2,426 research outputs found

    Full two-photon downconversion of just a single photon

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    We demonstrate, both numerically and analytically, that it is possible to generate two photons from one and only one photon. We characterize the output two photon field and make our calculations close to reality by including losses. Our proposal relies on real or artificial three-level atoms with a cyclic transition strongly coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide. We show that close to perfect downconversion with efficiency over 99% is reachable using state-of-the-art Waveguide QED architectures such as photonic crystals or superconducting circuits. In particular, we sketch an implementation in circuit QED, where the three level atom is a transmon

    Implementation of a resistance training on young football players

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    El objetivo de este estudio, es comprobar el efecto de un programa de 20 sesiones de entrenamiento específico de fuerza en futbolistas jóvenes Participaron 38 sujetos en el estudio, divididos en un grupo experimental (GE) y un grupo control (GC). Al GE se le administró un entrenamiento de fútbol y un trabajo específico de fuerza; mientras el GC sólo efectuó práctica de fútbol. Ambos fueron evaluados al inicio y al final del programa, con el objetivo de conocer su fuerza dinámica máxima en los flexores y extensores de la rodilla; su masa muscular en las extremidades inferiores; el porcentaje de grasa; y, por último, la velocidad en las pruebas de 10 y 20 metros. Únicamente el GE mejora de forma muy significativa la fuerza dinámica máxima (p<0,01). No se encuentran diferencias en la masa muscular, ni en la velocidad. El GE y el GC incrementan el porcentaje de grasa corporalThe aim of this study is to check the effect of a specific training strength program on young footballers. 38 players took place in the study; they were divided into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The EG added a specific strength work to their football workout, whereas the CG just practised football. Both of them were assessed at the beginning and at the end of the program to know their maximum dynamic strength in their flexor and extensor muscles of their knees; their muscle mass in their lower extremities; their body mass and fat percentage; and their speed in the 10 and 20 metres trials. Just the EG improves remarkably their maximum dynamic strength … No differences in their muscle mass or in their movement strength are found. The EG and the CG increase their MBRate and their body fa

    Cyttaria hariotii E.Fisch. as a promising source of pullulan and Mn(II)-pullulan complexes for Mn-deficiency remediation in winter cereals

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    Pullulan, a water-soluble polysaccharide consisting of maltotriose units used in the preparation of edible films and drug delivery, is generally produced from starch by Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary & Löwenthal) G.Arnaud fungus. In this article, the characterisation of an alternative pullulan source - the stromata of Cyttaria hariotii E.Fisch. fungus - by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis techniques is reported. With a view to a possible valorisation of this pullulan and its derivatives as bioactive formulations in agriculture, low-molecular-weight pullulan (<7 kDa) complexes with Mn(II), suitable for the remediation of Mn-deficiencies in winter cereal by foliar application, were synthesised and characterised by mass spectrometry

    Physicochemical characterization and antimicrobial activity against Erwinia amylovora, Erwinia vitivora, and Diplodia seriata of a light purple Hibiscus syriacus L. Cultivar

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    Phytochemicals are essential raw materials for the production of formulations that can be helpful in crop protection. In particular, Hibiscus spp., which are often used in traditional medicine, are rich in potential bioactive molecules. This study presents an analysis of the thermal, vibrational, and phytochemical characteristics of a light purple variety of Hibiscus syriacus, using thermal gravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy techniques. Further, with a view to its valorization, the antimicrobial activity of its extracts has been investigated in vitro against Erwinia amylovora (the phytopathogen responsible for fire blight in apples, pears, and some other members of the family Rosaceae), Erwinia vitivora (the causal agent of the “maladie d’Oléron” in grapevines), and Diplodia seriata (responsible for “Bot canker”). Higher heating values and thermal features showed similarities with kenaf biomass. The main compounds identified in the hydro-methanolic extracts were: in flowers, 1-heptacosanol, heptacosane, 1-tetracosanol, hexadecenoic acid, 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, and 9,12-octadecadienoic acid; and in leaves, the coumarin derivative 4,4,6,8-tetramethyl-2-chromanone, vitamin E, phytol, and sitosterol. MIC values of 500 and 375 μg·mL−1 were obtained against E. amylovora for flower and leaf extracts, respectively, upon conjugation with chitosan oligomers (to improve solubility and bioavailability). In the case of E. vitivora, MIC values of 250 and 500 μg·mL−1, respectively, were registered. Regarding the antifungal activity, EC90 values of 975.8 and 603.5 μg·mL−1, respectively, were found. These findings suggest that H. syriacus (cv. ‘Mathilde’) may be a promising source of antimicrobials for agriculture

    Effects of Topography and Surface Soil Cover on Erosion for Mining Reclamation: The Experimental Spoil Heap at El Machorro Mine (Central Spain)

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    Mining reclamation tries to reduce environmental impacts, including accelerated runoff, erosion and sediment load in the nearby fluvial networks and their ecosystems. This study compares the effects of topography and surface soil cover on erosion on man-made slopes coming from surface mining reclamation in Central Spain. Two topographic profiles, linear and concave, with two surface soil covers, subsoil and topsoil, were monitored for two hydrologic years. Sediment load, rill development and plant colonization from the four profiles were measured under field conditions. The results show that, in the case of this experiment, a thick and non-compacted topsoil cover on a linear slope yielded less sediment than carbonate colluvium or topsoil cover on a concave slope. This study also shows that vegetation establishment, which plays an important role in erosion control, depends on topography. Plant cover was more widespread and more homogeneous on linear profiles with topsoil cover. On concave slopes, plant establishment was severely limited on the steepest upper part and favoured in the bottom. This study suggests that management of topography and surface soil cover should be approached systematically, taking three outcomes into consideration: (i) topsoil can lead to a successful mining reclamation regardless of topography, (ii) created concave slopes can lead to a successful mining reclamation and (iii) topography determines the vegetation colonization pattern.The experiment was funded by a research contract between the Spanish mining company 602 CAOBAR S.A. and the Department of Geodynamics of the Complutense University of Madrid 603 (research contract numbers 234/2007, 290/2008 261/2009). The data analyses and manuscript 604 production were developed within two Research Projects, CGL2009-14508-C02-01 and 605 CGL2010-21754-C02, of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and by the 606 Ecological Restoration network REMEDINAL-2 (S2009/AMB-1783).Peer reviewe

    Baseline to Evaluate Off-Site Suspended Sediment-Related Mining Effects in the Alto Tajo Natural Park, Spain

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    Mining is a human activity with considerable environmental impact. To evaluate such impacts, international laws require undertaking local studies based on direct sampling to establish baseline conditions of parameters modified by human activities. Mining takes place near the Alto Tajo Natural Park, where a suspended sediment concentration (SSC) baseline is required to determine whether mining affects water quality. To this end, we have monitored the Tajo River and its tributary the Tajuelo following Before–After Control-Impact (BACI) techniques, recommended by Australian and New Zealand laws, requiring a specific method based on continuous monitoring and sampling to enable evaluation of SSCs. An SSC baseline has been defined at stations situated upstream of the mining area and compared with those downstream. The highest detected SSC upstream of the Tajuelo mines was 24 g l−1 whereas the highest simultaneous downstream value was 391 g l−1, more than one order of magnitude higher than the supposed baseline (24 g l−1). Additionally, this value is 1000 times more than the average concentration of 25 mg l−1, used by the European Union until 2015, to guarantee the quality of salmonid waters. Following a BACI approach, a statistically significant SSC impact has been identified. The mined areas are the only source that can explain this increase. This is the first instance that such an increase and baseline have been found using this method. BACI is a simple and reliable method recommended for studying degraded areas rather than an irrelevant, fixed standard as included in most international laws. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.This study was funded by: (i) Research Project CGL2010-21754-C02-01 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, and Ministry of Economy); (ii) the Department of Agriculture and Environment of Castile—La Mancha through its socalled “Fondos Verdes” (Green Funding); (iii) the research contract 249/2015 between CAOBAR and UCM; (iv) the Ecological Restoration Network REMEDINAL-3 of the Madrid Community (S2013/MAE-2719); (v) the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) for Ph.D. Grant JAEPredoc to IZAPeer reviewe

    Universal Conductance Distributions in the Crossover between Diffusive and Localization Regimes

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    The full distribution of the conductance P(G)P(G) in quasi-one-dimensional wires with rough surfaces is analyzed from the diffusive to the localization regime. In the crossover region, where the statistics is dominated by only one or two eigenchannels, the numerically obtained P(G) is found to be independent of the details of the system with the average conductance as the only scaling parameter. For < e^2/h, P(G) is given by an essentially ``one-sided'' log-normal distribution. In contrast, for e^2/h <= 2e^2/h, the shape of P(G) remarkable agrees with those predicted by random matrix theory for two fluctuating transmission eigenchannels.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Form invariance symmetry generates a large set of FRW cosmologies

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    We show that Einstein's field equations for spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) space times have a form invariance symmetry (FIS) realized by the form invariance transformations (FIT) which are indeed generated by an invertible function of the source energy density. These transformations act on the Hubble expansion rate, the energy density, and pressure of the cosmic fluid; likewise such transformations are endowed with a Lie group structure. Each representation of this group is associated with a particular fluid and consequently a determined cosmology, so that, the FIS defines a set of equivalent cosmological models. We focus our seek in the FIT generated by a linear function because it provides a natural framework to express the duality and also produces a large sets of cosmologies, starting from a seed one, in several contexts as for instance in the cases of a perfect fluid source and a scalar field driven by a potential depending linearly on the scalar field kinetic energy density.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Modern Physics Letters A (2012

    Uncertainty quantification and predictability of wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula

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    During recent decades, the use of probabilistic forecasting methods has increased markedly. However, these predictions still need improvement in uncertainty quantification and predictability analysis. For this reason, the main aim of this paper is to develop tools for quantifying uncertainty and predictability of wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula. To achieve this goal, several spread indexes extracted from an ensemble prediction system are defined in this paper. Subsequently, these indexes were evaluated with the aim of selecting the most appropriate for the characterization of uncertainty associated to the forecasting. Selection is based on comparison of the average magnitude of ensemble spread (ES) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). MAPE is estimated by comparing the ensemble mean with wind speed values from different databases. Later, correlation between MAPE and ES was evaluated. Furthermore, probability distribution functions (PDFs) of spread indexes are analyzed to select the index with greater similarity to MAPE PDFs. Then, the spread index selected as optimal is used to carry out a spatiotemporal analysis of model uncertainty in wind forecasting. The results indicate that mountainous regions and the Mediterranean coast are characterized by strong uncertainty, and the spread increases more rapidly in areas affected by strong winds. Finally, a predictability index is proposed for obtaining a tool capable of providing information on whether the predictability is higher or lower than average. The applications developed may be useful in the forecasting of wind potential several days in advance, with substantial importance for estimating wind energy production