15,413 research outputs found

    Efficient memory management in video on demand servers

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    In this article we present, analyse and evaluate a new memory management technique for video-on-demand servers. Our proposal, Memory Reservation Per Storage Device (MRPSD), relies on the allocation of a fixed, small number of memory buffers per storage device. Selecting adequate scheduling algorithms, information storage strategies and admission control mechanisms, we demonstrate that MRPSD is suited for the deterministic service of variable bit rate streams to intolerant clients. MRPSD allows large memory savings compared to traditional memory management techniques, based on the allocation of a certain amount of memory per client served, without a significant performance penaltyPublicad

    De retibus socialibus et legibus momenti

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) are a cutting edge topic. Almost everybody --users, marketers, brands, companies, and researchers-- is approaching OSNs to better understand them and take advantage of their benefits. Maybe one of the key concepts underlying OSNs is that of influence which is highly related, although not entirely identical, to those of popularity and centrality. Influence is, according to Merriam-Webster, "the capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways". Hence, in the context of OSNs, it has been proposed to analyze the clicks received by promoted URLs in order to check for any positive correlation between the number of visits and different "influence" scores. Such an evaluation methodology is used in this paper to compare a number of those techniques with a new method firstly described here. That new method is a simple and rather elegant solution which tackles with influence in OSNs by applying a physical metaphor.Comment: Changes made for third revision: Brief description of the dataset employed added to Introduction. Minor changes to the description of preparation of the bit.ly datasets. Minor changes to the captions of Tables 1 and 3. Brief addition in the Conclusions section (future line of work added). Added references 16 and 18. Some typos and grammar polishe

    An extended Agassi model: algebraic structure, phase diagram, and large size limit

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    The Agassi model is a schematic two-level model that involves pairing and monopole-monopole interactions. It is, therefore, an extension of the well known Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) model. In this paper we review the algebraic formulation of an extension of the Agassi model as well as its bosonic realization through the Schwinger representation. Moreover, a mean-field approximation for the model is presented and its phase diagram discussed. Finally, a 1/j1/j analysis, with jj proportional to the degeneracy of each level, is worked out to obtain the thermodynamic limit of the ground state energy and some order parameters from the exact Hamiltonian diagonalization for finitej-j.Comment: Accepted in Physica Scripta. Focus on SSNET 201

    Phase diagram of an extended Agassi model

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    Background: The Agassi model is an extension of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model that incorporates the pairing interaction. It is a schematic model that describes the interplay between particle-hole and pair correlations. It was proposed in the 1960's by D. Agassi as a model to simulate the properties of the quadrupole plus pairing model. Purpose: The aim of this work is to extend a previous study by Davis and Heiss generalizing the Agassi model and analyze in detail the phase diagram of the model as well as the different regions with coexistence of several phases. Method: We solve the model Hamiltonian through the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) approximation, introducing two variational parameters that play the role of order parameters. We also compare the HFB calculations with the exact ones. Results: We obtain the phase diagram of the model and classify the order of the different quantum phase transitions appearing in the diagram. The phase diagram presents broad regions where several phases, up to three, coexist. Moreover, there is also a line and a point where four and five phases are degenerated, respectively. Conclusions: The phase diagram of the extended Agassi model presents a rich variety of phases. Phase coexistence is present in extended areas of the parameter space. The model could be an important tool for benchmarking novel many-body approximations.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Calentamiento y especificidad

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    El presente artículo trata el calentamiento desde una triple perspectiva, pues indaga en los beneficios o perjuicios que pueden suponer la presencia o ausencia de calentamiento y sobre la especificidad de este en cuanto a la movilidad articular empleada en su última fase. Se comparan dos grupos (n= 9 y n¿= 8) que se ejercitan en tareas de fuerza explosiva, sin calentamiento y con éste, a continuación los sujetos participantes se emplean en ejercicios de activación general, carrera continua y ejercicios de movilidad articular, diferenciándose en este último apartado entre movimientos activos libres y pasivos asistidos. Seguidamente ambos grupos se emplean en las mismas tareas de fuerza explosiva que vivenciaron antes del calentamiento. Los resultados muestran un ligera tendencia hacia el empleo del calentamiento con movimientos activos libres, cuando el ejercicio se halla muy localizado en las cadenas cinéticas superiores e inferiores, pero al requerir la participación de toda la musculatura, como es el caso de una carrera de 30 metros a máxima velocidad, no se han encontrado diferencias significativas ni antes ni tras el calentamiento ni según la especificidad de éste

    Multilingual Information Framework for Handling textual data in Digital Media

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    This document presents MLIF (Multi Lingual Information Framework), a high-level model for describing multilingual data across a wide range of possible applications in the translation/localization process within several multimedia domains (e.g. broadcasting interactive programs within a multilingual community)

    Van der Waals spin valves

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    We propose spin valves where a 2D non-magnetic conductor is intercalated between two ferromagnetic insulating layers. In this setup, the relative orientation of the magnetizations of the insulating layers can have a strong impact on the in-plane conductivity of the 2D conductor. We first show this for a graphene bilayer, described with a tight-binding model, placed between two ferromagnetic insulators. In the anti-parallel configuration, a band gap opens at the Dirac point, whereas in the parallel configuration, the graphene bilayer remains conducting. We then compute the electronic structure of graphene bilayer placed between two monolayers of the ferromagnetic insulator CrI3_3, using density functional theory. Consistent with the model, we find that a gap opens at the Dirac point only in the antiparallel configuration.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure