156 research outputs found

    Transport efficiency in topologically disordered networks with environmentally induced diffusion

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    We study transport in topologically disordered networks that are subjected to an environment that induces classical diffusion. The dynamics is phenomenologically described within the framework of the recently introduced quantum stochastic walk, allowing to study the crossover between coherent transport and purely classical diffusion. We find that the coupling to the environment removes all effects of localization and quickly leads to classical transport. Furthermore, we find that on the level of the transport efficiency, the system can be well described by reducing it to a two-node network (a dimer).Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Методические основы оценки качества обслуживания в туристическом бизнесе

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    Проблема определения качества обслуживания в туристическом бизнесе является актуальной, т.к. туристическая деятельность является приоритетным направлением развития в АР Крым. Рассмотрена методика определения качества обслуживания туристов с учетом специфики функционирования туристской сферы.Проблема визначення якості обслуговування у туристичному бізнесі є актуальною, тому що туристична діяльність є пріоритетним напрямком розвитку в АР Крим. Розглянута методика визначення якості обслуговування туристів з умовою специфіки функціонування туристичної сфери.The problem of quality service in the tourist's business is very actuality, because the tourist's activity is the priority directions of development in the Crimea. Given the method of definition of the quality service in the tourist's business with registration of specific tourism sphere

    Retracting and seeking movements during laparoscopic goal-oriented movements. Is the shortest path length optimal?

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    Aims- Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) requires a high degree of eye–hand coordination from the surgeon. To facilitate the learning process, objective assessment systems based on analysis of the instruments’ motion are being developed. To investigate the influence of performance on motion characteristics, we examined goaloriented movements in a box trainer. In general, goal-oriented movements consist of a retracting and a seeking phase, and are, however, not performed via the shortest path length. Therefore, we hypothesized that the shortest path is not an optimal concept in MIS. Methods-Participants were divided into three groups (experts, residents, and novices). Each participant performed a number of one-hand positioning tasks in a box trainer. Movements of the instrument were recorded with the TrEndo tracking system. The movement from point A to B was divided into two phases: A-M (retracting) and M-B (seeking). Normalized path lengths (given in %) of the two phases were compared. Results- Thirty eight participants contributed. For the retracting phase, we found no significant difference between experts [median (range) %: 152 (129–178)], residents [164 (126–250)], and novices [168 (136–268)]. In the seeking phase, we find a significant difference (<0.001) between experts [180 (172–247)], residents [201 (163–287)], and novices [290 (244–469)]. Moreover, within each group, a significant difference between retracting and seeking phases was observed. Conclusions- Goal-oriented movements in MIS can be split into two phases: retracting and seeking. Novices are less effective than experts and residents in the seeking phase. Therefore, the seeking phase is characteristic of performance differences. Furthermore, the retracting phase is essential, because it improves safety by avoiding intermediate tissue contact. Therefore, the shortest path length, as presently used during the assessment of basic MIS skills, may be not a proper concept for analyzing optimal movements and, therefore, needs to be revised.Biomechanical EngineeringMechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineerin

    Large‐scale analysis of structural brain asymmetries during neurodevelopment: Associations with age and sex in 4265 children and adolescents

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    Only a small number of studies have assessed structural differences between the two hemispheres during childhood and adolescence. However, the existing findings lack consistency or are restricted to a particular brain region, a specific brain feature, or a relatively narrow age range. Here, we investigated associations between brain asymmetry and age as well as sex in one of the largest pediatric samples to date (n = 4265), aged 1–18 years, scanned at 69 sites participating in the ENIGMA (Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta‐Analysis) consortium. Our study revealed that significant brain asymmetries already exist in childhood, but their magnitude and direction depend on the brain region examined and the morphometric measurement used (cortical volume or thickness, regional surface area, or subcortical volume). With respect to effects of age, some asymmetries became weaker over time while others became stronger; sometimes they even reversed direction. With respect to sex differences, the total number of regions exhibiting significant asymmetries was larger in females than in males, while the total number of measurements indicating significant asymmetries was larger in males (as we obtained more than one measurement per cortical region). The magnitude of the significant asymmetries was also greater in males. However, effect sizes for both age effects and sex differences were small. Taken together, these findings suggest that cerebral asymmetries are an inherent organizational pattern of the brain that manifests early in life. Overall, brain asymmetry appears to be relatively stable throughout childhood and adolescence, with some differential effects in males and females

    Retention of basic laparoscopic skills after a structured training program

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    The purpose of this study was to test the retention of basic laparoscopic skills on a box trainer 1 year after a short training program. For a prior study, eight medical students without prior experience (novices) underwent baseline testing, followed by five weekly training sessions and a final test. During each of seven sessions, they performed five tasks on an inanimate box trainer. Scores were calculated by adding up the time to completion of the task with penalty points, consequently rewarding speed and precision. The sum score was the sum of the five scores. One year later, seven of them underwent retention testing for the current study. The final test results were compared with retention test results as a measure of durability of acquired skills. Novices’ scores did not worsen significantly for four out of five tasks (i.e., placing a pipe cleaner p = 0.46, placing beads p = 0.24, cutting a circle p = 0.31, and knot tying p = 0.13). However, deterioration was observed in the performance on stretching a rubber band (p < 0.05), as well as in the sum score (p < 0.05). Nevertheless, all retention scores remained better than the baseline results. In conclusion, basic laparoscopic skills acquired during a short training program merely sustain over time. However, ongoing practice is advisable, especially to preserve tissue-handling skills, since these may be the first to deteriorate

    Bronnen van antibioticaresistentie in het milieu en mogelijke maatregelen

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    Het RIVM heeft in samenwerking met andere instituten onderzocht hoeveel resistente bacteriën via afvalwater in het Nederlandse oppervlaktewater terechtkomen. Afvalwater is, naast mest, de belangrijkste bron waardoor antibioticaresistente bacteriën in het milieu belanden. In 60 tot 100% van het onderzochte afvalwater zitten bijzonder resistente micro-organismen(BMRO), zoals ESBL-producerende E. coli en carbapenemresistente Enterobacteriaceae. Daarnaast zijn resten van antibiotica in het afvalwater gevonden. Mensen kunnen aan resistente bacteriën in het milieu worden blootgesteld, bijvoorbeeld als zij in contact komen met water waarop gezuiverd afvalwater wordt geloosd. Vooralsnog is het onduidelijk hoe groot de bijdrage van deze blootstelling is ten opzichte van andere blootstellingsroutes, en wat de gevolgen daarvan voor de volksgezondheid zijn. Daarvoor wordt aanvullend onderzoek aanbevolen. Duidelijk is wel dat mensen naast blootstelling via het milieu, ook door andere bronnen kunnen worden blootgesteld aan antibioticaresistente bacteriën, bijvoorbeeld tijdens reizen naar landen in Azië of Zuid-Amerika. Door de huidige behandeling van afvalwater nemen de concentraties van antibioticaresistente bacteriën af. Er bestaan aanvullende zuiveringstechnieken voor afvalwater die het aantal antibioticaresistente bacteriën in het oppervlaktewater nog verder kunnen verminderen. Ook de concentraties van resistente bacteriën in mest kunnen door aanvullende zuiveringstechnieken verminderd worden.In collaboration with other institu tions , RIVM investigated how many resistant bacteria enter Dutch surface water s from waste water treatment plants. Next to manure, waste water is the main source of resistant bacteria in the environment. Resistant bacteria of particular public health concern, including ESBL -producing E. coli and carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriace ae, have been found in 60 -100% of all investigated waste water samples. Antibiotics themselves have also been found in waste water. Human exposure to resistant bacteria is possible, for example, upon contact with surface water which receives waste water treatment plant effluent. So far, the contribution of this exposure to the total exposure to resistant bacteria is unknown, as are the effects of this exposure on public health. Additional research is therefore recommended. Humans can also be exposed to resistant bacteria via other routes, such as travel to Asian or Latin American. The current treatment of waste water reduces the concen trations of resistant bacteria. Advanced techniques are available which can decrease the amounts of resistant bacteria further. Options for the reduction of resistant bacteria also exist for the treatment of manure

    The value of haptic feedback in conventional and robot-assisted minimal invasive surgery and virtual reality training: a current review

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    BACKGROUND: Virtual reality (VR) as surgical training tool has become a state-of-the-art technique in training and teaching skills for minimally invasive surgery (MIS). Although intuitively appealing, the true benefits of haptic (VR training) platforms are unknown. Many questions about haptic feedback in the different areas of surgical skills (training) need to be answered before adding costly haptic feedback in VR simulation for MIS training. This study was designed to review the current status and value of haptic feedback in conventional and robot-assisted MIS and training by using virtual reality simulation. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken using PubMed and MEDLINE. The following search terms were used: Haptic feedback OR Haptics OR Force feedback AND/OR Minimal Invasive Surgery AND/OR Minimal Access Surgery AND/OR Robotics AND/OR Robotic Surgery AND/OR Endoscopic Surgery AND/OR Virtual Reality AND/OR Simulation OR Surgical Training/Education. RESULTS: The results were assessed according to level of evidence as reflected by the Oxford Centre of Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence. CONCLUSIONS: In the current literature, no firm consensus exists on the importance of haptic feedback in performing minimally invasive surgery. Although the majority of the results show positive assessment of the benefits of force feedback, results are ambivalent and not unanimous on the subject. Benefits are least disputed when related to surgery using robotics, because there is no haptic feedback in currently used robotics. The addition of haptics is believed to reduce surgical errors resulting from a lack of it, especially in knot tying. Little research has been performed in the area of robot-assisted endoscopic surgical training, but results seem promising. Concerning VR training, results indicate that haptic feedback is important during the early phase of psychomotor skill acquisitio

    Do absorption and realistic distraction influence performance of component task surgical procedure?

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    Background. Surgeons perform complex tasks while exposed to multiple distracting sources that may increase stress in the operating room (e.g., music, conversation, and unadapted use of sophisticated technologies). This study aimed to examine whether such realistic social and technological distracting conditions may influence surgical performance. Methods. Twelve medical interns performed a laparoscopic cholecystectomy task with the Xitact LC 3.0 virtual reality simulator under distracting conditions (exposure to music, conversation, and nonoptimal handling of the laparoscope) versus nondistracting conditions (control condition) as part of a 2 x 2 within-subject experimental design. Results. Under distracting conditions, the medical interns showed a significant decline in task performance (overall task score, task errors, and operating time) and significantly increased levels of irritation toward both the assistant handling the laparoscope in a nonoptimal way and the sources of social distraction. Furthermore, individual differences in cognitive style (i.e., cognitive absorption and need for cognition) significantly influenced the levels of irritation experienced by the medical interns. Conclusion. The results suggest careful evaluation of the social and technological sources of distraction in the operation room to reduce irritation for the surgeon and provision of proper preclinical laparoscope navigation training to increase security for the patient.Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin