1,131 research outputs found

    Drought effects on water flow, photosynthesis and growth of potted grapevines

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    In two consecutive years and under different environmental conditions, leaf gas exchange, sap flow and trunk diameter were measured to estimate transpiration of grapevine. Daily maxima of sap flow were lower than estimations obtained by gas exchange measurements. Sap flow was delayed with regard to variation of irradiance. For irrigated plants the correlation between transpiration rates of single leaves as determined by gas exchange and instantaneous sap flow was high (r2=0.84). However, the correlation of sap flow with the total daily water consumption was even higher (r2=0.98) and close to 1:1. At various water states, leaf photosynthetic rate was also correlated with sap flow (r2=0.78); the correlation coefficient increased to r2=0.91 when the daily balance was compared. Plant growth, estimated from linear variable displacement transducers was closely related to the daily sap flow.

    A Practical Example for Model-Driven Web Requirements

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    The number of approaches for Web environments has grown very fast in the last years: HDM, OOHDM, and WSDM were among the first, and now a large number can be found in the literature. With the definition of MDA (Model- Driven Architecture) and the acceptance of MDE (Model-Driven Engineering) techniques in this environment, some groups are working in the use of metamodels and transformations to make their approaches more powerful. UWE (UMLBased Web Engineering) or OOWS (Object-Oriented Web Solutions) are only some examples. However, there are few real experiences with Web Engineering in the enterprise environment, and very few real applications of metamodels and MDE techniques. In this chapter the practical experience of a Web Engineering approach, NDT, in a big project developed in Andalusia is presented. Besides, it shows the usability of metamodels in real environments

    L'edició de documents medievals: problemes, recursos i solucions. El cas de les dobles edicions

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    En aquest treball mostrem diferents recursos i solucions que el filòleg d'avui en dia té al seu abast per aclarir el sentit d'un document i donar-­ne el text exacte. Així, proposem la confrontació de dobles edicions d'un mateix text, dobles edicions de les quals sovint se'n desconeix l'existència i que exemplifiquem en el testament del prevere Ramir i la seva publicació sacramental. En concret, comparant simplement les dues edicions és possible corregir deturpacions i distraccions dels editors així com completar el text allà on el mal estat del diploma no en permet la lectura. La consulta imprescindible dels originals permet corroborar les nostres hipòtesis sobre lectures i restitucions de text i entendre d'on sorgeixen els errors, sovint d'una defectuosa solució d'abreviatures i de salts d'ull, respectivament

    Distribution of leaf photosynthesis and transpiration within grapevine canopies under different drought conditions

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    The effects of seasonal drought on the distribution of leaf area, photosynthesis and transpiration within the canopy were evaluated for two Spanish grapevine cultivars. Both varieties were cultivated according to their typical training system.At early stages of drought, reduction of photosynthesis and transpiration was only observed in sun-exposed leaves. As drought intensified, even less sun-exposed leaves were affected. Severe drought reduced photosynthesis and transpiration in all locations of the canopy except for most shaded leaves in the inner part. However, those leaves were almost unproductive, and seemed to be insensitive to variation of both light intensity and drought. Leaf area was also reduced by drought, but the distribution of these reductions within the canopy differed between cultivars, possibly reflecting differences in the training system.Leaves from all locations of the canopy except those in the central part showed a similar radiation use efficiency, suggesting that the observed variation in photosynthesis within the canopy was mostly related to different light interception, while other factors such as different leaf age should play only a minor role. Photosynthetic radiation use efficiency strongly depended on both, pre-dawn leaf water potential and light-saturated stomatal conductance. The interest of these results for modeling purposes is discussed.

    Acercando universidad y empresa con la Asignatura “La Carrera de Informática Tras la Universidad”

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    En el curso 2.009-2.010 se puso en marcha en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Sevilla la asignatura de libre configuración titulada La Carrera de Informática tras la Universidad, conocida también como LaCITU. El objetivo de esta asignatura es aproximar la realidad de las TIC andaluzas y presentar al alumnado lo que van a encontrarse una vez terminen con su formación. Uno de los aspectos más característicos es su organización en ponencias dictadas por personalidades relevantes del ámbito TIC andaluz. Este trabajo expone las valoraciones y conclusiones del profesorado participante en LaCITU evaluando lo aprendido.SUMMARY -- A new subject, called the Computer Engineering after the University (also called LaCITU due its Spanish name) was introduced in the syllabus of the Computer Engineering titles during the 2.009- 2.010 academic course. The main goal for LaCITU is to bring closer the world of the technological industry in Andalucía and to present the view they will find once they will finish their studies. One of the most relevant aspects of this subject is the organization using presentations spoken by relevant personalities in the field of information technologies in the region of Andalucía. This paper exposes the results obtained by the teachers of LaCITU after working in this subject.Peer Reviewe

    Agile Values and Their Implementation in Practice

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    Today agile approaches are often used for the development of digital products. Since their development in the 90s, Agile Methodologies, such as Scrum and Extreme Programming, have evolved. Team collaboration is strongly influenced by the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. The values and principles described in the Agile Manifesto support the optimization of the development process. In this article, the current operation is analyzed in Agile Product Development Processes. Both, the cooperation in the project team and the understanding of the roles and tasks will be analyzed. The results are set in relation to the best practices of Agile Methodologies. A quantitative questionnaire related to best practices in Agile Product Development was developed. The study was carried out with 175 interdisciplinary participants from the IT industry. For the evaluation of the results, 93 participants were included who have expertise in the subject area Agile Methodologies. On one hand, it is shown that the collaborative development of product-related ideas brings benefits. On the other hand, it is investigated which effect a good understanding of the product has on decisions made during the implementation. Furthermore, the skillset of product managers, the use of pair programming, and the advantages of cross-functional teams are analyzed

    A Practical Environment to Apply Model-Driven Web Engineering

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    The application of a model-driven paradigm in the development of Web Systems has yielded very good research results. Several research groups are defining metamodels, transformations, and tools which offer a suitable environment, known as model-driven Web engineering (MDWE). However, there are very few practical experiences in real Web system developments using real development teams. This chapter presents a practical environment of MDWE based on the use of NDT (navigational development techniques) and Java Web systems, and it provides a practical evaluation of its application within a real project: specialized Diraya.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06-03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-30391-