333 research outputs found

    Student nurses' experiences of discrimination and racism on work placements: What can higher education institutions do?

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    Background There is persistent interpersonal, institutional and structural racism within the health sector and higher education. Such anti-Black and anti-Brown racisms are experienced by nursing students, nursing apprentices and fully qualified nurses. This discrimination intersects with other characteristics, namely gender and student status, which can make the nursing profession an unsafe environment for many. Objectives To understand student nurses' experiences of racism and intersecting oppressions, at university and on work placement. Design A qualitative descriptive study with individual interviews and focus groups. Settings A widening participation higher education institution in London, UK. Participants Twenty-four student nurses and nurse apprentices studying on an adult nursing programme. Methods Students were recruited through purposive sampling. In-depth data relating to student nurses' perspectives and experiences were gathered through two focus groups and three individual interviews conducted by student nurse peers. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and open coding was used to analyse transcripts using comparison and thematic analysis. Results Three key themes arose: safety and support in the university space; hierarchical treatment in work placements due to intersecting race and ‘student’ identities, and; direct racism by patients and staff in work placements. Conclusions Student nurses expressed their vulnerability to discrimination and racism whilst on placement in the National Health Service. More opportunities within university curricula are needed for student nurses to learn about, reflect on, and gain support for managing experiences of discrimination in the health system

    Ethische Aspekte der Sozialen Arbeit verdeutlicht anhand des Ethikkomitees der Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH

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    Die Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema der Ethik, der Berufsethik der Sozialen Arbeit und den ethischen Herausforderungen im Bereich der Humanmedizin. Zudem wird dargestellt, welche Folgen und Herausforderungen sich, für die Einrichtungen im Gesundheitswesen und speziell auch für die Fachkräfte der klinischen Sozialarbeit, ergeben. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt dabei auf einer intensiven Literaturrecherche. Mithilfe dieser wurde die vorhandene Problemstellung ermittelt und Lösungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Außerdem wurde der Vorstand des Ethikkomitees der Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH befragt. Die Befragung des Vorstandes stellt keine empirische Untersuchung im Sinne einer Beweisführung dar, sondern soll die Fragestellungen und Probleme aus der wissenschaftlichen Literatur verdeutlichen, differenzieren und erweitern

    Thermography as non invasive functional imaging for monitoring seedling growth

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    We demonstrate the value of thermal imaging for monitoring growth of seedling organs. An automated procedure is introduced to perform the segmentation of the organs of the seedlings from the thermal contrasts in the images. Results of the automated procedure were assessed visually by expert operators in a separate procedure. This constitutes a new application of thermal imaging as a non invasive imaging providing functional information on the physiology of the seedlings

    Social Media as a measurable medium for corporate communications of the fu-ture : SeFa-Index for the analysis of Facebook activities of a company using the ex-ample of the automobile manufacturer Mercedes-Benz

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    In der modernen Unternehmenskommunikation kommt man heutzutage um dem Begriff Social Media nicht vorbei. Social Media besteht aus vielen Netzwerken und Plattformen, die gerade für ein Unternehmen sehr interessant sein können, da sich hierbei alles um das Thema Kommunikation dreht. Folglich können Kundenbindungen gestärkt sowie Beziehungen aufgebaut werden. Jedoch ist das nur ein Bruchteil der Möglichkeiten, die eine sorgfältig aufgebaute Unternehmensstrategie ermöglicht. Des Weiteren legen viele Unternehmen ihr Ziele an festen Zahlen fest, um sie messbar zu machen. Die Autorin, Anna Weber , hat sich mit dem Thema Social Media und einem Versuch einer Messmethode beschäftigt, welche die Unternehmenskommunikation in sozialen Netzwerken messbar macht. Der SeFa-Index ist eine von der Autorin festgelegte Analysemethode, um Facebook-Aktivitäten berechnen und kontrollieren zu können

    Pre- and Posttranslational Regulation of Î’-Endorphin Biosynthesis in the CNS: Effects of Chronic Naltrexone Treatment

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    There appear to be two anatomically distinct Β-endorphin (ΒE) pathways in the brain, the major one originating in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and a smaller one in the area of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of the caudal medulla. Previous studies have shown that these two proopiomelanocortin (POMC) systems may be differentially regulated by chronic morphine treatment, with arcuate cells down-regulated and NTS cells unaffected. In the present experiments, we examined the effects of chronic opiate antagonist treatment on ΒE biosynthesis across different CNS regions to assess whether the arcuate POMC system would be regulated in the opposite direction to that seen after opiate agonist treatment and to determine whether different ΒE-containing areas might be differentially regulated. Male adult rats were administered naltrexone (NTX) by various routes for 8 days (subcutaneous pellets, osmotic minipumps, or repeated intraperitoneal injections). Brain and spinal cord regions were assayed for total ΒE-ir, different molecular weight immunoreactive Β-endorphin (ΒE-ir) peptides, and POMC mRNA. Chronic NTX treatment, regardless of the route of administration, reduced total ΒE-ir concentrations by 30–40% in diencephalic areas (the arcuate nucleus, the remaining hypothalamus, and the thalamus) and the midbrain, but had no effect on ΒE-ir in the NTS or any region of the spinal cord. At the same time, NTX pelleting increased POMC mRNA levels in the arcuate to ∼ 140% of control values. These data suggest that arcuate POMC neurons are up-regulated after chronic NTX treatment (whereas NTS and spinal cord systems remain unaffected) and that they appear to be under tonic inhibition by endogenous opioids. Chromatographic analyses demonstrated that, after chronic NTX pelleting, the ratio of full length ΒE 1–31 to more processed ΒE-ir peptides (i.e., ΒE 1–27 and ΒE 1–26 ) tended to increase in a dose-dependent manner in diencephalic areas. Because ΒE 1–31 is the only POMC product that possesses opioid agonist properties, and ΒE 1–27 has been posited to function as an endogenous anatgonist of ΒE 1–31 , the NTX-induced changes in the relative concentrations of ΒE 1–31 and ΒE 1–27 /ΒE 1–26 may represent a novel regulatory mechanism of POMC cells to alter the opioid signal in the synapse.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65603/1/j.1471-4159.1993.tb05820.x.pd

    Low Vitamin D in Narcolepsy with Cataplexy

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    Narcolepsy with cataplexy (NC) is currently thought to be an autoimmune-mediated disorder in which environmental risk factors make a significant contribution to its development. It was proposed that vitamin D deficiency plays a role in autoimmune diseases. Here we investigated whether NC can be associated with 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level deficiency in patients with NC compared with gender- and age-matched normal controls.Serum level of 25 (OH)D was determined in 51 European patients with typical NC compared to 55 age-, gender-, and ethnicity-matched healthy controls. Demographic and clinical data (age at onset, duration and severity of disease at baseline, and treatment intake at time of study) and season of blood sampling were collected to control for confounding variables.Serum 25(OH)D concentration was lower in NC compared to controls (median, 59.45 nmol/l [extreme values 24.05-124.03] vs. 74.73 nmol/l [26.88-167.48] p = 0.0039). Patients with NC had significantly greater vitamin D deficiency (<75 nmol/l) than controls (72.5% vs 50.9%, p = 0.0238). Division into quartiles of the whole sample revealed that the risk of being affected with NC increased with lower 25(OH)D level, with a 5.34 OR [1.65-17.27] for the lowest quartile (p = 0.0051). Further adjustment for BMI did not modify the strength of the association (OR: 3.63, 95% CI = 1.06-12.46, p = 0.0191). No between BMI and 25(OH)D interaction, and no correlation between 25(OH)D level and disease duration or severity or treatment intake were found in NC.We found a higher frequency of vitamin D deficiency in NC. Further studies are needed to assess the contribution of hypovitaminosis D to the risk of developing narcolepsy, and to focus on the utility of assessing vitamin D status to correct potential deficiency

    Ih Current Is Necessary to Maintain Normal Dopamine Fluctuations and Sleep Consolidation in Drosophila

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    HCN channels are becoming pharmacological targets mainly in cardiac diseases. But apart from their well-known role in heart pacemaking, these channels are widely expressed in the nervous system where they contribute to the neuron firing pattern. Consequently, abolishing Ih current might have detrimental consequences in a big repertoire of behavioral traits. Several studies in mammals have identified the Ih current as an important determinant of the firing activity of dopaminergic neurons, and recent evidences link alterations in this current to various dopamine-related disorders. We used the model organism Drosophila melanogaster to investigate how lack of Ih current affects dopamine levels and the behavioral consequences in the sleep∶activity pattern. Unlike mammals, in Drosophila there is only one gene encoding HCN channels. We generated a deficiency of the DmIh core gene region and measured, by HPLC, levels of dopamine. Our data demonstrate daily variations of dopamine in wild-type fly heads. Lack of Ih current dramatically alters dopamine pattern, but different mechanisms seem to operate during light and dark conditions. Behaviorally, DmIh mutant flies display alterations in the rest∶activity pattern, and altered circadian rhythms. Our data strongly suggest that Ih current is necessary to prevent dopamine overproduction at dark, while light input allows cycling of dopamine in an Ih current dependent manner. Moreover, lack of Ih current results in behavioral defects that are consistent with altered dopamine levels

    The Unknown Risk of Vertical Transmission in Sleeping Sickness—A Literature Review

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    Children with human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) present with a range of generally non-specific symptoms. Late diagnosis is frequent with often tragic outcomes. Trypanosomes can infect the foetus by crossing the placenta. Unequivocal cases of congenital infection that have been reported include newborn babies of infected mothers who were diagnosed with HAT in the first 5 days of life and children of infected mothers who had never entered an endemic country themselves
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