21 research outputs found

    Feasibility of utilizing wood debris for biofuels in Northwestern Ontario

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    In recent years’ production of transportation biofuels generated from forest residues have grown rapidly on a global scale. Converting to advanced biofuels is enticing because they can help reduce dependence on oil; mitigate global warming; free up agricultural land and utilize waste wood. To encourage advanced biofuel production, Canada can look to Countries like Sweden that provide subsidies for advanced biofuels. In this undergraduate thesis thermochemical conversion had the lowest average cost of production for all the studies that had techno-economic in the production of cellulosic ethanol at US$0.33/L

    Early preparation during turn-taking:Listeners use content predictions to determine <i>what</i> to say but not <i>when</i> to say it

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    During conversation, there is often little gap between interlocutors' utterances. In two pairs of experiments, we manipulated the content predictability of yes/no questions to investigate whether listeners achieve such coordination by (i) preparing a response as early as possible or (ii) predicting the end of the speaker's turn. To assess these two mechanisms, we varied the participants' task: They either pressed a button when they thought the question was about to end (Experiments 1a and 2a), or verbally answered the questions with either yes or no (Experiments 1b and 2b). Predictability effects were present when participants had to prepare a verbal response, but not when they had to predict the turn-end. These findings suggest content prediction facilitates turn-taking because it allows listeners to prepare their own response early, rather than because it helps them predict when the speaker will reach the end of their turn

    Short-time dynamics of lysozyme solutions with competing short-range attraction and long-range repulsion: Experiment and theory

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    Recently, atypical static features of microstructural ordering in low-salinity lysozyme protein solutions have been extensively explored experimentally and explained theoretically based on a short-range attractive plus long-range repulsive (SALR) interaction potential. However, the protein dynamics and the relationship to the atypical SALR structure remain to be demonstrated. Here, the applicability of semi-analytic theoretical methods predicting diffusion properties and viscosity in isotropic particle suspensions to low-salinity lysozyme protein solutions is tested. Using the interaction potential parameters previously obtained from static structure factor measurements, our results of Monte Carlo simulations representing seven experimental lysoyzme samples indicate that they exist either in dispersed fluid or random percolated states. The self-consistent Zerah-Hansen scheme is used to describe the static structure factor, S(q), which is the input to our calculation schemes for the short-time hydrodynamic function, H(q), and the zero-frequency viscosity η. The schemes account for hydrodynamic interactions included on an approximate level. Theoretical predictions for H(q) as a function of the wavenumber q quantitatively agree with experimental results at small protein concentrations obtained using neutron spin echo measurements. At higher concentrations, qualitative agreement is preserved although the calculated hydrodynamic functions are overestimated. We attribute the differences for higher concentrations and lower temperatures to translational-rotational diffusion coupling induced by the shape and interaction anisotropy of particles and clusters, patchiness of the lysozyme particle surfaces, and the intra-cluster dynamics, features not included in our simple globular particle model. The theoretical results for the solution viscosity, η, are in qualitative agreement with our experimental data even at higher concentrations. We demonstrate that semi-quantitative predictions of diffusion properties and viscosity of solutions of globular proteins are possible given only the equilibrium structure factor of proteins. Furthermore, we explore the effects of changing the attraction strength on H(q) and