2,420 research outputs found

    Strong field dynamics with ultrashort electron wave packet replicas

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    We investigate theoretically electron dynamics under a VUV attosecond pulse train which has a controlled phase delay with respect to an additional strong infrared laser field. Using the strong field approximation and the fact that the attosecond pulse is short compared to the excited electron dynamics, we arrive at a minimal analytical model for the kinetic energy distribution of the electron as well as the photon absorption probability as a function of the phase delay between the fields. We analyze the dynamics in terms of electron wave packet replicas created by the attosecond pulses. The absorption probability shows strong modulations as a function of the phase delay for VUV photons of energy comparable to the binding energy of the electron, while for higher photon energies the absorption probability does not depend on the delay, in line with the experimental observations for helium and argon, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Optomechanical sideband cooling of a micromechanical oscillator close to the quantum ground state

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    Cooling a mesoscopic mechanical oscillator to its quantum ground state is elementary for the preparation and control of low entropy quantum states of large scale objects. Here, we pre-cool a 70-MHz micromechanical silica oscillator to an occupancy below 200 quanta by thermalizing it with a 600-mK cold 3He gas. Two-level system induced damping via structural defect states is shown to be strongly reduced, and simultaneously serves as novel thermometry method to independently quantify excess heating due to the cooling laser. We demonstrate that dynamical backaction sideband cooling can reduce the average occupancy to 9+-1 quanta, implying that the mechanical oscillator can be found (10+- 1)% of the time in its quantum ground state.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Optomechanically induced transparency

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    Coherent interaction of laser radiation with multilevel atoms and molecules can lead to quantum interference in the electronic excitation pathways. A prominent example observed in atomic three-level-systems is the phenomenon of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), in which a control laser induces a narrow spectral transparency window for a weak probe laser beam. The concomitant rapid variation of the refractive index in this spectral window can give rise to dramatic reduction of the group velocity of a propagating pulse of probe light. Dynamic control of EIT via the control laser enables even a complete stop, that is, storage, of probe light pulses in the atomic medium. Here, we demonstrate optomechanically induced transparency (OMIT)--formally equivalent to EIT--in a cavity optomechanical system operating in the resolved sideband regime. A control laser tuned to the lower motional sideband of the cavity resonance induces a dipole-like interaction of optical and mechanical degrees of freedom. Under these conditions, the destructive interference of excitation pathways for an intracavity probe field gives rise to a window of transparency when a two-photon resonance condition is met. As a salient feature of EIT, the power of the control laser determines the width and depth of the probe transparency window. OMIT could therefore provide a new approach for delaying, slowing and storing light pulses in long-lived mechanical excitations of optomechanical systems, whose optical and mechanical properties can be tailored in almost arbitrary ways in the micro- and nano-optomechanical platforms developed to date

    Polarization imaging reflectometry in the wild

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    We present a novel approach for on-site acquisition of surface reflectance for planar, spatially varying, isotropic materials in uncontrolled outdoor environments. Our method exploits the naturally occuring linear polarization of incident illumination: by rotating a linear polarizing filter in front of a camera at 3 different orientations, we measure the linear polarization reflected off the sample and combine this information with multiview analysis and inverse rendering in order to recover per-pixel, high resolution reflectance maps. We exploit polarization both for diffuse/specular separation and surface normals estimation by combining polarization measurements from at least two near orthogonal views close to Brewster angle of incidence. We then use our estimates of surface normals and albedos in an inverse rendering framework to recover specular roughness. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first to successfully extract a complete set of reflectance parameters with passive capture in completely uncontrolled outdoor environments

    Subcritical open channel flows in four branch intersections

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    International audience[1] Subcritical flow in an intersection composed of four similar orthogonal channels has been studied experimentally in a configuration with two inflows and two outflows for a wide range of experimental conditions. The results have been used to develop a relationship between the incoming flow rates and the flow distribution in the two outlet channels, based on the conservation of discharge and momentum in the intersection, and suitable stage-discharge relationships for the downstream controls in the outflow channels. A final equation is provided by an empirical correlation for the outflow in one of the channels, based on the experimental data obtained from these experiments; this correlation agrees with all the available data to within 65%. It is shown how the resulting set of equations can be used to compute the discharge distribution in any similar intersection, given the incoming flow rates and some form of stage-discharge relationship for the outlet conditions

    Frictional state evolution during normal stress perturbations probed with ultrasonic waves

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    Fault normal stress changes dynamically during earthquake rupture; however, the impact of these changes on dynamic frictional strength is poorly understood. Here we report on a laboratory study to investigate the effect of normal stress perturbations on the friction of westerly granite surfaces sheared under normal stresses of 1-25 MPa. We measure changes in surface friction and elastic properties, using acoustic waves, for step changes in normal stress of 1–50% and shearing velocities of 1-100 μm/s. We demonstrate that transmitted elastic wave amplitude is a reliable proxy for the real contact area at the fault interface at steady state. For step increases in normal stress, wave amplitude increases immediately and then continues to increase during elastic shear loading to a peak value from which it decreases as fault slip rate increases. Friction changes in a similar fashion, showing an inelastic increase over a characteristic shear displacement that is independent of loading rate. Perturbations in normal stress during shear cause excursions in the frictional slip rate that must be accounted for in order to accurately predict the evolution of fault strength and elastic properties. Our work improves understanding of induced seismicity and triggered earthquakes with particular focus on simulating static triggering and stress transfer phenomena using rate-and-state frictional formulations in earthquake rupture models

    Automatic low-temperature control for fracture mechanics tests

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    Many materials used in critical applica· tions must be tested at low temperature to simulate their operating environment or, as with ferritic steels, it is important to know their behavior at the ductile· to-brittle transition. In the latter case the temperature control of the test must be very accurate because of the abrupt variation that steel properties suffer in a narrow temperature range.Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos AiresFacultad de Ingenierí

    Evolution of elastic and mechanical properties during fault shear. The roles of clay content, fabric development, and porosity

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    Phyllosilicates weaken faults due to the formation of shear fabrics. Although the impacts of clay abundance and fabric on frictional strength, sliding stability, and porosity of faults are well studied, their influence on elastic properties is less known, though they are key factors for fault stiffness. We document the role that fabric and consolidation play in elastic properties and show that smectite content is the most important factor determining whether fabric or porosity controls the elastic response of faults. We conducted a suite of shear experiments on synthetic smectite-quartz fault gouges (10–100 wt% smectite) and sediment incoming to the Sumatra subduction zone. We monitored Vp, Vs, friction, porosity, shear and bulk moduli. We find that mechanical and elastic properties for gouges with abundant smectite are almost entirely controlled by fabric formation (decreasing mechanical and elastic properties with shear). Though fabrics control the elastic response of smectite-poor gouges over intermediate shear strains, porosity is the primary control throughout the majority of shearing. Elastic properties vary systematically with smectite content: High smectite gouges have values of Vp ~ 1,300–1,800 m/s, Vs ~ 900–1,100 m/s, K ~ 1–4 GPa, and G ~ 1–2 GPa, and low smectite gouges have values of Vp ~ 2,300–2,500 m/s, Vs ~ 1,200–1,300 m/s, K ~ 5–8 GPa, and G ~ 2.5–3 GPa. We find that, even in smectite-poor gouges, shear fabric also affects stiffness and elastic moduli, implying that while smectite abundance plays a clear role in controlling gouge properties, other fine-grained and platy clay minerals may produce similar behavior through their control on the development of fabrics and thin shear surfaces

    Density correlations in ultracold atomic Fermi gases

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    We investigate density fluctuations in a coherent ensemble of interacting fermionic atoms. Adapting the concept of full counting statistics, well-known from quantum optics and mesoscopic electron transport, we study second-order as well as higher-order correlators of density fluctuations. Using the mean-field BCS state to describe the whole interval between the BCS limit and the BEC limit, we obtain an exact expression for the cumulant-generating function of the density fluctuations of an atomic cloud. In the two-dimensional case, we obtain a closed analytical expression. Poissonian fluctuations of a molecular condensate on the BEC side are strongly suppressed on the BCS side. The size of the fluctuations in the BCS limit is a direct measure of the pairing potential. We also discuss the BEC-BCS crossover of the third cumulant and the temperature dependence of the second cumulant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. A. New calculation of the bin statistics of a free Bose gas; updated and extended bibliograph
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