15,128 research outputs found

    An Evidence Based Time-Frequency Search Method for Gravitational Waves from Pulsar Glitches

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    We review and expand on a Bayesian model selection technique for the detection of gravitational waves from neutron star ring-downs associated with pulsar glitches. The algorithm works with power spectral densities constructed from overlapping time segments of gravitational wave data. Consequently, the original approach was at risk of falsely identifying multiple signals where only one signal was present in the data. We introduce an extension to the algorithm which uses posterior information on the frequency content of detected signals to cluster events together. The requirement that we have just one detection per signal is now met with the additional bonus that the belief in the presence of a signal is boosted by incorporating information from adjacent time segments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to AMALDI 7 proceeding

    Meta-Stable Brane Configuration and Gauged Flavor Symmetry

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    Starting from an N=1 supersymmetric electric gauge theory with the gauge group Sp(N_c) x SO(2N_c') with fundamentals for the first gauge group factor and a bifundamental, we apply Seiberg dual to the symplectic gauge group only and arrive at the N=1 supersymmetric dual magnetic gauge theory with dual matters including the gauge singlets and superpotential. By analyzing the F-term equations of the dual magnetic superpotential, we describe the intersecting brane configuration of type IIA string theory corresponding to the meta-stable nonsupersymmetric vacua of this gauge theory.Comment: 16 pp, 3 figures; stability analysis in page 7 and 8 added and the presentation improved; reduced bytes of figures and to appear in MPL

    Methane emissions from the 2015 Aliso Canyon blowout in Los Angeles, CA.

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    Single-point failures of natural gas infrastructure can hamper methane emission control strategies designed to mitigate climate change. The 23 October 2015 blowout of a well connected to the Aliso Canyon underground storage facility in California resulted in a massive release of natural gas. Analysis of methane and ethane data from dozens of plume transects, collected during 13 research-aircraft flights between 7 November 2015 and 13 February 2016, shows atmospheric leak rates of up to 60 metric tons of methane and 4.5 metric tons of ethane per hour. At its peak, this blowout effectively doubled the methane emission rate of the entire Los Angeles basin and, in total, released 97,100 metric tons of methane to the atmosphere

    The role of low-mass star clusters in massive star formation. The Orion Case

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    To distinguish between the different theories proposed to explain massive star formation, it is crucial to establish the distribution, the extinction, and the density of low-mass stars in massive star-forming regions. We analyze deep X-ray observations of the Orion massive star-forming region using the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP) catalog. We studied the stellar distribution as a function of extinction, with cells of 0.03 pc x 0.03 pc, the typical size of protostellar cores. We derived stellar density maps and calculated cluster stellar densities. We found that low-mass stars cluster toward the three massive star-forming regions: the Trapezium Cluster (TC), the Orion Hot Core (OHC), and OMC1-S. We derived low-mass stellar densities of 10^{5} stars pc^{-3} in the TC and OMC1-S, and of 10^{6} stars pc^{-3} in the OHC. The close association between the low-mass star clusters with massive star cradles supports the role of these clusters in the formation of massive stars. The X-ray observations show for the first time in the TC that low-mass stars with intermediate extinction are clustered toward the position of the most massive star, which is surrounded by a ring of non-extincted low-mass stars. This 'envelope-core' structure is also supported by infrared and optical observations. Our analysis suggests that at least two basic ingredients are needed in massive star formation: the presence of dense gas and a cluster of low-mass stars. The scenario that better explains our findings assumes high fragmentation in the parental core, accretion at subcore scales that forms a low-mass stellar cluster, and subsequent competitive accretion. Finally, although coalescence does not seem a common mechanism for building up massive stars, we show that a single stellar merger may have occurred in the evolution of the OHC cluster, favored by the presence of disks, binaries, and gas accretion.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 3 Tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    A new intermediate mass protostar in the Cepheus A HW2 region

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    We present the discovery of the first molecular hot core associated with an intermediate mass protostar in the CepA HW2 region. The hot condensation was detected from single dish and interferometric observations of several high excitation rotational lines (from 100 to 880K above the ground state) of SO2 in the ground vibrational state and of HC3N in the vibrationally excited states v7=1 and v7=2. The kinetic temperature derived from both molecules is 160K. The high-angular resolution observations (1.25'' x 0.99'') of the SO2 J=28(7,21)-29(6,24) line (488K above the ground state) show that the hot gas is concentrated in a compact condensation with a size of 0.6''(430AU), located 0.4'' (300AU) east from the radio-jet HW2. The total SO2 column density in the hot condensation is 10E18cm-2, with a H2 column density ranging from 10E23 to 6 x 10E24cm-2. The H2 density and the SO2 fractional abundance must be larger than 10E7cm-3 and 2 x 10E-7 respectively. The most likely alternatives for the nature of the hot and very dense condensation are discussed. From the large column densities of hot gas, the detection of the HC3N vibrationally excited lines and the large SO2 abundance, we favor the interpretation of a hot core heated by an intermediate mass protostar of 10E3 Lo. This indicates that the CepA HW2 region contains a cluster of very young stars

    D-brane Instantons as Gauge Instantons in Orientifolds of Chiral Quiver Theories

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    Systems of D3-branes at orientifold singularities can receive non-perturbative D-brane instanton corrections, inducing field theory operators in the 4d effective theory. In certain non-chiral examples, these systems have been realized as the infrared endpoint of a Seiberg duality cascade, in which the D-brane instanton effects arise from strong gauge theory dynamics. We present the first UV duality cascade completion of chiral D3-brane theories, in which the D-brane instantons arise from gauge theory dynamics. Chiral examples are interesting because the instanton fermion zero mode sector is topologically protected, and therefore lead to more robust setups. As an application of our results, we provide a UV completion of certain D-brane orientifold systems recently claimed to produce conformal field theories with conformal invariance broken only by D-brane instantons.Comment: 50 pages, 32 figures. v2: version published in JHEP with references adde

    Quantum chaos and critical behavior on a chip

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    The Dicke model describes N qubits (or two-level atoms) homogenously coupled to a bosonic mode. Here we examine an open-system realization of the Dicke model, which contains critical and chaotic behaviour. In particular, we extend this model to include an additional open transport qubit (TQ) (coupled to the bosonic mode) for passive and active measurements. We illustrate how the scaling (in the number of qubits N) of the superradiant phase transition can be observed in both current and current-noise measurements through the transport qubit. Using a master equation, we also investigate how the phase transition is affected by the back-action from the transport qubit and losses in the cavity. In addition, we show that the non-integrable quantum chaotic character of the Dicke model is retained in an open-system environment. We propose how all of these effects could been seen in a circuit QED system formed from an array of superconducting qubits, or an atom chip, coupled to a quantized resonant cavity (e.g., a microwave transmission line).Comment: 7 page
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