3,958 research outputs found

    Central mode and soft mode behavior in PbMg1/Nb2/3O3 relaxor ferroelectric

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    The relaxor ferroelectric PbMg1/Nb2/3O3 was investigated by means of broad-band dielectric and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) transmission spectroscopy in the frequency range from 1 MHz to 15 THz at temperatures between 20 and 900 K using PMN films on infrared transparent sapphire substrates. While thin film relaxors display reduced dielectric permittivity at low frequencies, their high frequency intrinsic or lattice response is shown to be the same as single crystal/ceramic specemins. It was observed that in contrast to the results of inelastic neutron scattering, the optic soft mode was underdamped at all temperatures. On heating, the TO1 soft phonon followed the Cochran law with an extrapolated critical temperature equal to the Burns temperature of 670 K and softened down to 50 cm-1. Above 450 K the soft mode frequency leveled off and slightly increased above the Burns temperature. A central mode, describing the dynamics of polar nanoclusters appeared below the Burns temperature at frequencies near the optic soft mode and dramatically slowed down below 1 MHz on cooling below room temperature. It broadened on cooling, giving rise to frequency independent losses in microwave and lower frequency range below the freezing temperature of 200 K. In addition, a new heavily damped mode appeared in the FTIR spectra below the soft mode frequency at room temperature and below. The origin of this mode as well as the discrepancy between the soft mode damping in neutron and infrared spectra is discussed.Comment: 7 pages with 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Coronal density diagnostics with Helium-like triplets: CHANDRA--LETGS observations of Algol, Capella, Procyon, Eps Eri, Alpha Cen A&B, UX Ari, AD Leo, YY Gem, and HR1099

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    We present an analysis of ten cool stars (Algol, Capella, Procyon, Eps Eri, Alpha Cen A&B, UX Ari, AD Leo, YY Gem, and HR1099) observed with the Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS) on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory. This sample contains all cools stars observed with the LETGS presently available to us with integration times sufficiently long to warrant a meaningful spectral analysis. Our sample comprises inactive, moderately active, and hyperactive stars and samples the bulk part of activity levels encountered in coronal X-ray sources. We use the LETGS spectra to carry out density and temperature diagnostics with an emphasis on the H-like and the He-like ions. We find a correlation between line flux ratios of the Lyman-Alpha and He-like resonance lines with the mean X-ray surface flux. We determine densities using the He-like triplets. For active stars we find no significant deviations from the low-density limit for the ions of Ne, Mg, and Si, while the measured line ratios for the ions of C, N, and O do show evidence for departures from the low-density limit in the active stars, but not in the inactive stars. Best measurements can be made for the OVII triplet where we find significant deviations from the low-density limit for the stars Algol, Procyon, YY Gem, Eps Eri, and HR1099. We discuss the influence of radiation fields on the interpretation of the He-like triplet line ratios in the low-Z ions, which is relevant for Algol, and the influence of dielectronic satellite lines, which is relevant for Procyon. For the active stars YY Gem, Eps Eri, and HR1099 the low f/i ratios can unambiguously be attributed to high densties in the range 1--3 10^10 cm^-3 at OVII temperatures. We find our LETGS spectra to be an extremely useful tool for plasma diagnostics of stellar coronae.Comment: 17 pages, Latex2e, 12 figures. accepted for A&A under MS262

    Long range spin supercurrents in ferromagnetic CrO2_2 using a multilayer contact structure

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    e report measurements of long ranged supercurrents through ferromagnetic and fully spin-polarized CrO2_2 deposited on TiO2_2 substrates. In earlier work, we found supercurrents in films grown on sapphire but not on TiO2_2. Here we employed a special contact arrangement, consisting of a Ni/Cu sandwich between the film and the superconducting amorphous Mo70_{70}Ge30_{30} electrodes. The distance between the contacts was almost a micrometer, and we find the critical current density to be significantly higher than found in the films deposited on sapphire. We argue this is due to spin mixing in the Ni/Cu/CrO2_2 layer structure, which is helpful in the generation of the odd-frequency spin triplet correlations needed to carry the supercurrent.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    The X-ray spectra of the flaring and quiescent states of AT Microscopii observed by XMM-Newton

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    The X-ray spectrum of the late-type M-dwarf binary AT Mic (dM4.5e+dM4.5e) is observed in the wavelength range 1 - 40 Angstrom by means of rgs and epic-mos on board XMM-Newton. During the exposure a flare occured. We have performed a 3-temperature fit and a DEM-modeling to the flaring and quiescent part of the spectrum. We report the coronal temperature distribution, emission measures, and abundances of the flaring and quiescent state of this bright X-ray source. The temperature range stretches from about 1 to 60 MK. The total volume emission measure in this temperature interval is ~12.2*10^51 cm^-3 for the quiescent state and ~19.5*10^51 cm^-3 for the flare state. This difference is due to the contribution of the hot temperature component. The high-resolution spectrum of AT Mic, obtained by rgs, is dominated by the H- and He-like transitions of C, N, O, and Ne and by Fe XVII lines, produced by the plasma with temperatures from 1 to 10 MK. The epic-mos spectrum below 10 Angstrom shows H- and He-like Ne, Si and the iron K-shell transitions. They are produced by the hot component (30 MK). The iron K-shell is more prominent in the flare state. The abundance pattern in the quiescent state of AT Mic shows the depletion of low-FIP elements relative to high-FIP elements, indicating the presence of an I(nverse)FIP effect in this active star. In the flare state, however, some flattening of this IFIP effect is present.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures ordered as: 1, 2ab, 3, 4abc, 5ab, 6a

    Gate-tunable band structure of the LaAlO3_3-SrTiO3_3 interface

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    The 2-dimensional electron system at the interface between LaAlO3_{3} and SrTiO3_{3} has several unique properties that can be tuned by an externally applied gate voltage. In this work, we show that this gate-tunability extends to the effective band structure of the system. We combine a magnetotransport study on top-gated Hall bars with self-consistent Schr\"odinger-Poisson calculations and observe a Lifshitz transition at a density of 2.9×10132.9\times10^{13} cm2^{-2}. Above the transition, the carrier density of one of the conducting bands decreases with increasing gate voltage. This surprising decrease is accurately reproduced in the calculations if electronic correlations are included. These results provide a clear, intuitive picture of the physics governing the electronic structure at complex oxide interfaces.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    The effect of population variation on the accuracy of sex estimates derived from basal occipital discriminant functions

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    Multiple discriminant functions that estimate sex from the dimensions of the basal occipital have been published. However, as there is limited exploration of basal dimension variation between groups, the accuracy of these functions when applied to archaeological material is unknown. This study compares basal dimensions between four known sex-at-death post-medieval European samples and explores how metric differences impact on the accuracy of sex assessment discriminant functions. Published data from St Bride’s, London (n = 146) and the Georges Olivier collection, Paris (n = 68) were compared with new data from the eighteenth to nineteenth century Dutch Middenbeemster sample (n = 74) and the early twentieth century Rainer sample, Romania (n = 282) using independent t tests. The Middenbeemster and Rainer data were substituted into six published discriminant functions derived from the St Bride’s and the Georges Olivier samples, and the results were compared to their known sex. Multiple statistically significant differences were found between the four groups. Of the six discriminant functions tested, five failed to reach the published accuracy and fell below chance. In addition, even where the samples were statistically comparable in means, trends for difference also impacted the accuracy of discriminant functions. Enough variation in basal occipital dimensions existed in the European groups to decrease the accuracy of sex estimation discriminant functions to unusable. Possible inter-observer error, varying genetic, socioeconomic, and geographical factors are likely causes of dimension variation. This research further highlights the dangers of using sex estimation discriminant functions on samples that differ to the original derivative population and demonstrates the need for more rigorous testing

    Hubbard physics in the symmetric half-filled periodic Anderson-Hubbard model

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    Two very different methods -- exact diagonalization on finite chains and a variational method -- are used to study the possibility of a metal-insulator transition in the symmetric half-filled periodic Anderson-Hubbard model. With this aim we calculate the density of doubly occupied dd sites as a function of various parameters. In the absence of on-site Coulomb interaction (UfU_f) between ff electrons, the two methods yield similar results. The double occupancy of dd levels remains always finite just as in the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Exact diagonalization on finite chains gives the same result for finite UfU_f, while the Gutzwiller method leads to a Brinkman-Rice transition at a critical value (UdcU_d^c), which depends on UfU_f and VV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Discovery of Radio Emission from the Quasar SDSS J1536+0441, a Candidate Binary Black-Hole System

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    The radio-quiet quasar SDSS J1536+0441 shows two broad-line emission systems that Boroson & Lauer interpret as a candidate binary black-hole system with a separation of 0.1 pc (0.02 mas). From new VLA imaging at 8.5 GHz, two faint sources, separated by 0.97 arcsec (5.1 kpc), have been discovered within the quasar's optical localization region. Each radio source is unresolved, with a diameter of less than 0.37 arcsec (1.9 kpc). A double radio structure is seen in some other radio-quiet quasars, and the double may be energized here by the candidate 0.1-pc binary black-hole system. Alternatively, the radio emission may arise from a binary system of quasars with a projected separation of 5.1 kpc, and the two quasars may produce the two observed broad-line emission systems. Binary active galactic nuclei with a kpc scale separation are known from radio and X-ray observations, and a few such system are expected in the Boroson & Lauer sample based on the observed clustering of quasars down to the 10 kpc scale. Future observations designed to distinguish between the 0.1 pc and 5 kpc scales for the binary system are suggested.Comment: 5 pages; 1 figure; emulateapj.cls; to appear in ApJ