2,562 research outputs found

    Kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic response to customized foot orthoses in patients with tibialis posterior tenosynovitis, pes plano valgus and rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective. To describe the effect of customized foot orthoses (FOs) on the kinematic, kinetic and EMG features in patients with RA, tibialis posterior (TP) tenosynovitis and associated pes plano valgus.<p></p> Methods. Patients with RA and US-confirmed tenosynovitis of TP underwent gait analysis, including three-dimensional (3D) kinematics, kinetics, intramuscular EMG of TP and surface EMG of tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, soleus and medial gastrocnemius. Findings were compared between barefoot and shod with customized FO conditions.<p></p> Results. Ten patients with RA with a median (range) disease duration of 3 (1–18) years were recruited. Moderate levels of foot pain and foot-related impairment and disability were present with moderately active disease states. Altered timing of the soleus (P = 0.05) and medial gastrocnemius (P = 0.02) and increased magnitude of tibialis anterior (P = 0.03) were noted when barefoot was compared with shod with FO. Trends were noted for reduced TP activity in the contact period (P = 0.09), but this did not achieve statistical significance. Differences in foot motion characteristics were recorded for peak rearfoot eversion (P = 0.01), peak rearfoot plantarflexion (P < 0.001) and peak forefoot abduction (P = 0.02) in the shod with FOs compared with barefoot conditions. No differences in kinetic variables were recorded.<p></p> Conclusion. This study has demonstrated, for the first time, alterations in muscle activation profiles and foot motion characteristics in patients with RA, pes plano valgus and US-confirmed TP tenosynovitis in response to customized FOs. Complex adaptations were evident in this cohort and further work is required to determine whether these functional alterations lead to improvements in patient symptoms.<p></p&gt

    The Detectability of AGN Cavities in Cooling-Flow Clusters

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    Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed X-ray cavities in many nearby cooling flow clusters. The cavities trace feedback from the central active galactic nulceus (AGN) on the intracluster medium (ICM), an important ingredient in stabilizing cooling flows and in the process of galaxy formation and evolution. But, the prevalence and duty cycle of such AGN outbursts is not well understood. To this end, we study how the cooling is balanced by the cavity heating for a complete sample of clusters (the Brightest 55 clusters of galaxies, hereafter B55). In the B55, we found 33 cooling flow clusters, 20 of which have detected X-ray bubbles in their ICM. Among the remaining 13, all except Ophiuchus could have significant cavity power yet remain undetected in existing images. This implies that the duty cycle of AGN outbursts with significant heating potential in cooling flow clusters is at least 60 % and could approach 100 %, but deeper data is required to constrain this further.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to appear in the proceedings of "The Monsters' Fiery Breath", Madison, Wisconsin 1-5 June 2009, Eds. Sebastian Heinz & Eric Wilcots; added annotation to the figur

    Time-Independent Discrete Gaussian Sampling for Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    Jet Interactions with the Hot Halos of Clusters and Galaxies

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    X-ray observations of cavities and shock fronts produced by jets streaming through hot halos have significantly advanced our understanding of the energetics and dynamics of extragalactic radio sources. Radio sources at the centers of clusters have dynamical ages between ten and several hundred million years. They liberate between 1E58-1E62 erg per outburst, which is enough energy to regulate cooling of hot halos from galaxies to the richest clusters. Jet power scales approximately with the radio synchrotron luminosity to the one half power. However, the synchrotron efficiency varies widely from nearly unity to one part in 10,000, such that relatively feeble radio source can have quasar-like mechanical power. The synchrotron ages of cluster radio sources are decoupled from their dynamical ages, which tend to be factors of several to orders of magnitude older. Magnetic fields and particles in the lobes tend to be out of equipartition. The lobes may be maintained by heavy particles (e.g., protons), low energy electrons, a hot, diffuse thermal gas, or possibly magnetic (Poynting) stresses. Sensitive X-ray images of shock fronts and cavities can be used to study the dynamics of extragalactic radio sources.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, invited review, "Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray, held in Girdwood, Alaska, U.S.A. 21-24 May, 2007, minor text changes; one added referenc

    A Powerful AGN Outburst in RBS 797

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    Utilizing 50\sim 50 ks of Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging, we present an analysis of the intracluster medium (ICM) and cavity system in the galaxy cluster RBS 797. In addition to the two previously known cavities in the cluster core, the new and deeper X-ray image has revealed additional structure associated with the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The surface brightness decrements of the two cavities are unusually large, and are consistent with elongated cavities lying close to our line-of-sight. We estimate a total AGN outburst energy and mean jet power of 36×1060\approx 3 - 6 \times 10^{60} erg and 36×1045\approx 3 - 6 \times 10^{45} erg s1^{-1}, respectively, depending on the assumed geometrical configuration of the cavities. Thus, RBS 797 is apparently among the the most powerful AGN outbursts known in a cluster. The average mass accretion rate needed to power the AGN by accretion alone is 1M\sim 1 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}. We show that accretion of cold gas onto the AGN at this level is plausible, but that Bondi accretion of the hot atmosphere is probably not. The BCG harbors an unresolved, non-thermal nuclear X-ray source with a bolometric luminosity of 2×1044\approx 2 \times 10^{44} erg s1^{-1}. The nuclear emission is probably associated with a rapidly-accreting, radiatively inefficient accretion flow. We present tentative evidence that star formation in the BCG is being triggered by the radio jets and suggest that the cavities may be driving weak shocks (M1.5M \sim 1.5) into the ICM, similar to the process in the galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 20 pages, 11 low-resolution figure

    A Deep Chandra Observation of the AGN Outburst and Merger in Hickson Compact Group 62

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    We report on an analysis of new Chandra data of the galaxy group HCG 62, well known for possessing cavities in its intragroup medium (IGM) that were inflated by the radio lobes of its central active galactic nucleus (AGN). With the new data, a factor of three deeper than previous Chandra data, we re-examine the energetics of the cavities and determine new constraints on their contents. We confirm that the ratio of radiative to mechanical power of the AGN outburst that created the cavities is less than 10^-4, among the lowest of any known cavity system, implying that the relativistic electrons in the lobes can supply only a tiny fraction of the pressure required to support the cavities. This finding implies additional pressure support in the lobes from heavy particles (e.g., protons) or thermal gas. Using spectral fits to emission in the cavities, we constrain any such volume-filling thermal gas to have a temperature kT > 4.3 keV. For the first time, we detect X-ray emission from the central AGN, with a luminosity of L(2-10 keV) = (1.1 +/- 0.4) x 10^39 erg s^-1 and properties typical of a low-luminosity AGN. Lastly, we report evidence for a recent merger from the surface brightness, temperature, and metallicity structure of the IGM.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS, 14 pages, 9 figure

    The powerful outburst in Hercules A

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    The radio source Hercules A resides at the center of a cooling flow cluster of galaxies at redshift z = 0.154. A Chandra X-ray image reveals a shock front in the intracluster medium (ICM) surrounding the radio source, about 160 kpc from the active galactic nucleus (AGN) that hosts it. The shock has a Mach number of 1.65, making it the strongest of the cluster-scale shocks driven by an AGN outburst found so far. The age of the outburst ~5.9e7 y, its energy about 3e61 erg and its mean power ~1.6e46 erg/s. As for the other large AGN outbursts in cooling flow clusters, this outburst overwhelms radiative losses from the ICM of the Hercules A cluster by a factor of ~100. It adds to the case that AGN outbursts are a significant source of preheating for the ICM. Unless the mechanical efficiency of the AGN in Hercules A exceeds 10%, the central black hole must have grown by more than 1.7e8 Msun to power this one outburst.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ

    An Energetic AGN Outburst Powered by a Rapidly Spinning Supermassive Black Hole or an Accreting Ultramassive Black Hole

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    Powering the 10^62 erg nuclear outburst in the MS0735.6+7421 cluster central galaxy by accretion implies that its supermassive black hole (SMBH) grew by ~6x10^8 solar masses over the past 100 Myr. We place upper limits on the amount of cold gas and star formation near the nucleus of <10^9 solar masses and <2 solar masses per year, respectively. These limits imply that an implausibly large fraction of the preexisting cold gas in the bulge must have been consumed by its SMBH at the rate of ~3-5 solar masses per year while leaving no trace of star formation. Such a high accretion rate would be difficult to maintain by stellar accretion or the Bondi mechanism, unless the black hole mass approaches 10^11 solar masses. Its feeble nuclear luminosities in the UV, I, and X-ray bands compared to its enormous mechanical power are inconsistent with rapid accretion onto a ~5x10^9 solar mass black hole. We suggest instead that the AGN outburst is powered by a rapidly-spinning black hole. A maximally-spinning, 10^9 solar mass black hole contains enough rotational energy, ~10^62 erg, to quench a cooling flow over its lifetime and to contribute significantly to the excess entropy found in the hot atmospheres of groups and clusters. Two modes of AGN feedback may be quenching star formation in elliptical galaxies centered in cooling halos at late times. An accretion mode that operates in gas-rich systems, and a spin mode operating at modest accretion rates. The spin conjecture may be avoided in MS0735 by appealing to Bondi accretion onto a central black hole whose mass greatly exceeds 10^10 solar mass. The host galaxy's unusually large, 3.8 kpc stellar core radius (light deficit) may witness the presence of an ultramassive black hole.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Modifications: adopted slightly higher black hole mass using Lauer's M_SMBH vs L_bulge relation and adjusted related quantities; considered more seriously the consequences of a ultramassive black hole, motivated by new Kormendy & Bender paper published after our submission; other modifications per referee comments by Ruszkowsk

    An approach to provide dynamic, illustrative, video-based guidance within a goal-driven smart home

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    The global population is aging in a never-before seen way, introducing an increasing ageing-related cognitive ailments, such as dementia. This aging is coupled with a reduction in the global support ratio, reducing the availability of formal and informal support and therefore capacity to care for those suffering these aging related ailments. Assistive Smart Homes (SH) are a promising form of technology enabling assistance with activities of daily living, providing support of suffers of cognitive ailments and increasing their independence and quality of life. Traditional SH systems have deficiencies that have been partially addressed by through goal-driven SH systems. Goal-driven SHs incorporate flexible activity models, goals, which partially address some of these issues. Goals may be combined to provide assistance with dynamic and variable activities. This paradigm-shift, however, introduces the need to provide dynamic assistance within such SHs. This study presents a novel approach to achieve this through video based content analysis and a mechanism to facilitate matching analysed videos to dynamic activities/goals. The mechanism behind this approach is detailed and followed by the presentation of an evaluation where showing promising results were shown