53 research outputs found

    Temperature induced variation in gene expression of thyroid hormone receptors and deiodinases of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae

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    Thyroid hormones (THs) are key regulators of growth, development, and metabolism in vertebrates and influence early life development of fish. TH is produced in the thyroid gland (or thyroid follicles) mainly as T4 (thyroxine), which is metabolized to T3 (3, 5, 3’-triiodothyronine) and T2 (3, 5-diiodothyronine) by deiodinase (DIO) enzymes in peripheral tissues. The action of these hormones is mostly exerted by binding to a specific nuclear thyroid hormone receptor (THR). In this study, we i) cloned and characterized thr sequences, ii) investigated the expression pattern of the different subtypes of thrs and dios, and iii) studied how temperature affects the expression ofthose genes in artificially produced early life history stages of European eel (Anguilla anguilla), reared in different thermal regimes (16, 18, 20 and 22°C) from hatch until first-feeding. We identified 2 subtypes of thr (thrα and thrβ) with 2 isoforms each (thrαA, thrαB, thrβA, thrβB) and 3 subtypes of deiodinases (dio1, dio2, dio3). All thr genes identified showed high similarity to the closely related Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). We found that all genes investigated in this study were affected by larval age (in real time or at specific developmental stages), temperature, and/or their interaction. More specifically, the warmer the temperature the earlier the expression response of a specific target gene. In real time, the expression profiles appeared very similar and only shifted with temperature. In developmental time, gene expression of all genes differed across selected developmental stages, such as at hatch, during teeth formation or at first-feeding. Thus, we demonstrate that the expression of thrs and dios show sensitivity to temperature and are involved in and during early life development of European eel

    Effects of the total replacement of fish-based diet with plant-based diet on the hepatic transcriptome of two European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) half-sibfamilies showing different growth rates with the plant-based diet

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    Background: Efforts towards utilisation of diets without fish meal (FM) or fish oil (FO) in finfish aquaculture have been being made for more than two decades. Metabolic responses to substitution of fishery products have been shown to impact growth performance and immune system of fish as well as their subsequent nutritional value, particularly in marine fish species, which exhibit low capacity for biosynthesis of long-chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA). The main objective of the present study was to analyse the effects of a plant-based diet on the hepatic transcriptome of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Results: We report the first results obtained using a transcriptomic approach on the liver of two half-sibfamilies of the European sea bass that exhibit similar growth rates when fed a fish-based diet (FD), but significantly different growth rates when fed an all-plant diet (VD). Overall gene expression was analysed using oligo DNA microarrays (GPL9663). Statistical analysis identified 582 unique annotated genes differentially expressed between groups of fish fed the two diets, 199 genes regulated by genetic factors, and 72 genes that exhibited diet-family interactions. The expression of several genes involved in the LC-PUFA and cholesterol biosynthetic pathways was found to be up-regulated in fish fed VD, suggesting a stimulation of the lipogenic pathways. No significant diet-family interaction for the regulation of LC-PUFA biosynthesis pathways could be detected by microarray analysis. This result was in agreement with LC-PUFA profiles, which were found to be similar in the flesh of the two half-sibfamilies. In addition, the combination of our transcriptomic data with an analysis of plasmatic immune parameters revealed a stimulation of complement activity associated with an immunodeficiency in the fish fed VD, and different inflammatory status between the two half-sibfamilies. Biological processes related to protein catabolism, amino acid transaminations, RNA splicing and blood coagulation were also found to be regulated by diet, while the expression of genes involved in protein and ATP synthesis differed between the half-sibfamilies. Conclusions: Overall, the combined gene expression, compositional and biochemical studies demonstrated a large panel of metabolic and physiological effects induced by total substitution of both FM and FO in the diets of European sea bass and revealed physiological characteristics associated with the two half-sibfamilies

    Impacts of three different microdiets on Florida Pompano, Trachinotus carolinus, weaning success, growth, fatty acid incorporation and enzyme activity

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    In this study, three microdiets were tested on weaning of Florida pompano larvae: Otohime, Gemma and a reference diet LR803. The experimental system was stocked with 11-day-old larvae, which were co-fed micro-diets and live food from 11 dph to 17 dph then micro-diets only until 28 dph. Survival from 11 dph to 28 dph was similar for all treatments, with an average of 33%. At the end of the trial, the Gemma larvae were significantly longer and heavier than those larvae fed the other diets. Significant differences were observed in fatty acid composition of the diets and larvae between treatments. The Gemma larvae incorporated the lowest amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA). However, they had the highest DHA/EPA and ARA/EPA ratios, which is in agreement with the concept that the proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids could be of greater importance than their absolute amount. Results from the enzyme analysis suggest that fishmeal is suitable as the main protein source for Florida pompano larvae. This study gives new insights on Florida pompano early nutritional requirements and demonstrated the full functionality of the pancreas at 16 days post hatch, opening possibilities of an earlier weaning time

    Effects of a mix of Bacillus sp. as a potential probiotic for Florida pompano, common snook and red drum larvae performances and digestive enzyme activities

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    This study examined the effect of a commercial mix ofBacillussp. on survival, growth and digestive enzyme activities of Florida pompano, red drum and common snook. Larvae were fed either live feed enriched with Algamac 3050 (Control), Algamac 3050 and probiotics (PB), or the previous diet combined with a daily addition of probiotics to the tank water (PB+). Survival was not affected by the treatments for any of the species. At the end of the pompano and snook trial, standard lengths of larvae from the PB and PB+ treatments were significantly greater than for the control larvae. Microbiological analyses were performed at the end of the pompano trial, and numbers of presumptive Vibrio were not a concern in the system. For both pompano and snook, trypsin-specificactivity was higher in PB and PB+ larvae compared with the control larvae. Similarly, alkaline phosphatase activity was higher for the pompano larvae fed the PB and PB+ treatments and for the snook larvae fed the PB+ treatment compared with the control larvae. This experiment suggests that a mix ofBacillussp. can promote growth through an early maturation of the digestive system during the early larval stages of pompano and snook

    Juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio) are able to recover from lordosis

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    AbstractHaemal lordosis, a frequent skeletal deformity in teleost fish, has long been correlated with increased mechanical loads induced by swimming activity. In the present study, we examine whether juvenile zebrafish can recover from haemal lordosis and explore the musculoskeletal mechanisms involved. Juveniles were subjected to a swimming challenge test (SCT) that induced severe haemal lordosis in 49% of the animals and then immediately transferred them to 0.0 total body lengths (TL) per second of water velocity for a week. The recovery from lordosis was examined by means of whole mount staining, histology and gene expression analysis. Results demonstrate that 80% of the lordotic zebrafish are capable of internal and external recovery within a week after the SCT. Recovered individuals presented normal shape of the vertebral centra, maintaining though distorted internal tissue organization. Through the transcriptomic analysis of the affected haemal regions, several processes related to chromosome organization, DNA replication, circadian clock and transcription regulation were enriched within genes significantly regulated behind this musculoskeletal recovery procedure. Genes especially involved in adipogenesis, bone remodeling and muscular regeneration were regulated. A remodeling tissue-repair hypothesis behind haemal lordosis recovery is raised. Limitations and future possibilities for zebrafish as a model organism to clarify mechanically driven musculoskeletal changes are discussed.</jats:p

    Smaller herring larval size-at-stage in response to environmental changes is associated with ontogenic processes and stress response

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    Global change puts coastal systems under pressure, affecting the ecology and physiology of marine organisms. In particular, fish larvae are sensitive to environmental conditions, and their fitness is an important determinant of fish stock recruitment and fluctuations. To assess the combined effects of warming, acidification and change in food quality, herring larvae were reared in a control scenario (11°C*pH 8.0) and a scenario predicted for 2100 (14°C*pH 7.6) crossed with two feeding treatments (enriched in phosphorus and docosahexaenoic acid or not). The experiment lasted from hatching to the beginning of the post-flexion stage (i.e. all fins present) corresponding to 47 days post-hatch (dph) at 14°C and 60 dph at 11°C. Length and stage development were monitored throughout the experiment and the expression of genes involved in growth, metabolic pathways and stress responses were analysed for stage 3 larvae (flexion of the notochord). Although the growth rate was unaffected by acidification and temperature changes, the development was accelerated in the 2100 scenario, where larvae reached the last developmental stage at a smaller size (−8%). We observed no mortality related to treatments and no effect of food quality on the development of herring larvae. However, gene expression analyses revealed that heat shock transcripts expression was higher in the warmer and more acidic treatment. Our findings suggest that the predicted warming and acidification environment are stressful for herring larvae, inducing a decrease in size-at-stage at a precise period of ontogeny. This could either negatively affect survival and recruitment via the extension of the predation window or positively increase the survival by reducing the larval stage duration

    Mar Biotechnol

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    Fish are the main source of the n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids, which are crucial for human health. Their synthesis from C18 precursors is mediated by desaturases and elongases, but the activity of these enzymes has not been conclusively established in marine fish species. This study reports the cloning, tissue expression, and functional characterization of a sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) Δ6-desaturase and one of its splicing variants. Two cDNAs with open reading frames of 1,346 and 1,354 bp were cloned and named D6D and D6D-V, respectively. Both deduced protein sequences (445 and 387 amino acids, respectively) contained two transmembrane regions and the N-terminal cytochrome b5 domain with the HPGG motif characteristic of microsomal desaturases. D6D presents three histidine-rich regions, whereas in D6D-V, an insertion of eight nucleotides in the boundaries of exons 10 and 11 modified the third histidine-rich domain and led to insertion of a premature STOP codon, resulting in a shorter predicted protein. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay of gene expression showed that D6D was highly expressed in the brain and intestine, and to a lesser extent, in muscle and liver; meanwhile, D6D-V was expressed in all tissues tested, but at level at least 200-fold lower than D6D. Functional analysis in yeast showed that sea bass D6D encodes a fully functional Δ6-desaturase with no residual Δ5-desaturase activity. This desaturase does not exhibit a clear preference for n-3 versus n-6 C18 substrates. Interestingly, D6D-V is a nonfunctional protein, suggesting that the C-terminal end is indispensable for protein activity