86 research outputs found

    A Renormalization Group Analysis of the NCG constraints m_{top} = 2\,m_W}, mHiggs=3.14 mWm_{Higgs} = 3.14 \, m_W

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    We study the evolution under the renormalization group of the restrictions on the parameters of the standard model coming from Non-Commutative Geometry, namely mtop=2 mWm_{top} = 2\,m_W and mHiggs=3.14 mWm_{Higgs} = 3.14 \, m_W. We adopt the point of view that these relations are to be interpreted as {\it tree level} constraints and, as such, can be implemented in a mass independent renormalization scheme only at a given energy scale ÎŒ0\mu_0. We show that the physical predictions on the top and Higgs masses depend weakly on ÎŒ0\mu_0.Comment: 7 pages, FTUAM-94/2, uses harvma

    Moyal Planes are Spectral Triples

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    Axioms for nonunital spectral triples, extending those introduced in the unital case by Connes, are proposed. As a guide, and for the sake of their importance in noncommutative quantum field theory, the spaces R2N\R^{2N} endowed with Moyal products are intensively investigated. Some physical applications, such as the construction of noncommutative Wick monomials and the computation of the Connes--Lott functional action, are given for these noncommutative hyperplanes.Comment: Latex, 54 pages. Version 3 with Moyal-Wick section update

    Quasi-Dirac Operators and Quasi-Fermions

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    We investigate examples of quasi-spectral triples over two-dimensional commutative sphere, which are obtained by modifying the order-one condition. We find equivariant quasi-Dirac operators and prove that they are in a topologically distinct sector than the standard Dirac operator.Comment: 11 page

    On summability of distributions and spectral geometry

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    Modulo the moment asymptotic expansion, the CesĂ ro and parametric behaviours of distributions at infinity are equivalent. On the strength of this result, we construct the asymptotic analysis for spectral densities arising from elliptic pseudodifferential operators. We show how CesĂ ro developments lead to efficient calculations of the expansion coefficients of counting number functionals and Green functions. The bosonic action functional proposed by Chamseddine and Connes can more generally be validated as a CesĂ ro asymptotic development

    Local covariant quantum field theory over spectral geometries

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    A framework which combines ideas from Connes' noncommutative geometry, or spectral geometry, with recent ideas on generally covariant quantum field theory, is proposed in the present work. A certain type of spectral geometries modelling (possibly noncommutative) globally hyperbolic spacetimes is introduced in terms of so-called globally hyperbolic spectral triples. The concept is further generalized to a category of globally hyperbolic spectral geometries whose morphisms describe the generalization of isometric embeddings. Then a local generally covariant quantum field theory is introduced as a covariant functor between such a category of globally hyperbolic spectral geometries and the category of involutive algebras (or *-algebras). Thus, a local covariant quantum field theory over spectral geometries assigns quantum fields not just to a single noncommutative geometry (or noncommutative spacetime), but simultaneously to ``all'' spectral geometries, while respecting the covariance principle demanding that quantum field theories over isomorphic spectral geometries should also be isomorphic. It is suggested that in a quantum theory of gravity a particular class of globally hyperbolic spectral geometries is selected through a dynamical coupling of geometry and matter compatible with the covariance principle.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Noncommutative spacetime symmetries: Twist versus covariance

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    We prove that the Moyal product is covariant under linear affine spacetime transformations. From the covariance law, by introducing an (x,Θ)(x,\Theta)-space where the spacetime coordinates and the noncommutativity matrix components are on the same footing, we obtain a noncommutative representation of the affine algebra, its generators being differential operators in (x,Θ)(x,\Theta)-space. As a particular case, the Weyl Lie algebra is studied and known results for Weyl invariant noncommutative field theories are rederived in a nutshell. We also show that this covariance cannot be extended to spacetime transformations generated by differential operators whose coefficients are polynomials of order larger than one. We compare our approach with the twist-deformed enveloping algebra description of spacetime transformations.Comment: 19 pages in revtex, references adde

    The Moyal Sphere

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    We construct a family of constant curvature metrics on the Moyal plane and compute the Gauss-Bonnet term for each of them. They arise from the conformal rescaling of the metric in the orthonormal frame approach. We find a particular solution, which corresponds to the Fubini-Study metric and which equips the Moyal algebra with the geometry of a noncommutative sphere.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    On the ultraviolet behaviour of quantum fields over noncommutative manifolds

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    By exploiting the relation between Fredholm modules and the Segal-Shale-Stinespring version of canonical quantization, and taking as starting point the first-quantized fields described by Connes' axioms for noncommutative spin geometries, a Hamiltonian framework for fermion quantum fields over noncommutative manifolds is introduced. We analyze the ultraviolet behaviour of second-quantized fields over noncommutative 3-tori, and discuss what behaviour should be expected on other noncommutative spin manifolds.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX version, a few references adde

    Geometrical origin of the *-product in the Fedosov formalism

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    The construction of the *-product proposed by Fedosov is implemented in terms of the theory of fibre bundles. The geometrical origin of the Weyl algebra and the Weyl bundle is shown. Several properties of the product in the Weyl algebra are proved. Symplectic and abelian connections in the Weyl algebra bundle are introduced. Relations between them and the symplectic connection on a phase space M are established. Elements of differential symplectic geometry are included. Examples of the Fedosov formalism in quantum mechanics are given.Comment: LaTeX, 39 page

    On a Classification of Irreducible Almost-Commutative Geometries V

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    We extend a classification of irreducible, almost-commutative geometries whose spectral action is dynamically non-degenerate, to internal algebras that have six simple summands. We find essentially four particle models: An extension of the standard model by a new species of fermions with vectorlike coupling to the gauge group and gauge invariant masses, two versions of the electro-strong model and a variety of the electro-strong model with Higgs mechanism
