larned display distinctive light-REE enrichments, and high Th/Sm ratios; Mount Egerton pyroxenes have much less pronounced negative Eu anomalies than pyroxenes from the main-group aubrites. Leaching experiments were undertaken to investigate the contribution of sulfides to the whole rock budget of the main-group aubrites. Sulfides contain in most cases at least 50% of the REEs and of the actinides. Among the elements we have analyzed, those displaying the strongest lithophile behaviors are Rb, Ba, Sr and Sc. The homogeneity of the Δ17O values obtained for main-group aubrite falls [Δ17O = +0.009 ± 0.010‰ (2σ)] suggests that they originated from a single parent body whose differentiation involved an early phase of large-scale melting that may have led to the development of a magma ocean. This interpretation is at first glance in agreement with the limited variability of the shapes of the REE patterns of these aubrites. However, the trace element concentrations of their phases cannot be used to discuss this hypothesis, because their igneous trace-element signatures have been modified by subsolidus exchange. Finally, despite similar O isotopic compositions, the marked light-REE enrichments displayed by Mount Egerton and Larned suggest that they are unrelated to the main-group aubrites and probably originated from a distinct parent body

    Density functional theory of phase coexistence in weakly polydisperse fluids

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    The recently proposed universal relations between the moments of the polydispersity distributions of a phase-separated weakly polydisperse system are analyzed in detail using the numerical results obtained by solving a simple density functional theory of a polydisperse fluid. It is shown that universal properties are the exception rather than the rule.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in PR

    Comparison of two non-primitive methods for path integral simulations: Higher-order corrections vs. an effective propagator approach

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    Two methods are compared that are used in path integral simulations. Both methods aim to achieve faster convergence to the quantum limit than the so-called primitive algorithm (PA). One method, originally proposed by Takahashi and Imada, is based on a higher-order approximation (HOA) of the quantum mechanical density operator. The other method is based upon an effective propagator (EPr). This propagator is constructed such that it produces correctly one and two-particle imaginary time correlation functions in the limit of small densities even for finite Trotter numbers P. We discuss the conceptual differences between both methods and compare the convergence rate of both approaches. While the HOA method converges faster than the EPr approach, EPr gives surprisingly good estimates of thermal quantities already for P = 1. Despite a significant improvement with respect to PA, neither HOA nor EPr overcomes the need to increase P linearly with inverse temperature. We also derive the proper estimator for radial distribution functions for HOA based path integral simulations.Comment: 17 pages, latex, 6 postscript figure

    Exact steady state solution of the Boltzmann equation: A driven 1-D inelastic Maxwell gas

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    The exact nonequilibrium steady state solution of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation for a driven inelastic Maxwell model was obtained by Ben-Naim and Krapivsky [Phys. Rev. E 61, R5 (2000)] in the form of an infinite product for the Fourier transform of the distribution function f(c)f(c). In this paper we have inverted the Fourier transform to express f(c)f(c) in the form of an infinite series of exponentially decaying terms. The dominant high energy tail is exponential, f(c)A0exp(ac)f(c)\simeq A_0\exp(-a|c|), where a2/1α2a\equiv 2/\sqrt{1-\alpha^2} and the amplitude A0A_0 is given in terms of a converging sum. This is explicitly shown in the totally inelastic limit (α0\alpha\to 0) and in the quasi-elastic limit (α1\alpha\to 1). In the latter case, the distribution is dominated by a Maxwellian for a very wide range of velocities, but a crossover from a Maxwellian to an exponential high energy tail exists for velocities cc01/q|c-c_0|\sim 1/\sqrt{q} around a crossover velocity c0lnq1/qc_0\simeq \ln q^{-1}/\sqrt{q}, where q(1α)/21q\equiv (1-\alpha)/2\ll 1. In this crossover region the distribution function is extremely small, lnf(c0)q1lnq\ln f(c_0)\simeq q^{-1}\ln q.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; a table and a few references added; to be published in PR

    Structure comparison of binary and weighted niche-overlap graphs

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    In ecological networks, niche-overlap graphs are considered as complex systems. They represent the competition between two predators that share common resources. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the structural properties of these graphs considered as weighted networks and compare their measures with the ones calculated for the binary networks. To conduct this study, we select four classical network measures : the degree of nodes, the clustering coefficient, the assortativity, and the betweenness centrality. These measures were used to analyse different type of networks such as social networks, biological networks, world wide web, etc. Interestingly, we identify significant differences between the structure of the binary and the weighted niche-overlap graphs. This study indicates that weight information reveals different features that may provide other implications on the dynamics of these networks

    Time and length scales in supercooled liquids

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    We numerically obtain the first quantitative demonstration that development of spatial correlations of mobility as temperature is lowered is responsible for the ``decoupling'' of transport properties of supercooled liquids. This result further demonstrates the necessity of a spatial description of the glass formation and therefore seriously challenges a number of popular alternative theoretical descriptions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figs; improved version: new refs and discussion

    Node-weighted measures for complex networks with spatially embedded, sampled, or differently sized nodes

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    When network and graph theory are used in the study of complex systems, a typically finite set of nodes of the network under consideration is frequently either explicitly or implicitly considered representative of a much larger finite or infinite region or set of objects of interest. The selection procedure, e.g., formation of a subset or some kind of discretization or aggregation, typically results in individual nodes of the studied network representing quite differently sized parts of the domain of interest. This heterogeneity may induce substantial bias and artifacts in derived network statistics. To avoid this bias, we propose an axiomatic scheme based on the idea of node splitting invariance to derive consistently weighted variants of various commonly used statistical network measures. The practical relevance and applicability of our approach is demonstrated for a number of example networks from different fields of research, and is shown to be of fundamental importance in particular in the study of spatially embedded functional networks derived from time series as studied in, e.g., neuroscience and climatology.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure