6,886 research outputs found

    The Effect of Changing Government Subsidy Programs: An Analysis of Revenue at the Farm level

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    Producer revenue is simultaneously simulated for several hundred county-specific representative farms. The effects of current and alternative commodity programs are analyzed. In particular, two variations of revenue-triggered programs similar to plans proposed by the National Corn Growers Association are evaluated.Risk, commodity policy, simulation, Agricultural and Food Policy, Risk and Uncertainty, Q180,

    Functional characterization of synthetic leukotriene B and its stereochemical isomers.

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    Leukotriene B (LTB), a potent lipid chemotactic factor for neutrophils, is 5S,12R-dihydroxy-6,14-cis,8,10-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid (Fig 1), based upon direct comparison of natural LTB with synthetic 5S,12R-dihydroxy-6,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (5,12-di-HETE) stereoisomers in three biological assays. Of the six synthetic stereoisomers evaluated, only the 5S,12R,6,14-cis,8,10-trans compound had chemotactic potency for human neutrophils in vitro that was comparable to that of natural LTB, with a concentration of 3 X 10(9-9) M eliciting a one-half maximum response. In contrast, the racemic mixture of 5R,12R- and 5S,12S-6,10-trans,8,14-cis, the racemic mixture of 5S,12R- and 5R,12S-6,10-trans,8,14-cis, the 5S,12R-6,8-trans,10,14-cis, the 5S,12R-6,8,10-trans,14-cis, and the 5S,12S-6,8,10-trans,14-cis stereoisomers required concentrations of 3 X 10(-7) to 1 X 10(-6) M to elicit comparable responses. Only natural LTB and its synthetic counterpart elicited a local neutrophil infiltration when injected into the skin of the rhesus monkey at 10 ng and 100 ng per site. Natural and synthetic LTB at a concentration of 3 X 10(-8) M each provoked an EC25 contractile response of guinea pig pulmonary parenchymal strips in vitro, whereas the other four tested stereoisomers of 5,12-di-HETE were inactive at this concentration. Structure-function analyses suggest that the neutrophil chemotactic activity depends critically upon the C-1 to C-12 domain, including the stereochemistry of the 6-,8-,and 10-olefinic bonds and the presence of both hydroxyl groups

    Do Gender Differences in Perceived Prototypical Computer Scientists and Engineers Contribute to Gender Gaps in Computer Science and Engineering?

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    Women are vastly underrepresented in the fields of computer science and engineering (CS&E). We examined whether women might view the intellectual characteristics of prototypical individuals in CS&E in more stereotype-consistent ways than men might and, consequently, show less interest in CS&E. We asked 269 U.S. college students (187, 69.5% women) to describe the prototypical computer scientist (Study 1) or engineer (Study 2) through open-ended descriptions as well as through a set of trait ratings. Participants also rated themselves on the same set of traits and rated their similarity to the prototype. Finally, participants in both studies were asked to describe their likelihood of pursuing future college courses and careers in computer science (Study 1) or engineering (Study 2). Across both studies, we found that women offered more stereotype-consistent ratings than did men of the intellectual characteristics of prototypes in CS (Study 1) and engineering (Study 2). Women also perceived themselves as less similar to the prototype than men did. Further, the observed gender differences in prototype perceptions mediated the tendency for women to report lower interest in CS&E fields relative to men. Our work highlights the importance of prototype perceptions for understanding the gender gap in CS&E and suggests avenues for interventions that may increase women’s representation in these vital fields

    Reply to "Comment on `Jamming at zero temperature and zero applied stress: The epitome of disorder' "

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    We answer the questions raised by Donev, Torquato, Stillinger, and Connelly in their "Comment on "Jamming at zero temperature and zero applied stress: The epitome of disorder.' " We emphasize that we follow a fundamentally different approach than they have done to reinterpret random close packing in terms of the "maximally random jammed" framework. We define the "maximally random jammed packing fraction" to be where the largest number of initial states, chosen completely randomly, have relaxed final states at the jamming threshold in the thermodynamic limit. Thus, we focus on an ensemble of states at the jamming threshold, while DTSC are interested in determining the amount of order and degree of jamming for a particular configuration. We also argue that soft-particle systems are as "clean" as those using hard spheres for studying jammed packings and point out the benefits of using soft potentials

    Tuning Jammed Frictionless Disk Packings from Isostatic to Hyperstatic

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    We perform extensive computational studies of two-dimensional static bidisperse disk packings using two distinct packing-generation protocols. The first involves thermally quenching equilibrated liquid configurations to zero temperature over a range of thermal quench rates rr and initial packing fractions followed by compression and decompression in small steps to reach packing fractions ϕJ\phi_J at jamming onset. For the second, we seed the system with initial configurations that promote micro- and macrophase-separated packings followed by compression and decompression to ϕJ\phi_J. We find that amorphous, isostatic packings exist over a finite range of packing fractions from ϕmin≀ϕJ≀ϕmax\phi_{\rm min} \le \phi_J \le \phi_{\rm max} in the large-system limit, with ϕmax≈0.853\phi_{\rm max} \approx 0.853. In agreement with previous calculations, we obtain ϕmin≈0.84\phi_{\rm min} \approx 0.84 for r>r∗r > r^*, where r∗r^* is the rate above which ϕJ\phi_J is insensitive to rate. We further compare the structural and mechanical properties of isostatic versus hyperstatic packings. The structural characterizations include the contact number, bond orientational order, and mixing ratios of the large and small particles. We find that the isostatic packings are positionally and compositionally disordered, whereas bond-orientational and compositional order increase with contact number for hyperstatic packings. In addition, we calculate the static shear modulus and normal mode frequencies of the static packings to understand the extent to which the mechanical properties of amorphous, isostatic packings are different from partially ordered packings. We find that the mechanical properties of the packings change continuously as the contact number increases from isostatic to hyperstatic.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Single-Shot Electron Diffraction using a Cold Atom Electron Source

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    Cold atom electron sources are a promising alternative to traditional photocathode sources for use in ultrafast electron diffraction due to greatly reduced electron temperature at creation, and the potential for a corresponding increase in brightness. Here we demonstrate single-shot, nanosecond electron diffraction from monocrystalline gold using cold electron bunches generated in a cold atom electron source. The diffraction patterns have sufficient signal to allow registration of multiple single-shot images, generating an averaged image with significantly higher signal-to-noise ratio than obtained with unregistered averaging. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) was also demonstrated, showing that cold atom electron sources may be useful in resolving nanosecond dynamics of nanometre scale near-surface structures.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-4075/48/21/21400

    Reconciling Semiclassical and Bohmian Mechanics: II. Scattering states for discontinuous potentials

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    In a previous paper [J. Chem. Phys. 121 4501 (2004)] a unique bipolar decomposition, Psi = Psi1 + Psi2 was presented for stationary bound states Psi of the one-dimensional Schroedinger equation, such that the components Psi1 and Psi2 approach their semiclassical WKB analogs in the large action limit. Moreover, by applying the Madelung-Bohm ansatz to the components rather than to Psi itself, the resultant bipolar Bohmian mechanical formulation satisfies the correspondence principle. As a result, the bipolar quantum trajectories are classical-like and well-behaved, even when Psi has many nodes, or is wildly oscillatory. In this paper, the previous decomposition scheme is modified in order to achieve the same desirable properties for stationary scattering states. Discontinuous potential systems are considered (hard wall, step, square barrier/well), for which the bipolar quantum potential is found to be zero everywhere, except at the discontinuities. This approach leads to an exact numerical method for computing stationary scattering states of any desired boundary conditions, and reflection and transmission probabilities. The continuous potential case will be considered in a future publication.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Amish Population Pyramids: Demographic Patterns across Affiliations in the Holmes County, Ohio, Settlement

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    Research indicates demographic trends within the Amish community remain stable over time, even as Amish populations proliferate. However, most of the research on demographic trends fails to examine variation across affiliations. We use data from Ohio Amish Directory, Holmes County and Vicinity, 2010 to construct age-sex population pyramids for three different affiliations. Population pyramids render the growth, decline, and stability of populations visible. Andy Weaver (or Dan) and Old Order churches present expanding pyramids implying rapid growth, while New Order churches render a stationary pyramid indicating slower growth. Sociologists of religion consistently find that strict churches, cultivating separation from the outside world, tend to grow faster than those that foster accommodation with the outside world. We argue that the data presented in this article suggests a similar dynamic at work in Plain Anabaptist communities
