35 research outputs found

    Oropharyngeal botryomycosis in a geriatric mare

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    Botryomycosis is an uncommon chronic bacterial infection that can have cutaneous and visceral involvement. This report describes an 18‐year‐old mixed‐breed mare presented with dysphagia, dyspnoea and an upper respiratory noise that developed secondary to oropharyngeal botryomycosis. Histological examination of the mass showed a granulomatous formation with Splendore–Hoeppli phenomenon surrounding Gram‐positive bacteria. This report describes the clinical signs, approach and management of an oropharyngeal Staphylococcus aureus granuloma in a geriatric mare.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The Gypsy Database (GyDB) of mobile genetic elements: release 2.0

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    This article introduces the second release of the Gypsy Database of Mobile Genetic Elements (GyDB 2.0): a research project devoted to the evolutionary dynamics of viruses and transposable elements based on their phylogenetic classification (per lineage and protein domain). The Gypsy Database (GyDB) is a long-term project that is continuously progressing, and that owing to the high molecular diversity of mobile elements requires to be completed in several stages. GyDB 2.0 has been powered with a wiki to allow other researchers participate in the project. The current database stage and scope are long terminal repeats (LTR) retroelements and relatives. GyDB 2.0 is an update based on the analysis of Ty3/Gypsy, Retroviridae, Ty1/Copia and Bel/Pao LTR retroelements and the Caulimoviridae pararetroviruses of plants. Among other features, in terms of the aforementioned topics, this update adds: (i) a variety of descriptions and reviews distributed in multiple web pages; (ii) protein-based phylogenies, where phylogenetic levels are assigned to distinct classified elements; (iii) a collection of multiple alignments, lineage-specific hidden Markov models and consensus sequences, called GyDB collection; (iv) updated RefSeq databases and BLAST and HMM servers to facilitate sequence characterization of new LTR retroelement and caulimovirus queries; and (v) a bibliographic server. GyDB 2.0 is available at http://gydb.org

    Desarrollo de una aplicación informática para aprender clínica y producción equina jugando al Trivial

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    Introducción/objetivos: esta iniciativa surge de la puesta en común de experiencias docentes en las I Jornadas de Innovación Docente en Medicina y Cirugía Animal (Córdoba, 2011). Allí se presentaron algunas actividades que utilizan el éxito de metodologías basadas en concursos y competiciones, que consiguen que los alumnos las adopten fácilmente como métodos de aprendizaje.La actividad propuesta se basa en el popular juego TRIVIAL™ en el que equipos de alumnos contestan cuestiones de una batería de preguntas sobre veterinaria equina. Las preguntas están agrupadas por sistemas/especialidades.Se persigue crear un sistema de aprendizaje y autoevaluación formativa, que permita la evaluación de conocimientos adaptados al nivel de los alumnos de S~ del Grado en Veterinaria. Además de autoevaluar sus propios conocimientos sin la presión de un examen formal, el alumno practica la dinámica de grupo. La competitividad generada entre equipos estimula el trabajo individual y de grupo (...

    Bovine cryptosporidiosis: impact, host-parasite interaction and control strategies

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    International audienceAbstractGastrointestinal disease caused by the apicomplexan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum is one of the most important diseases of young ruminant livestock, particularly neonatal calves. Infected animals may suffer from profuse watery diarrhoea, dehydration and in severe cases death can occur. At present, effective therapeutic and preventative measures are not available and a better understanding of the host–pathogen interactions is required. Cryptosporidium parvum is also an important zoonotic pathogen causing severe disease in people, with young children being particularly vulnerable. Our knowledge of the immune responses induced by Cryptosporidium parasites in clinically relevant hosts is very limited. This review discusses the impact of bovine cryptosporidiosis and describes how a thorough understanding of the host–pathogen interactions may help to identify novel prevention and control strategies

    Oropharyngeal botryomycosis in a geriatric mare

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    Botryomycosis is an uncommon chronic bacterial infection that can have cutaneous and visceral involvement. This report describes an 18-year-old mixed-breed mare presented with dysphagia, dyspnoea and an upper respiratory noise that developed secondary to oropharyngeal botryomycosis. Histological examination of the mass showed a granulomatous formation with Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon surrounding Gram-positive bacteria. This report describes the clinical signs, approach and management of an oropharyngeal Staphylococcus aureus granuloma in a geriatric mare