649 research outputs found
The envelope gene of transmitted HIV-1 resists a late interferon gamma-induced block
Type I interferon (IFN) signaling engenders an antiviral state that likely plays an important role in constraining HIV-1 transmission and contributes to defining subsequent AIDS pathogenesis. Type II IFN (IFNγ) also induces an antiviral state but is often primarily considered to be an immunomodulatory cytokine. We report that IFNγ stimulation can induce an antiviral state that can be both distinct from that of type I interferon, and can potently inhibit HIV-1 in primary CD4+ T cells and a number of human cell lines. Strikingly, we find that transmitted/founder (TF) HIV-1 viruses can resist a late block that is induced by type II IFN, and the use of chimeric IFNγ- sensitive/resistant viruses indicates that interferon-resistance maps to the env gene. Simultaneously, in vitro evolution also revealed that just a single amino acid substitution in envelope can confer substantial resistance to IFN-mediated inhibition. Thus, the env gene of transmitted HIV-1 confers resistance to a late block that is phenotypically distinct from those previously described to be resisted by env, and is therefore mediated by unknown IFNγ-stimulated factor(s) in human CD4+ T cells and cell lines. This important unidentified block could play a key role in constraining HIV-1 transmission
Impact of randomly distributed dopants on Ω-gate junctionless silicon nanowire transistors
This paper presents experimental and simulation analysis of an Ω-shaped silicon junctionless nanowire field-effect transistor (JL-NWT) with gate lengths of 150 nm and diameter of the Si channel of 8 nm. Our experimental measurements reveal that the ON-currents up to 1.15 mA/μm for 1.0 V and 2.52 mA/μm for the 1.8-V gate overdrive with an OFF-current set at 100 nA/μm. Also, the experiment data reveal more than eight orders of magnitude ON-current to OFF-current ratios and an excellent subthreshold slope of 66 mV/dec recorded at room temperature. The obtained experimental current-voltage characteristics are used as a reference point to calibrate the simulations models used in this paper. Our simulation data show good agreement with the experimental results. All simulations are based on drift-diffusion formalism with activated density gradient quantum corrections. Once the simulations methodology is established, the simulations are calibrated to the experimental data. After this, we have performed statistical numerical experiments of a set of 500 different JL-NWTs. Each device has a unique random distribution of the discrete dopants within the silicon body. From those statistical simulations, we extracted important figures of merit, such as OFF-current and ON-current, subthreshold slope, and voltage threshold. The performed statistical analysis, on samples of those 500 JL-NWTs, shows that the mean ID-VGs characteristic is in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements. Moreover, the mean ID-VGs characteristic reproduces better the subthreshold slope data obtained from the experiment in comparison to the continuous model simulation. Finally, performance predictions for the JL transistor with shorter gate lengths and thinner oxide regions are carried out. Among the simulated JL transistors, the configuration with 25-nm gate length and 2-nm oxide thickness shows the most promising characteristics offering scalable designs
Perancangan Aplikasi Jasa Laundry Berbasis Android Untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Di Bimbingan Kegiatan Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas I Cipinang
Perkembangan teknologi menuntut penggunanya agar mengikuti perkembangannya. Dampak perkembangan teknologi adalah memanjakan perusahaan jasa pelayanan. Dengan menerapkan teknologi pada sistem perusahaan jasa pelayanan maka karyawannya akan terbantu dalam pekerjaannya, sehingga pekerjaanya akan lebih efisien juga meminimalisir tingkat kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh human error. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk Melakukan analisis terhadap sistem yang sedang berjalan pada Laundry Bimbingan Kegiatan Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas I Cipinang dan Merancang sistem informasi pelayanan jasa loundry berbasis Android yang mampu memberi solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi laundry Bimbingan Kegiatan Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas I Cipinang. penelitian ini adalah metode protoype untuk menjelaskan setiap proses yang dilakukan pada tahap pengembangan sistem, tahapan-tahapan dalam prototype. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Penggunaan android pada pengembangan aplikasi Jasa Laundry dapat mempermudah akses penjualan jasa, Mempermudah pihak toko dalam mengelolah data pemesanan dengan baik dan cepat dengan sebuah aplikasi dalam penjualan jasa yang akan meningkatkan kinerja, Memberikan kenyamanan dalam melakukan penyimpanan data pemesanan
Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility Dan Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Perencanaan Pajak Sebagai Variabel Moderating
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) dan Good CorporateGovernance(GCG) terhadap nilai Perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti juga memasukkan perencanaan pajaksebagai variabel moderasi yang menguji dua variabel independen terhadap nilai Perusahaan. Metode penelitian yangdigunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat Stata13. Untuk tujuan penelitian ini,pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan 25 Perusahaan yang terdaftar index SRI KEHATI periode 2012-2016, tehnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan mendapatkan 13 Perusahaan sebagai objeksampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) CSR terhadap nilai Perusahaan berpengaruh positifsignifikan ,(2) komisaris independen terhadap nilai Perusahaan berpengaruh positif signifikan,(3) kepemilikaninstitusional terhadap nilai Perusahaan berpengaruh positif signifikan, (4)perencanaan pajak terhadap nilai Perusahaanberpengaruh negatif signifikan. Sedangkan perencanaan pajak sebagai variabel moderating tidak dapat memperkuatatau memperlemah hubungan antar variabel independen dengan dependen
Digital current sensing in modular multilevel converter for HVDC applications
For long-distance transmission, HVDC (High-Voltage, Direct-Current) is proven to be less expensive and have lower electrical losses as compared to HVAC (High-Voltage, Alternating-Current). Now a days, the advancement of power electronic switches such as IGBT's and MOSFET enables the use of converters for HVDC applications. Among the well-known converters used for HVDC are Voltage Source Converter (VSC) Line Commutated Converter (LCC) and Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC). The MMC is still new and a promising technology for HVDC application. The MMC has many advantages such as controlling high amount of active/reactive power and possess lower losses as compared to other converters. To control the active/reactive power in a MMC, control scheme such as free-running hysteresis uses the reference voltage and the inductor current to produce the required switching pulses. This study proposed a technique in which a voltage sensor is use to measure the inductor current. Conventionally, the inductor current is sensed either with a resistor or Current Transformer (CT). This method is associated with some disadvantages; requires additional circuitry which introduces some power loss and requires higher bandwidth in order to sense accurately. This study instead, measures the current indirectly by using the information of the phase inductor voltage. As the voltage sensor is placed in parallel to the inductor, this measuring technique is immune to I2R loss. The proposed technique will be investigated using MATLAB simulation to determine its current sensing capability in a MMC for HVDC applications. To design an improved current-less sensing method using a digital RC network. To extract the inductor current values from the phase inductor voltage an RC filter is required and placed in parallel across the inductor. In this way, all the high frequency harmonics will be filtered out and only the low frequency inductor current can be seen across the capacitor. The selection of RC values, however is dependent on the inductor value and inductor DC-Resistance (RDCR). The main concern with this technique is that selection of DCR RC values sometimes can be unavailable for hardware implementation. To further improve the implementation of RC network and eliminate the problems of selecting suitable RC values for hardware implementation. This paper proposed the used of digital filter based on the RC network concept. Instead of using the actual components for filtering the high frequency harmonics, this technique uses only the DSP for filtering to remove the high frequency harmonics. The proposed technique is able to convert the high frequency voltage VL1 measured from the phase inductor L1 into the phase inductor current iL1without any delay or difficulty. By 1 L1 comparing the signals of proposed method to the series sensing method and the conventional RC filter method the waveforms of both signals are almost identical. However, the proposed method eliminates the need for RC components as compared to the conventional RC filter method. This technique improves the efficiency of the system in terms of improve signal noise ratio and eliminates the need for passive component on the system
Robot Pintar Penyambut Costumer Pada Pusat Perbelanjaan Kota Manado
Aspects of robotics technology have now been able to explore and reach the entertainment, education, and health. Making robots with privileges and special expertise is closely related to the needs of the modern world that requires a device with a high capacity are useful to help the work of man. On the other hand, advanced technology is useful to complete the work that could not and did not want to do by men as a greeter job. Greeter costumer jobs is a very tedious job. So it is necessary in the field of robotics technology that is smart robot greeter customers that replace the role of humans to improve the quality of waiters, efficiency, and economical savings at shopping centers in the city of Manado. The smart robot is designed to greet the customer by giving the greeting on the customer entrance and exit shopping center. The robot system is powered with less use of multiple technologies including ultrasonic distance and PIR sensors to detect humans, servo and DC motor as an actuator of the robot, and use voice module so that the robot can speak. The robot system is also equipped with a remote control using the Android smartphone so the smart robot can perform monitoring, operation, and control over long distances. The test results describe the action of robots have been able to make the detection of costumer and activities greeting the customer with the analysis of determining the value of the parameter distance between ultrasonic sensors use trigonometry comparative analysis
Pengaruh Beberapa Jenis Car Rier Terhadap Daya Multiplikasi Dan Infeksi Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula (CMA) Yang Dikemas Ke Dalam Kapsul
Telah dilakukan percobaan pengaruh beberapa jenis car rier terhadap daya multiplikasi dan infeksi cendawanmikoriza arbuskula (CMA) yang dikemas ke dalam kapsul, yang dilakukan di laboratorium Balitbu Solok. Penelitiandilaksanakan selama 10 bulan, mulai Oktober 2001 sampai Agustus 2002. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acakkelompok faktorial dengan dua faktor perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis car rier, yang terdiridari tiga macam yaitu tanah hitam, tanah merah, dan tepung. Faktor kedua adalah jenis CMA, yaitu CMA campurandari Padang dan CMA campuran dari Sijunjung. Spora CMA dicampur dengan masing-masing car rier kemudiandimasukkan ke dalam kapsul. Selanjutnya setiap kapsul yang berisi spora CMA disimpan selama 2 bulan pada suhukamar, kemudian diinokulasikan ke bidang perakaran tanaman Puraria javanica. Pa ram e ter yang diamati meliputidaya multiplikasi dengan menghitung jumlah spora yang terbentuk dan persentase infeksi spora CMA pada akarP. javanica. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah hitam merupakan car rier yang terbaik dalam mengemasspora. CMA campuran dari Padang memiliki kemampuan multiplikasi dan menginfeksi akar P. javanica yang lebihbaik daripada CMA dari Sijunjung.Ef fect of sev eral car ri ers to mul ti plyand in fect arbuscular mycorhyza fungi (AMF) which pack ages into capsule. The ex per i ment was con ducted at thelab o ra tory of In do ne sian Fruit Re search In sti tute (IFRURI) Solok, from Oc to ber 2001 to Au gust 2002 in fac to rial ran -dom ized block de sign with two fac tors and four rep li ca tions. The first fac tor is car ri ers those were black soil, red soiland pow der and the sec ond fac tor is lo ca tion of AMF collected those were AMF from Padang and AMF fromSijunjung. AMF spores were mixed with each car rier and put into cap sule, stored for 2 months in room tem per a tureand then innoculated to the rhyzospere of P. javanica. The param eters observed were the ability of multiplication andthe per cent age of in fec tion of AMF spores in the root of Puraria javanica. The re sult in di cated that black soil was agood car rier for AMF spores pack age. While better mul ti pli ca tion and the per cent age of in fec tion were de rived ofAMF which was col lected from Padang, than from Sijunjung
Students' Interest and Usefulness of Fieldwork Approaches to History
It is very exciting that history in the Integrated Cmriculum forSecondary School (ICSS) has been included as one of the core subjects inthe lower and upper secondary levels of Malaysian schools. These subjectsare officially included in the time table of the ordinary, religious, science,vocational and technical schools in the country. One of the most importantand effective methods introduced in the teaching and learning of historyis a fieldwork approaches, particularly a site visit. Since history is acompulsory subject, it is necessary to study and analyse the ICSS historycurriculum to see i f it really could achieve the objectives of the syllabus,successfully imparting knowledge and develop interest among studentsin the subject. The study involved about eight hundred students of selectedsecondary schools in the states of Perak and Terengganu. Instr\imentsused were questionnaire and interview which were conducted with theselected respondents. The analysis of the study were presented inpercentage by using six Likert scale responses. The study shows that historyfieldwork contain many usefulness such as to develop, spark/ stimulate,motivate, investigate, prove, gain social experience, social sldUs, buildteacher-student relation, teaching-learning method, and fulfil NationalCurriculum. Moreover, the effective used of history fieldwork can enhancestudent interest in developing the country towards the advancement of'first class mind' of human capital of Malaysian. It is hoped that the findingwill enlighten teachers and students in the learning of history in the ICSStowards achieving the stipulated aspiration, especially 1-Malaysia
Forest Road Assessment in Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia
For the last few decades, forest road construction for forest harvesting in the tropical forest has been shown to cause
considerable damage to the soil physical properties, forest environment and watershed areas. These effects can be
minimized through implementation of proper harvesting procedure in the use of harvesting machines and forest road
specification guideline. Forest road specification is important as technical guideline that must be comply by any loggers
in order to construct forest roads. The road constructions that meet the outlined specification were potential to
minimize the damage of forest roads and increase the efficiency in forest product output, while reducing harvesting cost.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of feeder road construction in compliance to the Forest Road
Specifications 1999 as outlined by the Forest Department of Peninsular Malaysia. Systematic samplings were
conducted along 14.5 km of feeder road where an observation and measurements has been taken at every 500 m points
visited. A total of 30 samples were taken which incorporate dimensions of road specification elements for each point
such as road cross section, vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, road failure and earth work. The comparison data
was collected to determine whether the failure is due or not to the specification. Result presented that the total length of
the road failure in the study area was 551.4 m or 3.8% out of 14.5 km. The types of the road failure were classified into
five categories that were surface failure, surface run-off, wheel track, drainage failure and landslide. The major failure
occurred on the feeder roads was surface failure, which represent about 38.2%. Reasons of non-compliance are
ascertained and several recommendations were given to reduce the damage of feeder road
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