854 research outputs found

    Microinjection of superior cervical ganglion neurons for studying axon degeneration

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    Primary cultures of neurons of the peripheral nervous system have been successfully used for studying many aspects of neuronal development and survival, including investigations into the mechanisms of axon degeneration. In this chapter we describe how to prepare and microinject dissociated cultures of sympathetic neurons of the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) specifically for use in highly controlled and targeted assays of axon survival and degeneration

    Stabilization of collapse and revival dynamics by a non-Markovian phonon bath

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    Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have been demonstrated to be versatile candidates to study the fundamentals of light-matter interaction [1-3]. In contrast with atom optics, dissipative processes are induced by the inherent coupling to the environment and are typically perceived as a major obstacle towards stable performances in experiments and applications [4]. In this paper we show that this is not necessarily the case. In fact, the memory of the environment can enhance coherent quantum optical effects. In particular, we demonstrate that the non-Markovian coupling to an incoherent phonon bath has a stabilizing effect on the coherent QD cavity-quantum electrodynamics (cQED) by inhibiting irregular oscillations and boosting regular collapse and revival patterns. For low photon numbers we predict QD dynamics that deviate dramatically from the well-known atomic Jaynes-Cummings model. Our proposal opens the way to a systematic and deliberate design of photon quantum effects via specifically engineered solid-state environments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Diâmetro médio ponderado de partículas para estimativa de propriedades físico-hídricas dos solos.

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    O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar características físico-hídricas do solo de difícil obtenção, através de modelos matemáticos baseados em variáveis das análises de rotina. Foram selecionados, em áreas de plantações florestais, 13 solos variando de 40 a 590 g kg-1 de conteúdo de argila. Nestes solos, foram obtidas amostras deformadas e indeformadas na camada de 5 cm a 15 cm, e realizadas, em laboratório, análises químicas (complexo sortivo, pH, acidez potencial) e físicas (densidade do solo, curva de retenção de umidade e porosidades). Estabeleceram-se correlações entre as variáveis umidade ótima do solo para compactação e umidade na capacidade de campo com todos os parâmetros químicos e físicos analisados. A característica do solo que apresentou o maior índice de correlação com umidade ótima (r = 0,95) e com capacidade de campo (r = 0,93) foi o diâmetro médio ponderado de partículas (DMPP). O DMPP pode ser obtido em todos os levantamentos de solo já realizados e é a soma da multiplicação entre o diâmetro médio das quatro frações granulométricas e suas concentrações no solo. A umidade do solo à -1500 kPa também se correlacionou com o DMPP (r = 0,93), o que permite estimar a quantidade de água disponível para as plantas

    Decision-making in Swiss home-like childbirth: A grounded theory study

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    Background: Decision-making in midwifery, including a claim for shared decision-making between midwives and women, is of major significance for the health of mother and child. Midwives have little information about how to share decision-making responsibilities with women, especially when complications arise during birth. Aim: To increase understanding of decision-making in complex home-like birth settings by exploring midwives’ and women’s perspectives and to develop a dynamic model integrating participatory processes for making shared decisions. Methods: The study, based on grounded theory methodology, analysed 20 interviews of midwives and 20 women who had experienced complications in home-like births. Findings: The central phenomenon that arose from the data was “defining/redefining decision as a joint commitment to healthy childbirth”. The sub-indicators that make up this phenomenon were safety, responsibility, mutual and personal commitments. These sub-indicators were also identified to influence temporal conditions of decision-making and to apply different strategies for shared decision-making. Women adopted strategies such as delegating a decision, making the midwife’s decision her own, challenging a decision or taking a decision driven by the dynamics of childbirth. Midwives employed strategies such as remaining indecisive, approving a woman’s decision, making an informed decision or taking the necessary decision. Discussion and conclusion: To respond to recommendations for shared responsibility for care, midwives need to strengthen their shared decision-making skills. The visual model of decision-making in childbirth derived from the data provides a framework for transferring clinical reasoning into practice

    Mesin Pencari Berbasiskan Semantik Untuk Bahasa Indonesia

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    Makin meningkatnya jumlah informasi yang terdapat di Internet menjadi salah satu alasan yang kuat untuk mengembangkan mesin pencari yang handal. Google merupakan salah satu mesin pencari yang handal namun masih memiliki keterbatasan khususnya dalam melakukan analisa kandungan dokumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan mesin pencari yang dapat menganalisa kandungan teks bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan metodologi studi literatur dan penelitian lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, penggunaan analisa semantik mempermudah pengguna dalam mencari artikel yang dibutuhkan

    Characteristics of ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains in N{\'e}el-type skyrmion host GaV4_4S8_8

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    GaV4_4S8_8 is a multiferroic semiconductor hosting N{\'e}el-type magnetic skyrmions dressed with electric polarization. At Ts_s = 42K, the compound undergoes a structural phase transition of weakly first-order, from a non-centrosymmetric cubic phase at high temperatures to a polar rhombohedral structure at low temperatures. Below Ts_s, ferroelectric domains are formed with the electric polarization pointing along any of the four <111>\left< 111 \right> axes. Although in this material the size and the shape of the ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains may act as important limiting factors in the formation of the N{\'e}el-type skyrmion lattice emerging below TC_C=13\:K, the characteristics of polar domains in GaV4_4S8_8 have not been studied yet. Here, we report on the inspection of the local-scale ferroelectric domain distribution in rhombohedral GaV4_4S8_8 using low-temperature piezoresponse force microscopy. We observed mechanically and electrically compatible lamellar domain patterns, where the lamellae are aligned parallel to the (100)-type planes with a typical spacing between 100 nm-1.2 μ\mum. We expect that the control of ferroelectric domain size in polar skyrmion hosts can be exploited for the spatial confinement and manupulation of N{\'e}el-type skyrmions

    Intestinal permeability and faecal Granulocyte Marker Protein in Dextran Sulphate Sodium - induced colitis in rats

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    The aims of this preliminary study were to foster the development of an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We hereby studied the effects of dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) in drinking water on (a) intestinal permeability and (b) faecal levels of granulocyte marker protein (GMP) in rats. Methods were adopted to keep stress at a minimum. The animals had free access to DSS for 36 or 96 hrs. Controls received only water. Oral administration of 51Cr-labelled ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (51CrEDTA) is used for clinical evaluation of intestinal permeability in IBD. 51CrEDTA was administered by training the animals to drink a given quantity of fluid within 5 minutes in a specific environment. On the test day, they voluntarily consumed 1 ml water containing 2 μCi 51CrEDTA. Urine samples were taken from filter paper in their home-cages for 6 hrs and radioactivity measured in a gamma counter. Faecal samples were collected after 36 and 96 hrs on DSS or water for GMP analysis. RESULTS: GMP was elevated in the DSSinduced animals after both 36 hrs (p&lt;.05) and 96 hrs (p&lt;.01), the elevation being greater after 96 hrs. Consumption of DSS increased the urinary excretion of 51CrEDTA after 36 hrs, but not after 96 hrs. Only DSS consumption for 96 hrs resulted in visible colonic erosions in either the proximal, mid or distal part of the colon. CONCLUSION: DSS has an acute effect upon urinary excretion of 51CrEDTA, and 96 hrs of access to DSS is sufficient to induce elevated GMP levels and colonic erosions in adult rats

    Finding the Gap:Neuromorphic Motion Vision in Cluttered Environments

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    Many animals meander in environments and avoid collisions. How the underlying neuronal machinery can yield robust behaviour in a variety of environments remains unclear. In the fly brain, motion-sensitive neurons indicate the presence of nearby objects and directional cues are integrated within an area known as the central complex. Such neuronal machinery, in contrast with the traditional stream-based approach to signal processing, uses an event-based approach, with events occurring when changes are sensed by the animal. Contrary to von Neumann computing architectures, event-based neuromorphic hardware is designed to process information in an asynchronous and distributed manner. Inspired by the fly brain, we model, for the first time, a neuromorphic closed-loop system mimicking essential behaviours observed in flying insects, such as meandering in clutter and gap crossing, which are highly relevant for autonomous vehicles. We implemented our system both in software and on neuromorphic hardware. While moving through an environment, our agent perceives changes in its surroundings and uses this information for collision avoidance. The agent's manoeuvres result from a closed action-perception loop implementing probabilistic decision-making processes. This loop-closure is thought to have driven the development of neural circuitry in biological agents since the Cambrian explosion. In the fundamental quest to understand neural computation in artificial agents, we come closer to understanding and modelling biological intelligence by closing the loop also in neuromorphic systems. As a closed-loop system, our system deepens our understanding of processing in neural networks and computations in biological and artificial systems. With these investigations, we aim to set the foundations for neuromorphic intelligence in the future, moving towards leveraging the full potential of neuromorphic systems.Comment: 7 main pages with two figures, including appendix 26 pages with 14 figure

    Beneficial pleiotropic antidepressive effects of cardiovascular disease risk factor interventions in the metabolic syndrome

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    © 2018 The Authors. Background--Although the increased prevalence and severity of clinical depression and elevated cardiovascular disease risk represent 2 vexing public health issues, the growing awareness of their combined presentation compounds the challenge. The obese Zucker rat, a model of the metabolic syndrome, spontaneously develops significant depressive symptoms in parallel with the progression of the metabolic syndrome and, thus, represents a compelling model for study. The primary objective was to assess the impact on both cardiovascular outcomes, specifically vascular structure and function, and depressive symptoms in obese Zucker rats after aggressive treatment for cardiovascular disease risk factors with long-term exercise or targeted pharmacological interventions. Methods and Results--We chronically treated obese Zucker rats with clinically relevant interventions against cardiovascular disease risk factors to determine impacts on vascular outcomes and depressive symptom severity. While most of the interventions (chronic exercise, anti-hypertensive, the interventions (long-term exercise, antihypertensive, antidyslipidemia, and antidiabetic) were differentially effective at improving vascular outcomes, only those that also resulted in a significant improvement to oxidant stress, inflammation, arachidonic acid metabolism (prostacyclin versus thromboxane A2), and their associated sequelae were effective at also blunting depressive symptom severity. Using multivariable analyses, discrimination between the effectiveness of treatment groups to maintain behavioral outcomes appeared to be dependent on breaking the cycle of inflammation and oxidant stress, with the associated outcomes of improving endothelial metabolism and both cerebral and peripheral vascular structure and function. Conclusions--This initial study provides a compelling framework from which to further interrogate the links between cardiovascular disease risk factors and depressive symptoms and suggests mechanistic links and potentially effective avenues for intervention

    The three-dimensional Anderson model of localization with binary random potential

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    We study the three-dimensional two-band Anderson model of localization and compare our results to experimental results for amorphous metallic alloys (AMA). Using the transfer-matrix method, we identify and characterize the metal-insulator transitions as functions of Fermi level position, band broadening due to disorder and concentration of alloy composition. The appropriate phase diagrams of regions of extended and localized electronic states are studied and qualitative agreement with AMA such as Ti-Ni and Ti-Cu metallic glasses is found. We estimate the critical exponents nu_W, nu_E and nu_x when either disorder W, energy E or concentration x is varied, respectively. All our results are compatible with the universal value nu ~ 1.6 obtained in the single-band Anderson model.Comment: 9 RevTeX4 pages with 11 .eps figures included, submitted to PR