2,591 research outputs found

    Crónica de la destrucción de una vía romana en al-Andalus: el caso de las rutas de la Sierra de Huelva

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    El estudio de las vías romanas y de su herencia en la conformación de las rutas de al-Andalus es un tema que requiere de una gran dedicación, pues los datos acerca de este tema están tan dispersos tanto en las fuentes como en los informes arqueológicos que resultaría difícil realizar en estos momentos un trabajo de conjunto sobre este asunto. Aunque conocemos razonablemente bien las rutas que unían las distintas poblaciones de al-Andalus, no tenemos apenas información acerca de la actividad reparadora o constructora de este tipo de infraestructura, a la que las fuentes árabes no dedican la misma atención que a puentes, murallas o atarazanas, y muchísimo menos que a la construcción de mezquitas, de las que sí tenemos abundantes noticias1. Por esta razón la investigación que llevé a cabo para la ponencia presentada a las XVIII Jornadas de Patrimonio de la Comarca de la Sierra de Huelva2 me deparó algunas sorpresas, aunque no pude por razones tanto de tiempo como del tema propuesto por la organización, agotar este tema. A partir de este momento comencé a recopilar todas las noticias relativas a la brusca desaparición a partir de la época de la fitna ocurrida durante el emirato del omeya ‘Abd Alla¯h (888-912), de una parte de la antigua vía romana que unía Sevilla con Beja y que, pasando por Aroche, unía estas dos capitales de cora. La mencionada desaparición de esta infraestructura resulta tan llamativa como grave para la historia de la región, que a partir de este momento quedó marginada y apenas volvió a aparecer en las fuentes árabes durante el resto del período de la historia de al-Andalus

    La creatividad publicitaria en la literatura científica: una revisión

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    Este artículo pone de relieve el escaso interés que despierta la creatividad publicitaria dentro del campo académico. Se definen algunas de las principales causas del abandono científico y analizan los principales autores y estudios que han afrontado la investigación de este fenómeno. Se pretende relanzar el futuro interés por el estudio de la creatividad publicitaria abordándolo desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar y práctica

    Preliminary results of research cruises carried out by IEO on the High Seas of the SW Atlantic (2008-2009), regarding cephalopod target species (Illex argentinus and Loligo gahi)

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    In March 2008 the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) through its Oceanographic Centre in Vigo (IEO-COV) initiated a historical series of research cruises aiming the assessment of the main commercial stocks on the High Seas (HS) of the SW Atlantic, including the study of two cephalopod species of important commercial interest, Argentine short-fin squid (Illex argentinus) and Patagonian squid (Loligo gahi). This working document presents a brief description of the methodology used in the cruises and preliminary results concerning CPUE by depth strata and geographical distribution of both mentioned species

    Structure of recent sedimentary units in the Galician continental shelf

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    [Resumen] Los 'perfiles·· de sísmica de reflexión de alta resolución en la plataforma continental gallega nos permiten conocer la estratigrafía de los sedimentos holocenos. De techo a muro se distinguen: - Un nivel superior de limos holocenos marinos con interestratificaciones de arena. - Un reflector basal que aflora hacia~·ra zona Inedia y externa de la plataforma continental y formado por varias superficies erosionales debidas a lo reducido de los aportes sedimentarios en ese punto. - Un basamento acústico de naturaleza ígnea y metamórfica con una fuerte respuesta sísmica. La plataforma se caracteriza por el desarrollo de dos cuerpos de arena limosa que se extiende hacia mar abierto desde la zona interior de plataforma hacia el sur y una superficie de progradaci6n en la zona externa de la plataforma. El mapa de isopacas demuestra que los sedimentos marinos holocenos forman ... generalmente un lecho contínuo que alcanza su máximo espesor delante de las rías.[Abstract] High-resolution seismic reflection profiles of Galician Continental Shelf show the shallow seismic stratigraphy of Holocene sediments. Three acoustic units can be distinguished from top bottom: - a continuous upper layer of Holocene marine muds with interstratifications of sand. - a basal reflector which outcrops towards the middle and outer continental shelf, forming several erosional surfaces due to reduced sediment supply. - an acoustic basement, of igneous and metarnorphic nature; with strong seismic response. The shelf is characterized by the development of two bodies of sandy mud that extends offshore from the inner shelf toward the south and a progradation surface on the outer shelf. The isopac map shows that the Holocene marine sediments generally form a continuous layer that reachs a maximum thickness in front of the «rias»

    Relevance of Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts on Residents’ Satisfaction with the Public Administration of Tourism

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    Those in charge of tourism destinations face the need to create tourism development models compatible with the essence of the localities that they manage. These models have to be sustainable, both environmentally and socially, and also must become drivers of the local economy. However, tourists also generate negative impacts in the locality which, when they are perceived by the residents, can give rise to a rejection of visitors. Hence, improving the tourism management is necessary. This is why to know the residents’ perceptions about the impacts of tourism is essential. Moreover, measuring the impact effects on their satisfaction with the public administration of the destination can be of great usefulness. This study falls into this research line, as it proposes a model to measure these impacts and their effect on satisfaction. To do so, an empirical study is performed among residents in the city of Seville (southern Spain, one of the most visited destinations in the world), based on subjective economic, social, and environmental indicators. The results show that the citizens value three types of impacts, the social impact coming after the economic impact as to its influence on their satisfaction with the administration. Based on this, we postulate that the efforts made to attract events to the city, or to improve connections to access a broader market, must be approached as public procurements in which selection criteria that are compatible with the destination’s positioning and strategy prevail. Social and environmental criteria should be considered among these criteria

    Ontology Matching with CIDER: evaluation report for OAEI 2011

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    CIDER is a schema-based ontology alignment system. Its algorithm compares each pair of ontology terms by, firstly, extracting their ontological contexts up to a certain depth (enriched by using lightweight inference) and, secondly, combining different elementary ontology matching techniques. In its current version, CIDER uses artificial neural networks in order to combine such elementary matchers. In this paper we briefly describe CIDER and comment on its results at the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2011 campaign (OAEI’11). In this new approach, the burden of manual selection of weights has been definitely eliminated, while preserving the performance with respect to CIDER’s previous participation in the benchmark track (at OAEI’08)

    Influencia de la organización del tiempo sobre la creatividad en las agencias de publicidad

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    La creatividad es el principal atributo en la valoración de la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos por las agencias de publicidad. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis sobre cómo la creatividad se ve afectada por la organización del tiempo de trabajo y los horarios en la agencia de publicidad. Se estudian las consecuencias negativas que se derivan de estos aspectos, así como el tipo de medidas que se utilizan para paliar estos efectos negativos. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo se realizaron entrevistas personales a una muestra de directores creativos ejecutivos de las principales agencias de publicidad en España

    Predictive Validity, Applicant Reactions, and Influence of Personal Characteristics of a Gamefully Designed Assessment

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    The use of game-related assessments (GRAs) in personnel selection is increasing. However, the type of GRA under investigation should be considered. This study focuses on game-based assessments, which closely resemble leisure-oriented videogames. We specifically examined a serious game that assesses personality traits (assertiveness, sociability, tolerance, and rules). We analyzed its predictive validity, applicant reactions, and the impact of personal and job-related factors on scores. The study included 182 participants who played the GRA and completed a Big Five questionnaire. Findings revealed that the game predicts adaptive performance, offering incremental value over the Big Five (ΔR2 = .107). Additionally, candidates reacted more positively to the GRA in terms of comfort and fit, although the effect size was small (d = -0.1757 and -0.3119, respectively). Relating to personal and job-related characteristics, only job experience significantly affected the assertiveness score, albeit with a small effect size (d = -0.3870)

    High frequency pCO2 monitoring in the Mediterranean coastal waters

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    Monitoring the Air-Sea pCO2 variability in the coastal areas is a priority due to the effect of the biological and biogeochemistry process on this process. The Northwestern Mediterranean Sea is an oligotrophic area in a semi-closed basin, therefore the changes on the surface waters properties take place faster than in other seas. This work focuses in the establishment of a pCO2 monitor system and other related sensors at the OBSEA surface buoy.Peer Reviewe