1,897 research outputs found

    The electro production of d* dibaryon

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    dd^* dibaryon study is a critical test of hadron interaction models. The electro production cross sections of ededed\to ed^* have been calculated based on the meson exchange current model and the cross section around 30 degree of 1 GeV electron in the laboratory frame is about 10 nb. The implication of this result for the dd^* dibaryon search has been discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, Late

    Ultrafast Coherent Spectroscopy of the Fermi Edge Singularity

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    In this work we present a theoretical description of the transient response of the Fermi Edge Singularity (FES). We study the linear and the nonlinear response of an n-doped QW to laser pulses in the Coherent Control (CC) and Four Wave Mixing (FWM) Configurations. By means of a bosonization formalism we calculate the FWM signal emitted by the sample when it is excited by pulses spectrally peaked around the FES and we show that the long time behavior of the nonlinear signal is very similar to the linear case.Comment: Conference paper (13 EP2DS

    Fermionic Atoms in Optical Superlattices

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    Fermionic atoms in an optical superlattice can realize a very peculiar Anderson lattice model in which impurities interact with each other through a discretized set of delocalized levels. We investigate the interplay between Kondo effect and magnetism under these finite-size features. We find that Kondo effect can dominate over magnetism depending on the parity of the number of particles per discretized set. We show how Kondo-induced resonances of measurable size can be observed through the atomic interference pattern

    Exciton Beats in GaAs Quantum Wells: Bosonic Representation and Collective Effects

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    We discuss light-heavy hole beats observed in transient optical experiments in GaAs quantum wells in terms of a free-boson coherent state model. This approach is compared with descriptions based on few-level representations. Results lead to an interpretation of the beats as due to classical electromagnetic interference. The boson picture correctly describes photon excitation of extended states and accounts for experiments involving coherent control of the exciton density and Rayleigh scattering beating.Comment: 4 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in Solid State Communication

    Double Pion Photoproduction in Nuclei

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    The inclusive A(gamma,pi+ pi-)X reaction is studied theoretically. A sizeable enhancement of the cross section is found, in comparison with the scaling of the deuteron cross section (sigma_deuteron * A/2). This enhancement is due to the modifications in the nuclear medium of the gamma N ----> pi pi N amplitude and the pion dispersion relation. The enhancement is found to be bigger than the one already observed in the (pi,pi pi) reaction in nuclei.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures (figures available from authors); TeX, Version 3.141 [PD VMS 3.4/CERN 1.0

    Restrictions on the coherence of the ultrafast optical emission from an electron-hole pairs condensate

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    We report on the transfer of coherence from a quantum-well electron-hole condensate to the light it emits. As a function of density, the coherence of the electron-hole pair system evolves from being full for the low density Bose-Einstein condensate to a chaotic behavior for a high density BCS-like state. This degree of coherence is transfered to the light emitted in a damped oscillatory way in the ultrafast regime. Additionally, the photon field exhibits squeezing properties during the transfer time. We analyze the effect of light frequency and separation between electron and hole layers on the optical coherence. Our results suggest new type of ultrafast experiments for detecting electron-hole pair condensation.Comment: 4 pages,3 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letters. Minor change