1,050 research outputs found

    Intramedullary versus extramedullary alignment of the tibial component in the Triathlon knee

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Long term survivorship in total knee arthroplasty is significantly dependant on prosthesis alignment. Our aim was determine which alignment guide was more accurate in positioning of the tibial component in total knee arthroplasty. We also aimed to assess whether there was any difference in short term patient outcome.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>A comparison of intramedullary versus extramedullary alignment jig was performed. Radiological alignment of tibial components and patient outcomes of 103 Triathlon total knee arthroplasties were analysed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Use of the intramedullary was found to be significantly more accurate in determining coronal alignment (p = 0.02) while use of the extramedullary jig was found to give more accurate results in sagittal alignment (p = 0.04). There was no significant difference in WOMAC or SF-36 at six months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Use of an intramedullary jig is preferable for positioning of the tibial component using this knee system.</p

    Atomic Data Revisions for Transitions Relevant to Observations of Interstellar, Circumgalactic, and Intergalactic Matter

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    Measurements of element abundances in galaxies from astrophysical spectroscopy depend sensitively on the atomic data used. With the goal of making the latest atomic data accessible to the community, we present a compilation of selected atomic data for resonant absorption lines at wavelengths longward of 911.753 Å (the H I Lyman limit), for key heavy elements (heavier than atomic number 5) of astrophysical interest. In particular, we focus on the transitions of those ions that have been observed in the Milky Way interstellar medium (ISM), the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of the Milky Way and/or other galaxies, and the intergalactic medium (IGM). We provide wavelengths, oscillator strengths, associated accuracy grades, and references to the oscillator strength determinations. We also attempt to compare and assess the recent oscillator strength determinations. For about 22% of the lines that have updated oscillator strength values, the differences between the former values and the updated ones are ≳ 0.1 dex. Our compilation will be a useful resource for absorption line studies of the ISM, as well as studies of the CGM and IGM traced by sight lines to quasars and gamma-ray bursts. Studies (including those enabled by future generations of extremely large telescopes) of absorption by galaxies against the light of background galaxies will also benefit from our compilation

    A Smart Textile for Measuring the Impact of Energy used in Competitive Contact Sports

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    Technological advances that combine electronics with textile fabrics are becoming more of a reality into modern day wearable apparel. This has fashioned the concept of wearable electronics. More products have become available with some new and innovative applications. There are garments available that are capable of monitoring ECG and blood pressure in order to provide an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease. Another area of significant interest is the potential to develop garments for contact sports that can measure an impact of force when struck by an opponent. These include activities such as martial arts and boxing. These garments would replace subjective point scoring by a human judge, with an objective system that is far more accurate and precise. The aim of this research was to develop a concept for electro-conductive and intelligent textiles that could be incorporated into a range of sporting clothing. These could be worn by athletes providing measurable data to determine who is the rightful victor within a contest. Advances in the technology of electro-conductive textiles combined with modern clothing manufacturing techniques, have made these garments a distinct possibility. This has significant potential to the sporting bodies and to the competitors who participate. Greater accuracy and less chance of human error during a competition could be achieved

    Volcano dome dynamics at Mount St. Helens:Deformation and intermittent subsidence monitored by seismicity and camera imagery pixel offsets

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    The surface deformation field measured at volcanic domes provides insights into the effects of magmatic processes, gravity-and gas-driven processes, and the development and distribution of internal dome structures. Here we study short-term dome deformation associated with earthquakes at Mount St. Helens, recorded by a permanent optical camera and seismic monitoring network. We use Digital Image Correlation (DIC) to compute the displacement field between successive images and compare the results to the occurrence and characteristics of seismic events during a 6 week period of dome growth in 2006. The results reveal that dome growth at Mount St. Helens was repeatedly interrupted by short-term meter-scale downward displacements at the dome surface, which were associated in time with low-frequency, large-magnitude seismic events followed by a tremor-like signal. The tremor was only recorded by the seismic stations closest to the dome. We find a correlation between the magnitudes of the camera-derived displacements and the spectral amplitudes of the associated tremor. We use the DIC results from two cameras and a high-resolution topographic model to derive full 3-D displacement maps, which reveals internal dome structures and the effect of the seismic activity on daily surface velocities. We postulate that the tremor is recording the gravity-driven response of the upper dome due to mechanical collapse or depressurization and fault-controlled slumping. Our results highlight the different scales and structural expressions during growth and disintegration of lava domes and the relationships between seismic and deformation signals

    Diverse metallicities of Fermi bubble clouds indicate dual origins in the disk and halo

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    The Galactic Center is surrounded by two giant plasma lobes known as the Fermi Bubbles, extending ~10 kpc both above and below the Galactic plane. Spectroscopic observations of Fermi Bubble directions at radio, ultraviolet, and optical wavelengths have detected multi-phase gas clouds thought to be embedded within the bubbles referred to as Fermi Bubble high-velocity clouds (FB HVCs). While these clouds have kinematics that can be modeled by a biconical nuclear wind launched from the Galactic center, their exact origin is unknown because, until now, there has been little information on their heavy-metal abundance (metallicity). Here we show that FB HVCs have a wide range of metallicities from <20% solar to ~320% solar. This result is based on the first metallicity survey of FB HVCs. These metallicities challenge the previously accepted tenet that all FB HVCs are launched from the Galactic center into the Fermi Bubbles with solar or super-solar metallicities. Instead, we suggest that FB HVCs originate in both the Milky Way's disk and halo. As such, some of these clouds may characterize circumgalactic medium that the Fermi Bubbles expand into, rather than material carried outward by the nuclear wind, changing the canonical picture of FB HVCs. More broadly, these results reveal that nuclear outflows from spiral galaxies can operate by sweeping up gas in their halos while simultaneously removing gas from their disks.Comment: This version of the article has been accepted for publication on Nature Astronomy after peer review. This version is not the Version of Record (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-022-01720-0) and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any correction

    Vitamin D status of Irish adults: findings from the National Adult Nutrition Survey

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    Previous national nutrition surveys in Irish adults did not include blood samples; thus, representative serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) data are lacking. In the present study, we characterised serum 25(OH)D concentrations in Irish adults from the recent National Adult Nutrition Survey, and determined the impact of vitamin D supplement use and season on serum 25(OH)D concentrations. Of the total representative sample (n 1500, aged 18+ years), blood samples were available for 1132 adults. Serum 25(OH)D was measured via immunoassay. Vitamin D-containing supplement use was assessed by questionnaire and food diary. Concentrations of serum 25(OH)D were compared by season and in supplement users and non-users. Year-round prevalence rates for serum 25(OH)D concentration 125 nmol/l. These first nationally representative serum 25(OH)D data for Irish adults show that while only 6·7 % had serum 25(OH)D < 30 nmol/l (vitamin D deficiency) throughout the year, 40·1 % had levels considered by the Institute of Medicine as being inadequate for bone health. These prevalence estimates were much higher during winter time. While vitamin D supplement use has benefits in terms of vitamin D status, at present rates of usage (17·5 % of Irish adults), it will have only very limited impact at a population level. Food-based strategies, including fortified foods, need to be explored

    Autoethnographic and qualitative research on popular music: Exploring the blues, jazz, grime, John Cage, live performance, SoundCloud and the masculinities of metal

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    This special edition of Riffs focuses on autoethnography and qualitative research in relation to popular music. The journal publication is twinned with a forthcoming book entitled: Popular Music Ethnographies: practice, place, identity. The intention of these studies is to uphold the principle that ‘music is good to think with’ (Chambers 1981: 38). Riffs was founded in 2015 to promote experimental writing on popular music, with a strong DiY ethos and space to offer flexibility and diversity of outputs through challenging interdisciplinary boundaries. At the same time there is a degree of similarity with specialist popular music magazines including Mojo, fRoots (1979-2019), Rolling Stone, Record Collector, Prog, Mixmag, and Uncut, through a focus on visuals and creative images. This suggests that there has been an increased growth at the ‘popular’ end of biographical and autoethnography within popular music. Critically, popular music autoethnographies work across and within disciplinary boundaries of anthropology, social anthropology, cultural studies, sociology, and popular music studies

    Observations of a Magellanic Corona

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    The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC/SMC) are the closest major satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. They are likely on their first passage on an infalling orbit towards our Galaxy (Besla et al. 2007) and trace the ongoing dynamics of the Local Group (D'Onghia & Fox 2016). Recent measurements of a high mass for the LMC (M_halo = 10^(11.1-11.4) solar masses; Penarrubia et al. 2016, Erkal et al. 2018, 2019, Kallivayalil et al. 2018) imply the LMC should host a Magellanic Corona: a collisionally ionized, warm-hot gaseous halo at the virial temperature (10^(5.3-5.5) K) initially extending out to the virial radius (100-130 kpc). Such a Corona would have shaped the formation of the Magellanic Stream (Lucchini et al. 2020), a tidal gas structure extending over 200 degrees across the sky (D'Onghia & Fox 2016, Besla et al. 2012, Nidever et al. 2010) that is bringing in metal poor gas to the Milky Way (Fox et al. 2014). No observational evidence for such an extended Corona has been published previously, with detections of highly ionized gas only reported in directions directly toward the LMC, where winds from the LMC disk may dominate (deBoer & Savage 1980, Wakker et al. 1998). Here we show evidence for this Magellanic Corona with a potential direct detection in highly ionized oxygen (O^+5), and indirectly via triply-ionized carbon and silicon, seen in ultraviolet absorption toward background quasars. We find that the Magellanic Corona is part of a pervasive multiphase Magellanic circumgalactic medium (CGM) seen in many ionization states with a declining projected radial profile out to at least 35 kpc from the LMC and a total ionized CGM mass of log_10(M_HII;CGM/solar masses) = 9.1 +/- 0.2. The evidence for the Magellanic Corona is a crucial step forward in characterizing the Magellanic Group and its nested evolution with the Local Group.Comment: View published, open access version here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05090-5 Main Text: 7 Pages, 4 Figures Methods: 19 Pages, 7 Extended Data Figures, 3 Extended Data Table

    Sports mega-events – three sites of contemporary political contestation

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    This article discusses the contemporary politics of sports mega-events, involving the Olympic Games and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Men’s Football World Cup Finals as well as other lower ‘order’ sports megas, taking two main forms: the promotional and the protest. There is a politics in, and a politics of, sports mega-events. The former focuses on the internal politics of the organizing bodies, such as the International Olympic Committee and FIFA. This form of politics has been written about elsewhere, and hence, there is no detailed discussion in this article about it. Instead this article offers a brief discussion of the range and number of sports mega-events since 2000, an assessment of the contemporary politics of sports mega-events, a focus on three main sites of political contestation – rights, legacy and labour, and finally, it offers conclusions about research into the politics of sports mega-events