1,481 research outputs found

    Digestive coordination of the gastric function in atlantic salmon salmo salar juveniles

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    Artificial diets have been reported to produce suboptimal pH values in the stomach of salmonid species. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the gastric function of different species fed commercial diets. In the present work, two groups of Atlantic salmon juveniles were either fasted or fed with a commercial diet. The gastric and duodenal pH values were measured over a 25 h post-prandial period and, dry matter, moisture and protease activity in the gastric chyme of the fed group were also determined. In the fed group, the gastric pH dropped to 3.5, and duodenal pH increased from 7.0 to 7.5 at the 4th h post-feeding, whereas fasted fish showed no significant changes in the gastric pH or duodenal pH. Fed animals showed: i) two discrete events of evacuation, before the 2nd hand after the 8th h of digestion, ii) a change in the moisture of the gastric chyme from less than 10% in the diet to 60% at the 2nd h post-feeding, and iii) a maximal gastric proteases activity of 600 U mL-1 at the 2nd h followed by a nearly constant of value of ~300 U mL-1. It can be concluded that the juveniles of the Atlantic salmon can suitably acidify a commercial diet to a value generally accepted as optimal for gastric proteases of fish, and to retain about 2/3 of the ingested diet under such conditions and at a nearly constant protease activity until the 8th h of digestion.Fil: Bravo, Jonathan P.. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Hernández, Adrián J.. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Morales, Gabriel Alejandro. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Dantagnan, Patricio. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Márquez, Lorenzo. Universidad Católica de Temuco; Chil

    Pseudoartrosis de escafoides carpiano tratadas mediante la técnica de Matti-Russe: estudio retrospectivo de 36 casos

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    Presentamos un estudio retrospectivo de una serie de 36 pacientes con pseudoartrosis de escafoides operados mediante la técnica de Matti-Russe entre 1985 y 1991. Utilizamos injerto córtico esponjoso obtenido del radio (50%), cresta ilíaca (42%) y cúbito (8%) sin diferencias en la incorporación. La tasa de curación fue mayor en las pseudoartrosis medias y distales (80%) que en las de localización proximal (54%). El 80% de los fracasos de curación en la localización media y distal eran pseudoartrosis de más de 30 meses de evolución. Los cambios degenerativos en el carpo de las pseudoartrosis no curadas fueron significativamente mayores (p< 0,001) que en las que se obtuvo la consolidación. La localización y la antiguedad de la pseudoartrosis parecen ser dos importantes factores pronósticos. La técnica de Matti-Russe presenta limitaciones en la pseudoartrosis de localización proximal y en los carpos muy degenerados.We reported a retrospective study of 36 patients with a pseudoarthrosis of the carpal scaphoid bone treated by the Matti-Russe operation from 1985 to 1991. We used radial (50%), iliac (42%) or ulnar (8%) autogenous grafts without any difference in the rate of incorporation. The rate of healing of the pseudoarthrosis was higher in mid and distal location (80%) than in proximal location (54%). In 80% of cases, healing failures in the mid and distal location occurred in old pseudoarthrosis ( >3 0 months evolution). Carpal degenerative changes were significantly higher (p < 0,01) in patients with not healed pseudoarthrosis. The location and the age of the pseudoarthrosis appear to be important prognostic factors. The Matti-Russe technique has limitations when is performed either in proximal pseudoarthrosis or in the presence of advanced radiocarpal osteoarthritis

    Effect of different inorganic phosphorus sources on growth performance, digestibility, retention efficiency and discharge of nutrients in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    This study aims to evaluate the effect of different sources of inorganic phosphate, monosodium phosphate (MSP), monocalcium phosphate (MCP) and monoammonium phosphate (MAP), included in a diet for rainbow trout, on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, nutrient retention efficiency and discharge of nutrients to the water. Juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with an initial weight of 120 g were fed for 56 days four experimental diets: basal diet containing 430 g kg−1 protein, 210 g kg−1 lipids and 6.7 g kg−1 total phosphorus (P) (Control), and three experimental diets consisting in the basal diet plus 4 g P kg−1 from MSP, MCP and MAP, respectively. Both MSP and MAP resulted in higher levels of P apparent digestibility (≈90%) compared to MCP (70%), increasing the dry matter digestibility of the nutrient in the feed. The retention efficiency of P in fish tissues was increased by nearly 15% units over the Control when MSP and MAP were used as P supplement, whereas in agreement with the lower digestibility observed in MCP, P retention efficiency from this phosphate source was lower than the other sources. Total P discharge to the water was similar for MSP, MCP and MAP (4.12–4.58 g kg−1 BW fish gain). However, fish fed with MCP showed higher solid/particulate P discharge to the water through faeces due to the lower digestibility of this P–source within the gut of the fish. Among the phosphate salts evaluated, fish fed MSP and MCP did not show differences for soluble or solid N discharged fractions. However, fish fed the diet supplemented with MAP released a higher amount of non–protein N fraction to the water, probably as undigested ammonium through the faeces released by fish.Fil: Morales, Gabriel Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Azcuy, Rosendo Lucas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Casaretto, Matías Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Márquez, Lorenzo. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Hernández, Adrián J.. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Gómez, Federico. Yara International ASA; NoruegaFil: Koppe, Wolfgang. Simplyfish AS; NoruegaFil: Mereu, Alessandro. Yara International ASA; Norueg

    A Methodology for Evaluating the Robustness of Anomaly Detectors to Adversarial Attacks in Industrial Scenarios

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    Anomaly Detection systems based on Machine and Deep learning are the most promising solutions to detect cyberattacks in the industry. However, these techniques are vulnerable to adversarial attacks that downgrade prediction performance. Several techniques have been proposed to measure the robustness of Anomaly Detection in the literature. However, they do not consider that, although a small perturbation in an anomalous sample belonging to an attack, i.e., Denial of Service, could cause it to be misclassified as normal while retaining its ability to damage, an excessive perturbation might also transform it into a truly normal sample, with no real impact on the industrial system. This paper presents a methodology to calculate the robustness of Anomaly Detection models in industrial scenarios. The methodology comprises four steps and uses a set of additional models called support models to determine if an adversarial sample remains anomalous. We carried out the validation using the Tennessee Eastman process, a simulated testbed of a chemical process. In such a scenario, we applied the methodology to both a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network and 1-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN) focused on detecting anomalies produced by different cyberattacks. The experiments showed that 1D-CNN is significantly more robust than LSTM for our testbed. Specifically, a perturbation of 60% (empirical robustness of 0.6) of the original sample is needed to generate adversarial samples for LSTM, whereas in 1D-CNN the perturbation required increases up to 111% (empirical robustness of 1.11)

    Magnetic fields in M dwarfs from the CARMENES survey

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    M dwarfs are known to generate the strongest magnetic fields among main-sequence stars with convective envelopes, but the link between the magnetic fields and underlying dynamo mechanisms, rotation, and activity still lacks a consistent picture. In this work we measure magnetic fields from the high-resolution near-infrared spectra taken with the CARMENES radial-velocity planet survey in a sample of 29 active M dwarfs and compare our results against stellar parameters. We use the state-of-the-art radiative transfer code to measure total magnetic flux densities from the Zeeman broadening of spectral lines and filling factors. We detect strong kG magnetic fields in all our targets. In 16 stars the magnetic fields were measured for the first time. Our measurements are consistent with the magnetic field saturation in stars with rotation periods P<4d. The analysis of the magnetic filling factors reveal two different patterns of either very smooth distribution or a more patchy one, which can be connected to the dynamo state of the stars and/or stellar mass. Our measurements extend the list of M dwarfs with strong surface magnetic fields. They also allow us to better constrain the interplay between the magnetic energy, stellar rotation, and underlying dynamo action. The high spectral resolution and observations at near-infrared wavelengths are the beneficial capabilities of the CARMENES instrument that allow us to address important questions about the stellar magnetism.Comment: 13 pages of main text, 14 pages of online material, 2 table

    Non-circular motion evidences in the circumnuclear region of M100 (NGC 4321)

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    We analyse new integral field spectroscopy of the inner region (central 2.5 kpc) of the spiral galaxy NGC 4321 to study the peculiar kinematics of this region. Fourier analysis of the velocity residuals obtained by subtracting an axisymmetric rotation model from the Hα\rm H\alpha velocity field, indicates that the distortions are {\em global} features generated by an m=2m=2 perturbation of the gravitational potential which can be explained by the nuclear bar. This bar has been previously observed in the near-infrared but not in the optical continuum dominated by star formation. We detect the optical counterpart of this bar in the 2D distribution of the old stellar population (inferred from the equivalent width map of the stellar absorption lines). We apply the Tremaine--Weinberg method to the stellar velocity field to calculate the pattern speed of the inner bar, obtaining a value of Ωb\Omega_b=160±70kms1kpc1\pm70\rm km s^{-1} kpc^{-1} . This value is considerably la rger than the one obtained when a simple bar model is considered. However the uncertainties in the pattern speed determination prevent us to give support to alternative scenarios.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mineralogical characterization of the granite of Golpejas (Salamanca)

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    En el presente trabajo se propone una sistemática de caracterización mineralógica a través de la aplicación de la espectrorradiometría de campo VNIR-SWIR (visible e infrarrojo cercano y de onda corta) para el estudio de caolines. La caracterización mineralógica de base ha sido la Difracción de Rayos X, de acuerdo con la rutina clásica de los estudios de minerales arcillosos. Como caso de estudio, se ha seleccionado el yacimiento de estaño de Golpejas (Salamanca). El yacimiento estannífero de Golpejas está constituido por varias láminas de un microgranito albítico que da lugar a estructuras más o menos circulares, cortando a los metasedimentos del Complejo Esquisto-Grauváquico en la Zona Centro-Ibérica. El emplazamiento tuvo lugar durante la fase extensional de la Orogenia Varisca y los procesos de greisenización y caolinitización hidrotermal aumentaron la concentración de Sn,Ta,Nb, y dieron lugar a la formación de la caolininita por alteración de los feldespatos primarios. Puesto que los minerales del grupo de la caolinita (caolinita,dickita y nacrita) presentan rasgos característicos y diferenciadores en el intervalo de longitudes de onda con la técnica propuesta (VNIR-SWIR), los espectros obtenidos junto con las técnicas clásicas de estudio de minerales arcillosos permiten la caracterización mineralógica del caolín de Golpejas (Salamanca).In the present work, we propose a systematics of mineralogical characterization through field spectrometry VNIR-SWIR (visible, near-infrared and short-wave infrared) as well as the techniques most used for the identification and semiquantification of special clays. The basis of the mineralogical study has been X-ray diffraction, according to the classical routine of studies on clay minerals. As a case of study, the tin deposit of Golpejas (Salamanca) has been selected. The Golpejas tin deposit consists of several sheets of albite microgranite, more or less circular in shape, that intersect the metasediments of the schist-graywacke complex in the Iberian Zone. The emplazament took place during the extensional phase of Variscan Orogeny and the processes of greaseization and hydrothermal kaolinitization increased the concentration of Sn, Nb, Ta as well as kaolin. The albite leucogranite carrying the mineralization show a strong kaolinitization that occurred during the final phase of the mineralizing stage. As kaolinite group minerals (kaolinite, dickite and nacrite) have characteristic and differentiating features in the range of wavelenght studied with the proposed technique (VNIR-SWIR), the spectra obtained together with the classic clay mineral study techniques, allow us the mineralogical characterization of the Golpejas kaolin.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu