735 research outputs found

    Efecto de la defoliación en el cultivo de puerro (Allium porrum L.)

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    The foliar area loss is a typical damage in crops caused by fungus, insects or hailstorm. A lot of studies have been carried out to describe the effect of defoliation in the main herbaceous and woody crops. The results of two trials carried out in Valle Medio of the Ebro (Spain) are described in this study to determine the effects of different levels of defoliation in several phenological stages in leek crop. Four levels of defoliation were applied: control, slight, moderate and heavy, in six different phenological stages. Defoliations were carried out by means of a jet of water under pressure. According to the results observed, a close relationship between the yield loss with the percentage of defoliation and the crop stage was found. The most critical stage was at the beginning of the stem thickening in which there are maximum losses of 41% with 100% of defoliation. These experimental results were used to obtain regression equations in which the percentage of yield reduction is calculated in relation with the phenological stage and the percentage of defoliation. These equations can be used to improve simulation patterns of the leek growth in case of foliar damages caused by fungus, insect attacks or hailstorm.La pérdida de área foliar es un daño típico en los cultivos causado por ataques de hongos e insectos o por granizo. Se han realizado numerosos estudios para describir los efectos de la defoliación en los principales cultivos herbáceos y leñosos. En este trabajo se describen los resultados obtenidos en dos ensayos, llevados a cabo en el Valle Medio del Ebro (España), para determinar el efecto en el cultivo de puerro de diferentes niveles de defoliación aplicados en varios estados fenológicos. Se aplicaron cuatro niveles de defoliación: control, leve, medio y alto en seis estados fenológicos diferentes. La defoliación se llevó a cabo con una maquina de agua a presión. Se observó una estrecha relación entre la pérdida de cosecha, el porcentaje de defoliación y el estado fenológico en que se aplicó. El estado más crítico fue al inicio del engrosamiento del tallo en el cual se alcanzaron las mayores pérdidas, de un 41% para un 100% de defoliación. Estos resultados experimentales se utilizaron para obtener ecuaciones de regresión en las que se calculó el porcentaje de pérdida de cosecha en relación con el estado fenológico y el porcentaje de defoliación aplicado. Estas ecuaciones pueden ser utilizadas para mejorar los patrones de simulación de crecimiento del puerro en caso de daños foliares provocados por ataques de hongos o insectos o por granizo

    Estudio funcional del cortisol y ACTH plasmáticos en perros : respuesta ante el estímulo con hormona liberadora de corticotrofina (CRF) en situación de anestesia

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    La acción de los agentes anestésicos sobre la ACTH y el cortisol es variable. Nos interesó ver el comportamiento del eje hipotálarno-hipófisoadrenal en situación de anestesia. Igualmente se estudia la capacidad de respuesta de este eje cuando, estando bajo el efecto de la anestesia, se somete a un estímulo fisiológico. Se observa que el pentotal sódico produce descenso del nivel de cortisol y ACTH.Aún estando el animal anestesiado, las glándulas adrenales tienen capacidad de respuesta ante estímulos fisiológicosThe action of the anaesthetic agents on ACTH and cortisol is variable. In the present paper we were interested to see the behauiour of the hypothalamus bypophysis-adrenal axis in a state of anaesthesia. In the same way we study the response capacity of this axis when, being under the effect of anaesthesia, it is submitted to a physiological stimulus. We observe sodium pentothal produces a decrease in the level of cortisol and ACTH. Even when the animal is anaesthetized, the adrenal glands have the response capacity in the presence of physiological stimuli

    Harvest index, a parameter conditioning responsiveness of wheat plants to elevated CO2

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    The expansion of the world’s population requires the development of high production agriculture. For this purpose, it is essential to identify target points conditioning crop responsiveness to predicted [CO2]. The aim of this study was to determine the relevance of ear sink strength in leaf protein and metabolomic profiles and its implications in photosynthetic activity and yield of durum wheat plants exposed to elevated [CO2]. For this purpose, a genotype with high harvest index (HI) (Triticum durum var. Sula) and another with low HI (Triticum durum var. Blanqueta) were exposed to elevated [CO2] (700 µmol mol–1 versus 400 µmol mol–1 CO2) in CO2 greenhouses. The obtained data highlighted that elevated [CO2] only increased plant growth in the genotype with the largest HI; Sula. Gas exchange analyses revealed that although exposure to 700 µmol mol–1 depleted Rubisco content, Sula was capable of increasing the light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation (Asat) whereas, in Blanqueta, the carbohydrate imbalance induced the down-regulation of Asat. The specific depletion of Rubisco in both genotypes under elevated [CO2], together with the enhancement of other proteins in the Calvin cycle, revealed that there was a redistribution of N from Rubisco towards RuBP regeneration. Moreover, the down-regulation of N, NO3 –, amino acid, and organic acid content, together with the depletion of proteins involved in amino acid synthesis that was detected in Blanqueta grown at 700 µmol mol–1 CO2, revealed that inhibition of N assimilation was involved in the carbohydrate imbalance and consequently with the down-regulation of photosynthesis and growth in these plants

    Atlas proteómico del bulbo olfatorio humano

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    Comunicaciones a congreso

    Estudio de la composición corporal en deportistas masculinos universitarios de difertentes disciplinas deportivas

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    La antropometría es una de las ciencias aplicadas al deporte. Nos permite obtener medidas corporales (pliegues, perímetros, diámetros, peso, talla) para la obtención de la composición corporal. Se han realizado estudios cinenatropométricos en diferentes disciplinas deportiva de categoría élite, pero muy pocos en deportistas universitarios, de ahí el objetivo delartículo. Se evaluaron 126 deportistas universitarios masculinos, procedentes de diferentes disciplinas deportivas: futbol, triatlón, remo, balonmano y vóley-playa. Un medidor acreditado nivel II por la International Society for the Advancement Kineanthropometry (ISAK), tomo la medidas. La descripción de las características cineantropométricas en las disciplinas evaluadas,adquiere importancia, para que el personal técnico las tome como en la planificación y evaluación del deportista

    Automated location of orofacial landmarks to characterize airway morphology in anaesthesia via deep convolutional neural networks

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    Background:A reliable anticipation of a difficult airway may notably enhance safety during anaesthesia. In current practice, clinicians use bedside screenings by manual measurements of patients’ morphology. Objective:To develop and evaluate algorithms for the automated extraction of orofacial landmarks, which characterize airway morphology. Methods:We defined 27 frontal + 13 lateral landmarks. We collected n=317 pairs of pre-surgery photos from patients undergoing general anaesthesia (140 females, 177 males). As ground truth reference for supervised learning, landmarks were independently annotated by two anaesthesiologists. We trained two ad-hoc deep convolutional neural network architectures based on InceptionResNetV2 (IRNet) and MobileNetV2 (MNet), to predict simultaneously: (a) whether each landmark is visible or not (occluded, out of frame), (b) its 2D-coordinates (x, y). We implemented successive stages of transfer learning, combined with data augmentation. We added custom top layers on top of these networks, whose weights were fully tuned for our application. Performance in landmark extraction was evaluated by 10-fold cross-validation (CV) and compared against 5 state-of-the-art deformable models. Results:With annotators’ consensus as the ‘gold standard’, our IRNet-based network performed comparably to humans in the frontal view: median CV loss L=1.277·10-3, inter-quartile range (IQR) [1.001, 1.660]; versus median 1.360, IQR [1.172, 1.651], and median 1.352, IQR [1.172, 1.619], for each annotator against consensus, respectively. MNet yielded slightly worse results: median 1.471, IQR [1.139, 1.982]. In the lateral view, both networks attained performances statistically poorer than humans: median CV loss L=2.141·10-3, IQR [1.676, 2.915], and median 2.611, IQR [1.898, 3.535], respectively; versus median 1.507, IQR [1.188, 1.988], and median 1.442, IQR [1.147, 2.010] for both annotators. However, standardized effect sizes in CV loss were small: 0.0322 and 0.0235 (non-significant) for IRNet, 0.1431 and 0.1518 (p<0.05) for MNet; therefore quantitatively similar to humans. The best performing state-of-the-art model (a deformable regularized Supervised Descent Method, SDM) behaved comparably to our DCNNs in the frontal scenario, but notoriously worse in the lateral view. Conclusions:We successfully trained two DCNN models for the recognition of 27 + 13 orofacial landmarks pertaining to the airway. Using transfer learning and data augmentation, they were able to generalize without overfitting, reaching expert-like performances in CV. Our IRNet-based methodology achieved a satisfactory identification and location of landmarks: particularly in the frontal view, at the level of anaesthesiologists. In the lateral view, its performance decayed, although with a non-significant effect size. Independent authors had also reported lower lateral performances; as certain landmarks may not be clear salient points, even for a trained human eye.BERC.2022-2025 BCAM Severo Ochoa accreditation CEX2021-001142-S / MICIN / AEI / 10.13039/50110001103

    Molecular bases of diabetic nephropathy

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    The determinant of the diabetic nephropathy is hyperglycemia, but hypertension and other genetic factors are also involved. Glomerulus is the focus of the injury, where mesangial cell proliferation and extracellular matrix occur because of the increase of the intra- and extracellular glucose concentration and overexpression of GLUT1. Sequentially, there are increases in the flow by the poliol pathway, oxidative stress, increased intracellular production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), activation of the PKC pathway, increase of the activity of the hexosamine pathway, and activation of TGF-beta1. High glucose concentrations also increase angiotensin II (AII) levels. Therefore, glucose and AII exert similar effects in inducing extracellular matrix formation in the mesangial cells, using similar transductional signal, which increases TGF-beta1 levels. In this review we focus in the effect of glucose and AII in the mesangial cells in causing the events related to the genesis of diabetic nephropathy. The alterations in the signal pathways discussed in this review give support to the observational studies and clinical assays, where metabolic and antihypertensive controls obtained with angiotensin-converting inhibitors have shown important and additive effect in the prevention of the beginning and progression of diabetic nephropathy. New therapeutic strategies directed to the described intracellular events may give future additional benefits.O principal determinante da nefropatia diabética é a hiperglicemia, mas hipertensão e fatores genéticos também estão envolvidos. O glomérulo é o foco de lesão, onde proliferação celular mesangial e produção excessiva de matriz extracelular decorrem do aumento da glicose intracelular, por excesso de glicose extracelular e hiperexpressão de GLUT1. Seguem-se aumento do fluxo pela via dos polióis, estresse oxidativo intracelular, produção intracelular aumentada de produtos avançados da glicação não enzimática (AGEs), ativação da via da PKC, aumento da atividade da via das hexosaminas e ativação de TGF-beta1. Altas concentrações de glicose também aumentam angiotensina II (AII) nas células mesangiais por aumento intracelular da atividade da renina (ações intrácrinas, mediando efeitos proliferativos e inflamatórios diretamente). Portanto, glicose e AII exercem efeitos proliferativos celulares e de matriz extracelular nas células mesangiais, utilizando vias de transdução de sinais semelhantes, que levam a aumento de TGF-beta1. Nesse estudo são revisadas as vias que sinalizam os efeitos da glicose e AII nas células mesangiais em causar os eventos-chaves relacionados à gênese da glomerulopatia diabética. As alterações das vias de sinalização implicadas na glomerulopatia, aqui revisadas, suportam dados de estudos observacionais/ensaios clínicos, onde controle metabólico e anti-hipertensivo, especificamente com inibidores do sistema renina-angiotensina, têm-se mostrado importantes - e aditivos - na prevenção do início e progressão da nefropatia. Novas estratégias terapêuticas dirigidas aos eventos intracelulares descritos deverão futuramente promover benefício adicional.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)HC Instituto do Coração Unidade de HipertensãoUSP FMUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Laboratório de NefrologiaFundação Universitária de Cardiologia Instituto de Cardiologia Laboratório de Cardiologia Molecular e CelularUNIFESP, EPM, Laboratório de NefrologiaSciEL

    Apoptosis is increased and cell proliferation is decreased in out-of-phase endometria from infertile and recurrent abortion patients

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    Various endometrial abnormalities have been associated with luteal phase deficiency: a significant dyssynchrony in the maturation of the glandular epithelium and the stroma and a prevalence of out-of-phase endometrial biopsy specimens. Out-of phase endometrium is a controversial disorder related to failed implantation, infertility and early pregnancy loss. Given that the regulation of the apoptotic process in endometrium of luteal phase deficiency is still unknown, the aim of this study was to evaluate cell proliferation, apoptosis and the levels of the main effector caspase, caspase-3 in the luteal in-phase and out-of-phase endometrium.Fil: Meresman, Gabriela Fabiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Olivares, Carla Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Vighi, Susana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas General San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Alfie, Margarita. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas General San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Irigoyen, Marcela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas General San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Etchepareborda, Juan J.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas General San Martín; Argentin