278 research outputs found

    La destil·lació del lignit a baixa temperatura

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    Frecuencia cardíaca en tiempo real y por telemetría para aplicaciones acuáticas

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    El registro de la frecuencia cardíaca (FC) es un parámetro muy útil para el control y la planificación del entrenamiento deportivo. Existen diversos sistemas de cardiotacómetros miniatura en el mercado diseñados y fabricados para su uso en actividades físico-deportivas. Todos ellos se colocan en el pecho mediante una cinta elástica, que proporciona una fijación insuficiente para la natación, especialmente en los virajes, ello obliga a utilizar cinta adhesiva u otros sistemas de fijación "cruentos". El sistema desarrollado en el Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (IBV) permite registrar y enviar telemétricamente la fre-cuencia cardíaca a un ordenador personal donde se puede mostrar en tiempo real y/o ser almacenada para su posterior análisis. De esta manera, el entrenador puede controlar la intensidad de un entreno y transmitir un feedback casi inmediato al nadador. El sistema consiste en una pinza colocada en el lóbulo de la oreja con un emisor de luz roja (LED) y una resistencia dependiente de la luz (LDR). La luz roja pasa a través del lóbulo y es recibida por el LDR. El fun-damento del sistema consiste en que la atenuación de la luz roja en el lóbulo de la oreja está asociada con cambios en el contenido de sangre oxigenada, método denominado "oximetría". Para el sistema de telemetría se utiliza un modulador de señal basado en un oscilador controlado por tensión (VCO) y un circuito comercial híbrido para la transmisión. El cálculo de la frecuencia cardíaca en tiempo real es posible gracias a la utilización de un filtro digital y al desarrollo de un algoritmo para reducir el ruido

    Freqüència cardíaca en temps real i per telemetria per a aplicacions aquàtiques

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    El registre de la freqüència cardíaca (FC) és un paràmetre molt útil per al control i la planificació de l'entrenament esportiu. AI mercat hi ha diversos sistemes de cardiotacòmetres miniatura dissenyats i fabricats per a ús en activitats fisicoesportives. Tots es col·loquen al pit mitjançant una cinta elàstica, que proporciona una fixació insuficient per a la natació, especialment en els viratges, això obliga a utilitzar cinta adhesiva o altres sistemes de fixació "cruents". El sistema desenvolupat a l'Institut de Biomecànica de València (IBV) permet registrar enviar telemètricament la freqüència cardíaca a un ordinador personal on es pot mostrar en temps real i/o ser emmagatzemada per a posterior anàlisi. D'aquesta manera, l'entrenador pot controlar la intensitat d'un entrenament i transmetre un feedback gairebé immediat al nedador. El sistema consisteix en una pinça col·locada al lòbul de l'orella amb un emissor de llum vermella (LED) i una resistència depenent de la llum (LDR). La llum vermella passa a través del lòbul i és rebuda pel LDR. El fonament del sistema consisteix que l'atenuació de la Ilum vermella en el lòbul de l'orella està associada amb canvis en el contingut de la sang oxigenada, mètode anomenat "oximetria". Per al sistema de telemetria es fa servir un modulador de senyal basat en un oscil·lador controlat per tensió (VCO) i un circuit comercial híbrid per a la transmissió. El càlcul de la freqüència cardíaca en temps real és possible gràcies a la utilització d'un filtre digital i al desenvolupament d'un algoritme per reduir el soroll

    Caveolin-1 Modulates Mechanotransduction Responses to Substrate Stiffness through Actin-Dependent Control of YAP

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    The transcriptional regulator YAP orchestrates many cellular functions, including tissue homeostasis, organ growth control, and tumorigenesis. Mechanical stimuli are a key input to YAP activity, but the mechanisms controlling this regulation remain largely uncharacterized. We show that CAV1 positively modulates the YAP mechanoresponse to substrate stiffness through actin-cytoskeleton-dependent and Hippo-kinase-independent mechanisms. RHO activity is necessary, but not sufficient, for CAV1-dependent mechanoregulation of YAP activity. Systematic quantitative interactomic studies and image-based small interfering RNA (siRNA) screens provide evidence that this actin-dependent regulation is determined by YAP interaction with the 14-3-3 protein YWHAH. Constitutive YAP activation rescued phenotypes associated with CAV1 loss, including defective extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. CAV1-mediated control of YAP activity was validated in vivo in a model of pancreatitis-driven acinar-to-ductal metaplasia. We propose that this CAV1-YAP mechanotransduction system controls a significant share of cell programs linked to these two pivotal regulators, with potentially broad physiological and pathological implications. Moreno-Vicente et al. report that CAV1, a key component of PM mechanosensing caveolae, mediates adaptation to ECM rigidity by modulating YAP activity through the control of actin dynamics and phosphorylation-dependent interaction of YAP with the 14-3-3-domain protein YWHAH. Cav1-dependent YAP regulation drives two pathophysiological processes: ECM remodeling and pancreatic ADM. © 2018 The Author

    The challenges of adult literacy. Peruvian teachers' beliefs and methodological proposals

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    [EN] We address the challenges of adult literacy in an American context from a European perspective. We focus on the context of adult education in Peru, a country with a great cultural and linguistic diversity, based on the interaction produced with a hundred Peruvian teachers linked to the CEBA (Basic Alternative Education) centers. The school context of young people and adults in situations of illiteracy ascribed to the Program for Literacy and Basic Education of Young People and Adults (PAEBA) presents situations of extreme poverty and inequality, which require specific actions and methodologies. From the experience of adult literacy centers and the sociolinguistic reality of teaching in the own language experienced in the Valencian Community, we approach the concepts of literacy in the Spanish language, competences and methodologies based on the use of oral language and writing, the identity value of oral tradition, etc. We consider some essential aspects: the preparation of teachers in the knowledge of languages, attention to cultural diversity, the development of motivating teaching practices and the creation of literacy environments.[ES] Abordamos los retos de la alfabetización de personas adultas en un contexto americano desde una mirada europea. Nos centramos en el contexto de la educación de adultos en Perú, un país con una gran diversidad cultural y lingüística, a partir de la interacción producida con un centenar de docentes peruanos vinculados a los centros CEBA (Educación Básica Alternativa). El contexto escolar de los jóvenes y adultos en situación de analfabetismo adscritos al Programa de Alfabetización y Educación Básica de Jóvenes y Adultos (PAEBA) presenta situaciones de extrema pobreza y desigualdad, que precisan de acciones y metodologías específicas. Desde la experiencia de los centros de alfabetización de adultos y de la realidad sociolingüística de la enseñanza en la lengua propia experimentada en la Comunidad Valenciana, abordamos los conceptos de alfabetización en la lengua propia, las competencias y metodologías basadas en el uso de la lengua oral y escrita, el valor identitario de la tradición oral, etc. Consideramos algunos aspectos esenciales: la preparación de los docentes en el conocimiento de las lenguas, la atención a la diversidad cultural, el desarrollo de prácticas docentes motivadoras y la creación de ambientes alfabetizadores.Bataller Català, A.; Ballester Roca, J. (2019). Los retos de la alfabetización de las personas adultas. Creencias de docentes peruanos y propuestas metodológicas. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 17(1):153-165. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2019.9758SWORD15316517

    Un nuevo híbrido del género Ophrys L. (Orchidaceae) en el litoral valenciano

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    [EN] Here we describe a new hybrid of genus Ophrys L. (Orchidaceae) found in Cullera (Valencia): Ophrys x donatiae, which comes from the crossing between Ophrys dianica and O. tenthredinifera, and has intermediate characters. Distribution area and phenology are shared by parental plants.[ES] Se describe un nuevo híbrido del género Ophrys L. (Orchidaceae) encontrado en Cullera (Valencia): Ophrys x donatiae. Es el resultado del cruce entre O. dianica y O. tenthredinifera, mostrando caracteres intermedios. El área de distribución de los parentales y la fenología son coincidentes.Tejedor, P.; Català, S.; Sospedra, J. (2012). Un nuevo híbrido del género Ophrys L. (Orchidaceae) en el litoral valenciano. Flora Montiberica. 51:93-96. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/36441S93965


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    The patterns of innovation diffusion are well approximated by the logistic curves. This is the robust empirical fact confirmed by many studies in innovations dynamics. Here, we show that the logistic pattern of innovation diffusion can be replicated by the time-dependent stochastic process with positive feedbacks along the diffusion trajectory. The dynamic increasing returns process is modelled by Polya Urns. So far, Urn models have been mostly used to study the [path-dependent] limit properties. On the contrary, this work focuses on the transient [finite time] properties studying the conditions under which urn models capture the logistic trajectories which often track empirical diffusion process. As examples, we calibrate the process to match several cases of diffusion of motor ships in European countries

    Preliminary morphologic and molecular study of teh Entoloma rusticoides group (Agaricales - Basidiomycota)

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    Es presenta un estudi sobre el grup rusticoides del gènere Entoloma subgènere Claudopus a la Península Ibérica. L'anàlisi filogenètica, sobre la base de 48 seqüències d'ITS i 45 seqüències de LSU, entre les quals, les dels tipus de 8 dels tàxons analitzats, mostra una marcada diversitat genètica que concorda amb la notable variabilitat observada en aquest grup. D'acord amb aquest fet, es descriuen els següents nous tàxons: E. almeriense, E. graphitipes f. cystidiatum, E. halophilum, E. muscoalpinum i E. phaeocarpum. A més, es tipifiquen E. phaeocyathus i E. rusticoides. S'inclouen claus provisionals d'identificació. S'aporten descripcions macro i microscòpiques, dibuixos i fotografies de la majoria dels tàxons estudiats.A study of the Entoloma rusticoides-group (subgenus Claudopus) in the Iberian peninsula is presented. Phylogenetic inference, based on 48 nrITS and 45 28S nrLSU sequences, including those of 8 type specimens, revealed a high genetic diversity, in accordance with the observed morphological variability in this group. In addition new taxa are proposed to accomodate independent lineages (E. almeriense, E. graphitipes f. cystidiatum, E. halophilum, E. muscoalpinum and E. phaeocarpum) and the typification of E. phaeocyathus and E. rusticoides is proposed. Preliminary taxonomic keys are included to help identification. For most species macro and microscopic descriptions, drawings and photographs are presented

    High-throughput amplicon sequencing-based analysis of active fungal communities inhabiting grapevine after hot-water treatments reveals unexpectedly high fungal diversity

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    [EN] The ecology of total fungal communities in grapevine is so far largely derived from studies on culture-dependent methods or cultivation-independent rDNA approaches. Sequencing the ribosomal RNA transcripts (rRNA) would rather reveal the functionally and metabolically active important taxa of the fungal community and provide insights into its activity in the wood. The present study investigated changes in the potentially active fungal communities of internal grapevine wood after Hot-Water Treatment (HWT) in planting material from Czech Republic and Spain at two different times during the propagation process and from two plant zones. We examined fungal communities using both traditional isolation into culture and high-throughput amplicon sequencing (HTAS) of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region in extracted total RNA. HTAS from metatranscriptomic RNA increased the resolution of the fungal community analysis and revealed a highly diverse mycobiota of grapevine wood compared to the traditional method. Fungal diversity differed between grapevine genotypes and showed a temporal variation over the vegetative period. Grapevine planting materials exhibited high fungal diversity after HWT, which demonstrates that the HWT process does not sterilize the internal wood of grapevine. HWT reduced the infection caused by fungal trunk disease pathogens but was not completely effective in eliminating their growth. This study provides important and practically useful insights into the dynamics of active fungal communities in hot-water treated plants, and represents the first study of active fungal communities on grapevine grafted plants by comparing traditional and next-generation sequencing methods. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd and British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.This work was supported by Projects No. LD14051 from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic covered by COST Action FA1303, and No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007314 "Multidisciplinary research to increase application potential of nanomaterials in agricultural practice" from EFRR (Grant provider: Ministerstvo Skolstvi, mladeze a telovychovy Ceske republiky (MSMT). Access to computing and storage facilities owned by parties and projects contributing to the National Grid Infrastructure MetaCentrum provided under the programme "Projects of Large Research, Development, and Innovations Infrastructures" (CESNET LM2015042), is greatly appreciated. David Gramaje was supported by the DOC-INIA program from the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INIA), co-funded by the European Social Fund. The authors are grateful for the technical assistance of Jesus Alfonso Crespo and Aitor Gavara Vidal.Eichmeier, A.; Pecenka, J.; Penazova, E.; Baranek, M.; Català, S.; León Santana, M.; Armengol Fortí, J.... (2018). High-throughput amplicon sequencing-based analysis of active fungal communities inhabiting grapevine after hot-water treatments reveals unexpectedly high fungal diversity. Fungal Ecology. 36:26-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2018.07.011S26383