57 research outputs found

    Phage display selected magnetite interacting Adhirons for shape controlled nanoparticle synthesis

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    Adhirons are robust, well expressing, peptide display scaffold proteins, developed as an effective alternative to traditional antibody binding proteins for highly specific molecular recognition applications. This paper reports for the first time the use of these versatile proteins for material binding, and as tools for controlling material synthesis on the nanoscale. A phage library of Adhirons, each displaying two variable binding loops, was screened to identify specific proteins able to interact with [100] faces of cubic magnetite nanoparticles. The selected variable regions display a strong preference for basic residues such as lysine. Molecular dynamics simulations of amino acid adsorption onto a [100] magnetite surface provides a rationale for these interactions, with the lowest adsorption energy observed with lysine. These proteins direct the shape of the forming nanoparticles towards a cubic morphology in room temperature magnetite precipitation reactions, in stark contrast to the high temperature, harsh reaction conditions currently used to produce cubic nanoparticles. These effects demonstrate the utility of the selected Adhirons as novel magnetite mineralization control agents using ambient aqueous conditions. The approach we outline with artificial protein scaffolds has the potential to develop into a toolkit of novel additives for wider nanomaterial fabrication

    Clinical disorders affecting mesopic vision

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    Vision in the mesopic range is affected by a number of inherited and acquired clinical disorders. We review these conditions and summarize the historical background, describing the clinical characteristics alongside the genetic basis and molecular biological mechanisms giving rise to rod and cone dysfunction relevant to twilight vision. The current diagnostic gold standards for each disease are discussed and curative and symptomatic treatment strategies are summarized

    Consensus generation of a minimum set of outcome measures for auditing glaucoma surgery outcomes—a Delphi exercise

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    Purpose: To identify the key set of glaucoma surgery outcome measures considered most important and practical to collect by glaucoma specialists. Methods: One hundred two glaucoma specialists (57 members of the UK and Eire Glaucoma Society (UKEGS) and 45 members of the European Glaucoma society (EGS)) took part in an Online Delphi exercise. The RAND/UCLA appropriateness method was used analyse data from each round and generate a disagreement index. Results: Participants agreed on 13 baseline data points and 12 outcomes that were considered important and practical to collect. For intraocular pressure (IOP) percentage reduction in IOP from baseline (last three IOP readings pre-op) and reduction below a specified target were considered important. For visual fields, change in a global visual field index, e.g. MD, and development of progression as assessed by linear regression were considered important. From a safety perspective, any visual loss resulting in a doubling of the minimal angle of resolution, loss of 5 dB or more of visual field or development of advanced field loss (Hodapp Parrish Anderson Stage 4) was considered important. The importance of routinely using patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) was highlighted. Consensus suggested that outcomes of glaucoma treatments should be reported at 1, 5 and 10 years. Conclusions: There was broad consensus on a minimum dataset for reporting the outcomes of glaucoma surgery and outcome measurement intervals

    Locating Pleistocene Refugia: Comparing Phylogeographic and Ecological Niche Model Predictions

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    Ecological niche models (ENMs) provide a means of characterizing the spatial distribution of suitable conditions for species, and have recently been applied to the challenge of locating potential distributional areas at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) when unfavorable climate conditions led to range contractions and fragmentation. Here, we compare and contrast ENM-based reconstructions of LGM refugial locations with those resulting from the more traditional molecular genetic and phylogeographic predictions. We examined 20 North American terrestrial vertebrate species from different regions and with different range sizes for which refugia have been identified based on phylogeographic analyses, using ENM tools to make parallel predictions. We then assessed the correspondence between the two approaches based on spatial overlap and areal extent of the predicted refugia. In 14 of the 20 species, the predictions from ENM and predictions based on phylogeographic studies were significantly spatially correlated, suggesting that the two approaches to development of refugial maps are converging on a similar result. Our results confirm that ENM scenario exploration can provide a useful complement to molecular studies, offering a less subjective, spatially explicit hypothesis of past geographic patterns of distribution

    Cost-effectiveness of novel vaccines for tuberculosis control: a decision analysis study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The development of a successful new tuberculosis (TB) vaccine would circumvent many limitations of current diagnostic and treatment practices. However, vaccine development is complex and costly. We aimed to assess the potential cost effectiveness of novel vaccines for TB control in a sub-Saharan African country - Zambia - relative to the existing strategy of directly observed treatment, short course (DOTS) and current level of bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination coverage.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a decision analysis model-based simulation from the societal perspective, with a 3% discount rate and all costs expressed in 2007 US dollars. Health outcomes and costs were projected over a 30-year period, for persons born in Zambia (population 11,478,000 in 2005) in year 1. Initial development costs for single vaccination and prime-boost strategies were prorated to the Zambian share (0.398%) of global BCG vaccine coverage for newborns. Main outcome measures were TB-related morbidity, mortality, and costs over a range of potential scenarios for vaccine efficacy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Relative to the status quo strategy, a BCG replacement vaccine administered at birth, with 70% efficacy in preventing rapid progression to TB disease after initial infection, is estimated to avert 932 TB cases and 422 TB-related deaths (prevention of 199 cases/100,000 vaccinated, and 90 deaths/100,000 vaccinated). This would result in estimated net savings of 3.6millionover30yearsfor468,073Zambiansborninyear1ofthesimulation.Theadditionofaboosteratage10resultsinestimatedsavingsof3.6 million over 30 years for 468,073 Zambians born in year 1 of the simulation. The addition of a booster at age 10 results in estimated savings of 5.6 million compared to the status quo, averting 1,863 TB cases and 1,011 TB-related deaths (prevention of 398 cases/100,000 vaccinated, and of 216 deaths/100,000 vaccinated). With vaccination at birth alone, net savings would be realized within 1 year, whereas the prime-boost strategy would require an additional 5 years to realize savings, reflecting a greater initial development cost.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Investment in an improved TB vaccine is predicted to result in considerable cost savings, as well as a reduction in TB morbidity and TB-related mortality, when added to existing control strategies. For a vaccine with waning efficacy, a prime-boost strategy is more cost-effective in the long term.</p

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms in bone turnover-related genes in Koreans: ethnic differences in linkage disequilibrium and haplotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoporosis is defined as the loss of bone mineral density that leads to bone fragility with aging. Population-based case-control studies have identified polymorphisms in many candidate genes that have been associated with bone mass maintenance or osteoporotic fracture. To investigate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with osteoporosis, we examined the genetic variation among Koreans by analyzing 81 genes according to their function in bone formation and resorption during bone remodeling.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We resequenced all the exons, splice junctions and promoter regions of candidate osteoporosis genes using 24 unrelated Korean individuals. Using the common SNPs from our study and the HapMap database, a statistical analysis of deviation in heterozygosity depicted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 942 variants, including 888 SNPs, 43 insertion/deletion polymorphisms, and 11 microsatellite markers. Of the SNPs, 557 (63%) had been previously identified and 331 (37%) were newly discovered in the Korean population. When compared SNPs in the Korean population with those in HapMap database, 1% (or less) of SNPs in the Japanese and Chinese subpopulations and 20% of those in Caucasian and African subpopulations were significantly differentiated from the Hardy-Weinberg expectations. In addition, an analysis of the genetic diversity showed that there were no significant differences among Korean, Han Chinese and Japanese populations, but African and Caucasian populations were significantly differentiated in selected genes. Nevertheless, in the detailed analysis of genetic properties, the LD and Haplotype block patterns among the five sub-populations were substantially different from one another.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Through the resequencing of 81 osteoporosis candidate genes, 118 unknown SNPs with a minor allele frequency (MAF) > 0.05 were discovered in the Korean population. In addition, using the common SNPs between our study and HapMap, an analysis of genetic diversity and deviation in heterozygosity was performed and the polymorphisms of the above genes among the five populations were substantially differentiated from one another. Further studies of osteoporosis could utilize the polymorphisms identified in our data since they may have important implications for the selection of highly informative SNPs for future association studies.</p

    Node retrieval in axillary lymph node dissections: recommendations for minimum numbers to be confident about node negative status

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    Aims: To determine the minimum number of lymph nodes needed in an axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) specimen to be confident that the axilla is free from metastases. Methods: The Edinburgh Breast Unit selects patients with large and high grade tumours for ALND; 609 consecutive ALNDs performed between October 1999 and December 2002 were reviewed. Full data about the underlying invasive breast cancer were available for 520 patients. Data were collected regarding number of positive nodes and total number of nodes collected, tumour size and grade, and presence of lymphovascular invasion. Results: Axillary node metastases were seen in 64% of patients. The mean number of positive nodes found was 3.56, with a mean of 17.9 nodes collected. The highest proportion of patients with lymph node metastases were in the group with 16–20 nodes recovered/specimen (68%); specimens with >20 nodes recovered did not have a higher rate of nodal involvement. There was a significant difference between the proportion of metastasis positive specimens in those with 1–15 nodes recovered (58.5%) and those with 16 or more recovered (69.1%). A linear association test showed a direct correlation between the number of nodes collected and presence of node metastasis (p = 0.0005). Conclusions: Although there is no minimum number of nodes that should be recovered in an ALND specimen, 16 nodes should be regarded as a target to ensure a high level of confidence that the nodes are negative. Node positivity in an ALND specimen appears to obey the law of diminishing returns

    What is the Optimum Location of Alcohol-Based Hand Cleanser?

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