4,952 research outputs found

    Nuevos datos sobre el Aquitaniense del N. de la provincia de Huesca

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    En la presente nota los autores dan a conocer nuevos yacimientos "de vertebrados aquitanienses, que se extienden desde la ya conocida localidad de Santa Cília hacia el W, por N de la provincia de Huesca. Así pues, la formación que se halla al S de los afloramientos de Eoceno en el flanco meridional de las cordilleras prepirenaicas, en esta zona, pertenece al Mioceno inferior.This note is devoted to the formation correlated with the previous known locality of Santa Cilia (1966), containing a vertebrate faune of Aquitanien age. Thus, the mantle of tertiary deposits in this zone at the south of the Prepyrenian chains, is of the same age. Some new localities of Vertebrates are described

    Assessment of the Aphia minuta stock (Pisces: Gobiidae) by acoustic methods from the Bay of Alcudia (Mallorca, Western Mediterranean)

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    Acoustic techniques have been used for the first time to evaluate the abundance and distribution of the Aphia minuta stock (Pisces: Gobiidae) from the Island of Mallorca (Baleares, Spain). Acoustic surveys have been carried out during three consecutive seasons (1993, 1994 and 1995) in the more important fishing zone of this island, the Bay of Alcudia. Indices were obtained for abundance (m3) of this goby at the beginning of the fishing season. The volume of A. minuta has decreased from 12,902,751 m3 in January 1993 to 1,161,248 m3 in January 1995. The catches obtained have gone from almost six tonnes in 1993 to be practically nil in 1995Publicado

    A quantum gate array can be programmed to evaluate the expectation value of any operator

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    A programmable gate array is a circuit whose action is controlled by input data. In this letter we describe a special--purpose quantum circuit that can be programmed to evaluate the expectation value of any operator OO acting on a space of states of NN dimensions. The circuit has a program register whose state ∣Ψ(O)>P|\Psi(O)>_P encodes the operator OO whose expectation value is to be evaluated. The method requires knowledge of the expansion of OO in a basis of the space of operators. We discuss some applications of this circuit and its relation to known instances of quantum state tomography.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures include

    Predictors of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) helminth parasite diversity in the provinces of Spain

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    We analysed the viscera of 321 red foxes collected over the last 30 years in 34 of the 47 provinces of peninsular Spain, and identified their helminth parasites. We measured parasite diversity in each sampled province using four diversity indices: Species richness, Marg a l e f’s species richness index, Shannon’s species diversity index, and inverse Simpson’s index. In order to find geographical, environmental, and/or human-related predictors of fox parasite diversity, we recorded 45 variables related to topography, climate, lithology, habitat heterogeneity, land use, spatial situation, human activity, sampling effort, and fox presence probability (obtained after environmental modelling of fox distribution). We then performed a stepwise linear regression of each diversity index on these variables, to find a minimal subset of statistically significant variables that account for the variation in each diversity index. We found that most parasite diversity indices increase with the mean distance to urban centres, or in other words, foxes in more rural provinces have a more diverse helminth fauna. Sampling effort and fox presence probability (probably related to fox density) also appeared as conditioning variables for some indices, as well as soil permeability (related with water availability). We then extrapolated the models to predict these fox parasite diversity indices in non-sampled provinces and have a view of their geographical trends

    Patología escapulo-clavicular en un sujeto de Morella

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200
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