503 research outputs found

    Linking pseudouridine synthases to growth, developmentand cell competition

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    Eukaryotic pseudouridine synthases direct RNA pseudouridylation and bind H⁄ACA small nucleolar RNA (snoRNAs), which, in turn, may act as precursors of microRNA-like molecules. In humans, loss of pseudouridine synthase activity causes dyskeratosis congenita (DC), a complex systemic disorder characterized by cancer susceptibility, failures in ribosome biogenesis and telomere stability, and defects in stem cell formation. Considering the significant interest in deciphering the various molecular consequences of pseudouridine synthase failure, we performed a loss of function analysis of minifly (mfl), the pseudouridine synthase gene of Drosophila, in the wing disc, an advantageous model system for studies of cell growth and differentiation. In this organ, depletion of the mfl-encoded pseudouridine synthase causes a severe reduction in size by decreasing both the number and the size of wing cells. Reduction of cell number was mainly attributable to cell death rather than reduced proliferation, establishing that apoptosis plays a key role in the development of the loss of function mutant phenotype. Depletion of Mfl also causes a proliferative disadvantage in mosaic tissues that leads to the elimination of mutant cells by cell competition. Intriguingly, mfl silencing also triggered unexpected effects on wing patterning and cell differentiation, including deviations from normal lineage boundaries, mingling of cells of different compartments, and defects in the formation of the wing margin that closely mimic the phenotype of reduced Notch activity. These results suggest that a component of the pseudouridine synthase loss of function phenotype is caused by defects in Notch signalling

    Tractography of the Spider Monkey (\u3cem\u3eAteles geoffroyi\u3c/em\u3e) Corpus Callosum Using Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    The objective of this research was to describe the organization, connectivity and microstructure of the corpus callosum of the spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi). Non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion-tensor imaging were obtained from three subjects using a 3T Philips scanner. We hypothesized that the arrangement of fibers in spider monkeys would be similar to that observed in other non-human primates. A repeated measure (n = 3) of fractional anisotropy values was obtained of each subject and for each callosal subdivision. Measurements of the diffusion properties of corpus callosum fibers exhibited a similar pattern to those reported in the literature for humans and chimpanzees. No statistical difference was reached when comparing this parameter between the different CC regions (p = 0.066). The highest fractional anisotropy values corresponded to regions projecting from the corpus callosum to the posterior cortical association areas, premotor and supplementary motor cortices. The lowest fractional anisotropy corresponded to projections to motor and sensory cortical areas. Analyses indicated that approximately 57% of the fibers projects to the frontal cortex and 43% to the post-central cortex. While this study had a small sample size, the results provided important information concerning the organization of the corpus callosum in spider monkeys

    Dynamic Interpretation of Hedgehog Signaling in the Drosophila Wing Disc

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    Morphogens are classically defined as molecules that control patterning by acting at a distance to regulate gene expression in a concentration-dependent manner. In the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, secreted Hedgehog (Hh) forms an extracellular gradient that organizes patterning along the anterior–posterior axis and specifies at least three different domains of gene expression. Although the prevailing view is that Hh functions in the Drosophila wing disc as a classical morphogen, a direct correspondence between the borders of these patterns and Hh concentration thresholds has not been demonstrated. Here, we provide evidence that the interpretation of Hh signaling depends on the history of exposure to Hh and propose that a single concentration threshold is sufficient to support multiple outputs. Using mathematical modeling, we predict that at steady state, only two domains can be defined in response to Hh, suggesting that the boundaries of two or more gene expression patterns cannot be specified by a static Hh gradient. Computer simulations suggest that a spatial “overshoot” of the Hh gradient occurs, i.e., a transient state in which the Hh profile is expanded compared to the Hh steady-state gradient. Through a temporal examination of Hh target gene expression, we observe that the patterns initially expand anteriorly and then refine, providing in vivo evidence for the overshoot. The Hh gene network architecture suggests this overshoot results from the Hh-dependent up-regulation of the receptor, Patched (Ptc). In fact, when the network structure was altered such that the ptc gene is no longer up-regulated in response to Hh-signaling activation, we found that the patterns of gene expression, which have distinct borders in wild-type discs, now overlap. Our results support a model in which Hh gradient dynamics, resulting from Ptc up-regulation, play an instructional role in the establishment of patterns of gene expression

    Glycine-Stabilized Zinc Gluconate has similar bioavailability than Zinc Sulfate in a zinc fortified probiotic food

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    Objective: In this study, we evaluated zinc gluconate stabilized with glycine (GZ) and sulfate (SZ) in fermented milk as vehicle. Zinc bioavailability was evaluated in an animal model (Sprague Dawley rats) for both zinc sources in the vehicle with a probiotic (Lactobacillus casei DN114001). Results: For growth parameters, higher weight gain and femur weight values were observed when probiotic and zinc were provided together, independent of the source (weight gain: SZ 81.4g±4.0g; GZ 81.8g±4.0g and 70.2g±12.5g without the probiotic; femur weight: SZ 0.51g ±0.05g; GZ 0.52g±0.05g and 0.42g±0.03g without the probiotic). Femur zinc content was higher for zinc gluconate stabilized with glycine in the presence of the probiotic (97.04ppm±8.40ppm), and the results were similar for zinc sulfate with or without probiotic (84.51ppm±2.44ppm and 84.94ppm±2.28ppm, respectively). Serum antioxidant capacity and immune cellular response were also evaluated by using free radical scavenging assays and a T cell proliferation assay respectively. The free radical scavenging assay showed a tendency to increase with zinc provision, and the highest proliferation index was observed for glycine-stabilized zinc gluconate and the probiotic. Conclusion: The results indicate that the combination of zinc (as glycine-stabilized zinc gluconate) and a probiotic may be beneficial for the evaluated parameters.Fil: Tesan, Fiorella Carla. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Fisicomatemática. Cátedra de Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Hernández, F.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Fisicomatemática. Cátedra de Física; ArgentinaFil: Torti, Horacio Emilio. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Fisicomatemática. Cátedra de Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Massot, Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Fisicomatemática. Cátedra de Física; ArgentinaFil: Huarte, M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Fisicomatemática. Cátedra de Física; ArgentinaFil: Rubín de Celis, E.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Fisicomatemática. Cátedra de Física; ArgentinaFil: Barreiro Arcos, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Weill, R.. Danone Argentina S,a,; ArgentinaFil: Cremaschi, Graciela Alicia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Boccio, J.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Fisicomatemática. Cátedra de Física; ArgentinaFil: Salgueiro, María Jimena. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Effective description of general extensions of the Standard Model: the complete tree-level dictionary

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    We thank Nuria Rius and Arcadi Santamaria for an interesting discussion that motivated this work. We also thank Paco del Águila and Toni Pich for useful comments.We compute all the tree-level contributions to the Wilson coefficients of the dimension-six Standard-Model effective theory in ultraviolet completions with general scalar, spinor and vector feld content and arbitrary interactions. No assumption about the renormalizability of the high-energy theory is made. This provides a complete ultraviolet/ infrared dictionary at the classical level, which can be used to study the low-energy implications of any model of interest, and also to look for explicit completions consistent with low-energy dataThe work of J.C.C., M.P.V. and J.S. has been supported by the Spanish MICINN project FPA2013- 47836-C3-2-P, the MINECO project FPA2016-78220-C3-1-P (Fondos FEDER) and the Junta de Andalucía grant FQM101. The work of J.C.C. has also been supported by the Spanish MECD grant FPU14. The work of M.P.V. and J.S. has also been supported by the European Commission through the contract PITN-GA-2012-316704 (HIGGSTOOLS). J.C.C. is grateful for the hospitality of the Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia \Galileo Galilei" of the University of Padova during part of this work. J.S. would like to thank the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP) for its hospitality and partial support during the completion of this work

    Systematic literature review of determinants of sedentary behaviour in older adults:a DEDIPAC study

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    BACKGROUND: Older adults are the most sedentary segment of society and high sedentary time is associated with poor health and wellbeing outcomes in this population. Identifying determinants of sedentary behaviour is a necessary step to develop interventions to reduce sedentary time. METHODS: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify factors associated with sedentary behaviour in older adults. Pubmed, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Web of Science were searched for articles published between 2000 and May 2014. The search strategy was based on four key elements: (a) sedentary behaviour and its synonyms; (b) determinants and its synonyms (e.g. correlates, factors); (c) types of sedentary behaviour (e.g. TV viewing, sitting, gaming) and (d) types of determinants (e.g. environmental, behavioural). Articles were included in the review if specific information about sedentary behaviour in older adults was reported. Studies on samples identified by disease were excluded. Study quality was rated by means of QUALSYST. The full review protocol is available from PROSPERO (PROSPERO 2014: CRD42014009823). The analysis was guided by the socio-ecological model framework. RESULTS: Twenty-two original studies were identified out of 4472 returned by the systematic search. These included 19 cross-sectional, 2 longitudinal and 1 qualitative studies, all published after 2011. Half of the studies were European. The study quality was generally high with a median of 82 % (IQR 69-96 %) using Qualsyst tool. Personal factors were the most frequently investigated with consistent positive association for age, negative for retirement, obesity and health status. Only four studies considered environmental determinants suggesting possible association with mode of transport, type of housing, cultural opportunities and neighbourhood safety and availability of places to rest. Only two studies investigated mediating factors. Very limited information was available on contexts and sub-domains of sedentary behaviours. CONCLUSION: Few studies have investigated determinants of sedentary behaviour in older adults and these have to date mostly focussed on personal factors, and qualitative studies were mostly lacking. More longitudinal studies are needed as well as inclusion of a broader range of personal and contextual potential determinants towards a systems-based approach, and future studies should be more informed by qualitative work

    AUTHIC: herramienta computacional para niños con espectro autista

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    [ES]El proyecto AUTHIC se enmarca en las denominadas Tecnologías de Ayuda y tiene como objetivo, desarrollar herramientas que auxilien a los niños con trastorno de espectro autista (TEA) a comprender y a interpretar las expresiones faciales asociadas a una emoción, mediante juegos interactivos supervisados por un terapeuta o sombra. Al tratarse de una investigación de carácter traslacional partimos de los hallazgos de las ciencias de la salud en la comprensión de la emoción y en la universalidad de las expresiones faciales de la emoción para fundamentar el desarrollo de aplicaciones multimedia que hacen uso de las metodologías del diseño centrado en el usuario y de la gamificación. Las rutinas de aprendizaje, hasta ahora realizadas, posibilitan el entrenamiento de los niños con TEA en la identificación de emociones de forma interactiva y amena

    MAP4K3 Is a Component of the TORC1 Signalling Complex that Modulates Cell Growth and Viability in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Background: MAP4K3 is a conserved Ser/Thr kinase that has being found in connection with several signalling pathways, including the Imd, EGFR, TORC1 and JNK modules, in different organisms and experimental assays. We have analyzed the consequences of changing the levels of MAP4K3 expression in the development of the Drosophila wing, a convenient model system to characterize gene function during epithelial development. Methodology and Principal Findings: Using loss-of-function mutants and over-expression conditions we find that MAP4K3 activity affects cell growth and viability in the Drosophila wing. These requirements are related to the modulation of the TORC1 and JNK signalling pathways, and are best detected when the larvae grow in a medium with low protein concentration (TORC1) or are exposed to irradiation (JNK). We also show that MAP4K3 display strong genetic interactions with different components of the InR/Tor signalling pathway, and can interact directly with the GTPases RagA and RagC and with the multi-domain kinase Tor. Conclusions and Significance: We suggest that MAP4K3 has two independent functions during wing development, one related to the activation of the JNK pathway in response to stress and other in the assembling or activation of the TORC1 complex, being critical to modulate cellular responses to changes in nutrient availability

    Role of the Drosophila Non-Visual ß-Arrestin Kurtz in Hedgehog Signalling

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    The non-visual ß-arrestins are cytosolic proteins highly conserved across species that participate in a variety of signalling events, including plasma membrane receptor degradation, recycling, and signalling, and that can also act as scaffolding for kinases such as MAPK and Akt/PI3K. In Drosophila melanogaster, there is only a single non-visual ß-arrestin, encoded by kurtz, whose function is essential for neuronal activity. We have addressed the participation of Kurtz in signalling during the development of the imaginal discs, epithelial tissues requiring the activity of the Hedgehog, Wingless, EGFR, Notch, Insulin, and TGFβ pathways. Surprisingly, we found that the complete elimination of kurtz by genetic techniques has no major consequences in imaginal cells. In contrast, the over-expression of Kurtz in the wing disc causes a phenotype identical to the loss of Hedgehog signalling and prevents the expression of Hedgehog targets in the corresponding wing discs. The mechanism by which Kurtz antagonises Hedgehog signalling is to promote Smoothened internalization and degradation in a clathrin- and proteosomal-dependent manner. Intriguingly, the effects of Kurtz on Smoothened are independent of Gprk2 activity and of the activation state of the receptor. Our results suggest fundamental differences in the molecular mechanisms regulating receptor turnover and signalling in vertebrates and invertebrates, and they could provide important insights into divergent evolution of Hedgehog signalling in these organisms