1,694 research outputs found

    Definition of display/control requirements for assault transport night/adverse weather capability

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    A Helicopter Night Vision System was developed to improve low-altitude night and/or adverse weather assult transport capabilities. Man-in-the-loop simulation experiments were performed to define the minimum display and control requirements for the assult transport mission and investigate forward looking infrared sensor requirements, along with alternative displays such as panel mounted displays (PMD) helmet mounted displays (HMD), and integrated control display units. Also explored were navigation requirements, pilot/copilot interaction, and overall cockpit arrangement. Pilot use of an HMD and copilot use of a PMD appear as both the preferred and most effective night navigation combination

    Post-Issue Patent "Quality Control": A Comparative Study of US Patent Re-examinations and European Patent Oppositions

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    We report the results of the first comparative study of the determinants and effects of patent oppositions in Europe and of re- examinations on corresponding patents issued in the United States. The analysis is based on a dataset consisting of matched EPO and US patents. Our analysis focuses on two broad technology categories - biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, and semiconductors and computer software. Within these fields, we collect data on all EPO patents for which oppositions were filed at the EPO. We also construct a random sample of EPO patents with no opposition in these technologies. We match these EPO patents with the ā€œequivalentā€ US patents covering the same invention in the United States. Using the matched sample of USPTO and EPO patents, we compare the determinants of opposition and of reexamination. Our results indicate that valuable patents are more likely to be challenged in both jurisdictions. But the rate of opposition at the EPO is more than thirty times higher than the rate of reexamination at the USPTO.

    Post-Issue Patent "Quality Control": A Comparative Study of US Patent Re-examinations and European Patent Oppositions

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    We report the results of the first comparative study of the determinants and effects of patent oppositions in Europe and of re-examinations on corresponding patents issued in the United States. The analysis is based on a dataset consisting of matched EPO and US patents. Our analysis focuses on two broad technology categories - biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, and semiconductors and computer software. Within these fields, we collect data on all EPO patents for which oppositions were filed at the EPO. We also construct a random sample of EPO patents with no opposition in these technologies. We match these EPO patents with the 'equivalent' US patents covering the same invention in the United States. Using the matched sample of USPTO and EPO patents, we compare the determinants of opposition and of re-examination. Our results indicate that valuable patents are more likely to be challenged in both jurisdictions. But the rate of opposition at the EPO is more than thirty times higher than the rate of re-examination at the USPTO. Moreover, opposition leads to a revocation of the patent in about 41 percent of the cases, and to a restriction of the patent right in another 30 percent of the cases. Re-examination results in a cancellation of the patent right in only 12.2 percent of all cases. We also find that re-examination is frequently initiated by the patentholders themselves.

    Farm-Level Contracting for Production Process Attributes: An Analysis of rBST in Milk Production

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    On November 5, 1993, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST), also JOURNAL OF FOOD LAW & POLICY called Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rbGH), for commercial use to increase milk production in dairy cattle. The FDA determined that milk from cows which have been treated with rBST was safe for human consumption and that there was no significant impact on the environment from the production and use of rBST. In February 1994 the Monsanto Corporation (Monsanto) introduced POSILACO bovine somatotropin, making rBST commercially available to United States dairy farmers


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    A method has been described for obtaining radioautographs of plaque-forming cells. The method permits radioautographic analyses of small numbers of plaque-forming cells amidst large populations of non-plaque-forming cells. Spleen cells that were pulse-labeled with tritiated thymidine could be categorized readily as labeled or not labeled. Using this method it was found that (a) at least 55% of plaque-forming cells which appear 3 days after a maximal stimulus of 4 x 108 sheep red cells are still capable of DNA synthesis, and must have arisen by cell proliferation; (b) the rate of proliferation of plaque-forming cells is proportional to the log of the dose of antigen; (c) the S period of plaque-forming cells is at least 2 hr, appears to be constant, and is not influenced by antigen dose. The results suggest that antigen stimulates proliferation of plaque-forming cells by hastening their transit through the G1 phase of the generative cycle

    Xylella fastidiosa pil-chp operon is involved in regulating key structural genes of both type I and IV pili

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    Xylella fastidiosa is the causal agent of Pierce's disease (PD) in grapevines. It has type I and type IV pili, which are both virulence factors involved in the PD-associated processes of motility, aggregation, and biofilm formation. Many questions remain as to how the two pili are regulated. We previously identified a X. fastidiosa pil-chp chemosensory-like cluster as an operon composed of genes pilG-I-J-L-chpB-C. In this study, we deleted pilG (resulting in a āˆ†pilG-I strain) and pilJ and discovered that both mutants (āˆ†pilG-I and āˆ†pilJ) had reduced virulence after 24 weeks post-inoculation, whereas āˆ†chpB and āˆ†chpC did not. Both āˆ†pilG-I and āˆ†pilJ lost motility and were impaired in biofilm formation in rich artificial media and xylem sap. Gene expression was significantly downregulated for representative fimbrial adhesin and motility genes in āˆ†pilG-I, and to a lesser extent in āˆ†pilJ. Our data suggest that Pil, but not Chp, proteins are virulence factors, and pilG-I-J are involved in transcriptional regulation of type I and IV pili virulence genes and therefore motility and biofilm formation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a chemotaxis-like operon involved in the regulation of key structural genes of both type I and type IV pili

    A Comparison of U. S. and European University-Industry Relations in the Life Sciences

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    We draw on diverse data sets to compare the institutional organization of upstream life science research across the United States and Europe. Understanding cross-national differences in the organization of innovative labor in the life sciences requires attention to the structure and evolution of biomedical networks involving public research organizations (universities, government laboratories, nonprofit research institutes, and research hospitals), science-based biotechnology firms, and multinational pharmaceutical corporations. We use network visualization methods and correspondence analyses to demonstrate that innovative research in biomedicine has its origins in regional clusters in the United States and in European nations. But the scientific and organizational composition of these regions varies in consequential ways. In the United States, public research organizations and small firms conduct R&D across multiple therapeutic areas and stages of the development process. Ties within and across these regions link small firms and diverse public institutions, contributing to the development of a robust national network. In contrast, the European story is one of regional specialization with a less diverse group of public research organizations working in a smaller number of therapeutic areas. European institutes develop local connections to small firms working on similar scientific problems, while cross-national linkages of European regional clusters typically involve large pharmaceutical corporations. We show that the roles of large and small firms differ in the United States and Europe, arguing that the greater heterogeneity of the U. S. system is based on much closer integration of basic science and clinical development

    Collaborative research and development (R&D) for climate technology transfer and uptake in developing countries: Towards a needs driven approach

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    While international cooperation to facilitate the transfer and uptake of climate technologies in developing countries is an ongoing part of climate policy conversations, international collaborative R&D has received comparatively little attention. Collaborative R&D, however, could be a potentially important contributor to facilitating the transfer and uptake of climate technologies in developing countries. But the complexities of international collaborative R&D options and their distributional consequences have been given little attention to date. This paper develops a systematic approach to informing future empirical research and policy analysis on this topic. Building on insights from relevant literature and analysis of empirical data based on a sample of existing international climate technology R&D initiatives, three contributions are made. First, the paper analyses the coverage of existing collaborative R&D efforts in relation to climate technologies, highlighting some important concerns, such as a lack of coverage of lower-income countries or adaptation technologies. Second, it provides a starting point for further systematic research and policy thinking via the development of a taxonomic approach for analysing collaborative designs. Finally, it matches characteristics of R&D collaborations against developing countriesā€™ climate technology needs to provide policymakers with guidance on how to Configure R&D collaborations to meet these needs

    The Evolution of Grocery Wholesaling and Grocery Wholesalers in Ireland and Britain since the 1930s

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    Studies of industry evolution are relatively scarce outside of industries defined by narrow technological bases. Studies of wholesaling are rarer still. These are curious features given that it is probable that service industries behave differently to manufacturing ones and that wholesaling is such a key function of many economies. This paper looks at the evolution of grocery wholesaling and grocery wholesalers in Ireland and Britain since 1930. It focuses on the processes and drivers of the wholesale industry. Similarities and differences between the two countries are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of government action as a triggering mechanism for change and on the role of trade associations and industry leaders in developing and following through on market and non-market strategies. The pathways of industry evolution identified differ from those seen in manufacturing. They therefore raise a number of issues for the development of understanding and conceptualisation in industry evolution studies
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