487 research outputs found

    The Immature Stages of the Subfamily Phlebotominae in Panama (Diptera: Psychodidae)

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    The University of Kansas has long historical connections with Central America and the many Central Americans who have earned graduate degrees at KU. This work is part of the Central American Theses and Dissertations collection in KU ScholarWorks and is being made freely available with permission of the author through the efforts of Professor Emeritus Charles Stansifer of the History department and the staff of the Scholarly Communications program at the University of Kansas Libraries’ Center for Digital Scholarship.I am grateful for the permission given me to carry out much of the work herein described while a member of the staff of the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory in Panama, Rep* of Panama* I am especially indebted to Dr. Marshall Hertig and Dr. G« B* Fair child of that institution, whose help, guidance and inspiration were in large part responsible for my accomplishments in this research* The equipment and facilities used in the ecological studies and the specimens which provided the basis for the taxonomic section were generously made available to me* I also thank Dr* George W* Byers and other members of the staff of the Department of Entomology at the university of Kansas for their many helpful criticisms and suggestions in the progress and completion of this study

    On the transport and modification of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Vema Channel

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    The Verna Channel is a deep passage across the Rio Grande Rise in the South Atlantic through which Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) must flow on its way northward from the Argentine Basin to the Brazil Basin and eventuafly into the North Atlantic…

    Influence of the heme distal pocket on nitrite binding orientation and reactivity in Sperm Whale myoglobin

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    Nitrite binding to recombinant wild-type Sperm Whale myoglobin (SWMb) was studied using a combination of spectroscopic methods including room-temperature magnetic circular dichroism. These revealed that the reactive species is free nitrous acid and the product of the reaction contains a nitrite ion bound to the ferric heme iron in the nitrito- (O-bound) orientation. This exists in a thermal equilibrium with a low-spin ground state and a high-spin excited state and is spectroscopically distinct from the purely low-spin nitro- (N-bound) species observed in the H64V SWMb variant. Substitution of the proximal heme ligand, histidine-93, with lysine yields a novel form of myoglobin (H93K) with enhanced reactivity towards nitrite. The nitrito-mode of binding to the ferric heme iron is retained in the H93K variant again as a thermal equilibrium of spin-states. This proximal substitution influences the heme distal pocket causing the pKa of the alkaline transition to be lowered relative to wild-type SWMb. This change in the environment of the distal pocket coupled with nitrito-binding is the most likely explanation for the 8-fold increase in the rate of nitrite reduction by H93K relative to WT SWMb

    Retrieval enhances eyewitness suggestibility to misinformation in free and cued recall.

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    Immediately recalling a witnessed event can increase people’s susceptibility to later postevent misinformation. But this retrieval-enhanced suggestibility (RES) effect has been shown only when the initial recall test included specific questions that reappeared on the final test. Moreover, it is unclear whether this phenomenon is affected by the centrality of event details. These limitations make it difficult to generalize RES to criminal investigations, which often begin with free recall prior to more specific queries from legal officials and attorneys. In 3 experiments, we examined the influence of test formats (free recall vs. cued recall) and centrality of event details (central vs. peripheral) on RES. In Experiment 1, both the initial and final tests were cued recall. In Experiment 2, the initial test was free recall and the final test was cued recall. In Experiment 3, both the initial and final tests were free recall. Initial testing increased misinformation reporting on the final test for peripheral details in all experiments, but the effect was significant for central details only after aggregating the data from all 3 experiments. These results show that initial free recall can produce RES, and more broadly, that free recall can potentiate subsequent learning of complex prose materials. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved

    Political Contest and Oppositional Voices in Postconflict Democracy:The Impact of Institutional Design on Government–Media Relations

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    The media are considered to play a crucial democratic role in the public sphere through representing political issues to the public (Gelders et al. 2007); facilitating deliberation, public opinion formation and political participation (Habermas 1989); acting as the 'watchdog' of powerful societal institutions (Norris 2000); and in assisting in the development of civil society in politically fragile and divided contexts (Taylor 2000). Journalists are expected to perform their news reporting within the framework of public interest values, such as objectivity, impartiality, public service, autonomy, and a critical questioning of power (Street 2001). Yet, it is acknowledged that political, cultural, organisational, economic, and relational factors affect this journalistic ideal (Davis 2010). In deeply divided, post-conflict societies, ethno-political antagonisms are fundamental to almost all aspects of civic life, yet there is limited research into how government-media relations operate in such contexts. Most media-politics studies focus on Western majoritarian parliamentary or presidential systems - that is, any system that has clear ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ after elections - and where institutional factors are considered, the focus is largely on how party systems impact on journalism (e.g. Çarkoğlu et al. 2014; Hallin and Mancini 2004; Sheafer and Wolfsfeld 2009). This focus however, neglects important institutional variables, such as mandatory coalition, proportionality and special cross-community voting arrangements, which pertain in more constitutionally complex democracies and which may have a significant impact on media-politics relations